Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 20, 1929, Image 6

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UNION RECORDER. MILLFDCEVILLE, GA.. JUNE 20. 1920 co«t ( | ;hing i ■d thi* if yo right ahead without nny of conscience about boring to death—that is what happens n a body begins to talk about r grandchildren when you want alk about your*. “Urn—m—m -m—bccaus? *t ha shine while it is up in the -iky.” “Does it ever go to bed?" “Ye*, it goes to bed when the sui "Has the I er)?" ••Urn—m- "Why?" "It doesr they nay th u What's I wit. GEORGIA. Baldwin County: property, to-w it may concern: Ail that tract or parcel of land Edward R. Hines, of said State, situate and being in the 105th Dis- having applied for letters of admin- ! trict, G. M., Baldwin County. Georgia nitration de bonis non on the estate and bounded as follows: On the of Griffin Rice, deceased late of North by lands of Hugh T. Cline and said county, this is to cite rll and the estate of the late Ben F. Sanford; singular the heirs and creditors of on the East by lands of Jos. E. Pot- thc said dtceased to appear at the tie ana Jno. T. Allen; on the South July term, 1929, of the Court of by lands of Jos. E. Pottle and the Ordinary of said county, and show waters of the Oconee Riv cause why letters of administration the West by the divorce against Lena Landry Dela croix, in this Court, returnable to this term of the Court, and it being made to appear that Lena Landry Delacroix is not a resident of Faid County, and also that she does not reside within the State, and an or der having been made for service on her. Lena Landry Delacroix, by publication,, this, therefore, is to notify you, Lena Landry Delacroix, stream of the: to be and appear at the next term the Mrrn, thei ’obnb- lyway—and if you will probably get finish. Mad be- and what that last i that Johnny or Mary i it got a chance some da, doing up there?" "They say he’s burning brush." "How did he get up there?" “i’m—m— m—m—I don't know on—" (business of trying to change the subject.! Of course it is the goal of every tmall boy’s ambition to “grow to be ;; B-I-G-G-G—boy," so various foods are often recommended that might help in this process—but all these foods do not alwny- happen to appeal to him so—many ways are taken to arous«- the interest in these special dishes. By some hook or crook a color-card had been one of the play things. One day 1 was greeted w ith" , fast 1 i an talk just id I may be able then e or two more things "What c house pa "Alright "I think I woul with bnff trimmings, ge* the paint—I will fix " "But yo should not be granted -Zb prayed. Oconee River; said tract or parcel This June 3rd, 1929. of land containing two hundred fifty W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary (250) acres, more or less, formerly belonged to J -siah Collins and from GEORGIA, Baldwin County: the death of the latter in 1872 was By virtue of an order of the Ordi- in the peaceable, open, notorious nary *-f -aid State and County I will and adverse pogses*ion of S'.muel B. •ell at public outcry, for cash, within Collins, a son of said Josiah Collins, the legal hours of sale, to the highest until the said Samuel B. Collins con- and best bidder, ut the court bouse veyed said tract or parcel of land to door in ..id County, on the first the said II. M. McElrath, now dcceas- Tut sday in July, 1929, the following ed, on May 8, 1919, by deed record- described land, to-wit: ed in the office of the Clerk of the A one-ninth undivided interest in Superior Court of Baldwin County that parcel of land lying in the City >n Deed Book RR, page 427; said of Mir.dgeville, said State and Coun- tract or parcel of land Including all ty, containing one-fourth of an acre, of an island in said Oconee River bounded as follows: On the North known as Askew or Collin* Island, by the lands of Jean Brantley; on except that portion of said island the East by W.ayne Street; on the which is the property of Hugh T. South by an unnumed street; and on Cline, said island being separated the Wist by the land- of Rachel from the said tract of land by- King. channel of the Oconee River on of Baldwin Superior Court to be held on the 2nd Monday in July 1929, then and there to answer saidp’om- planit. Witness the Honorable James B. I’srk, Judge of the Superior Court. This May 20, 1929. (Signed) J. C. COOPER, Clerk MARSHAL'S SALE kn<> the rea ■ has left me. 1 low I feel—so : t out crying” * finished, yo DR. He came step-iaddf i and lift the heavy paint- j you will have to wait until you nr •e is | a BIG boy. "Disappointment an just DEEP thought. At the dinner tab! This June 3rd, 1929. Administrator of the of Zells May Davis. East n month this summer—and the is over. Some of you who have fol lowed u t n re«vand-a -half-year-old around for several weeks may know that by the time this is over (as well as nil during that time) you wilt mostly have your tongue hanging out. The questions that a youngster that age can’t think of asking have not yet been formulated, and 1 have by now gotten my imagination, and answering appara tus in such good condition that 1 couid easily qualify for a guide to any party wishing to tour n foreign land. The main difference in the two (answering the questions of a three-anc-a-half year old and those of the eager tourist) would be that the answers to the tourist you could get out of n Itouk and learn by heart if you want to b« that smart—but the answers to the questions put up by that age kid have never been found on land or sea. If you don't believe it—just borrow you one for a day and try to qualify. If, by chance, you might have happened to be strolling by Green- acre ome evening along at light ning-hug time and had hidden behind the big magnolia tree out where “my precious" mid I were sitting in u big swing—you might have overheat'd one of our conversations. These nightly conferences were what "made the world go'round” while he was here—and thry had to begin before t! • lightning bugs went to bed. There olive bottle vith a tin I stopper jabbed full of hole* that .kept for this especial ceremony ofjh< catching a few "bugs" n nd putting vi into the bcttle. The reason for this n was because we also tumi d their, j d loose before we went to bed and if] f. .we put them into a bottli n good chance of Having at the proper time. Who little dark for "catching would come to *est in the LAND SALE GEORGIA .Baldwin County- Under and by virtue of of sale contained in a deed l a debt executed by Mr,. J. W. Rob- ! !ro I* , rty; including especially all wa- crt. to L. N. Jordan on the 14th day * cr “ nd "“er-powers. and all the of April, 1926, the undersigned will n: " lriln ' flowo K < *' w “ tcr and water- sell at puUic outcry, before the powcr rl ‘ thl » * nd Privileges, and all Court House door in said County, to l “ Iands • rivcr * river-bed and channel the highest bidder for cash, within 1 rilt,,t, ond tiU ' s * j>'!°“K>ng or apper- ! the legal hours of sale, on the 2nd ta ‘ ldn * tQ an >* day of July, 1929, the following City of Milledgcville, Georgia. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: Will be sold before the court house door in Baldwin County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July, 1929, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lots or parcels of land, lying and being in the City of Milledgcville, said a i State and County, to satisfy certain the executions issued by the Clerk and ^ of said island, the main Treasurer of the City of Milledge- made to the purchasers by the under- f the Ocnnoe River flowing ville against the lands hereinafter signed Marshal, the West side of said island; to- described, bearing teste in the name This May 29th, 1929. of the Mayor of raid city, as provid- j j. jj. THIGPEN, ed by the Act of the General As-1 Marehal of the City of Milledgcville, Georgia. gether with all and singular the ways, rights of way, easements, rights, members and appurtenances power what80ev * r belonging or in anywise secure appertaining to the above desrribed —beans were the particular food not favored. So--” if you wont to br a BIG boy to paint Mother Nelle’s house—you will have to cot beans and things like that—they will help you grow BIG.”—Several days pass —beans again. A few were put on his plate—several taste- were taken —then finally—” Mother Nelle, I don’t want any more beans—I’ll juFt DRAG the step ladd< That lust night—at lightning bug time—the two little neighbui over to have a final romp, and goodbye time came—the "littlist "girl—Martha Carpenter—had these few weeks been at. object of griwing devotion for the boy •he had never cured for too hsnil-h->lding< etc—etc—but there were hugs ond little kiss the cheek, and the "big boy” admonished that he mu.t nol rough -and not to hug the little girl '".'Ft* J. D*, .object bothered him. "Mother Nolle, I D “ d , Bo °k •,!>*«' described land, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in tl.e City of Mil- ledgcville, Georgia, on Jefferson Street, the snme fronting West sixty (60) feet on said Jefferson Street and running back East two hundred (210) feet, bounded on the North by lands of Mrs. Annie Jack- any 1 son * on t * 1c East by l® 01 * 8 of E*ri now * aI, d G°uld; on the South by lands on °f Gte Whitfield Grocery Compat:v; wa- 1 ani * on t * ,e ^ C8t by Jefferson Street, bo!™* bein * the '“" d povchaiodjTo* the defendant! uZ '*y Mr,. J. W. Robert, from F. H.| De!.eeoi,_ | Coleman on February 5, 1918, all of the above described property. Said property will be sold for the purpose of payment of debts and for distribution. R. J. McELRATH, J. M. McELRATH, Administrators of Estate of H. M. McElrath, Deceased. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Raymond J. Delacroix, Vs. Lena Landry Delacroix. Petition for Divorce in Baldwin Superior Court July Term, 1929. To the defe I Delacroix :— lrrcsr.ee of ntrect fiuprsvsmert bond, in raid city, approved August 21st 1925, for past due installments and interest on certain Mtlledgfevi]l e Street Improvement Bonds: To-wit—. Third tract: That tract of land belonging to W. J. and C. N. Cand- ler situate on the South side of Han cock Street between and adjoining the lands of W. H. Minor and El bert Street. Said lot is designated ma Lot No. 4 on the plan and plat of work done on Street Improvement Zone No. 19 in said City, and front* 108 feet on the Streec Improvement Zone and runs back South 210 feet. Said land was levied upon to satisfy an execution for $143.21, with inter est and costs, issued against the above described land as the property of W. J. and C. N. Chandler, upon default in the payment of the in-tall- ment and interest due on April 14th. 1929, on Street Improvement Bond No. 333 for the cost of improving and paving Street Improvement Zone No. 19 In said city. AH of the above mentioned fi fa*, were issued by R. T. Baisden, Sr.. Clerk and Treasurer of the City of Milledgcville. Notice of the levy of the above executions has been given to the de fendants and tenants in pot<e*«jor. required by law. Deeds will be serable of Georgia, relating HA tr V NATIONAL FAVORITES THE PERFECT COAL. Phone 252 Quick Delivery Fowler-Flemister Coal Co. Martha hard?" "Became she is a tiny little girl—and you might hurt her."—"Well when she gets to he a great big girl—and I can hug her as havd us I want to—she won’t cry then—will she?" Business of changing the subject that is getting too deep for even grandmomer. This MAY be “continued in our HOUSE FOR RENT. SEPT. 1ST. Said sale will be made for the purpose of raising funds to pay the following debt which the deed abov mentioned was given to secure, eaid note being a renewal of the original note so given: One promissory notci^j dated May 14, 1928, du*» on demand, ^ for $224.10, signed by Mrs. J. W. ^ Roberts and payable to L. N. Jordan, M and to pay interest on aid note at H the rate of eight per cent p -rannum ^ from May 14, 1928, nnd for the ^ further purpose of paying all costs] ^ aboi 1*1. 15th. and d th all of this proceeding. Demand for pay. ment of raid note having been mado and default having been made then our present'on th>» proceeding is brought for the modern eon-, purpose aforesaid, vHt large : The undersigned will execute such baths, won-j conveyance to the purchaser at said icry large ; sale as is in the said deed provided Crepe at $1.00 Heavy weight rayon flat creoe euar. Y-|»"teed wash do Q shades. e- he M nd flow- This 1 Good reighoorhood. -■•■I :rh the up. The moon was very aeomodating and was either “I P" "coming up—or about to come up—during thi* month’s visit —so we had l«t* to say about tht* i moon. Other subject* of converse-! id authorized. This 4th day of June, 1929. !.. N. JORDAN, By Frank W. Bell, His Attoroey-at-lav. ADMINISTRATION SALE County. GEORGIA. Baldw B. O’QUINN OR L. N. JORDAN By virtue of a : Court tio: edit! of this of things that doi The next n.inut : hat jusine-* of changii s getting too deep “Mother Nelle ] noon shine?" To give you pretty light" “Does it shine all ni^ht?" “Sometime: ” TORTURING PAINS Ceredo Lady Tell* How She Was Unable To Find Any thing to Relieve Them Until She Took CardnL Ccredo. W. Va.—In telling how slie was benefited by taking Cardui. Mrs. Perlic Yelkey, of this place, says: “At one time, I liad a very serious spell which left me weak. At times. I would suffer such Intense pains across my back and In my side that I could hardly stand It “I endured this over and over ngaln. Every time tho pains were worse than before. ”1 was in despair because nothing helped me. I tried several reme dies. but I continued to suffer. “Crc day. I read about CorduL Other women told how they had gotten i. rj.ng and well after taking It. I have often been thankful for that day. f r after I had taken Car- du. for awliile, I felt like a different human being. “It did not seem possible, but 1 did nut suffer the old, torturing pains, and I really f.*lt well. I can heartily recommend Cardui. for 1 know h ,v much I Improved after 1 took it Since then. 1 have taken it several times when I have needed a tonic, and I have alwavs been benefit* i. it is a wonderful help.” AU good drjggists toll C.-.rduL rr ’ " iut troubles. the * f Ordinary of Bibb County, | Georgia, grunted upon the applicn- \ tion of the undersigned as Adminis-j H trntor.4 of thi Elrath, late of Bibb County gia, •deceased, there will be sold at public outcry, ns the property of said estate, on the first Tuesday in July, 1929, at the courthouse dior of said Baldwin County, between the legal hours of sale, to tho highest bidder for ca>h, the following described "i JAY ’S VALUES h Rayon Voile 98C dark and light *hade« ^ 49c Dimity 39c K n.w in polk. dm. .nd l.rj.r H lu.r.ntoed „p, M ■“ f * d '’ *•- if if fad... xxzjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxt: M M M M M H M M M M H M M M H H H M M M H M M H =,NEW FELT HATS S8: As Fresh As your GARDEN FLOWERS Belle Drecact after .tyle. • I value for the wis » = K Fllll FSSHIOI* HOSE $1 H FLAT CREPE DRESSES S $4.95 Dresses^$9.95 fs'EN'S SHIRTS SI Jay’s Department Store Next to Boston Cafe CXXXXXXXXXxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXr TYYYYXX; M H H X H M M M M M M H M M M BOY'S SHIRTS 49C-98C ;j Boy*, droa, .hirt., well made in white M .nd color., 12 to 14. H M M M H M H H H H