Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 27, 1929, Image 3

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UWIOW SECQKPER. miXEDOEVIU-E. CA., JUNE »7, irat I LOCAL HAPPENING* ? Baldwin county has one of the best public -chool lystema in the state. The Icgbtatatt is in session and . r.-v are many problems ahead of ihtm for solution. MILLEDGEVILLE S. A. K., INVIT ED TO FLAG DAY EXERCISES Mrs. C. r.tton blooms are making thei: : -srance in the field., throughout ;■ aunty. The reports are that weevils are abundant and active. the iaitor who pa-J ugh Millctlggville in his automo- , a cordial welcome and urge him .••me this way again. : m people of every community are imnsible for law enforcement a* a« that community is concerned, lie opinion either builds or tears The press throughout Georgia is ■ r acing many deserved boquet* at ( ! Jo . E. Pottle on account of his elect! :: as President of the Georgia Bar Association. Th two colleges located here are M Seville’s majnstcys, and our citizens should render them every , -i.tsnce in maintaining the highest itandnrd. G. Kiteheas, of Danville. Ga., Regent of the John Ball Chapter D. A. R.,* extended the invitation to thp wohn Miiledge Chapter, S. A. R. and their wive- or sweethearts, and asked them to meet them at Ball 1 Ferry, on Flag Day, Friday June 14. the invited guests knew, right then, that a royal go-id time was in store for them. There were about fifty people present there in our neighboring county of Wilkinson, anu besides the mcmbc.T of the two pitrotic societies there were Hon. George Carswell, Georgia's Secretary of State, Mrs. Man-in Wilburns. State President of the W. C. T. IT. Em i several do: anis of John Ball, Revolutionary oldier. In Mr . Kitchen’s address before "he placed the meeting in the hand; of Mrs. Todd, Chairman of program, he .stressed the fact that today was the tine to think generously and tt know also, that the way jf Righteous- as in the way of God. Hon. George Car.well, in hi» speech, referred to Georgia’s niggard ly support of her schools on account of hanging on the her ancient and outgrown constitution, which fact hus used her literally “ta lock the or and throw away the key.” Miss Alma Elizabeth Anderson, of Gordon, who wrote the best essay in Wilkins* i* county in the Fla/ Essay contest, was presented with e hand some medal, by Mrs. J W. Hooks, organizing regent. Mr. Victor Davidson, State His torian c -. A. R., made the troubles »f past Creek Indian days become 8 | vivid agan, by hie masterly narration. After the patriotic program, a de licious barbecue with all its accom paniments wes served, and the visi tor* regarded the day as one of the happiest they had ever spent. The people of Milledgeville owe it t- th- mselves to be careful in the - .-lection of the men they place at the head f their city government. It i- the burJ.*n of local taxes that place- the yoke on the neck of the tax payers. Georgia «hould learn to build ,-rniar'ent roads before making a • e bond issue for the purpose. There ai. f*. v. paved road* in the State now t v. have not been rebuilt or resur- I».'rman Hardy is the latest ■rmnn in Milldegeville that has a <f a big fish to brag about. Saturday Mr. Hardy went fish- :»t Byington mill pond in Wilkin- ’•inty, and landed, w-ith rod nr.d sir> 8 1-4 lb. trout. The trout '•aught near u >tump in the mid- P - Farmers Club held a pleasant • - - Saturday at the home r.f Mr. I Sibley in this city. The full; * hip of the club was present, h exception « f Col. Jo-. E. - . who was kept away on «c- •if the illness of Mr*. Pottle. ■ r t»u business netting an cleg-1 dir.r.er was served the guests, I i they thoroughly enjoyed. The J- •Meeting of the club will h W. H. Collins. ith • TRRIFFIC RAIN SATURDAY NIGHT COUPLED WITH WIND ; DAMAGES Terrifflc rains coupled with high w •’’■!*• did a small damage to crops in {k " county, reports reaching this indicated. The high winds which ■ir* - oout ten o’c'oek were follow- *■ 1 quickly by a heavy rain. Fur sale— House and lot of S. E. Wright, Sr., located at Hardwick, C« . consisting of two and *even lr nth* acres, and one eight room dwelling. Apply to D. B. Wright or S. E. Wright, Jr. p by ^OR RENT—Having moved from the *y. my furnished apaclmetit at y residence is for rent at $20.00 " r month. Located on West Me- street, 2 block* from G. S. C W. Call phone No. 49S-L. Mr*. F-- J. Zachary. pd. F0R SALE—Two J.no, Bull Culm $25.00. These ball* are from client stock and will head any J erJ »«*!» credit- Dr. H. D. Allen, .Mr. T. L. Wood, who clerks at J. F. Bells Grocery Store, gathered fr-• i hi- garden Monday, four toma-j * twin tomato. The four tomatoes neighed 3 lbs., and six ounces. j Th- la>t issue of the Wesleyan Christian Advocate contained an Ul poli&CS in the church, that .t would he well fer self-seeking ministers and laymen to read and There is nothing quite like the new Ford anywhere in design, quality and price NEW FORD ROADSTER 450 (F. O. B. Detroit, plot THE new Ford is a really fine car selling at a low price. That’s the whole story of its un usual speed, power, ac celeration, comfort, safety, reliability, and low up-keep cost. Come in and let us tell you of the quality that has been built into this car and of the new manufacturing meth ods that enable the Ford Motor Company to sell it at such a low price. M KIMNCN MOTOR 38 BUSY SESSION OF RECORDER'S COURT MONDAY '' hen City Recorder Carpente called his court to order Monday he found awaiting him a full docket Saturday night and Sunday the po lice had found it necessary to make an unusual number of arrests for drunkenness, /aiming and disorder ly conduct Judge Carpenter put a number of dollar* in the city treasury by the ine* he imposed. If you are not tradine at Palace 10TH DISTRICT A. A M. BOASTS has pure-bred stock ard raises LARGE CROPS wf th * *"«*l u*ed for the dining j room during the winter months. On Sparta, Ga.. June 23.—Mucn in- another portion of the lot is the dairy tercst is being manifested By the karn, built along modern lines, with people of this city and county in cement floor* throughout and screen. ' grade* you buy iron the exccellcnt crop of grain which e< * is now being harvested by the Tenth District A. & M. School, near here. I I>r. W. H. Maxwell, superintendent of the school, is establishing a mod ern dairy and lhe stock farm at this ' school, and planted much of the farm last fall in small grain. The |ts2b ha* just been threshedj out and the crop netted mere than' 800 bushels of as fine oats as have j ever been seen here. Other crops| are maturing fin proportion, and j plenty of foodstuffs will be har- . vested to care fo.- all of .the live 11 stock next year. Since the school barn burned months ago. Superintendent Max well has built an entirely new cow barn along modern lines. In one portion of this bam the school ha* registered Jersey bull, which Is the head of the fine herd of reg- J and grade Jersey cows which furnish the school with milk and butter. In another M-pnrntc build- g the splendid herd of Durco-Jer- y hog.- are housed. The school keep out all flies. Channel cat fl*b fr»* riser at E*si« Palace •very day freak. SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE MEMBR1DCE & COMPANY PHONE 352-J Bring Your Cream To The Armour Company Cream Station IN THE BRlCK Tha Jg^- L M s l««i j I horne-andrews warehouse building Ar. Mad* by the “MeMILLAN” Prece.. BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. w. Make Quick Shipmauta in Any Quantitv. RICH GL0 FACE BRICK—FIRE BRICK—COMMON BRICK Milledgeville Brick WorksCo MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. Established 1883 by J. W. McMillan. K. G. McMillan. President Bell* McMillan. Vire-Pre.idanl Next to the Modern Mercantile Company. Ideally located for every milk producer in the county. Open Tuesday and Friday CASH PAID FOR ALL CREAM AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Bring Your Cream To Us M. E. Webb, Manager HERES SOMETHING TO Celebrate i •ft ^LtH OF JULY BARGAINS IN TIRES Look These Prices Over, Folks! They -ooak for themselves . need to tell you more about We have your size. them. Silvertowns 30x3'z $ 7.00 29x4.40 8.25 30x4.50 9.25 29x4.50 8.75 31x5.25 13.00 33xfi.0O 15.CO B ANG! No, it’s not fireworks. Just prices on Goodrich Tires being dropped to the lowest level they’ve hit in many a day. If you’re going to drive ycur car over the 4th, take advantage of this “oncc-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to get tires in shape. Start out with a brand new set of dependable Goodrich casings- The whole world knows the quality that is built into Goodrich Tires ... the stamina . . • the long wear . . . the super mileage. No finer tires are made anywhere ... at any price. But act quickly. Look at the prices printed above. Compare valuer. And drop in at our store today. GOOD-BYE TIRE TROUBLES! Onco you gat a act of Goodrich Tiraa on your car . . . tire worric* vanish. And there's no reason to delay now! advertised . . . nationally-known tiro . . . produced by GOODRICH. Why take chance* with inferior products when you can get real Goodrich Tiree at such price*? Goodrich Silverfowns*^* L. D. SMITH