Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 04, 1929, Image 6

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UKJ'JN RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA., JULY 4. 1929 l’MON RECORDER R. B. MOORE—EDITOR JERE N. MOORE—Busin*.. Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION SATES One Year -..$1-50 Six Months - .75 cun. Douglas and a number of other* town' . Greensboro Included. wtN enthusiastic and give the represen tatives a l >:g welcome. ThU brings more forcefully to point that we need some sort «f live nisatien working fur the Interest of our t»wn. We cannot sit idly by and expect things pasted to u? on a silver tray. We mut>: keep awake. We may not think it so importn-.t to take interest in aviation now, bat you may rest assured that the towns that are placed on the air line* now- will benefit materially from having done so. Jtnt as the city thit estab lished itself on the rnUrmoi and principal highway has *h»*»rr. the most prosperous growth so will the cit, grow that is placed on th • air lines. The young men of this town can take churge if they want to and we .re sun* they will Ik* lucked by the It country and fellowman. life to try and help the boys who ,-ame under his guidance and there has been no man to live among us whose ideals were as high and pur- po- e of life more consecrated. A true lover of sport. Dr. Holmes made hunting and fishing his hobby. He loved the field and stream and .pent his off time following this Hr. Holmes will be missed and the thoughts of him by many, many peo ple here will bring forth pleasant _ memories, blotting out his untimely, {j | ending and tragic death. LOCAL \ Col. Geo. S. Roach came home Wednesday from Atlanta, where he j had been in the interest of G. M. C., i AJ>Pi;NEVG§ and attending the N. E. A. conven- The fiscal year at the The county commissioner- held diort session Tuesday. A hard shower of rain fell i n this j ^ city Tuesday afternoon. ' v Regular services will be held at the j Presbyterian church next Sund-i? morning. P.ev. Geo. C. Bellengruth., of Atlanta, will preach. F.PWORTH LEAGUE NOTICE Kpwor Today, the fourth of July, will be bscrved as a legal holiday. All the city will be suspen ded. HAVE ; THURSDAY. JULY 4. 1929 THE SANITARIUM PROBLEM TV- B«a:d f Trurtee.i of the Geor. in Sure .- rntaruim through their re-, .-i to ;r»» Governor, the Legis- uurr :<i : e people of Georgia. In »•> .-.ii-er they erdcavor to picture » the mi mbt-rs of the legislature Thei We mu- ork for i be ul of i -hnnot afford to let things c iuf: y footed as th;y are now. The deep inter*--*, of e/ery c »f -u.- to\ The Recorder's Court Monday was League! the lightest it has been in several i-m and u little bit more— weeks. There were only two cases we want you to COME to the on the docket. One was dismissed Epworth League! an ‘l a fine of $10.00 made in the i-m and a liGJe bit more— other. -ant you to JOIN the Epworth — League! It il then we'll ask no more— peaches hen you’ve joined, you’ll WANT "'ere a j TO STAY! impo-sible to buy any i the city this week. There' od many on the market last; houlj «p from thei i and a little bit; ' i little bit; i Two Brand New Chevrolets Spick and span so if you *.2 inter**3t?J in 2 C.:vrolet here \t your cat—One Coach and one Cabiolet in the lat est colors. FOR STRAIGHT SALE $50.00 OFF LIST. another Chevro- . let driven less than 700 miles, priced at a big saving. Ralph Simmerson Buick Dealer rted a In ev. H. D. Wnrnock, who hi he H'lptist church here, for seven •. leaves Milledgevilli- with the 1 wishes of a hod of loyal friend . r. Wnrnock has won the confi-1 *•■ and esteem of all our people. | ti t re ha- been the cluseast re!.-:-1 b.-tween him and the other I che* anil his lirccrity and dev- fe. exetnpUfying the gospel h- j chi nad his sincerity and devo- has built up among ’ all the I hi means YOU! Every young ! in the Methodist church! .'e have started a campaign for _• nixing, and we need each of J you to help make us a real League. -1 Mb- Martha Bass, our vice pr»i- r*. dent, hns charge <*f a splendid pro- EZt Sunday night. We arc jrou to be present, to get ac- I. We want you to like us and a little Hines and Carpenter have moved O law offices to rooms left va- 1 .6 bv I»r. Thus. if. Hall when h- C©s09O03C><>»O&O&©©OOODOtoODO©<>OC8X8>CS&e^^ uilding. , The interioi recently been ; will present a the court, house i n cleaning up. It : appearance when ext Monday. ■ :30 P. M. Mcthodi t Haye’s Pharmacy 1-as modern and up-to-date The interior of the stoi painted a light blue. installed n udn fount, has been The Th ;: .i-tee* have endeavored offir a -olution. They have mi two suggestions. One, that of propria! ir... ■ufficient buiid'ngs. make room for the proper care th* -i : Ireaciy at tin Sanitarium i • ■ mi t da :'iom t could be more splendid' than : provi Lbtcn. you young folks! The i*s Missionary Society of the; T1 .k'ilchurches a unity of spirit and u fra- Methodist church have invited us to ; Doth muil relationship that is all that get-lu-gether party, to be held next U5 should be Christ-like. Tue day n'ght. at 8:00 o’clock, in The mini?try of Mr. Wnrnock hns the church basement. It means J{ ( *en fruitful. The good that he has mmeLhing to hove the interest of jj y w me will live after him. und we j the older people among us, so lets l<. aVt ould not attempt a measurement in | show our .appreciation by < ord . He has preached n gospel j out, uil of you, especially if y or of Chandler’s Var «en repainted and ppearance. mentally liearranged w-ho are now inhabiting the jails. Or. they pro pose toai the Legislature establish anoth* r .Sanitarium for the colored peopl now -it the Sanitarium. They suggest thi* as the wiser of the two solution* offered. The State has already a large nmount uf land in this county and it is our position that this colored de partment "fie eet-ihlishcd but that it remain a part and parcel of the pres ent Institution. This department could be e-tahli hed and iocalei spot sufficiently apart from present group of buildings to make it pntically separate und yet at the same time In? kept under che super vision of t,je present staff of physi cians who have proven to the entire satisfaction of everyone that they know the delicate nnd intricate prob lem with which they are confronted nnd can handle the whole hospital system with a greater degree of and his daily life as he walked in and out among the people here has influenced for good. We will miss Mr. Waroock, ami as he leaves he hu.« the assurance of the prayers and best wishes of the Christian people of this community. DR. EDWARD T. HOLMES efficier It is An intellectual giant that he was. j building character in the lives of Georgia's young manhood for more j than a qunter cf a century and an ' cxamplar of such dignified culture, it is hard to conceive that he should have brought ubnut his destruction. The news of his death brought w»u- ne-s to Millcdgiville. As President of G. M. C. he had touched the lives of many people here. His magnifi cent personality, his keen sense of humor, his marked ability as a story teller, nnd hi:, courtly manner, de- j pitting all the charm of a true sarj to i** 1 !** j southern gertlemin, brought to him th two sanitariums nnd We friends by the score !y trust the Trustees and the! jjj wrv j ce ^ stnte w|| un . will sec the wisdom in I selfish und to the young mat hood ; In- tw*» clore enough to epchj unreserved. He taught them the d Can | highlit Ideals and implanted in them • * • r*»n. tie same point. the great principle of love of God, Institution throngh it- splen-| II. I). Wnrnock and his fam- be sorely missed when they ' ,cw l« v e the city. Our people hold both m * n RjMr. and Mrs. Wamock in high re- j are J gird. Oar community has been en- interested in the Epworth League wc richcd by their having lived in it. are organizing. The BEST YOUNG j People's Organisation Known! SO SAY WE ALL OF US! —A LEAGUER Don’t take chance. Reline your brake*. We use Rovbestos the belt. RALPH f.IMMF.RSON Buick Dealer A number of Milledgcville peo ple took advantage of the low rates and went to Atlanta on the special train which carried the summer school students to the N. E. A. con vention Tuesday morning. ^ A large number of MiHcdgevOle and Baldwin couaty citizens attend ed the funeral of Dr. E. T. Holmes in Tennillc Sunday afternoon. The W. M. U. of the Baptist i-hurch met Monday -afternoon. After a busines .‘•meeting refrsehmcnis The July meeting of the Wcmun Misionary Society of the Mcthodii church was held Monday aftemooi Mrs. Rozur. delegate to the confer ence at Orford. made her report routine business was transacted. The first Tuesday Mniodgetfll?. the onth did man.ageir.ent during the yc$ that it has served Georgia has ga; ed, and justly so, the confidence every one. Never has there bi direction. It ha? held its atandar high and certainly filled u place Thc?e tact-, warrent the suppi of a definite measure through which relief might be -obtained and feel that the law-makers of Gc* the isdom with- at further delay, making .an a) riation sufficient to meet rowth a:id make it pos?ible for the iKirdiar.s of the Sanitarium t< .iwtru with their pian of expac It is to be hoped and we are i: d-i- re. that the Legislature e the r ed nnd meet it. ARE WE ASLEEP mtified ths* Merchants & Farmers Bank MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 29TH. 1929 • ~ ca: :.zd ret sy t::z SUPrniNTENDENT cf banks JNO. T. ALLF.N. Preiident. L. C. HALL, Caihii Date of Bank * Charter March 1898. Date Began Business March 1898. The Eclipse SELF SHARPENING Lawn Mower jyfgf ONE ADJUSTMENT BY ONE THUMB SCREW, NO BOTHER WITH SCREW DRIVERS AND WRENCHES- MAKE LAWN CUT TING A PASTIME WITH AN ECUPSE. r R. W. HATCHER, HDW. CO. Whole & Retail TAKii THE QUALITY - TAKE THE PRICE Ail in AI! Chandler's Variety Store Leads the Field Mead the Bargains Look at Values and Prices! SPECIAL SALE VICTORIAN TOWELS 25c each, 52.75 per doz. VICTORIAN WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Guaranteed not to Shrink $1.59 or 3 lor $4.50 VICTORIAN HOUSE DRESSES. Guaranteed Fiat Colors in Beautiful Patterns $1.69 CHILDRENS’ VICTORIAN DRESSES $1.00 each VICTORIAN MEANS HIGH QUALITY AT LOW PRICE MEN’S STRAW HATS REDUCED-YOUR CHOICE 75c to $1.00 FULL LINE PICNIC SUPPLIES—Paper Plates, Cups, Knives and Forks. THERMOS JUGS BATHING SUITS—For Men, Women and Children. We have a full line and just the suit you want, priced cheap. BATHING CAPS—All Colon and Sizes—SEE US FOR CAPS. GUARANTEED FAST COLORS IN WORK AND WASH DRESSES $1.00 to $1.50 16 Qt. Aluminum Preserving Kettles $1.69 16 Qt. Enamel Preserving Kettles $1.00 CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE Loan;* Banking House and Lot Furniture and Fixtures .. Otlier Real Estate owned Cash in Vault and due from ap- 9,000.00 5,109.64 37,629.40 provid Rt; • Agen Checks Due from other Banks Caah Items Overdraft* (if any) Other Resource* col.. in Transit ,, TOTAL 432.178.72 icbody was evidently bfinder r^r nl-nc th: enn to MUledgerille Tuesday, oul lining the route for the AH Georgi Air Tr.ur for this month, was con ing here for the pilot nnd his eon- psnion ixpected to confer with coni mittecs in regard to our partiripatin In the tour and t<* make recomvndu tion, « to the condition of the field j ror efuliy -'end^Id'repon. Zd'thit the with tnc idea of including our town j, on the route. LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 80,000.00 Surplus Fund 80.000.00 Undivided Profit* 8.098.991 Reserve Funds 27.316.45 Cashier? Checks 351.14 Domami Deposit* 236.355.14 Time Certificates of De- posits 57.00 TOTAL J . .432.178.70 JOHN ( GEORGIA Baldwin County. •onally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths in said county L. C. Hall who, on oath, say* that he is the Cashier of the Merchants & Farmer, bank, and that the above and foregoing t of the condition of said bank is true and correct L. C. HALL, Cashier, rn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd, day of July, 1929. BLACK, Not Pub. Co. Ga. [ the undersigned directors of said bank, do certify that we have ‘ true and correct, according • information, knowledge and belief, and the above *dgna- I ture of the Cashier of said bank is the true and genuine signature of that The somebody failed absolutely to I jfficer. r'-ort :i good opportunity ta possibly' This 3rd, day of July, 1929. make Milh’dgcviile one of the air portJ L. N. CALLAWAY in the ttste. Dublin, Fitrgeild. Mu- JNO. T. DAY, Director* of said Bank. _ _ <6 My Country ’Tis of Thee ,, Patriotism in everyday life is the more commendable because it flourishes without the "shouting and the tumult” uf the side-lines. On the birthday o' our Countrys Independence it is appropriate to consider patriotism in its less frenzied aspects. Wc can all serve our country, our community and our fel low men through our helpful daily activities. It is the ideal of this institution to serve in this way. Exchange Bank 4 per cent and Safety M iXXXTXXXXXXXXXZ: