Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 04, 1929, Image 7

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UNION RECORDER, MILLCDGEVILLE, CA., JULY 4, 1929 Mis* Mamie Ruth William* will leave Friday morning for Live Oik, Fla., where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mia. Roy Hunter. Mr*. W. C. Williams has returned to her home in Atlanta, after a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. E. B. Jackson. Mr. and Mr*. Miller S. Bell spent Atlanta. Ir. F. 3- Harnaly of Ellaviile, ;t d Mr. C. E. Greene the past Emmett Vaughan is visiting . Mr. Emmett Vaughan, in avis of Baltomwic, i* the guest of Miss Margaret Napier. 111 Mr . M. M. Crooma and children, A, Massey. Mrs. O. B. iTwilley, Mrs. L. N. Coates and Mr. John Bill u In thi city, vurit-l Twillt >' »l’i nl Tucdny in iny the family of hi. father, Mr. J. F. I Bell. | ... • • • Mi*s Agnes Stcmbridgc has been The friends of Mr. J| R. Nor-l in thl city n ° 8 P« u ‘ the P«*t several meat regret to learn that be is ill j da> *’ havin K undergone an operation at his home at Scottsboro. ! ller man >’ friends wish for her a • • • speedy restoration to health. bles were arranged for the games. Assisting Mis* Napier in entertain- ng wire Mrs. Napier and Misses Millie and Elizabeth Napier. Mrs, Chas. Conn entertained the members of her bridge club on Wed nesday afternoon at a delightful party at her her home on WUkto- -*on street. The guests were seated at tables arranged in the spacious lining i 'ilich was beautiful with baskets I beaten egg, and mix, add enough milk to make stiff dough, maybe the 2 tabletpoonsfulri will not be enough, Roll cut and cut in strip* and bake in hot oven for 15 minutes. Slaw Tomato Slaw i* a favorite relish at Good Housekeeping Institute luncheons. Shred caho--e fine and tomatoes without peeling, 0 copfulls of shredded cab- and vases of many colored garden j hage for every cupful of diced to- flowers. | matoes. Chill both thoroughly in Delicious, refreshments were scrv- separate bowls. Then marinate in cd at the conclusion of the games. French Dressing for one-half hour before serving. This is a delicious accompaniment to the main course cf a luncheon or dinner. Misses Muybrc Margaret Grimes und Mis., I)ena Smith loft for Day tona. Fla., Saturday, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Raines, Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Ashley. While there they will go to Silver Springs. Mi ami, Fla., and they will visits friends at Melbourne, Fla., and other points of much interest. >«r. S. D. Steoibridge is out, hav-j : -red from u recent opera tion for appendicitis. The friends of Mr. Arthur Butt.', I t .. r.c triad to set him out after an 1 j several days. M R..htrt Brake ur.d children arc j •, ::n Mrs. Brake’s parents, Mr. j : i; Mr- M. F. Davis. ( . nd Mr*. E. T. Bowden and are visiting Mrs. Bowden’s •A.'V, Mrs. T. K. Myrick. Rr. ..ml Mr*. M. M. Crooma and dtvn will leave today for an auto- P to North Carolina. >1; - Fi ride Allen is attending the i Educational Association in a in Atlanta this week. )! Emily Hall has returned * ■ i • >i Cornell University where n < ved her Master* Degree. Mr. ! Mrs. Malcolm Flemister i i 1 Wren have been spending sev eral day- <>n St. Simon’s Island. Hi» Florence Andrews ha.* re turned hr.me for the summer months after teaching in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandler i:*[ rhiidren of Columnus, ore visifc- ir.g relatives in the city and county. Mr*. Floyd Johnson i* convalescing after in operation, am! ha* return ed t > her home from the city hos- Miss Loui.-e Etheridge of Rich mond. arrived Sunday to be with Miss Cailic Cook for several days. Mrs. Elhert Bivins of New Or- leane* t pent 9ever::l day* of this week with hi* mother. Mrs. Mattie Bivins. Mr. end Mr*. J. L. Edward.* .und little daughter of Claxton, spent Monday with Mr. and Mr*. Sam Whatley. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. June.-, Misses I Gertrude Jones and Evelyn Eskexv! and Frank Twilley spent Sunday at I Broughton with Mrs. Jones mother.’ Mirs Cos in nr Tucker, of Deepstep, is ^pending the week with Mis* Jean Grote, who is visiting her grand- part nts, Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Ebcr- hart. Miss Cal lie Cook and the member* of her art class are at home this week to their Millcdgeville friends. The studio at Miss Cook’s home if open all of the week. Min Vndn ..nd Mr*. George B. Thomp- n<l family left Wednesday for mooga, where they will make Mr . Raymond L. Adam* and little • . Raymond, Jr., and Douglas, of Atlinta. are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J C. Grimes. A In., is the gi J. I- Beeson, sifter Of Mrs. Misses Roller fence and Misi who hu> been e Ruth Wiliams, »ming for her X. C. l oi liirtnir.gham, of Dr. and Mrs. - Selmnn is the Coi and Lucettu Law. Day are i Millcdgeville. who lumbin University. MRS. RALPH MORAN HONOR KTt GUEST AT LUNCHEON. | critically Mrs. Ralph Moran of New Or- Physician* and 1c leans, who is the guest of Mr.*. Pear-1 ly concerned abo son Berry, this week was the honor j ..■•:*! nt .u delightful bridge lunch- Wednesday morning nt the home of Mr*. Berry. In the living room where the guest* were seated, a lovely arrange ment of summer flowers in many shades were used. At the conclusion of the game* a delicious two cdurse luncheon was t rved. The honor guests was presented MR. AND MRS. L. N. CALLAWAY J ENTERTAIN. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Callaway enter tained at bridge on last Thursday evening to u number of friends at •heir home on the hill. The spacious room* were thrown together where the guest* were seat- j cd and a delicious dinner wa* se before the game* were played. The party was one of the most delightful of the summer re which the young married social group have enjoyed. The friends of Mrs. I. M. Beck re am that she has ncen 11 the po.-t several days. tradition. My Favorite RECIPE BY MRS. E. A. TIGNER 0 >L and Mrs. Marion Sibley and ;• wo*, of Miami, Fla., hav t*rr,ed home after a visit to Mr. and J. L. Sibley. it'd Mrs. Jo* A. Moore, Mrs. Iff F. nn and Cadet John Conn, ♦ ral day* of the past week :r Xorth Carolina. -1 •• Betty McKcnney has return- 1 r home at Birmingham, af- it i-y to the family of Prof. • 0. A. Thaxton. John Conn, Cadet John Conn, ' ■ ami Mrs. L. H*. Andrews, Edwin '• hou * Andrews, will (Save Sun- 1 " stay at Tybee. •h- Mabry Grimes, Miss Dena ^ th and Mi** Margaret Grime* left Saturday for Daytona Beach, Fin., u 'd other points of interest. ( Carlisle Ingram, Juck Ed ir 'i and Raymond Wheeler an •"Rping - n the estate of Mr. Harry 'blwell Edwards near Macon. 1 rank Coleman and son went Charlotte, N. C.. this week where • nu t Mr. Coleman’s brother and from Bridgetown, N. J. ’■ Floride Allen and Miss Jessie are attending the meeting of National Educational Association '""'■•-•ion in Atlanta this week. Col. C. B. McCullar is hack from Detroit where he attended n meet ing of the National organization of Disabled V’etcran* of the World W Mr?. Otto M. Conn, Mrs. Leon Callaway. Mr. und Mrs. W. D. Morri son and little son, Billie, are at SL Simon’s Island spending Mrs. John Mobley and children, Mrs. Jure Moore, Mis* Isabelle Jones and Miss Flaridc Moore have return ed from a two week's visit to Mon- rat. N. C. Mrs. P. A. Nelson, of Lake Wales, Fla., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Granade. Mr. Nelson accompanied her to the city, but has returned to Lake Wales. Mr. Mrs. J. 1). Howard and Cecil Howard, spent several hours of lost Thursday in the city. They were returning to their home at Miami, . | Fla., after a visit to Ohio. T-... •Mr-. -••iy friend* of Mr. and Mr* will be delighted to know ■•ire expected to arrive in thi* week from Mississippi. Julian Bloodworth und »on f ' *' returned to their home iVilkesboro, N. C.. after a 'If- and Mrs. John Blood- *-^ r ‘ ar, d Mrs. W. Ralph Moran, of ** 0vl -ans, arc visiting Mr. Mo nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. This ( is the first visit of Wn. * r ». M< Rev. and Mr*. W. P. McDonald, of Alexander City, Ala., are visiting the’r daughter, Mrs. Thos. B. p'ea- dows. Mr. McDonald i* one of Ala bama- leading Methodist ministers. Robert Greene, Jr., who makes his home vvth hs grandparent*. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Greene, si spending the summer with his father, Mr. Robert Gaeene at Fairbum. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Tigner. Mr. Arthur Carr and Mr. Joe Andrewsi spent Sunday in Milltn. the guests, j of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wasdcn. Mr. | and Mrs. Wasden entertained at aj dinner at the jOgheechee Country J Club. beuutiful guest prize. Mr*. 1 Chicken Pilau i* a recent bride and is spend- j large fryer 2 cupi wal d«y* the city visiting 1-4 cup butter salt ar.d pep: er to es of Mr. Moran. Cut up u large fryer or young hi >r frying and put into a *nu with 1-H lb. butter. Cover wi MRS. Y. H. YARBROUGH ENTER TAINS AT BRIDGE. | boiling water and season highly with Mr*. Y. H. Yarbrough entertained *nlt and popper, also a pod of red most delightfully on Tuesday after noon nt four tables of bridge. Summer flowers udded to the at tractiveness of the rooms where the guest* were seated for the games. Refreshment* were oerved at the conclusion. RHODES-LANCASTER A marriage of interrat to a i her of relatives and friends here was rolcmnized at the Monumental M. Church in Richmond, Vjl, Snturday evening, July 29th, when Miss Mar tha Oconee Rhodes became the bride of Mr. Cecil Jackson Lancaster, of Richmond. The bride is the youngest daugh ter* of Mrs, Lewis B. Rhodes, who before her marriage was Miss Birdie Moore of this city. She possessc personality that has won for he large circle of friends wherever i. known. MISS MARGARET NAPIER COMPLIMENTS VISITOR. fiss Margaret Napier wa* hostess Wednesday mornir- at a bridge luncheon in honor of i guest. Miss Virginia Davis, of Baltimore. The beautiful Napier home at Black Lake was enhanced by garden flowers that were profusely used throughout tht rooms where the ta- Add the rice, uncooked, and con-, tinue to cook the mixture .70 or 40 minutes until rice is done and the : mixture thick. There should be noj liquid and it should be thick enough to be eaten with a fork. An asbestos mat or thick plate should he put un der the stew pan to prevent .‘Torch ing. Potato and Baobn Roll For a light summer meat und vege table combination take 2 cup* mash-j ed potatoes, add 1 egg wel. beaten j -and 2 this. milk. Mix thoroughly, add a little flour and form into small ob- j long croquettes. Wrap thin slices of j bacon around each croquet*.- and. fasten with a toothpick. Set in Nul oven until bacon is brown and crisp.} Serve immediately. Cheese Straws 1 cup grated cheese 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon buking powder 1-4 teaspoon pepper 1-16 teaspoon cayenne 1 egg 2 tablespoons milk 1-2 teaspoon :a»lt Mix and Jft dry ingredients. Add EXCHANGE BANK MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 29TH, 1929 AS CALLED FOR BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKS OTTO M. CONN, President H. G. BANKS. Cashiei Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Baisden h.vejD- •' Bank’s Charter 1903, 1908. 1919, 1924. Date Began Busin... returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Baisden, Jr., at Saluda, N. C.. and Mr. Baisden has resumed his duties as city clerk and after an absence of several account of illness. They 1903 Myrtle Thomi city hospital. i the l ter*. Murcnret ami Elilubcth, «ho have luen vixiling Mr.. Clark"- moth er. Mr*. Mattie Bivin-. -ill lo»y c Thursday for their new home in Evunston. III. They will It- with Mr. Elhert Bivins who will drive them through in his enr. Mr. James Brown will also make the trip Eoinc with Mr. Bivins to New OHoans before he returns home. RESOURCES LIABILITIES . ]*iun- and Discount* $574,419.26 Capital Stock $100,000.00 Furniture und Fixtures. 6,513.11 Surplu* Fund 75.000 00 Other Real Estate owned 17,188.55 Undivided I’rofit* 22,857.92 Cash in Vault and Reserve Fund- 7,483.22 — amounts due from ap- Dividends Unpaid proved Reserve Agent* 50,922.00 Cashiers Checks . 844.72 Checks for Clearing and Demand Ideposits 425.593.33 Due from other Bank? 7,637.69 Overdrafts (if any) 1,703.07 Memmorial Coins 75.50 Baldwin C. Warrant? 35,869.64 City of Milledgeville 29,792.74 Ga. S. S. Warrant* 18,419.57 Bill* Payable 110,000.00 TOTAL $742,541.19 TOTAL $742,541.19 Mr. Ford Montgomery, who has been rturtim- music at the Boston Conservatory the past year. Is at home for the next two months. He was awarded a full scholnr-h.p next year on account of hia record during ' r ' n >° this city and she will a steamer from ~| l '. ,h " -"-ter of a number of inter- talented and is rapidly becomlot a *es during her viait here, st&dy efficient piMUat- GEORGIA Baldwin County. Personally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths in -aid county O.to M. Conn, wi.o, on oath, says that he is the President of the Exchange bank, and that the above and foregoing report of the condition of said bark is true and correct OTTO M. CONN, President Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd, day of July, 1929. H. H. HENDON. N. *• B. Co. Gn. i We, the undersigned directors of said bank, do certify that we have carefully read said report, and that the same is true and correct, according T— Mr. and "sirs-1 to the befit of our information, knowledge and belief, and the above aigna- Montgomery, motored to S.-, tore of the President of .aid bank i. the true and genuine signature of that vannah Sunday, when he tended teom officer^ ^ ^ c. j. conn i ~ 1 rmUB itiniM V. L. RITCHIE. > of said Bank. Flour Is Advancing 24 lbs. Patty Self-Rising, 80 ds. 24 lbs. Quick Oven Standard Self-Rising, 90 ds. 24 lbs. Red Diamond, Fancy Self-Rising, $1.06 24 lbs. Blue Seal, Superalative Patent, $1.35 Good White Meat for Boiling 13 1-2 cts. A GENUINE BARGAIN —CAR LOAD FRUIT JARS— We are prepared to name very low prices on Ideal, Mason Jars, Tops, Rubbers, Jelly Glasses in small or large quanities. See us before buying. NEW PRICES ON PINEAPPLE Have been named for the coining year, they range about 15 to 30 cts. per dozen higher, awing to size of tin. We are still g selling 6 cans of any sire Grated or Sliced at regular price y riving one free wiih each purchase. Cantaloupes, Hiley E?ile Peaches, Oranges Apples, Bananas. § Whew!!! Hot Weather! HOW ABOUT LETTING US SEND UP THAT Frigidaire WITH THE WONDERFUL NEW COLD CONTROL S et this dial at the freezing speed you want See our show window for all the new features and decided ad vantages of new FRIGIDAIRE. Sold on easy payments as low as $9.00 per month and 24 months to pay. R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail Bent Fenders When you dent or bend your fenders call 300. We have the machinery to fix them as well as the man who knows how it is done. We straighten and re-duco. They look like new. Ralph Simmerson Buck Dealer MARKET SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday OUR BANQUET SUCED BACON POUND 31c GOOD MIXED 5AUSACE 21c PORK UNK SAUSAGE. 2 POUNDS FOR ~ZZ ... 45c SUGAR CURED STRIP BACONTOUND 27c COUNTRY CURED HAMS, WHOLE OR HALF POUND 2«c DRESSED TROUT. HEADS OFF, POUND -..J5c FRESH RED M> CROAKERS 1*