Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 11, 1929, Image 10

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE, CA, JULY 11, 1,2, DEPUTY MARSHAL THIGPEN LOSES DAUGHTER BY DEATH CITY WINS SUIT ON DEMURRER ' GOrC - GOING GONE! t Gib** , Thu The cum- of Warren H. Booker vs. the city of Milledgcville, a suit for $460.00, was thrown out of court 1 — hen Jude* Park sustained n demur- G eor g-;- Health Work Sand- Mr. J. II. Thigpen has the sympa thy of his friends on account of the death of his daughter. Miss Bli*« Thigpen, which occurred at Rawlings Sanitarium in Sander vil!** Sunday night. June 30th. Miss Thiirpen, who lived at Gibson was carried to the ^.■n.itarium and underwent an opera tion the Thursday before her d.ath. Mr. Thigpen, who i« a m? the city police force, left f< ersvilie Sunday niirht. and did not | return to the city unt.l after the funeral a 1 burial which were held i Thursday. July 4th, at Gib>ori. Mirs Thiirpen was eighteen years, of am-, and was one of Gibson’s popular younjr ladies, Her death j brouirht sorrow to a large circle of ' relatives and friends. She is sur- , vived by h. r father, two sisters. Mrs. Elmeade English, of Ohio, and Mr-. Edith Freeman, of Gibson: two broth- | ers. Walter and Hyman Thigpen of i Gibson. er made by the attorneys reprt s ng the city, on the ground that ilaintiff failed to make bond v resented with confirmation of the Ceases. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- tih Greene, of Merriweth'.r was at tacked and badly bitten by a large dc*» last Wednesday. The wounds were dressed by Dr. T. M. Hall and the head of the dog sent to the State Health Department in Atlanta, by The suit grew out of a survey made j by Booker at the water works plant > the past year. J of the t .i - l 11 >W ph wU^nrartLanv i ^ )r - Wiley, County Health Ommia- h.v Libel ^0,,^'. *!u.it found that the dog I BahU-in Mr. T. J. Howard is still in the city hospital sufering with a dislocated hip. Mr. Howard is over ninety have the rabies, but his head d that the dog was a ferocious Young Greene is recovering ffect» of the bites. sale on the f*r»t Tuesday in August, 1929, the following described land, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the city of Milledgeville in said State and County containing one acre, more or less, being Lot No. 2, in Square No. 57 of said City, hounded as follows: On ’he North by lands belonging to D. W. Brown and others, on the East by Liberiy Street, on the South by street, and on the West by the lands of Evelyn Broughton, lands •ccupied by Taylor Morris, land ormerly owned by Howard Duncan DEATH OF AN INFANT flgurei dollar .r.iinum of sixty thou* •icily i th. FOR RENT—Up.l end by the land of Mamie Ford, sajj land being a square with its side* 210 feet long each. Said above described land wa* found in the possession of and levied upon as the property of C. L. TannJr, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said County j n favor uf D. W. Brown as Executor of the Last Will of Mrs. EH a j Brown, deceased, against the said o] I* Tanner. This July 8, 1929. W. J. HAYNIE, Sheriff Baldwin County, Georgia Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fowler the sympathy of their friends count of the death of their son, which occurred at their home on the MosleyviHe road Saturday. The funeral and burial were at Friend-' ship church in Washington county TCBACCO IN BALDWIN SCHOOL NEWS Teachers' Examination will be con ducted on Friday and Saturday. Aug. 2 and 3 Questions for Elementary Licenses will he given on Friday, and tho‘o for high school and junior college will be given on Saturday. The reading course is as follows: Kali—Quest’s “Supervised Study. Edward’s "The Psychology of Ele mentary Education,” “Business Ad- nvni trillion of a School System.” Ginn & Co. Under recent ruling of the Bonrd of Education all teachers teaching Grades One, Two, Three, and Four .-ire required to hold Normal Certifi cate from a standard Normal School. Other teachers in the classified schools are required he Junior Col lege graduate- or hold certificate- that are equivalent. Newspapers have given so much publicity to the matter that it should he generally known that the state owes the commons schools several months back pay. The gasoline mon ey from 1927 has not been paid in full. One-fi'iirth cf the general .appropriation for 1928 has not been paid. And the Barrett-Rogers fund for 1928 has rot been paid. As they had been promised this money as many «• >untios .is were able borrowed it from local Hanks to keep from cut ting of the spring term of 1929 school. If the Legislature does not make up this deficit the 1929-30 term must be cut to pay back bor rowed money. were about fifty acres of' 107 c filed in tobacco in Baldwin hies .is year. It is reported that K * ven which Is now being cured, ‘ ' •client one. y-rra. This is co operative work, fifty per cent bilng locaily contributed Every county In the State has had at least two visits from the Stale Hoard of Health dar ing the ll.’e <t tills law. 1 uc ‘j F.as; year the Healthmobile Unit ex- fan t| nmin-il 1.234 infants. 8,02,3 school cbfl e on drea in twenty-one counties In each county, a permanent committee on health Is organized. Eleven thousand nine hundred and eighty-two defects w.re f -:r.d in the 9.2G7 children ex amined by ibis unit. State nurses or ganized ..7n rrenatal conferences, and the co-operating physicians examined •,998 exp -tant mothers. They held 107 confer*-nees aitencled by 421 ba- t Hei Ions Six hundred and attended these confer- the nurses and Child s were established, for girls had an enroll- elve lei In clai i for u stories that tame Id of the death of rom gas that leaked' c Refrigerator last alarm here, in advertisement of rompleMn '•arh county wife club w the l shows 1.716 moth i hundred and nine 821. In | [sited a permanent mid- after I found It II. W. Hatcher Hardware Company, thn» wc the Frigidaire does no', have poisoni- brF,dt ’ 8 'on- gases to produce a refrigerant! '''I”'' 1 * orgr.nlz.od. r nurses under the Child Hygi- UI vision made 24.368 visits to ers and babies Demonstrations given to 633 groups of women were attended by large numbers les 3.205 demonstrations to Indl- SMERIFF SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Will be sold at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of taid County, within the legal hours of SICK HEADACHE Ex-Sheriff Suffered From Con stipation and Felt Very Bad Until Relieved by Biack-Draught. of this city (111 Third Avc. N. W.), formerly was a political leader in Pike County. Arkansas, where he served an sheriff and county judge. “I used to suffer with sick head aches," says Mr. McClure. "These spells would come on me and I would feci very bad. I would get bilious and upset. "My trouble was constipation, and I began using I KNOWLEDGE- J Is the reason we fill prescriptions correctly t PRIDE— t Is what prevents us from substituting PHONE 202 WE DELIVER Harris Hall’s Drug Store “Come Across" j Big Discount On Regular Refrigerators I THE FAMOUS WHITE MOUNTAIN REFRIGERATORS—AT A ! GREAT REDUCTION WHITE MOUNTAIN . REFRIGERATORS ' I | g TOR ict oa luxnuc ornucrjiAnaw* y O From this r ich educatii FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce as i candidate r r0 m stai for rtelection a* an Alderman of Mil-' » l2 s boon accn ledgeville, subject to the primary to ovlde"*. Mint ; he held August 21st. : made to contl. S. D. STEMBRTDGE 1 '‘"mlng atement it Is seen that ini work has been done t year. It Is apparent rment that much good nplislird, and it is v«*ry rrangemonts should be no this vital work. The 'i of our General As- J LOCAL'1 APPENHVG§ FOR ALDERMAN I am a candidate in the primary to be held August 21st, for re-elec tion as a member of the Board of Aldermen of Milledgveille. L. H. ANDREWS Summer felt* $1.95 to $5.00. Mi*a Lcni Moore. The Hat Shoppe. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES EACH SATURDAY New York Atlantic City mbly shmyd give immediate alien- i lion to the needs of our State Board I of Health, and make appropriation to at least carry on. In a measure, this ' most Important work. For seven years we have had outside aid; It Is gone. It is up to us to get In the breach and carry on. It is the State’s duty We should at least provide ns an emergency measure sufficient funds to District and a supervising nurse work ing out from the State Bonrd of Health until we are In a position to do better. This money should he made Immediately available so that there will he no break in the work. j “I began using Black-Draught in my home, shortly after the Civil War when i lived in Pike County, Arkansas. I came out of the war, liko many other soldiers, with bad digestion. I suffered a lot from sick headache and dizziness. I would get constipated, and lor a while I would feel very bad. “I found this medicine brought quick relief for constipation, and re moved the cause of my headaches and dizziness, so we have always tried to keep it in the house. “After I take a course of Black- Draught, I feci fine. My system is rid of poison, and my appetite picks up.” Sold everywhere. Try it. NC-203 QUALITY SEHVK* ting it in circulate ed that there are fin county needing r Watermelloiw getting plentiful. arc fighting the believe that they propped* for a : they save it fr* SOUTHERN -27-29 111. Limit 30 Day* information, apply to >iv. Pan*. Agt., Macon, RAILWAY SYSTEM FRUIT JARS ar Rubber* 4 Doz. for 25c Do —At— MODERN MERCANTILE CO. 0 8 M POST-GRADUATE m LECTURES FIRST M DISTRICTJDOCTORS ►< ; Through the co-operatlon of the M children's Bureau, Washington, D. C., M 1 uud the volunteer service of Professor j. U. McCord, Emory University, the 1 State Board of Health is holding ) post graduate school in Obstetrics fo. 1 the physicians of Southeast Georgia ^ i at Savannah, beginning at 3:30 o'clock , Ki ! on the afternoon of June 24. . The daily sessions will last just as H ! long as the physicians desire to re- main, and the following subjects will ^ ' he covered: U Monday, June 24: ’’The Mechanism and Mauag* meut of Normal 1-abor.' H Tuesday. June 25: "Puerperal lufec- ^ Wednesday. June 26: "Occiput Pos- l a orior Positions—Forceps." Thursday, June 27: “Versions— M i'rUlay, June 2S: “The Hemorrhages ! j Pregnancy. Abortion. Placenta FM re via. Accidental Separation of the H The high mortality rate in our moth- wj ers Is certainly a challenge to the physicians throughout the State. Con- rv s-quently, we believe that in offer- ing to the physicians of Georgia this ^ opportunity we are giving them a chance to be of better service to the thers of their cwmmunlties than H X Don’t fail to get our prices if vju need a Refrigerator— * R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Z Wholesale & Retail XXXXXXXXXXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXiX7x:X2^XXX2r? M Gas 18c. Why Pay More? The large volumn of business has made it possible for t the price down. ; to keep 2 New Health Officerr- Two couutles. Clinch and Jenkins. _.uve Joined the ranks of counties hav ing full time commissioners of health and have on duty Dr. J. H. Sessions and Dr. <*. H. Haddock, respectlv.l- Both counties also have a publi* health nurse. This makes a total of thirty tbr. < counties that have the full workin • program of the Ellis Health Law. Ev cry county in the State should bav« the protection this law gives the cltl r State. •ban enro an, ¥ WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS—Come to the HUDS0N-ESSEX '4 Z 5 X SERVICE STATION where service is paramount and honest treat- £ 9, ment and low prices our motto. & * 2 | 6 .... . § Auto Repairing, Tire Service, Battery Service, Doping and Wash- § 9. ing. The most complete Auto Service Station in Town. « s j WE CAN SERVE YOU WHERE OTHERS CANT | HUD SO SERVICE N-ESSEX STATION T. H. ENNIS, Proprietor M M M M M H H M H M M M M M H M s M H M M | M M M M | H 5 i