Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 11, 1929, Image 7

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mom RECORDER, MILLEPGEVILLE, GA., JULY 11, 1929 1) BROWN-GORDY Miu Blanche Bazanos spent »e ral days of last week in Augusta. My rale Thompson spent the •eek in Hendersonville. N. C. and Sirs. W. L. Gholson Thursday find Friday, vikit- M r. and Mrs. C. E. Kidd and sons, Culver and John, are at home after an automobile trip through the West. Mrs. C. F. Stone has returned from a trip to Hendersonville and Asheville, N. C. I Mrs. Julia !'. West has gone to Waynesville, N. C., where she will *j»end the next several months. Mis« Juanita Leaptrott. of Wad- ley. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roger Smith. Edwin Chapman is visiting friends in the city. Mis?, Lcni Moore spent last Thurs day and Fnday, visiting relatives in Atlanta. Mr.. Elizabeth Bivins Brown, of MiUedfr’Ville, announces the engage ment of her daughter. Anne Righton, to Mr. Walter Frederick Gordy of Atlanta, the marriage to be solem nized on August ‘20th. Interest centers in the above an nouncement by a host of friends throughout Georg .a. Mis* Brown, as one of Milledge- ville's most beautiful and charming young women, has a large cirri cordial friends throughout this and rther states. She is the only daugh- ter of Mr*. Elizabeth Bivins Brown, Mr. and Mr.. J. C. R„ M and »n.'ZZ St f , ’?\ cn ™! U *" Bru *"- of Birmingham, Ala., arv vi.-iting Dr. I ?" h " V* 1 *™' “ d ' ’ h ,' “ th,! m| - and Mr, N\ P. W.lkrr, i d ““ ltBt ' r \ hr l,t 'Z Z" Br0 »" , 0 m | and Mrs. Righton Miller Brown. On n u l * v? bt ‘r n’aternnl side she is n decendant Mrs. H. E. Bohm has gone to New . ...... , , . .. York, where .he will ,pend Z't who have a line time with relatives. ! " > '= ' ] "‘™'» l 'ed ancestor, and i. one , , 4 | of Baldwin county s oldest and most beloved families. Brown i« a graduate of th< My Favorite RECIPES Mrs. L. M. Harrison and children, of Byron, are visiting Mrs. Harrison’s 1 /- *’“T *' father, Capt. J. M. Bnrke. j Gr “T“ Z for Women . , . | and har. been identified in many brilliant social events during her col lege dr.ys. Mr. Gordy is a member of a prom inent Atlanta family. He graduat- Wash Messrs Albert and Herbert Burke fro ™ ^[cthorpe University and bunches of froh mint leave have returned to their home in At- *!°!?. C ** .*, n °.. ' ' over then 2 cups boiling w, Mrs. Albert Burke and children of Atlanta, are spending several dayi the home of Capt. J. M. Burke. MRS. J. C. INGRAM 1 c. butter 1 1-2 c. brown sugar 3 eggs beaten separately 3 c. flour 1 lb. dates (or raisins) 1 lb. chopped nuts (If desired.) 1-2 teaspoon cinnamon 1-2 teaspoon cloves 1-2 tcn«poor£gingcr 1-2 teaspoon soda dissolved in tea j spoo- warn, water Pinch of salt Chop dates and nuts. Dredge ' flour. Mix as for cake, adding soda and beaten whites last. Flavor with ; Vanilla. Drop and bnke in moderate oven, using buttered tins. The secret is a very stiff batter, if you would have crisp cookies. ughly bruise 2 : Pour11 \ Let Mrs. F. C. Pe visiting Mrs. F Thomps n, Ca. ti«i children i Mbs Cecil Humphrey i nrd University where she Degree. Mi-Nam and Mabel Allagood iave returned from an extended visit j for her Mat relatives and friends in Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. I,. H. Andrews and Mi . E. L. Coggins and children | cons, Louis and Edwin Andrews, and t> n Dublin with the former’s moth- I Mr*. John Conn and son, John, are . Mrs. Fountain, who is quite ill. spending this t Tybee. relation of the col* ,gc. Mr. Gordy stand a f ew minutes and then strain. ! is a member of the Pi Kitpp Phi fra-j Soak 2 taWlaspoonV gelatine in 1-21 ternity and i* prominently connected cup cold water and add to hot mint'I with the Atlanta Retail Credit Bu- water. Add juice of 0 lemons 2j rr3U * I oranges. 2 cups cold water and 21 The wedding will be n brilliant j cap* sugar. Color delicate green I event at high noon on the 20th. Miss with vegetable coloring. Freeze. Brown has chosen her brides maids, Delicious served with salad course or from her Milledgeville friends, but. large sp«w>nful in ictd tea. has not made them public. Mr. Elbert Bivins, of New Orleans, will Cheese and Nut Roll ' giv. the bride in marriage. 1 Jb. grated cheese The wedding will renter ranch! j cup black walnut meats interest | i small bottle stuffed olives (ehop- ;nste. Mix! Mr-. R. A. Ghi sling continues ill. for her a speedy Tu. Mr-. W. E. Newsome underwent operation at the city hospitul •nting. Lilia Bfraxlcy spent n Sparta, visiting Miss Lois Mi- Mildred Wynn will leave Mon day for a visit to her brother in De- Mr. and Mrs. Emmett L. Barnes, Jr < f Forsyth, visited friends here Sunday. MORGAN-ROWELL A marriage of cordial interest to board and knead. Add flour to bo large number of people here will.to prevent sticking, that of Mias Lucille Morgan, old-, Make into two long firm rolls, t daughter of Mr. and Mr.*. J. M wrap smoothly in damp cloth. Place .. . -Morgan, to Mr. S. S. Rowell of Ref- cn ft oor a r rof rim-rtf nr m-,.r nlcrh Mrs. Dos la Darnell and Mrs. J. , in T , k,L,, uoor . or reIri K irator over nigh lin, Alabama. The marriage will l»e.Slice and serve with fruit salud. the evening of July Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith nnd Miss Marteal Smith have returned from un automobile trip through the West. G. Holton anil children, of Orlando, , olem „ ilcd Fla., -are visiting the family of Mr. £0th. and Ills. L 1L Holton. j Mip , VorKan is .a youn K Indy of ' rare charm and beauty. She attend- " inbura Rojrers and Lawrence fd , ho Gcoreia staU , Colec for Wo . ttynn will leave in the next few days mea nnd ,, „ Kraduat0 cf th( . W o- for a Pulaski, Tenn., where they will Collcse nf A | al>ama . she hss spend the summer camplne. I tnu|;ht „ hoo , j„ Alahnnu for the past eral years. MRS. T. H. RENTZ ICi, Bos Cake 16 lady fingers 9 plain chocolate bars (Hershey’s five cent.) 3 eggs beaten separately 2 table spoons of sugar, beaten in- Mr. and Mr.-, J. J. Wootten have The wedding will He a quiet home J r «°thip^tln.'Tnl i M? 1 *' m '* returned from a visit to River June- offair onl mcmbcn , of th , immedi- F “' d " * dd tion. Fla. where t^ev visited rela- . , . . , . . 3-4 cup of nuts and pour 1-2 of mix- uon, ria.. wnere i .ey visiiea reia atc f om ,|j cs an{ j c | 0Be friends being 0 . ... .. . . . . tives of M.x Wootten. • ! turc ovcr 8 ,nd >’ fingers, which have . . . . , been crumbled in bottom of mold. Mi I.ouisc Ethridue left Sunday Mr. and Mr, Frances Burke were her-'seversTyeatTand ha-" l,°m |Add " nothl ' r of finpers, Atlanta, where she wiil « ea.ied here the past week on ad- ^„p^”^ fHend. i^ Mmed^ ^ ^ m ‘ X , iitives several days. count of the death of Mr. Burke's v :n . | * ure - Place in ice box until next • • • ' mother. Mrs. J. M. Burke. j ' j ^ Serve with whipped cream. Mr. \\ alter Thigpen, of Gibson, * * * LITTLE MADELYN JACKSON visiting his father, Mr. J. H. Thig- Mr. F. D. Adams, of Atlanta, CELEBRATES MRTHDAY I LANCASTER-RHODES ; snent Sunday here with Mrs. Adams, | j Richmond, Va., News-Leader Special Sale MASON FRUIT JARS 1 Do«, Quarts 1 Dm. Fiats gj c 4 Dos. Rubbers 25c. 12 Dos. Rubbers 'ZZZZjSc (We Haec A Large Lot aud Waot to SeS) SUMMER SPECIALTIES 3 Bottle Cliquot Ale u, 1 Fiat Bottle Oraoge Juice is. 1 Qt. Pure Sweet Cider i*, 1 Pint Peerless Crsoe Juice 25c FOR BREAKFAST Try A Jar of Pig Feet ‘Tid Bits" ^ Appetiiiug and Satisfying. Just Receded a (35c for Large Jar) BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 2S3—PHONES—493 The Frigidaire Contains No Lethal or Poisonous Gas The refrigerant used is sulpher dioxide which is non poisonous, non inflammable, non explosive— Users of FRIGIDAIRE need fear no such results as those recent ly in with another make of electric refrigerator—The New FRIGIDAIRE still leads with the— Mi) who han been ill at the home of her LitUe M ; n M a( ]e]yn Jackson enter- 1 A lovely wedding took place - Cora McCoy, of Trenton, N. parent*. Mr. nnd Mr*. F. S. Han- tained a number of her young friends' Monument Methodist church esy.ter- pent a few days of this week cock, for several weeks. nt tho j l0me n{ her 4 '--nts, Mr. and! dtt >' evening, (Saturday, June 29) • * * | Mrs. Ed Bcl»e Jsekson, at a delight- nt fi:30 °’ clock , when Miss Martha Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Gheesling f u ) birthday party. 1 0t,nnc e Rhodes, daughter of Mrs. ive returned home, after spending Many interest games were played ^ ew “ Rhodes, of this city, became few days with Miss Gheesling and by the little folks. A big Jack Hor- thc bride of Cecil Jackson Lancaster, Mrs. W. A. Shelnutt at White Plains,, nor pie was brought in and each thc 800 of Mr - ond Mrs. George W. Ga. J child “stuck in a thumb and pulled Lancaster, also of this city. • • • out a plumb” which was a big bal-' Palms, terns, cathedral osndles nnd Eugene ■% who is in thc United loon. When the big birthday cake ^Bies decorated thc church. Thc States Navy, and studying pharmacy was brought in the children were al- ceremony was performed by the Rev. in the training school at Paris I>- lowed to blow out the candles. ^ F , ° urn °y- assisted by the Rev. lend, is visiting his moiher. Mrs. C. Those invited were: Jean Rentz, E * L - Bam. The wedding music was L. Cox. Carlottc Conn, Carolyn Modeller. P ,a >’ pd on organ hy C. H. Ash- • • • Betty Lawrence, JuILi Scott. Violet burn ; before the ceremony W. Prof. Wayland Yarbrough, of Ss.ra- Jackson. Barrarah Jo Davis. Dorothy, L - Picrcc accompanied by Mrs. iota Fla. .ias returued 10 l.is home, Wood, Elizabeth Clark, Betty Cantcy after spending several days visiting Allen, Janio^ Frances Bivi «ith Mrs. Jerome Baby. Misses Jessie nnd Floride Allen have returned from Atlanta where • • nded the N. E. A. Mr. w. 1). Morrison has returned I r,, m St. Simons Island where family i* spending a month. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bivins i Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Banks spent s vral days of this week, at Tybee. I»r. and Mrs. W. A. Bostick an. l.ttl*- daughter have returned from i visit to relative* in South Georgia I,r - and Mrs. N. P. Walker and Mr. Herce Walker |>pvc returiied m week* vicit at SL Simons In land. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wasdcn and b ”Ie daughter have returned home after a visit to Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Farr. P' and Mrs. D. T. Rankin have re- ■- -ied from BLuckshear, where they v '> called on account of thc death l ,r . Rankin's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Holloway ' i little son have returned to their [ f e in Tampa, Fla., after a visit o and Mr*. John Holloway. Mr-. W. H. Baumgartel, Mrs. W. Humphrey, Misses Evelyn Hum- an d Mira Spivey and Lawton , ’ n ’ e ‘ motored to Atlanta and •Pent Sunday. M Virginia McCraw is spend- Mr - ^ V<-n *l Wce h» with her mother, ' M. A. McCraw, arriving last f rMt «y fro, J. P. Jones, Jr., on hte violin. The Bride entered with her broth- Dr Y.rbrouitk' Bell. Walton Carter, Caaon' Otwia BoUn, Wiodw. Jr., by whom i Rev J r \ —broueh i Black, Henry Wnrnock, Aubrey Tor- s ^ e wa * R* v en i n mirriatte. She wore ■ . ; ranee, John Mobley, III., Miller ” (town of ivory ,atin with lonjt Horne, Loui« Horne, Jr., Reynold* »>“»“. fit,td baw,ue wai.t and three Allen. Stephen. Bivin!, Frank Twilly, »«r veil of tulle fell Ed Athnn, ond Billy Hnnrrove. ! fr “" « flWMt ™P. »>ll' ] blo« som> and was caught up along •ho have been visiting Mr. ^ its length with orange blossoms. The S et this dial at the freezing speed you want Call and see this wonderful machine and see our list of satis fied users— R. W. Hatcher Hdw.Co. Wholesale and Retail bis i R#v J. r. > nrhrough. 1 Btack, Henry Mobley, .. , . - . . Horne, Louis Horne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Colemun and >tt , v daughters, Gladys, Catherine, Eliza beth and Alnva, from Bridgetown, N. J., Jlr tie r> »» r-L I„ Its length with orange blossc vi-i* 1 Mrs. \\. C. Moore of Charleston, , - . Vls,t . bride s txiunuet n 7 , r .’ M. Grotc, editor of the ^ bnlon - N. C., Record, U in the "Pending •evcral dayk. Hia 1 )’ nave been here several weeks S o' Grot.’, parent.. My. 1 ” .B. Eb.rh.tt and Mrs. Frank Coleman, will visit ^ rs *. ”.* u ‘ bride’s bouquet w.ss a shower of Gordon thi. week, and will Ro from «• C., i. viutlny her pnrenu, Mr. nod row , and |||iM ot thr valIa> . theic to Macon. j *"** eonar ^ , The maid of honor. Miss Virginia • * * * * Walton Jackson, wore a dress of or- Mi«ses Ina Rickctt:: and Eudelle Miss Mattie Moore has returned chjd crepe chiffoJl( whh side drapcr . Ham left Friday for a visit to Mr. f rom a 10 Mrft * T ‘ Catcr ,n ies and uneven hem line, with slip- and Mrs. E. L. Darling, Jr., in Black- Macon. . . , per * to ^a^h the costume, shear They will go with Mr. Mrs. * The bridesmaids were: Mrs. Henry Darling for a few days stay at Pablo Mrs. J. B. Hardee, of Madiron, Y. Ingram, ot Norfolk, and Miss Dor-1 Beach, Fla. Ebl ‘* ** visiting her sister, Mrs. H. D. othy Reams, of this city, wore cos-' • • • 1 Waroock. tumes of .app’e green chiffon, with Col. Marion Allen came home • • • shoulder capes, and slipp-n to match from Atlanta and spent Friday and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Arnold, and and carried bouquet* of suirmf gar- Saturday. He returned to Atlanta, ‘ son Mr. James Arnold, visited their den flowers. Little Miss Mary Lou was present when the Legisla- daughter and sister. Mrs. Alexander Massie, niece of the bride, was fl<nr-i reassembled Monday morning. J Britt, the past week. er girl, wearing a frock of orci id j He has introduced several bills. | • • • j,; nk crcpe ,j e chine, with ruffled! • • • ! Mrs. J. F. LIngould. who was in- skirt, and carrying a basket of flow-i Mr. H. G. Bone will entertain the jured in an automobile wreck, sev- er*. The ring bearer, little Mis." Board of Stewards of thc Methodist j oral weeks ago is slowly recovering Retta Spencer, also a nice of t’.< church, and a few special guests at from her injuries. • bride, wore a frock of flesh cobred ^Wash your face for Beauty with PALMOLIVE” say the world’s greatest beauty experts: Lina Cavalieri of Paris Mmt. Jacobson of London Elisa Bock of Berlin S. Pusl of Viemu Mmc. dc J^annllc of St. Mont* SPECIAL A Doze n Cake* for Chandler's Variety Store MARKET SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday * crepe de chine, with a ribbon showe r Mrs. J. F. Lingould. Mrs. W. M. from the shoulder, nnd carried the Watkins and Mi?* Agnes Scott, who ring in a lily. were injured in a recent automobile G. Graham Lancaster, brother nfj wreck, are steadily recovering from the groom, was best man. Thej the injuries they received. groomsmen were H. Y. Ingram, <-f i • • * j Norfolk; R. W. Jones J. Philip Jones,, Col. Jere M. Moore, of Montezu- Jr., and L. A. SaundeTs. ms, spent Monday and Tuesday in Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lancaster left the city, visiting relatives. He met shortly after wedding for a brief who* will "spend several” days with many of his old friends, who were trip, after which they wfl! make glad to see him. their home at 3427 Grove Avenue g „ barbecue at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Treanor, this (Thurs day) evening at 7 :J0 o clock. Mr and MrsAJohn Burke have re turned to their home in Tampa, Fla., after having been called here on ac count of the death of Mrs. J. M. Burke- They were accompanied back to Tampa by MLs Margaret Burke, DRESSED TROUT HEADS OFF . Zzsnt RED FIR.. CROAKERS 10c U. BANQUET SLICED BACON 33c a. SUGAR CURED LEGLESS PICNIC HAMS WHOLE 25c a. COUNTRY CURED HAMS, HALF OR WHOLE . 25c a SUGAR CURED STRIP BACON 27r a.