Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 15, 1929, Image 6

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEViLLE, GA-, AUGUST li*, IM» sSl» RECORDER Federal Union Eatabliskad 1829 Sotlhem Recordtr E«*b. 1819 R. R. MOORE—EDITOR JERE N. MOORE—Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES r Year $1.80 Month. .75 DIXIE SHOP MOVES TO NEW QUARTERS THIS WEEK Storo Forir >1 Dry Good. Building THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929 and "the mercha; Forced into largt-r quarters the ; Dixie Shop hug moved this week in- j to the Sanford Building, occupying the store formerly the Gheesling Dry Goods Company. Mr*. Jerome Babb, Manage*- of the' : tore, announced this week that th-* store which had been renovated in! the interior would be open Friday! for business and that a new and larg-j er stock would be placed and ready j for ifitpL’Ction. Many new fall goods have arrived and new improve, mints have been made. The Dixie Shop was opened about two years ago and was operated in the Olham Building next to Woot- t:n*r Book Store. The change in lo cation was made after a re-organizn. lion of the business. Society Mr. Fra.ik R. Malpass is in New Mi sea Mary and Katie Cline risking relatives in Savannah. Miss Hennie Lou Hughes,, of Dan ville, is the guest of Miss Floridd Smith. Miss Emily Ellison of St. Peters burg. Fla., is visiting Mrs. W. Mrs. Geo. S. Roach and children ire spending this week at Indian springs. LITTLE BILL DAVIS CONDITION CONTINUES CRITICAL Hope for the recovery of little BB! Davis, son of Mrs. Martha Echols Davis, war, slim Wednesday after- noon, the little fellow remaining in a coirn and his fight for life ebbing a-* the ravonges of the disca-e tore down his vitality. Little Billie’s condition has beer! serious several days and doctors and rum have kept a close vigile in an effort to bring him back to health.- — r ~ “ The nature of the disease is such i"t .» 'irj vigorous cam- t j, at restoration to health is improb- 1 *■»** m Ml "* d *' v :"e able, it learned. Hon. Marrion Allen has introdu- ed a bill increasing the term for which the Solicitor of Baldwin corn- ty court is appointed from two to four years. Th* reports are that the cotton crop of Baldwin county is deteriorat ing ■ . account of the excessive hot wcatini. unJ the destructive work « Mrs. S. D. Bristow r * visiting relative and Stacy Jr. Sullie Fay Reed has rcturn- n a vftit to his home ut Louis- Miss Annie Treano vbiting her sister, of Savannah, Mr. Louise Horne has accepted position with Georgia Power C«*. ae has accepted aj Mrs. L H. Hall and . ons, are visit-j Miss Elizabeth Fraley has r • local office of the 1 ing Mrs. Hall’s mother in Americus. ed from a stay in Mountain City Mrs. A. K. P^-chal has returned j home after a visit to Atlanta and; Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Puscha!, of Au- j gu-ta. spent last week-end with their j mother, Mrs. A. H. ‘Paschal. Mr*. Martha Sibley is at home spending her vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sibley. She will teach the approaching school year at Long Island, N. Y. Mr. Chas N. Chandler, Proprietor of Chandler's Variety Store, left Sunday for the Northern and East ern markets, to purchase his fall and winter stock. Mrs. J. R. Curl of Swainsboro, who has been the guest for the past week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Spivey, returned to her Sun day. She was accompanied by Mr. Curl who was a visitor here Satur day and Sunday. ■ gre node to see that stngnat ’ r.-t allowed. Destroying it keeps down malaria. School trustee- in five districts will be elected at the polls next Wed* nesday at the regular voting places in the precincts. Board members at Union Point, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Butts. Jr., ■ have returned to Madison, after, rifle, Ga. spending some time here. -Mr. Bulls oach at the A. & M. College loent-j at Madison, and is proving cap-, Gertrude| able anti efficient in the position. He! •canor. "'ill bring his football team here in I • • • the early fall to play G. M .C. Mis- Kathryn Moran is spending • * • Augusta, visiting lor sis* ■ Mr. George Layton r.nd his sister Mis Thelma Layton of Detroit, arc j visiting Mr. I. p. Stanley and fam-j and son Joseph,' ily. Mr. Layton and his sister left, returned from a visit to Tooms- here about five years ago and hnv ■ boro nnd Dublin. bee n connected with the Hudrnn- j Company since that time. They pend several days here. GET RID OF UNSIGHTLY WEEDS WITH A Joy Weed Cutter It is a.real pleasure to cul weeds with a Joy Cutter Let send up one for you to try out. We stock grass Hooks. Lawn Hakes. Scythes, Lawn Mowers Caiden Hose. Sprinklers and all accessories for yard and garden —Phone us your order. R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co, Wholesale aad Retail Sale of Florshiem Mrs. Hammond Carmichael. Miss Minnie Grant, who has been kiting Atlanta and LaGrange, will eturn home this week. of the ANOTHER YEAR PASSES Again we conie to another mile Midway, Coopervillc, Br< ton, n ar record of continuous and M rriwethor must be named the or- Th,. rp:, d ervicc. With this i*. uu calling the election outlined. W. | regret Recorder the 110th . C.i . Union Point; D. C. Leap- at his year comes to a close. trott, Midway; A. B. Echols, Coop- T- • a record of which we are orvillc; M. E. Webb, Browns; P. N. proud and rightly to. To have the Lawrence, Merriwether, are the pres- knowledge that for more than 100 e tit incumbents nnd will be re-elect- 1 a '° r ° m have kept the public confi- V.‘o the posts without opposition it SL S * m0n 8 nn J »t • . pledge of s understood. friends of Mr. to learn that he home by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fowler and stay at • and lived up to i fills our hearts with grati- &nd pride, swelling within us a -* 'ration and a rededication to j Miss Thelma Tingle has returned i to her home in Monticello, after a visit to Mrs. R. E. Long. BACK FRO* EUROPE Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Fowler ler :hat sort of service that when Miss Louise Fowler reached home another century has gone it cam be Monday evening, after a tour of Mr. J. C. Grant spent several days looked hack to with equal pride and Europe. They visited the most im- of the past week visiting his daugh- gratitade. portant countries and cities of the ter, Mrs. Mark Few, in Athens. Today the Union Recorder greets old world, and saw many interesting mm* its friends with gratitude and feliei- and historic sites. They brought Miss Della Ellison has returned to tatmns We are grateful because back with them valuable and hand- Washington, D. C., after a visit to this paper is now enjoying succcs . pome souvenirs. The trip was a most her mother, Mrs. A. L. Ellison. From a standpoint of subscriptions, delightful one, and will be one of the • * - it has list of 1700. staunch and memories of an epoch in their lives. I Mr. H. B. Eberhnrt left Wednes- loyul friends, who have confidence ( 1 day for Augusta where he has ac- in the honesty uf purpose of its pub- Thp , t eady income that is being 1 cepted a position with the Georgia ushers to give them a pnpir worthy br0UK ht j n to Baldwin county by the Railroad, to their support. From a standpoint of aour croam> is pr0 ving help-! in solving the financial problem After attending Summer School number of farmers of Baldwin in Asheville, N. C., nnd visiting relr ity. ( J tives in Augusta, Miss Ava Pa.-chal h For One Week, Aug. 16 to 24 For $0.85 BIRTHDAY PARTY Jarell Thigpen* gave* a birthday party last Friday afternoon, in tun er of her ixih birthday. Games were played, cream and cake were served. Those present were: James Crooms, Frances Crooms, Jane Biv ins, Bebe Shouse, Andrew Harrison, Madge* Hutchens, Dannie Hutchens, Helen Hall, Dc-lmu Hall, Frank Twil- ey. Evelyn Osborn, Sloan Thigpen. FOR SALE—Ford Sedan, 2-Door, latest Model, absolutely new. Apply to L. C. Hell. WE HAVE PLENTY OF THESE IN BLACK AND TANS. ALL OXFORD—COME IN TODAY AND GET YOURS John Holloway THE MAN’S STORE of advertising we with sufficient volume to make it possible to publish a paper which will compare favorably with any in Geor gia. « l home with her mother. We felicitate the great number of true ard tried friend* of the Union Recorder. It is these friend* that h; ve made possible our record. We pledge to them our continued effort to make the paper worthy of their friendship and n pride to their city and county. The policies of other years are those of today. We have in the past and it is our purpose to continue to | advocate Rood government, high! Mr- Aubrey V. D'Alton of Peters- ideal,, diver ified farming, good 1 burg, Virgin*, was a recent visitor in road.*, better education, alwaya with]*' 10 a steadfast regard for the truth. | It has never been our purpose policy to editorialize stories. It is our endeavi ihc aC'.. ."airly anu impartially with out expressing editorial opinion. Our NOTICE | Only those who are invited by JIr - * nd Mr ’- A - ? olor - someon. connected with the institu- <,<1 to Fon, ! rth Sunday and spent — tion will 1m? expected to attend the dance.- at Allen’s Sanitarium. Dances| ^ arae *’ ^ r * are not open to the general publi. DR. H. D. ALLEN eral hours with Mr. and Mrs. E. use or I 5nd news ~'’ n R °y* rre „ I Savannah. Misses Frances and Elizabeth Yarbrough and John Yarbrough have returned from an extended visit to relatives in Lincoln county. editorial policies are outlined page where they belong. There may be t.iose who differ in these opinions but whether opponent or proponent w. promise to them fair and impar- , , ...... ...... „„ tial dealing by this pnper. We keep miehae! of Augusta, spent last week- formerly Miss C. B. Kate Bank-, of c. ...i... r- _i: i end with the latter s mother, Mrs. I . C. L. Moran. and Mr:* J. Hammond Car-] Mrs. W. S. Brooks hns returned from a visit to Thomasville and Jack sonville. Her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Johnron is visiting her. Mbs Clara Gardner of Macon, is the gue«t of Miss Frances Darrow. The friends of Mr. J. R. Normcnt regret his continued illness. Mrs. Delia Carroll and grind- daughter, Mii. Janet Thompson have returned to Atlanta, after a visit to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Massey. Mt. '•'id Mrs. Frank Herring and Miss Cladys Blunt of New York, have returned to Milledgeville after an automoliile trip through the mountains of North Carolina. Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Herndon of San Antonio, Texas, are visiting rcla- herc. Mrs. Herndon -.elves free of clique or personal »■*—.r r. so that we may never get o close to a man that we cannot ’ c e their faults. The newspaper : hould be the defender and champion of the people, their servant. The Union Recorder completes this 110 yei with id record of devotion to public w*» inter into this new year we do .o with gratitude to those who •" Iped make the Union Record er. It is in a spirit of devotion that v.e begin another year, devotion to the interest of others, to help make m l not break our town. To keep high th record of truth, honor and integrity :hut has made pobsible this long record. We again extend felicitations to our friends and invite their co-opera- ♦ if n ind support in uur effort to give Baldwin county a newspaper that • be a credit to every citizen, and WANTED—Two ! a our effort to build a greater, milk. O. L. Ti town and county. Ga. [ this city, and Dr. Herndon is a broth. r of Mr. H. H. Herndon, j Mrs. C. J. Conn and children have Mr. M. Roberts, who hns been! returned from a visit of several assisting Mr. F. M. Finney, Manager, weeks to Mrs. Conn’s parents, in of the local Rogers Store, has gone! Covington. Mr. Conn went to Cov- to Dublin, where he will he Manageri ington Sunday and accomapr.ied them of the Roger Store. He has been ] home. succeeded here by Mr. A. B. Rhodes, Mes rs. Allen Moore, Doc Veal. W. who < from Dublin. The MiV.?dge*4Ule and Baldwin county friends of Mrs. I. L. Barnes will be interested to learn that she has accepted a position in the Ladies- Ready-to-Wear Department of the J. P. Allen store in Macon, nnd will ci mmence her duties there the 19th of August. The Allen store is fortun ate in securing Mrs. Barnes as n clerk, a: she wil be popular with their trade, and render efficient ser- H. Stembridgc, ,Jr., Kcnnan Ward, C. B. McCullar and Dozier Petti grew left Milledgeville Sunday for Fort Scriven, where they will spend two weeks at a Reserve Officers Training camp. The many friends of Mrs. R. W. Law.*on. who is an efficient member of the staff of nurses at the City Hospital, are glad to learn that she has resumed her duties at that place. About a month ago Mrs. Law- son was shocked by lightning in her home and for a while relatives and friends were very much concerned over her condition, but we are glad to know that she has fully recovered and able to be back on duty. We Are Now In^Our New Home THE DIXIE SHOP lonoi 10 lias moved into the Sanford Building in the store formerly occupied by Ghees ling. We invite our friends and customers to visit our new store. New Stock New Fixtures a larger more complete store exclusively for Ladies' Ready-toWear—piece goods, notions and novelties. We appreciate the patronage of the past year that has made possible our en largement to better serve our customers and will appreciate the continued good will and business of our friends with the assurance that they will always find quality, service and satisfaction at the Dixie Shop. Our new Fall stock is beginning to arrive and we invite your inspection. 0E30E^30E30H0E30E^=a0Ea0 THE DIXIE SHOP Mrs. Jerome Babb, Mgr.