Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 15, 1929, Image 7

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UNION RECORDER, M'.LLZZCZVIL.LZ. CA.. AUGUST Whose Earnest Ennis was city the past week. •sley Burnes, Jr., spent the past visiting J. W. Parker, Jr. . Will it . Dohyns has return. f) RECEPTION HONORS BRIDE AND 3RIDE-ELECT A brilliant event of last Friday "as the reception giver, in honor of Miss Uighto.i Brown, # bride-e’ect of, ■onth, and Mrs. Linwood Smith j marriage was a recent event.' Mrs. Cha*. L. Moore, Mrs. H. D. I Allen, Jr., Miss Floridc Allen, and! Miss Jessie Allen were joint hostess-1 es *»t the lovely affa’r which was given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen. Receiving the guests at the door; were Mrs. L. P. I.ongino and Miss' j Mary Simpson who directed them in- j Mr. C. E. Cullen, .pent I,., Men- th . C d, '“" in ‘ r IO ° m wht ' ri ' deUclo “»' visitor Miss Eloise Hutchinson of Atlanta, U the guest of Miss Regina Williams. Mr. Howard Hall of Devereux, visiting relatives here. My Favorite RECIPES day in the city. t to his mother, in Vir-iand Mattie Moore. punch wa* served. Presiding thi bowl from which was poured The,. Cater. Jr., of Maeon, ha, T!""* E1 ” b<l . th Bra "-.'der. been visiting his aunts, Misses Nettie 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 1 cup milk 1 tenspoonful vanilla 1-2 of a fresh lemon 3 cups flour 3 level teaspoonsful- baking pow- Atk and Ml,, Oteha Flemirter. j White, of 0 emt, well beaten. •Mr,. Martha Sibley and Mr, R. Crcam thc , lutu . r ulu] , lrat in a. I ... i«*.^ W int »h°wed the frue.ts into the , u g nr gradually. Sift together the * * * Mr. John Overstreet is back on room where tin' receiving line i )r ' K j np powder and fleer three times, ir. and Mr,. J. C. Cooper ipentjhi, job at the Culvcr-Kidd Drue Co.,i„, „ ‘ MlX Smith . and add to the butter and .URar rai days of tho past week in after u week - , vacation. | Br “' vn - Mrs. Lloyd Brown of alternately with thc milk nnd flavor- • • • Fort Levenworth, Kansas. Mrs. inE . Add the eye white, last. Bake * ’ * ! Mrs. W. S. Kinney has accepted a ! ?" A "? ° f Ncw Yorl: ‘ “ nd th ° in three layers, and use the follow- I>r. E. A. Tinner and Mrs. P. N. position with Mis, Leni Moore for ho ' tMISM of ^c “ccailon. in* icing: •rul days of the post'the fall and winter months. | . n *‘ en ’ Mrg - Mattie , 3 cups s:ranu i a t e( i &U g ar » » » | Bivins and Mrs. L. D. Smith greeted j cup boliin , water • • • ! Mr,. A. I. Butt, and little d.u*h-l!*° *”* U “ thcl ir '"' r, ' <i tt " ! din ' J. tv. Parker vi.-ited relatives in j ter, Mattie Bell, are visiting relative-; '"LTT . ....... oring the past week, before leav-jin Columbus. j • p,ltl *d at an appointed tab.c in ■ ' el.rnska. ! ... “« center of the dining room were • • ’ I Mr. Davi .Carr.of Oealia. Fla., i, Rich- home on a visit with parent, and £ k ", A '°"” par- i relatives 1 ! served ice cream. Thc , , , j table was beautifully with a cover real loci 1 and a handsome silver •••: c filled with demitas, corul vine and roses forming the center piece. [ Showered from the chanda! white ribbons with tiny rt I j RFUNION OF THE BANKS FAM- j !LY SUNDAY. | A gathering of the family of Mrs | O. O. Banks, and other relatives was I held Sunday at the spring on the | 1’untan Dairy of Mr. H. G. Banks. The reunion brought together a num- ! ber, and the day was pleasantly | spent Tho e prem nt were Mrs. O. O. I Banks, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Watkins, j Mr. and Mr*. H. G. Banks and lit- j tie daughter, Carolyn Banks, Misses Dorothy and Ruth Bnnks and •. E. Ireland, all of this city; Dr. I .nd Mrs. O. E. Herndon, of San | Antonio, Texas; Mr. nnd Mrs. O. H. j Banks, and children, Mr. W. L. ‘ Banks and Mra. O. 0. Bonks, all of Fhady Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Craw ford Burns of Macon. At two o’clock a bountiful and splendidly prepared dinner, consist ing of barbecue and the most tempt ing viands was served. Atlanta. V. S. Bowen ; visiting Mrs. Athens. Bowe Mrs. F. Ivey Birmingham. ■j Mr. George W. Layu*n •(.turned Saturday j Thelma, of Detroit, Mich., r son, Mr. F. M. 1 week-end with relatives. W. M. Godo Augusta after a short visit ;other, Mrs. F. B. Ivey here. E. McWho: | Milton Richurd: i- J. M. Richardson, o';pending some time i Mr. J. R. Norment. s re-' Mrs. It. L. Nelson, Mrs. L. L. Bass, tv.r- ■ •■! M-om a visit to her sister, Mrs. j Misses Evelyn Nelson, Lyndel Nelson William Furman of Easley, S. C. * and Carl Nel-on have returned from * * • a visit to Savannah. Mr-. H< race Hobbs, of Dublin, j • • • was the guest of her sister, Mrs. O.! Mr. C. G. Rogers and family of A. Taxton. several days of the past ; Baltimore, will spend the week-end week. I with Mr. Rogers’ brother, Mr. D. M. • • • I Rogers. .'•iiss Guttle Patterson, bookkeeper at the Culvcr-Kidd Drug Co., is off on her vacation, and is visiting friends and relative, in Atlanta. White: I S tenspeonful cream of tartar ! cup chopped nut meats 1-2 cup crystallized pineapple 1-2 cup crystallized cherries Stir tin* sugar and water till the ugar is dissolved, then let boil with out stirring until the syrup from i spoon will thread, pour upon the 'bites of eggs, beaten well, beating onstantly al ltlie time. Continue ' vere jthe beating untii the icing is cold; bnd " add tho fruit and spread upon tho t re rimers of toule extended to each j ca ke. ■orner of the table and were held j n place by bunches of clemita? andj As i-ting in serving in the dining! »om were Mrs. Richard Binion, Mrs. | j Hattie Garrard, Miss Mary Cline, ALL THAT YOU CAN GET IN A BEAUTY PARLOR IN ANY CITY CAN BE HAD AT The Maraline PERMANENT WAVING •nd Olive Soap 5c ba SPOT CASH STORE. *1-00 Silk Hose. at 69c pair. CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. ’ 1b *- Compound Lard $1.00, bring bucket. SPOT CASH STORE. M.-- Mary Bonner and Miss An Belie Pendleton are viMting rei tve- and friends at Macon a Dr. V. S. Bowen is spending two » ek« at Fort Scriven rear Savannah when he is with the reserve officers for training. Mrs. William Fumun and children of Easley, S. C., are the guests of Fate Cline, Miss Lucy Hntche Mirs Wethersby Hatcher, Mi heth Fr,*iley, Miss Alice McCVaw, Miss Virginia McCraw, Miss Dorothy Smith and Mrs. Royce Smith. Thn ughout the beautiful home v-es nf garden flower^ were nrtirti. cally arranged, adding to the loveli ness of the reception. About two hundred guests called during the afternoon. Mr. R. H. Norment has returned i McHENRY-SHINHOLSER . . , * t>* t. , . Mrs. John Grieve McHenry, his home in Richmond, Va., after a Xf . . * u .• , f , n >T I Madison, announces the engagement of her daughter, Zone Harrictto (Hallie) to John Winn ShinhoUcr, his brother, Mr. J. R. No The friends of Miss Leni Moore Furman's father, Capt. T. H. j arc glad to learn that she is convalec- ReSnussure. I ing, and regaining her health and • • • strength. Dr. E. A. Tigner and Mr. Joe • • • Andrews spent the past week-end at Dr. and Mrs. Powell Alien are Warm Springs visiting Mr. and Mr3. ( spending several days of this week Albert Tigner. i at St. Simons, visiting Mrs. Edwin • • • | Allen. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Hayes are the • • • parents of another baby girl. She Miss Alma Shepherd, of Tcnnille, of Macon and Milledgeville, the riage to take place the latter part of BROWN-GORDY WEDDING TO BE BRILLIANT EVENT OF NEXT WEEK. Of wide interest throughout Geor gia is the approaching wedding op Righton Brown to Mr. Walter Gordy, which will be solmnized next Tuesday at high noon at the First Tea Cake* 4 eggs 3 pints of flour 2 1-2 cups of £Ugar 1-2 cup sweet milk 1 cup butter 3 level tcaspoonsful of soda 6 level tcaspoonsful of cream of 1 tcaspoonful cinnamon Cream, butter and sugar together Add iggs, flour, milk and flavoring. Roll very thin and buke in mod- -HANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. HAIR CUTTING FINGER WAVING SCALP TREATMENTS Enjoy tho onvenience, of Millodgo- vilie’a only Beauty Parlor. The Maraline Beauty Shoppe PHONE 27 WEATHER’S HOT—APltTlTES ARE DULL TRY THESE PALATE TICKLERS! BY MRS. E. E. BELL Biv< Whites of three eggs beaten stiff, with three tablespoons of sugar— Have ready 1-2 pt. can of sliced pineapple. Drain off juice, into which dissolve three tublespoonafull of gelatine—heat this until gelatine dissolved. Let cool to tepid heat and add two eggs—cut up pineapple small bits and put in eggs. Whip * cup of creuni and add Inst. Serve h whipped cream. Rock Cream Dis'olve one half package of geln- nc into one qL sweet milk. Let thc ci( y •■“'Pita! SnLur- and Mi*, Susie Meeks, of Oconee,] B „ pti , t ‘ church! Rev. John F. Ynr-]ZftaMcreon™ day. Ausott 10th.^ . „re spendin K this week with Mr. end broukh of the First Methodist church L' f , uear _ pour h ot milk in this and lie. J. W. Parker left Sunday for ' ' ' • ""prior"^ the weddinu ceremony ,Mcke "’ “ f ... ! 1 u * t" 0 nenatnir ctrentonj , h ttiblcapoona of supor— Omaha, Nebraska, where he has ac- . | Mra. M. H. Bland nrffl render , ntusl-1 .. ., t0 eether and flavor. Pot in c **ptod a position with the Union Miss Jersie Allen left Monday for] ca | program. lust before the nup- ,, w u. n crcam Pacific R iilroad. Sf* York where she will spend set-. , ial m madt ,, Mrs. C„l«..nl n “ ,ld *’ ^ * * * * ! oral days. .She will join Miss An-jKimbro of Atlanta, and Mrs. L. P. Mr. and Mi . T. J. Cater and fam- thony in Atlanta and will accom-' j.ongino of this city will sing two *ly »f Ma.on, nnd Miss Mary Moore, p any her on the trip. ! songs. of Muntejruma. were visitors to thc ... j The bridesmaids will he Miss eity last Thursday. J Miss Mary Brooks underwent an Margaret Yarbrough, Emily Echols, iperation for appendicitis at the city and Alice McCraw. Miss Elizabeth to be brides maid of hon- vill be Mr. Lenni- Silver Nip Grapefruit Juice No. 2 25c Rubyettes, Ornettes, Emrelettes, 40c Clicquot Ale, ICE COLD, 3 bottles SO: Philadelphia Cream Cheese 15r Swiss Gruyerc 6 Portions 6flc Rodier French Sardines 35c Rodier Hors D'Oeuvre 50c Bonelesr Pickled Pig Feet Cutlets, 35c JUST RECEIVED FRESH SHIPMENT No. 1, Norway Mackerel, fat and fine. loc SPECIAL Good White Meat for Boiling 14c Fell’s Special Coffee 30c Excel Self-Ruing Flour, worth $1.35. $1.10 Quick Oven Standard S. R. 95c Patty S. R. Flour 80c Fancy Norway Kit Mackerel, per kit . . $1.50 BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 263—PHONES—4)8 MRS. JON. HUTCHINSON Mis* Evelyn Wilson is the guest hospital Sunday afternoon. She is, Fraley is to be bridi Mr-. C. B. Ivey at Elkton, Fla. uailnfr a i oni r well, and her recovery or. The ushers wil raking trips 1 e.*ting points , number of Fla. gelling is expected to be steady. Dr. Dr. and Mrs. Powell Allen und R. Youmans hus returned . . ... , . fen, „ cruia. of two week.. The Dr, Edwin Allen -pent teven.1 day. greater part of the time being spent °ff the crast of New England. Mrs. I. c. Babbett and Mrs. An- driw Hobbs, of Dublin, and Mr. and Mr-. Paul Jones, of Atlanta, spent k-t Thursday at the home of Prof. 8 ®d Mrs. O. A. Thaxton. of this week at 3t. Simons. Mrs. Ed win Allen and children and Mrs. J. B. Tait returned with them Thurs day after a month on thc island. Jackson of Stevens Pottery, Mr. Forsyth Gordy, Mr. Kenneth Camp- boll and Mr. Lloyd Soloman,' ol At- | lunta and Mr. James Brown, broth- r f the bride. Mr. W’illiam Gordy in to be the groom's best man. Miss Brown will be given in mar- r 5 age by her uncle, Mr. Elbert Bivins of New Orleans. Immediately after thc ceremony Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen will enter tain the bridal party at a breakfast Mr. und Mrs. E. F. Blood worth have returned from a visit to their dnuchter, Mn. Ben Iiarri,on, their i ome thU city. Greenville, S. C. Mn. Harmon came; M , ny bl Julifu , parli e ff Mr., C. T. Smith, of E.pnnol.,! h™ 0 " ith thl "" ”" d ° f "'U» Ml- Brown durin S thi, week.] • ■a . i. t i.iting her sun, Mr. T. 0, l day>- ... I M “" d ">- t ’"’ nin K " fter ,hc " hittnn She w„. ended tn ‘he citV' |,C,,r “> MS—* A1 ‘" “ nd Vnglili* Me- | “» ac-nunt of the Ulnct. of her ,i J Mr ■ C ' " Co ° P ‘ r- C “ w wil1 bc ‘° ““ brid ‘' S. c., IS visiting her parents, Mr. party und Mrs. J. I. Roberts, near this, city. She will be remembered ns M(SS N£LL S , MS HONORED Miss Ivylyn Roberts. j ^ unique social event of this sea-. Scald and peel 1 gallon real ripe tomatoes 3 or 4 onions slifed 3 or 4 sweet green peppers 1 1-2 pints vinegar 2 pods red pepper 4 tablespoons salt 2 table.-poons black pepper 3 table-;,oons ground mustard 1-2 tablespoons allspice Let stimmer 8 or 4 hours, strain throug'i a sieve, bottle and seal. Delicate Ham Take a thick slice of ham, blend a tablespoon sugar, a teaspoon dry mu«tard and a litlte black pepper, rub into the ham—cover with Cotton Picking Time SEE US FOR Cotton Sheets Picker Sacks Steelyards R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail ! of sweet milk and bake < moderate oyen. Cake Guy Torrance. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Britt iind two children Murgieruth and Josephine, spent thq weekvend in '•r-fin, with Mrs. Britt’* parents, •'4 - ‘ and Mrs. J. F. Arnold. ly hath shower given Miss Annie Lee Coxwell has re- by Mrg# w . L. Gholson, Mrs. Jno. j k'jrr.ed home from a recent visit with BaBI , Mr , j May, ’ und Mis-, m m r datives of Dublin, where she Susie Bass, for Miss Nell Sims who I t. n . . ,i fended the camp neeting at Boiling ig to be mar j rc d i n the early fall. j K C. Ponuel ami shc accom,v horn. The , howcr given at Cox’.j !f*" !I*!by her cousin Lois Coxwell, who will Pond> a p j ace of 8Ce nic beauty, that; spend a few days with her. j added rare charm to the occasion. j On entering thc gate each guest oroline and Lucretia 11 remaining days of August 'untains of North Georgia. They| ••mpanied by Mrs. PenucPsj -t., Mr. and Mn. W. S. Mobley I Mr. and Mr,. P. E. William, .pent rcgi.tercd leaving her gift with the • T iomninn Sunday in Marietta, where they went keeper. I 1 m m I to see Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bailey,. After much enjoyment of dancing jj .. ... ,t L.—It-l thorn ttiiffpr.l nm! —vtmminir. MisS LlliiaH Dollah* -Mrs. J. H. Schultze and daughter Chocolate Lay. Whites of G eggs 1-2 cup sweet milk 1 1-2 cups sugar 1-2 cup butter 2 1-2 cups flour 1 hi. aping teaspoon baking powder Flavoring Bake in 3 layers Chocolata Filling 1 1-2 pounds powdered sugar 4 tab’esprns HenddeyV Cocoa 4 tablespoons melted butter Flavoring, 3 or 4 tablespoons milk to make thc desired consistency to spread. BARBECU E Every Wednesday & Friday \ Pit Cooked—Georgia Style—by Ike Andrews, Who is Known Everywhere As An Expert PHONE YOUR ORDERS 65c. per pound Brunswick Stew 35c. a Qt. J. B. Lawrence PHONE 393 Mb. An wno is in the hospital there suffer-1 and swimming. Miss Lillian Dollah ing from injuries received from tho j gave as a reading, Riley Scott’s lov hands of a negro burglar who beat ' i Lane Schultze of Baltimore, ■ M ‘ 1 - "ire the guests of Mrs. L. H. Aiulrew-jk last Friday and Saturday. • X|r ’ - Schultz before her marriage t’?* MU " d * eviU ' “><* "“J* T “ T°7Mr^'wim.m.rU intprov- Mrs. W-th.r of ToLdio, m be red n M1m Dorothy Newell, cousin o dclldou, refrahmenU delightful eff.ir. da “shter of the Ute Cept Newell. Ir-B- them into insensibility. Mr. Bailey is t till unconscious, and his recovery doubtful Mrs. Bailey, who U - . . , _ • „i Special lot ekildna'i Dratiei, 6 to ly poem ‘My Little Ceorgia Hole. 12 >ur lit . SOc CHANDLER'S Mrs. Weathers of Toledo, Ohio. | yj^uiETY STORE. Later the Postal messenger an-j nounced—‘‘a package for the future; v- e rc *erved. “ * ** Ohio.” About thirty friends enjoyed this 1 By buying insurance direct, policyhold ers have possibly saved the amount of the agent's commission, but they have deprived themselves of his services. They can also save the cost of a physi cian by prescribing for themselves and buying their medicines direct from the druggist. It is said that a man who is hi* own doctor has a fool for a patient. This is as true of insurance as of medi- C. H. Andrews & Son