Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, September 05, 1929, Image 8

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA., SEPTEMBER S, IRXR THETOWNDOCTOR (THE DOCTOR OF TOWNS) Aatyking "Run Dowi" ia UaaHrac* tiv* You have often heard people speak of a community or section of the city a« being “run down.” If you atop and look at the mental picture that "run down” creates 6n your mind, you will have a vision of un- aempt. cluttered up streets, with tnus‘.v entry ways to store buildings and apartment hoi|ses, and yards littered with a little bit of every thing. Anything that is run down is un attractive—it repels rathtr than in vites. It n^akes you **y, “I wouldn’t have that, rather than, “I sure would like to have one of those.” In i.ic oase of a community, say. athei wouldn't live here on than t«« say “I like this part of town.” Anything done or allowed to be done that tends to clutter up a com-, niunity is bad for the community and anything bad for the community drive- business out and away from 1 the community, and when it is al lowed to go on continuously, there is on>y one thing that cun happen: th-jj out and business goes “flooey.” j Therefore, it is only good business! on the part of the people who make > up a community to see to it that any practice that tends to clutter up is eliminated. One practice common to communi-j ties., which is bad, is the distribu tion from door to door, from store] to store, from yard to yard, fron car to car, of all sorts und shapes and sizes of hand bills and dodgers George Thomas Stembridge, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Stem- bridge, has just been notified of his selection for membership in The Lea gue of Curtis Salesmen, an honor or ganization maintained by The Curtis Publishing Co., for boys who sell its publications. Admittance to this organization depends upon regular school attend ance and a record of efficient ser vice to customers. Through this training teachers very generally re port that boys gain a sense of re- spon-ibflity that tends to make school ing more real to them. As Thomas friends know, he is do-, veloping a sense of self-confidence J and nn ability* to make decisions quickly. That is one reason why he i- proud to show his badge of mem bership to his friends and is now looking forward to advancement to the next higher degree in the or ganization. Don't you want to dcable ycur uiineu with practically the aapic nvritment, if so buy this alightly srd panel body 1 1-2 ton Six Cyi. hevrolet Truck and put part of your lore on wheels, pay for the truck There is a "Death Chamber" in the FLY-TOX factory. Th J « chamber is about the room size. It is used to test the quality of FLY-TOX as a >pray to kill flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs. roaches, etc. During a test a large number of young, '.ealthy in sects are placed inside the cabinet. These insects are raised in incuba tors f«r testing purposes. While the insects are flying and crawling around in the “Chamber of Death,” | FLY-TOX is sprayed inside. Lessi than a teaspoonfrl is used. In-1 stantly there is a change. Within five minutes not a buzz is hoard. All insects are dead. To make sure they ere really dead, the insects are care fully removed from the "Chamber of Death” and placed in incubators in an effort to revive them. If a wing flutters, the FLY-TOX tested never leaves the fnctory. This te.-t i:: your guarantee of FLY-TOX quality. It docs what you want it. to do—kill insects in and about your home. Yet, FLY-TOX is positively harmless to people. FLY-TOX was developed at Mellon Institute of In- du-trial Research by Rex Research fellowship. It will not stain. Has a delightful perfume-like fragrance. There is only one FLY-TOX—insist upon the genuine in bottle with blue labels.—Adv. 19S9 CHEVROLET COACH FOR MR. LUMBER MAN READ THIS SALE 1 W. na •ll'ilm, m 1»» n diria- dr* Chevrolet Track that ka« beee eaed ealjr a littla at a big redaction off the list this aaa has beea through the shop a-d is O. K’d by Boll WeevU Ashfield, "Nff Sad” yoar move. Not assy of these os the market, ra jest kappoaod to got held ef this' checked by Boll Weevil, it is ready ead right, you bay the actaal ser vice aad the other fellow loose the 1 L. N. JORDAN g/?/* ODD CrM* Gri*., FV bmtM, L. N. JORDAN like nt. Thi opportunity. L. N. JORDAN FOR RENT—Up stairs « P ». my home. Mrs. Terry Trci 1927 DODGE SEDAN FOR SALE BRICK Thatclink Like Stoe j a™ R.k i>, ik. -McMillan- Pm_ BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. Wo Make Quick Shipments ia Aay Qeaatity. RICH GLO FACE BRICK—FIRE BRICK—COMMON BRICK Milledgeville Brick WorksCo MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. Established 1883 by J. W. McMillan. K. G. McMillan. President Bell' McMillan. Vica-President little fast f< luckie man? L. N. JORDAN ;n overhauled and te good hard ser-| tar say 1 do know j car, one of these j who will be th. Tin-: tie* the; any . will not allow ’•'i There may be un advertising value I in these dodgers for these who use 1 them, and certainly those who printi them make a profit; but it i.- bad for the community, and units the com munity is so fixed, financially, that 1 it can maintain paper picker.- andi street cleaners in sufficient number to clean up the mess they tr-lkc, it is poor business, und as fur ns ad vertising is concerned, the same money, spent in other channels will undoubtedly bring greater results. Copyright, 1920, A. D. Stone. Rc- produetion prohibited in whole or in ptri. This Town Do.-tor Article is pub lished by the Union Recorder in co operation with the Milledgeville Lions Club. CALL AGAIN Recorder Visitors in The Unb Office Last Week- Come to Pee Us Often Mr. Peyton Barnes, mute 1. came In and paid up his subscription, can’t be without my paper >.*»ys Mr. Barnes. I have been rending the Recorder ever since I learned how to read and I honestly believe I would be helpless without it. We nrn.-eriate Mr. Barnes kind words nnd hope he will come to see us again. B. Lit. e Layfield, who is nctiv mrouBd the state Sanitarium brought us n dollar and a half and told how mucu he liked the Union corder .and to keep it coming, like thv paper out here at the Sani tarium he said. Wa n Adrian Home ant over the c. • •me had run oi and needed *» bunch ggeSt day of the Fea-j wn to the office for t Floyd Hendrickson I • • us during the rn«t Ir. Hendrickson is Fair P.*cmium book- ■ ,1 at our office nnd that were print-d ut our ■ U us that the interest in the fair is growing am! the biggest fair yet held here la his prediction. Como up often Mr. Hendrickson. 1927 ESSEX COACH FOR SALE A good old car for what wc arc asking, it you don’t want to pay much and just looking for a msks shift, here is your chance. L. N. JORDAN A air ship in the heavens started to I fly The sun giggled and gigged way up in the sky. As one looked down on the green chocolate earth below. I framed an idiea I wanted you to know. That sailing sailing way up so high. That my paint shop paints the top of the sky. CHARLES GREER PAINT SHOP Milledgeville, Gs. When "The Memphis” Was Young Omega Flour was sold when “The Memphis”, Pioneer Mississippi Steamboat, was new — and the same quality that won Omega high favor with early settlers is con stantly winning new friends today. For Omega’s outstand ing quality has not changed in nearly one hundred years. Use Omega for golden lopped biscuit* as well a* the dainfi(Ml of pastries. Distributed by A.J. Carr Company Do You Need a Truck Body or Trailer ? I am now prepared to repair, rebuild or build New Truck Bodies —any kind and size to fit any chasis. Mr. Ed Barnes is now connected with us. You know him to be one o fthe best wood mechinics in this section, so he needs no introduction. GIVE US A TRIAL FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION E. D. Prosser Blacksmith & Repairing Constipation Troubled Alabama Lady Until Sbe Had Taken Black-Draught, Then Felt Fine. Florence. Ala.—“For two years, I suffered with pains in my back and heed.” writes Mrs. J. E. SIcan, 810 Park Street, this city. "I felt dull all the time, and was not able to do anything. *T was constipated most of the time My complexion was bad and I had no appetite. “An old lady advised my father to give me Black-Draught As quick as she told him. he got It for me. I took Black-Draught three times a day for tlirec weeks, and I began to feel like a different per son. I developed a good appetite; the poison left my system, and I lclt fine. “I thought my trouble came from constipation, and as soon as the cause was removed, I got all right “Since that time, I have tried to keep a box of Black-Draught in the house, as I find it corrects bilious ness and relieves sick headache. It Is our lamily medicine." Constipation dams up poisons in the bowels, causing their bed ef fects to bo felt in other parts of the body. At the first sign of constipation, take Thedford’s Black-Draught Costs only 1 cent a dose. SC-215 The Day Before Her Wedding VESTERDAY a debutante. Tomorrow a bride. But just for this happy hour a lovely child again—alone with her treasures of silver. Beau tiful candlesticks from Dolly, cheese dish from cousin Tom, enke basket and fruit bowl from brother Will—“dear old?Wii!.” Tomorrow her wedding day! A few weeTo honeymoon. Then- back to her new home and her silver—her very own silver—her enduring, lu<.rous, useful silver. Silver—an everlasting? t ken of the 1 vim* thoughts of those whose gift* will help to keep fresh in memory her “biggesr" d*f -through a*I :h<* years to come. WILLIAMS & RITCHIE " ■ IKJK This shows the Brick Rond Shock Eliminator, an exclu sive feature on all 1930 Bricks. clcEliminator cli wkNew Steering Gear O make Batch the easiest car in the world to drive! The road shock eliminator—built into the front of the frame on the steering gear side—absorbs every jolt and jar arising from road inequalities, and thus prevents their transmission to the steering wheel and the driver's hands. Imagine being able to travel the toughest road with your hands resting lightly on the wheel! Think of having an automobile which you can drive a.'l day at any speed without feeling a single road jolt trans mitted through tiie steering wheel! Such are the fine results of two matchless new quality features in the 1930 Buick— two features which add to this car’s appeal as the greatest dollar value of the day: a wonderful new frictionless steering gear, and the new Buick road shock eliminator! The new Buick steering gear, of the effec tive worm-and-roller type, moves with in comparable ease throughout its entire turn ing range, assuring instant, effortless response to the driver's every wish. Come drive this new Buick. Head for the road vou ordinarily avoid as too rough for comfortable travel. Test these twin features of comfort which make the new Buick the easiest steering car in its field! BUICK MOTOR qOMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN Carjilian Factories OMuon of GmrrmI Motors Bailder, of °*» McUushlia-E-ick. Csh;wa. Ont. Ctrfiorstim Buick and Msrqaene Motor Ctrl ■ PRICES 124' Wheelbase Models, #1465 to *1495 132 WhcelbtK Models, *1525 to *1995 ^ prie« iaciada tmlr raaoeabU ckarsra for ddivrrT omd <• Prrwrnt PUn. Conuicr lb* ddivotod pries m well «• «*»» Ralph Simmerson Milledgeville, Ga.