Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 10, 1929, Image 1

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- Vorl^nen Begin Task of Constructing Largest Dam in Georgia (OWDSPACK | Map Showing Power Dam and Massive Lake When Work is Completed i MASSIVE DAM AIR GROUNDS —- , WILL CREATE RRST TWO DAYS . S ^ INLAND SEA jin? Taking Place Today, Wednesday- Tuesday Sees Biggest Crowd of Week s C. W GIRLS THURSDAY jjv r, corgi? Fair was , Wednesday as-judg- • was taking the interest who have packed the ur>n-- the first two days Georgia agriculture, stock exhibition. -low in opening, the . who furnished the riuht and the fun fea- • t.-ady when the fair • declared open. >'-hool day, found • ttd with the boys and be county. Rides !'? busy throughout the th- exhibition building? j irh '-'.crest, an! visitor* day were • i for Wednesday. All , \‘iibit- was takirg plar« ty exhibits attra*.ed n. The Black Springs pied the first bootji re. Mrs. J. H. Under- arher of the school had • \hibit. In the center • f the county showing railroads and water nnt< is most attractive. :: n ! the map are the in the countv. •ortkaiu Raaortlar " ltlf rwlaral Union latabHahad fai ISM Miliedgeville, Ga., October 10, 1929 of the -‘•■wing all sorts of pi we and home made rhe . \hibit was prepare*! p-il and teacher- of the • <hooL GEOQGIA POWEQ COMPANY FUDMAN SNOALS DEVELOPMENT Scale Miles You will note that the dam. power house and the greater portion ol the Lake will Le in Baldwin county, a few miles from 'in ville. The greater portion of the dam will be concrete with earth abutments. The Lake will have a storage capacity of seven billion cubic feet of water, two billion mote cubic feet than is contained in the la gest lake in Georgia. Dixie Construction Company Be gins Work Facing Task of Com pleting by 1931 LAKE COVERS 12,000 ACRES d with the task of completing spring of 19.11 the b nge t gest d- .i in Georgia, the Dixie uction Company. subsidiary Alabama Power Company, gun construction work on the 1.000 her-* power hydro-elec- I trie development of the Georgia Pow er Company on the Oconee river at Furman Sho.tL*. five miles p. *:h of | Miliedgeville. Behind the massive dam a veritab • inland *-a will be created, extending for miles hack along the course of the Oconee and its tributaries. The Lake which this dam will form will be the largc-t of its kind in Georgia. , The impounded water* will cover an • area of UUHW acres, marly five a the area of the vast reservoir led bv Burton dam in the moun- j fains of North Georgia. This huge j lake will Kim- an average depth of 18.5 feet and j»n average width of 1,500 feet. It will extend f"r 24 miles in length, but to go around its j • - -rre Hire one would have to walk | or p. ddle 225 miles, j Imprtxnoed in this lake will be thousands upo nthou ands of poten- *1 kil the foi D. A. R. BOARD IN | Unveiling of Boulder to Be SESSION TODAY Impressive, Plans Show First Session of D.y. Mcetin- Held M ' e,in 5 #f D *“* h: ' rl1 ° f C “" fe<1 "* 0 cy , Add P ! ni,hln * Drtlil ‘ ,0 in Old Capitol Building. This Pr0 * r “ *° Unv " 1 Boulder M.rkmg Sste (Wednesday) Morning of Milledgeville’s First Church ro school was the only ty exhibit I : y. - feature of the State jtrv; pty-fi"e promine as the d : splay of the women, members of the tags made at the 0 f the Daughter* of th. ■Meville community of R. v,.luti«ui. arc in arssioi today only Wednesday, as th< guest- of the local exhibit on display Xanry Hart Chapter. Mrs. Y. H. * from any of the Yarbrough, President, participating in the Th,. days meeting opened this | morning at 10:10 in the chapel of department occupied Georgia's Old ’apitol building, now • If Handwork, cakes. 1 t he academic * wilding of th. Georgia -ort* «.f various art j Military Ci egc. This meeting is the edit of the • f displays, si The exhibits i creditable to t d entirely to the buaine-s of the sesion. At n«on the visitors will be the gue.-ta of the chapter at n luncht-n in the Old Governors Mansion, the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Bee-on. Attractive place cards bearing the picture- of Nincy Hart will mark th*. pl*c !- where th* sts will be •«*«*- d. Many toast« wi.l be given durin- the luncheon. An automobile ride will take the vi. tors tb-ongh the city to the :i.ter. The boulder which is to mark the made •eady. Committees have been UUcdge- appointed and the full program will pressive | be announced in the Union Recorder on, Oct. next week. the pro- J Invitations h'*ve been sent U» all meeting | former pastors who have served he Con- c hurches here. The no v ting Tuesday wi- held at I'shop Warren A. Candler will the home of Mrs. G. A. Lantort and the central figure at the unveil- a large number of the member, were exercises, having accepted an in- present. Miss Jurt# Ingram with a ition to be presv.it and deliver | recitation; M s. Edgar Long with address. i song, and Mrs. M. H. Bland with a Irs. David Fe*-gu*on. chairman of ! reading, contributed to the program unveiling, stated hat the b«uld- of the afternoon. Delicious refre. fa wns being placed and all details • ments were sreved. ville will be unveiled wit. exercises on Sunday aft< 2oth. The complete detail i gram w ere passed upon i I the United Daughters federacy Tuesday aftem A MASS MEEIING MONDAY NIGHT AT CITY HALL % mass meeting next Monday at the City Hall 8 o'clock i* call ed for the purpose of perfecting th*' organization of the Chamber of commerce. Every man in town is urged to be pres* nt to give the C M f A. good -cr l off. It I- the encouragemtnt of every citi- R. H. WOOTTKN, Chairman ARMISTICE DAY REV. ROBERTS PLANS COMPLETE ACCEPTS CAU Rev. A. G. Harris to Deliver Me- New Baotist Pastor Here Sunda> AN OLD VETERAN GOES TO REWARD Mr G. D. Myrick Confederate teran and Commander of Camp Geo. Doles FUNERAL SUNDAY AFTERNOON SEVEN BILI ION cubic feet of wa ter. twit billion more cubic feet thnn are contained in the big intermoun tain basin of Lake Burton. In ad- rf : tion to fumbhing this gre-.t rt«»r- air .opacity in the lake wbi*> r an- pounds, the dam at Furman Shoal* will have an imjiortant part to play in lessening the danger of fl«»od« along the cour-e of the Oconee. Of the gravity section type, the dam i*seK will be the longest by far on the < impany's system. It will extend 2,t*«.’0 feet arro*a the valley of the IK-*.nee river and will furn ish water to the turbines from a head • ■f 91 feet. dvm will vary irom a h «Tht - f 91 teet from river- K*-d »o t p of deck t. «2 feat fr*. bnd ... t Diff« I •ill way. ii th»- North Th ill be . r arth, based »n a - core wall. Arc - th. niil- |fl ha plan d 24 gate* of flat steel, 18 feet The nil • i for th- fill*. mortal Eulogy. Parade to Proceed Ceremonies TV of Mr . David V. rgu-« erty Th ’ •the da ! th • Am I. br «ry. the Murri Th.- U and Accepts Call to Chnrch. Take Over Duties Nov 1st l. v. L E. Ridierta, f«r tw. r- pa*to.- *»f the Bapti-t chu C-Oeg Park, accepted the call Viral B : t church of Milled i The cwmt»b ted da 1 hi- fatal illnew a-ill be i M. C. Cadet fill tak - part. day by T u c hoard meml»em «re * * Bl-ANKS DIES j entertained in the homes of the . r>r>ENLY LATE TODAY j |, erK of ,he Nancy Hart Ch-.pt. ' ^ H larks. • .f the vote declared ii ollege park Miniat. He f'd pea fally ietly, th«* bu«i well known uddenljr at his home afternoon. He was *'*11h, with the excep- and death came to ‘•'.v, while he was sit- u about seventy-five I had been a citizen ‘ 1 v twenty or twenty- • rrangement* have . one of Mil ledge- 'rted citixens, ha? hi* home by ill- will deliver the ONLY NINE SURVIVORS OF addre * of eulogy to tho*e m. n who CAMP GEO DOLES. U. C. V. paid the supreme price and to -Abo**- memory the memorial was erected ic surviving ,n< * dedicated. Taps and the three Doles. No. dleys of re-pert to the departed H C Ward, souls will comlude the exerciaea. A football game wil be another feature of the holiday, G M C. playing lorial field. ill oa*« through -r)< j m i"-a> •• advised h' «nd end *t*the , if th4 , ( . hliri . h - R ar ,i„ n Mr Robert fame here in August and preached hadow as he p-'-sed liiiugh the [ f ,. rT . Fu Th.* '.art- io by the i-hri.*tian faith, and I M m j j., j ^ seval iti •"» a th- know edge of « life well .pent j ni>lu , r >fvi mi|1 r t . . , Th. funeral crvi.cs w-re held at with shaft* to two 25.out* kumoi* the Milledgevil! Methodist clpm-h ampere generators which will pro- Su-day afternoon it two o’clock ir , rfuc, power at a pressure of «.9©« a large number of v .j t - Th,- power will aterp i «■» -pie of Baldwin county, ur ngj by tran-f. rmer* at the plant U. 118,- he had spent h * long life. R* v j i<oij voli« f> - feeding directly into Yarbrough, iwstor of the Mil ! the v. -t.m and will be *iepp*<! down . Igcdle Metbodiat church, read the agai* t.. 44,0<Hi volts for service to lemon, ami offered prayer. Milledgevtlia and nonrby towns. To and Rev i. A. Vmrr. pa-tor of tto- «,< . t in carrying this b ad. it ta 'to Milled*,-vine highly recommend Fbthd chun-h, of which Mr MyrUk! probable that the present acr. penj nnsmim » !’~ n n ' J n the evening the Legionaires will *«*. Ha has bes-n one of th.- m »-t ,, a merntwr, pad tribute t« his 1 v . !• line will be rebuilt to carry J.C. Hawkins. Three of Utotod. . imnq9$t popular men to ever serve the At ,.„d chapter. He nfenwd to; 1.u,hh* .,dt*. November 11th, ha* been declared l*nta *ubu-h, and la knows thr.>ugh tie of friendship that had existed Speed *f ceastnh t . n will he aid- , holiday and all hu*inc«s will be *-ut the state for hi- ( hristian chars.- b.-wen them during th«- six years in that th. -ite i- ea-dy . •. *ible u*p. tided. ' t<>r “ nd service. i h< had »vcn his pa-tor Hr had a)- ( for shipping material t > the work There are now only members of Camp Ge« 730 IT. C. V. They an T. 1. How«rd. W. K K.ndrirk. . S T.nnill,. Wil»r Vinson. J. A. Pr- . Beni Brookin,. L. C. W» *" d ", At the Sunday morning saevhn l».t Sun*,.. Mr. K..t.rrU <ln.-l.md hn would acr pt the call and *hat he and hia family would move to Mil - ledgvvill* November 1st to take over hia pastorate. The new Baptist preacher com .... ... Baldwin county- J. Howard live* m Jone* county; L. G. Franks Washington county, and .1 c\ Hawkin’? in Camak. Mr. W. A Buns a vet. ran. recently came to Mil- I dgeviUe to make his home with hi* daughter. Mrs. E E- B«' with the Han-'invited Dr. E. A. Tigm The church ha* been without and Fob Joseph | p **tor several week-. Rei bip reman unty camp. but hi. IE. Puttie will bn MB'rtH '!>" «**•» Macon to hear Governor the summer acd accept* .1 a rail Franklin D. Rouaevclt Forsyth, Georgia* ay« found h>m s “Christian gentle :*s.’’ and he was all that statement ■ <1. H then paid tribute to the .fnesa of M; Myrick ta hi* (Cootiaoed Editorial page) is being I ■ad fm I t» f