Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 17, 1929, Image 10

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wnw«pvm. <u- «ciwa ». p> ■IUWEV1UX MfTBT < D tnSS” TO HAVE OtiHAKS DA¥ Whereas God has seen fit to call T. - , . , . home Mr. G. D. Myrick, m faithful Car af F<~4 Staff, ta l^ad«l •»* Movtli member of the board of s..« to Orpbaaac*. D. M- R<«m. St€W3rds of the Bethel Methodist J ~ M ~~ “ d M A - J - C * rr 'church and °™"* ** Whereas the passing of this good " . # . and noble man has cast a shadow of The Executive Committee of the , n(| Mdnesa over ^ entire Washington Baptist Association met church >nd comnulnily at Sparta lart Thursday. The x(u . r( .(„ rt . be it revived, first- meeting was well “tended. Dr. a. y hat w |,|j e W€ deepiy regret giving J. Fcrrestrr was elected .rhairman him up We R j ve thanks to our hea.en- and Rev. R. D. Hodges of Tenni e ^ jr.^hdr for his unselfish spirit and was elected ‘ceretary. Annl.rations jj. g kindness a jj that needed help, of Rev. B. B. Sergeant and R« v Second; That the board of Stewards Robert H. Dudley for ministerial aid wj|dl ^ record that We w j|i m i„ him we re approved. Rev. R. B. ^- Brri “° n ‘ an d wish to record their appreciation ard Rev. J. Calvin Smith were roco- ^ good Christian life, his faith gnired a* ministerial student* at in ( ; odf his | oyalty to W , c hurch and his deep interest in Its work. Third—That we extend our deep- DEATH OF MIL J. D. JACKKMI student? University for this year, i decided to load two car groceries produce and feedstuff for egt and tenderest sympathy to the the Orphan’® Home on Tuesday Nov. bereavtd f am ji y> 26th. Th« churches nastored by Rev. Fourth —That a copy of there reso- R. B. Harrison Kis planned to l"od j ul j on9 b(B recorded in our minutes a car. The other churches are asked and otber CO pie.s be made for publi- to co-operate and celebrate Orphan ■. cat joii and a copy be sent to the Home Day on Sunday Nov. 24th. and then load the cars on the 20th., H HARPER Special committee? were appointed to j E kTIT.FS arrange detail?:— Devcreaux—G. B. ‘ MRS. J. B. STILES Wood; Mayfield—C. F. Reynolds; .Mill: dgeville—P. M. Roger?. Joe A. TRIBUTE WILL BE PAID M ore. A. J. Carr: Warthen—T. R. president WOODROW WILSON Duggan; Sandorsvillc—T. I. Hnrri- son. George W. Gilmore; Tennllle— T he National Woodrow Wilson C. L. Little and M. C. Little. The Commoratifere Committee is plaun- m« mber of the Executive Committee j n g to pay tribute to the memory of in i ach church is asked to see th.it tbat pr ca t President and Statesman, a committee U appointed to GO GET on Armistice Day. November 11th. THE GROCERIES and see that they Milledgeville will join in this tribute are loaded at the proper time. If the and in t he cven ing of the 11th, a committee finds it cheaper and more number of our citizens will meet and convenient the groceries will be a eulogy a nd respect will be paid his carried in truck?. memory. A full program will be an- Each district or central location is m , unccd ne xt week. invited by the Home to bring three or four /»utos of visitors to view the wonderful plant at Hapeville. Notify Manager W. P. Anderson when you will A CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sppreria- Iiiii and thanks to the friends in Mu on and Milftdgeville, for the kind- t’fy show Each church President C. C. Davison, of thr Sun- ot th ' dl,,lh l,f "“ r loved om '’ day School Convention, if it i, do- Cr " l 'S' T ” tk< ' r - * nd ,or the sinrd to arrange a Sunday School 1 f |,,rld offering sonu Revival or Enl.nton.ont Cntopaign. K'ROLEY TUCKER. MR. AND MRS. The Mount Vernon A«ocUtio„ I. .r-' » ARPK R TUCKER AND FAMILY ranging her secoi.J campaign. Many others are finding them very helpful. The Sunday School Board will fum- . worker to direct the campaign Powell, president of the Chicago nad Eastern Illinois Railway, is one of those who sees renewed life and energy and vigor for the town of a HAPPY SMALL TOWN LIFE (Savannah Press) Let the small town take heart. Ex- if the A-sociation will pzy tlOoToO. [ PC*? •* 7* « # b “ k ; ™°™ 8 half his salary. A teacher can be en listed for each church locally or other® may he secured from a dis tance and we pay tie average ex- pens. of *7.60 for »,rh. There will j tl » thousand people be some cost for advertising and j ’ 1 *he small town, he finds, not only supplies hut the cost to each church 1 has advantage, over the large city as will not he large. One member of a place to live in but industry is be- the committee offerred to guarantee ‘ ginning to discover that the small the whole amount as he was so sure j plant located in the moderate sized the churches would reap such benefit: community, measured by the new that the offerings for the expense I yardstick, Kilo-Man-Hours, frequent- would come easily. The next meet- l.v shows a higher rate of production ing will be in Milledgeville Tuesday. I than the huge plant in the crowded January 14th. j Industrial city. Mr. Powell i- quoted as saying. “The smaller cities are not only MEETING OF Y. W. A. favorable to industry but are not compelled t*' resort to artificial sun light; to ultra-violet ray transmitting The Young Women’. Aomruition [ K»*. ”« to ertablish hospitals for of the Milledgeville Rapti.l church the cure of dim-.-e re.ultinjr from met l.M Thurvlay eveninir. October <hr lark of freah Srd, in the Men’s Bible classroom. About fifteen former members an< five visitors were present to enje_, the interesting program prepare*, oy Mi-s Lillian Dollar. The ; rogram was as follows: Song—Yield Not to Temptation. Devotional—Nelle Day. Introduction of Subject—“Am 1 True to My Youth If Not, Whal Ij»rk 1 Yet?" T .tl!i«n Dollar. Do I I^ck Energy?—A nt<T:<-tt« Do I l.«rk Oplimiam?—Frmneei id sunlight. live i the nid r t of flowers and trees and still be within 1R r 20 minutes of his place of business 5* a lucky person indeed. “His life will be much happier than if he is constantly in fear of being swallowed up in the relentless wave of population which bursts forth from the c ingestion of a great city only to dominate and di*figure the surrounding countryside.** There ua* a time when it was he- t’eved that the advert of th. auto- • bile with the lei When the death angrl Invaded our midst Friday October 4th, he plucked from us a kind and loving father, whose place will never be filled. He will always be missed. He was the idol of us all, and was as dear to me a? my own father. My children dearly loved him, and en joyed spending their time with him. Every Sunday they would read to him when his eyes would not allow him to read himself. The Bible was often read to him by them. He had sufered for two years, times, but never did he complain or his patience ever give away. He time and again repeated that he was will ing to suffer if God saw fit, that no one knew what they could ttand un til they had to. He was kind and good to all. and perfectly resigned to death. He had suffere dfor two years, but took his bed in June, and suf fered on until his death. We would not take him back for we know he is asleep in Je»us. He was Dorn in Hancock county, October 7th, 1847; was a member of Island Creek church, and died within three days of his 82ml birth day. He was buried in the Milledge ville cemetery Sunday, October 6th. A large crowd attended the funeral and burial. Good-bye Dear Father-in-law for we all miss you but will strive to meet you in a Letter world. MRS. E. E. JACKSON. Forty-eighth Parcel: That tract or parcel of land belonging to E. E. Bass situate o nthe South aide of McIntosh Street, between and ad joining the lands of Jeans A Robin- and Je'ferson St.; said land is designated as Lot No. 6, on the plan of the work done in Street Im provement Section No. 25, fronts 190 feet on Street Improvement Sec tion No. 25 in the City of Milledge ville and runs back S. 105 feet. Said land was levied on to satisfy an exe cution for $167.48 with interest and cost, issued against the above de- cribed land a? the property of E. E. Bass upo ndefault i% the payment of the installment and interest due on the 14 day of April, 1929, on Mil- lvdgeville Street Improvement Bond No. 381, for the cost of improving and paving Street Improvement Sec tion No. 25. Notice of the levy of the above executions has been given to the de fendants in fi fa. and tenants in possefsion as required by law. Deeds will be made to the purcha- ers by the undersigned. This 30 day of September, 1929. J. H. THIGPEN, Marshal of the City of Milledgeville, Georgia. ODD is a Pfniiili— i CJA &w«, Ha. I MARSHAL’S SALE McIntosh Street, between and ad joining the lands of E. E. Ba?s and • lands of E. E. Bass; said land designated as Lot No. 14, on the plan of the work done in Street Im provement Section No. 21, fYonts 52 1-2 feet on Street Improvement Section No. 21 in the City of Mil- 1; dgeville and runs back S. 80 feet. Said land was levied on to satisfy nd execution for $75.88 with inter- st and cost, is>ued against the above described la . das the property of E. E. Bass upon default in the pay of the installment and interest due on the 14 day of April, 1929, on Milledgeville Street Improvement Bond No.- 354, for the cost of im proving und paving Street Improve ment Section No. 21. Forty-fourth Parcel: That tract or parcel of land belonging to E. E. Bass situate on the South side of Mc Intosh Street, between and adjoin ing the lands of E. E. Ba«s and North Wayne St.; said land is designated as Lot No. 15, on the plan of the work done in Street Improvement Section No. 21, fronts 108 feet on Street Improvement Section No. 15 in the City of Milledgeville and runs back S. 34 feet. Said land wa*. levied on to satisfy an execution for $155.99 with interest .and cost, issued against the above described land as the prop erty of E. E. Bass upon default in the payment of the installment and inter- e-t due on the 14 day of April, 1929, on Milledgeville Street Improvement Bond No. 355, for the cost of im- prov.ng and paving Street Improve ment Section No. 21. Forty-fifth Parcel: That tract or parcel of land belonging to T. S. Jeans & W. E. Robinson situate on the North side of McIntosh Street, b<lween and adjoining the lands of Mr*. Geo. E. Case and the lands of Miss Clara Lee Cone said land is designated as Lot No. 2, on the plan of the work done in Street Improve ment Section No. 25. front* 70 feet «n Street Improvement Section No 25 in the City of MiHedgevirie and j runs back N. H>5 feet. Said land For the Best Service Go to GILMAN’S B-A-R-BE-R SHOP GROVER GILMAN Proprietor Price* Reasonable ALL WORK GUARANTEED Courteous Service Ladies Hair Cutting a Specialty BARBER) DR. MURRAY KING Phone 229-L Res. 105 Jefferson Street Veterinarian Milledgeville. Georgia BOSTON CAF —WHUI CVUTBOOY T"* Sana 6——a NOSFOUC OYSTERS AND WESTEMt STEAK DAR.ll Try On **• aw PLATE Dinner ;xxxxiiixxxixxxxxrrrTTT-r 7I 2 Wanted To Buy h TIMBER TRACTS We arc in the market for bodi pine and hardwood to estimate your tract and make you an offer. If you haven'; sufficient for a sawmill set we will buy small tracts for round logging. If interested in selling rUase phone R. M. Jeffry or A. G. Martin at 34. Central Ga. Lumber Co. O PTOMETRY Meats with all their Flavor Meet “Jin Vaughan” our new Electric Meat Cutter who now cuts out quality meats absolutely even—and sanitary for there is praticaily no handling. Phone us for quality Western Meats and Groceries. All cuts Steaks ..30c lb. Fresh Pork Sausage ,30c lb. PHONE 37 Beck’s Cash Store West End I lutv* Um practicing optom*- •rp la Milledgeville f - 20 year*. My charges are rt-.oeable. 1 ■•* r *«tae ell work doae as repre sented ar refund your money. So yea taho ao chances ia doing kasi- aess with me. Office boars t «a II, 1 to S, Sunday 2 to S. W. J. Brake SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MKUt HA.NOISE ^TEMBRlDGc & COMPANY PHONE SSU ) c ’°O<K > <K><*<»0<SOCKHXH5OOC’<>C’O<><><>CHXK»K»C*»<^^ CENTRAL OF GEORGIA DISCUSSES EC0N0MC IMPORTANCE OF RAILROAD PURCHASES Loyalty K’i * th wart Do I I.-ak th*' Progressive Spirit? ( man —Mi*. Ruth Stone. I his * If I 1’* -se-» These Five Attribute? J the o of Youth. Does It Create Within Me the De sire to Serve?—Miss Mary Burn*. Song— Make Me A Channel of Blearing. The following officers were elected for 1929-30: Leader—Miss Mary Burns. President—Elizabeth Stewart. Secretary and Treasurer—Kath erine Jewell. Program Chairmen—I illian Dol lar and Olive Meadows. Pianiat—Ella Hudson. Publicity Chairman—Antoinette Lawrence. After further business and the closing of the meeting by the Missionary prayer, a social half hour was enjoyed hy a'l. during which time Liin.ii Dollar icMl. and fruitz, cakrand .ardiv- w.-ru -urv- «ret "try i. Ten, fif travel to work it Incident in thf nothing, daily life of th< man with a modest priced mo tor car. He can get t‘» work quickly —and that ia why the little town ia looking up .again. It ia “getatable" and it ha.« an appeal the city does not possess. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS TO MACON ACCOUNT GEORGIA STATE EXPOSITION Very low special excursion fares. Tickets on sale October 16 an<) 19. Limited one day in addition to date of sale. Ask th het agent for total fares and further information. Travel by Train More Economical R ' .h’ Safer Crn AL OF CF.ORGI \ RAILWAY “The RlrM Way" land as the proivrty of T. S. J«wtn * W. E. Robin . n upon default in the payment of tht installment and interest due on the 14 day of April. 19*251, on M : Hedgeville Street Im provement B. nd No. 377, for the cost of improving and paving Street Improvum nt Section No. 25. Forty-seventh Parcel: That tract or parcel of land belonging to T. Jeans A W. K. Robinson situate the South side of Mclntot-h Street, between and adjoining the lands of E. E. Base and the lands of *Mra. Warren Edwards said land ia desig nated as Lot No. 6, on the plan of the work done in Street Improvement ■action No. 25, front* 140 foet on Street Improvement Section No. 25 in the City of Milledgeville end run? back S. 105 feet. Said land was levied on to *ati*fy an execution for 9123.38 with interest and cost, issued nst the above described land as the property of T. S. Jean? A W. E Robinson upon default in the pay ment of the installment and interest due <.n lie 14 day oi April, 1929. on Milled.' >vHie Street |n;-ruvrmrnt Bond No o, for the cost of im- DROVE POISON OUT ComtijiitioB Troubled Alabama Lady Until She Had Taken Black-Dr,ugbt, Then Felt Fine. Ptorvnce. Ala — 1 "F.-r tvo ream. I suffered with pains m my birk*and Mrs. J. E.*3toaau 810 head,'' writes Park Street. (Ms city." **I felt dull all the time, and was not able to do anything. “I waa constipated most of the time. My complexion was bad and I had no anneute. •An old lady atfrtod my rather te eta am Black-Draught. Aa auka aa aim told him. ha lea It ter ma. t (art Black-Draught Una Uaaa a Bar for tan* nrtt «n 1 Wa to M Aha a mtm^TZA mm. I hmalmil a m°4 npC •*??■ Ml m, mama, and I f hanTtfSadM a ken tf Btoth-Draught as urn Imam, aa I W a Hrati ksunm- Caa«n»aamn dama up pouena a. Mm a»—ah, aaualng tHatr bad ef. tmta la tl MS at athar parta of tte At th* lint dpi of oon t! nation, toko Thedford's Black-Draught, Oasts only l cent a do**, fjc ttt BLACK'D The Central Georpta i, parehaafag f,.r delivery in live hundred und fifty freight oars at a cost ,,f one million d f alt-wing n policy of patronising, .believer po w ible. indu.tr u« imine,hate territory, the railroad placed thu order «,t R.rmmirt.an, plant of the Pullman Car and Manufnctunrg ( Th . n. w_ equipment will enable the railroad to impr. erv.ee. and the million dollar. Invulvrd will go int- cirrutai. the channel, of trade a. payment fnr workmen's wares, for lumber, etc. Th. wage, in turn w,l| to p„« ,! „„ f OP th, and luaurie. nf life. Railroad expenditure, are . factor in mmintuiuing pram, r •» condition.. Capitol improvement, of the railroad, during th' part »ix year, have totaled more than five billion dollar.. A railroad benefit, from the proaperity nf the oection it aerve. but thiough it. cspenditurc. it make, an important contribute ' to Hint proaperity The railroads, either directly ar through the" million! of employe,, are one of the Urgent ueers nf th# product of forma and foctorie. It ia important, both from an efficiency an. aa economy .tondpoint, that their remind, he .offieient to ken their purchase, above the ham neceattiaa. Under such condition they will continue nbie to diachnrgn their duel oh!motion to tranr port and to conanme the products of their feUew citisen, Conetouetlve criticism and suggestion are Invited. A. K. CUNT, President, Central of Georgia Railway Couiptm Savannah, Ga., October 15. lnip - c oc-o-.vooc.o-c-yoviK n-v-ooc-iti-x. ;<-;<«..;c-:-OvC v o:t