Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 17, 1929, Image 3

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UNION RECORDER, HILLEDCEVIUX, C* . OCTOBER IT. IH* book reviews — tr DR. ALICE HUNTER A,.i.Unt Prof«,.or of E.rfUh Goorfia Suta Collate for Worn* nr maUot o« ^0- both a ojattor of art aod a 0 f gaining wealth. In ; >riet y and appeal to all type* f m ind the publiahe thei We pleated thi. c multitude of v pr,,pOsl' THE GOLDEN WIND BY TAKASHI ohta and mar. CARET SPERRY CHARLES BONI PAPER BOOKS. NEW YORK paiiraic Colum has written the introduction for the Golden Wind published in .September. This is the ;j r .t \ flame of the Paper Books to ),(. by the publishing house of Chari*-- BonL The editors of this eries, the aim of which is ood and well designed . : . within the reach of any reader, H»race Kallen, Lincoln Colcord, Evir .tt Dean Martin, Louis Unter- , r. Rockwell Kent, Elmer Adler, rni j Padraic Colum. The venture is tt..rth watching for the volumes are pftYnd at a rate of five dollars for tw . jvt* books. VSperry was born in Chicago „• Scar'dinavian descent. She spent ral years of her infancy in the land .•( h*-r ancestors but was brought l ack : A meric* at three. She is a '.-nriuate of Wisconsin University and hi- v., :tten for New York news- . . Mr. Ohta, son of a pioneer of tin Hheral movement in Jupan, as •Mine to America and married in woman. II<- is theatri* ra ! d»- Vr.er and painter for the W • *-k. New York, piny house. I! ar.re -Mr. Ohta, at a party, relate a -• ry of his exile experience in rhats Mi s Sperry desired to c<>11a- *. r:.*. with him in preparing a book ui would bring that strange land •mi it- people to the western read- Tk.- Men wind from the Gobi de- 1 the world in a yellow haze f r Takawo Muto on his lonely wan- d. - through Manchuria. A mys- te'• : desire carried him from \illaur t village over a land that ci r**d with winter frost or that gleamed with noonday sun. He saw the lovely women of General Ko’s hareem; he rode the midnight plains under the blue light of the moon With the Mai Sai bandits; he visited the temple of mysterious heaven, mecta of the diseased and the soul- sick. He came at last to the House of Plum in the City of Bombay where he heard the revealing humn sounds of hte city and the moaning of the waters of the bay under u sky spat tered with the “fleeces torn from the nests of heavenly birds.” The hero cf the story often hoped for the rompanionship of a good wo- ( man to sooth his loneliness but even ut the moment when one attracted hi: eyes he found himself alienated by his inner vision of a remote holirn* beyond. > one who likes delicate descrip tion of persons and places the hook filled with delight. To one who longs for understanding of the Chinese land and it- people, their human ways, and their philosophies t»ook is a revelation. RIVER HOUSE BY STARK YOUNG CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. NEW YORK, $2 50. ver House centers around a issippi plantation with five gene rations of Dandridges as its ghosts living occupants. Backwards and forwards moves the narrative with slight action, much reflection, much household discussion. References to Galsworthy's Forsyte Saga, in the novel, indicate that Mr. Young sought to do for an old f out hern family what the Englishman did for the Forsytes The story deals in particular with a env ing of purpose.- in a father and son, concerning the acreage of River House. The reader wishes the beauty- attempted in th»* book had been re vealed in beauty of action, for the story leaves one tom with pity for two ireneratiors, and regretful. Beauty of thing'* is th< re in plenty— the lovely southern garden, the soft southern night, the music, the river, and in the ladies' frocks of the an cestral storehouse. Mr. Young knows hi- south and his faithful por trait of this southern man-ion and its people deserves wide reading. TWO BLACK CROWS SHOW Ilf MACON Theres a show coming in which the head man is none other than the famous, “HEAL MAN," Charlie Mack of the team, Moran and Mack, in “WHY BRING THAT IIP," which is the shows title. This Is the first time Moran and Mack have appeared in Moving Pic tures. This picture is indeed a scream from start to finish. It is the fasted and funniest Musical Comedy ever presented on the All Talking Screen Stage. There are beautiful girls, wonderful choruses, and some of the catchiest song numbers are in this production. Gorgeous costumes, and the pepiest dancing. In addition to Moran and Mack, one of the most clever actresseB on the screen today is in this remark able picture. She i- >weet Evelyn i Brent, and does some very fine work. You have heard the “TWO BLACK CROWS” on the victrola and also on the radio, now don’t, for goodness sake miss an opportunity of seeing, and hearing them on the screen in, "WHY BRING THAT UP”, which will be at the R»*lto Theatre., All Week, < FOR RENT—Fmv m boas*, t •eras groan*—flaa wall watai lights if desirad. Saa Mrs. S. Cook, phone 3903. TKIFLD cro. CO. COAL 15 an ancient discovery, but consumers of our various grades are continually discovering its rtored-up wealth. Rich m carbon, but poor in ash -sums up the reasons for the general satisfaction lendered Our (service is a match for their quality, loo- >y our coals, it s up to scratch. FOWLER-FLEMISTER GOAL 0, Kitchen Utensils. ** “ fgXCaZXXXXXZZZXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXJXXXXZEED Is this the Kind of a Bank FOR SALE Uot.Point Ranger( A 1 do ») led Haviland Chin plates (Indian Tree You Like? robleti (Rock Crystal a ut glass combined.) Odd China. Premier Vacuum Cleaner. Carpet Sweeper. Mahogany Eyok Shelf. Lawn Mower. MRS. HATTIE A GARRARD Phone 100 NEARLY KILLED BY CAS Y i—DRUGGIST SAVES HER (THE DOCTOR OF TOWNS) D, No, Overlook The Little Thii — I “G*is on mv stomach wa= so bad it | nearly killed me. My druggist tol l | me about Adlerika. The gs.- i« gon*-, .'now and 1 feel fine."—Mr-. A. ... , . .. ' Adamek. who doesnt know, the lit-, r« done or left undone do not ' Simple glycerin, buckthorn, satin;-, f’V difference, hut Uure are I etc., as mixed in Adlerika, he!t*-| il o-i who do know, and they j GAS on stomach in 10 minutes! Most j ually the ones who count most. ! remedies act on lower bowel onlv.l I but Adlerika acts on BOTH upp ! trlook the little thing; el. th i irte you never knew of I R< lievrs constipation in 2 horn - I mall will surprise you. CULVER & KID. DRUG CO. NERVOUS^ WEAK Texas Lady Says She Was Up One Day and Down the Next Pains Stopped After She Took CxrduL Terrell. Texas.—“I was i un-down nnd nervous, and for several months my health had not been good." says Mrs. Loul3 Wieland. of this place. “I was up one day and down the next. I never felt like doing any thing. “I worried all the time, and cn^td not sleep well at night. “Periodically I would suffer from pains in my back and sides. I would have awful headaches, and would feel dull and dizzy. “My sister had taken Cardui, and she persuaded me to try it. She said to me one day: 'If you will only try It, you will see for yourself how much good it will do you.' So I got a bolUo of Cardui and began to take it. It was not long until I felt fine. I got stronger, and my nerves did not bother me any more. “The, pains stopped coming in my back. :-nd I could do my work with out any trouble. I think Cardui ia a fine medicine." The fact that so many women have b.*ea helped, In their efforts to build up Uitir health, by taking Cardui, should encourage you to try tills well-known medicine. A purely vegetable, medicinal tonic. For sale by all druggists. M M M IN M jM M IH M M M M M B A bank whose methods arc modern and progressive. Whose Officers and em ployees want to. know you personally and are .eager to help you in any matter that requires individual attention. Where your account is welcomed and ap preciated thought it may be a modest one. This is that kind of Bank. "THE BANK OF SINCERE SERVICE" EXCHANGE BANK Greatest protection offered depositors of any Ba.ik in Central Georgia, outside of Macon [XXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: Honest Values that assure DEPENDABLE TRANSPOIiTATION/ the littlt thing- th t often '■ difference bet’ en profit in buxint'HF especially in With an individual, it ment, courtesy, cleanline--; efficient salespeople, tidi- ttmo nhere; with a town, it »r»ets. well kept lawns, traf- merrh.indi; itry have W A Hundred Ways to Modern Color! Use quick-drying DUCO in every room in the house *»r the that yi,| ■»nd y»u will tear down. merchant, an organization m 'a - paper does anything for '--inunity, tell them about it, < m a letter, call them on the •r stop in and see them and your appreciation. You get good out of anything they do "immunity as the; do. No do anything for the town but i won’t benefit If you don’t ’ f do anything yourself, the >u can do is to thank those ** doing something through •»u will benefit. (i little thing to do, hut it will a profit. -ht. 1029, A. D. Stone. Re- prohihited in whole or in *n Doctor article is pub- the Union Recorder in ©o- with the MhHedgeville The Chevrolet Red “O. K. That Counts” Tag Protects Your Used Car Purchase. Every reconditioned cur we offer for rule I, idemni J hy r. ra if the Chevrolet red "O.K. th.it Count,” lu-;. Thi* tag is the purchaser'* anumcr tout the car to which ll In 4tt;.' hptl h.i • h* , cn • i-,■*,* o v i*r circ ,i ifiv by expert mechanics—that it ban hern thoroughly reconditione;'—jtid that tut price fn i J on the car’* actual abiNty to render aen ice. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the new Chevrolet Six, we hate on hand at this time an unuv ’*y large group of theae “O.K.’d” car*. Come In! You are certain to find the car you want—at a price that wiU aave you money. Make a small down id drive your car away! LOOK Z- the c < hUstmidhtg Used Car V atuea 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN Thor«>urhly «>v«*rhauli-d, e«*«d -cuVhar, ■t t prica «»f $:i.;r. M. Th»« car w pri'-fd I>k> tht.ip l-iil art iff %’unig t« wdl and rvd-it • t ur stm-k. It will pay yaa t» art .»ukk. WE ARE OFFERING AN EXCEP TIONAL BARGAIN IN A 1927 DODGE FAST FOUR That has hern thoroughly overhaul- • d, not only ready but right, this ear has only hern used by a Indy. Quick salt 9 400.(Mi will take this unc home. L N. JORDAN Milledgeville, Ga. DUCO MADBONV^bTdU PONT Culver & Kidd Drug Co. USED CARS X}(i tiun n>nv;