Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 24, 1929, Image 2

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UNION RECOkDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, CA-. OCTORER K. ISIS ? ? ? FOR SALE—One haresM with good mirrow—priced for quick ok. See Mrs. Ed Flemuter. It wa? in celebration of a wonder- $16.00 i ful event, whin Thomas A. Edison! and his friends gathered at Deaborn,] Michigan, Monday night i of Henry Ford to celebrate the fif- thietii anniversary of the of the incadesent lamp. SHERIFF’S SALE the guests' GEORGIA, Baldwin County: I will seil before the Courthouse ention I door of said County at puulic . cry to the highest bidder for cash. The levied on as the property of R. W. McMillan, Jr. f under a tax fi. fa. issued by the tax collector of said county against R. W. McMillan, Jr., for *tate and couniy taxes due for the year 1928. The above described tracts and parcels of land were levied on by me under and by virtue of tax fi. fa.s, issued by the Tax Collector of Bald win County, Georgia, on December 20, 1928, for taxes due the State of G-orgia and County of Baldwin for ^ il °" the 52h" u "k'- -«« — - — for me to take part in this party, is 1929, a product of the famous Edison, and the following described trfet and right there I had him to thank for parcel of land t*-wit: the opportunity of being a part of That tract of land in the south the greatest party the world ha, yet common of the city of MUledreville ^ f , and ^ t( . nar , tJ of said state xnd county containing The preparation for this celebra- eeen acres bounded as follows: On tion was carried oj Menlo Park, when of the above described parcels of land and said sales will be made to satisfy the said fi. fa.s. I have notified the defendants in n of the levy and the time, terms . , . . . and place of sale as required by law. in a large ale. the north by a road running ea?t Edison had his from Wayne Street to Pennington's s duplicated and Dairy, on the east by the Lands of The Mr. Ford even went so far aa to have Milledgeville Banking Co., formerly 1 duplicate of the train from which owned by T. B. Dumas, on the South an angered conductor knocked the by lands known as the Edwards place inventor when he set fire to the bag- and by the lands of W\ J. Chandler, gi K , car while trying to perfect one end on the we.-t by the land of War- uf his ideas ren W’ebb and Land formerly owned The . Id labrotory wa. there, and »’> J ‘'>' • Bl "" d - S “ id lllnd “ lrvi ‘ d " n a, I heard the description of this .*» Pr«-P^rty of O. L. Tanner - little room where Edison first found that he could light the world with electricity, I could not help but feel pride creeping on me, proud 9th day of October, 1929 J. F. VINSON Deputy Sheriff, Baliiw County Georgia. on the East by the Milledgeville and Irwinton R. ad and lands of the Mer chants and Farmers Bank; on the North by lands of Luther Landrium Estate, Green Scott and negro lodge house ;~nd on the West by the Mil ledgeville and Gordon Road and the school house lot; and being the same property conveyed to M. A. Nolan by F. W. Hendrickson on September 28th, 1917, by deed recorded in cierk’s office, Baldwin County Super ior Court, in Book “SS”, Folio 581. The debt to secure which said deed was given is evidenced by twenty for the of APPLICATION SELL GEORGIA, Baldwin County $50.00 each, dated May 21, 1925, and bearing interest at 8 per cent annum from May 15, 1927. The balance of -•aid notes is principal $1000.00, interest to Oct 1, 1929, $190.89, Fire Insurance premiums paid by the undersigned $175.60, making a to tal of $1366.49. Said property will be sold at public outcry, before the court house door in said county, on FOR LEAVE TO the day above named, within the f sheriffs sale-, to the best and highest bidder for n of this great American. 1 thought of how dependent were today upon the gt-ni Edison. 1 had my typew by which wan finally per! fi. fa issued by L. D Smith, estate of James H. Hurdle, has ap- collector of raid county again-t plied to the Ordinary of raid county L. Tanner for State and County for leave to sell all of the land and that I tayes due * or the year 1028 » which ail <f the United States Bonds and fi. fa. has been transferred to Mr: , al ■ W. Brown and the sale will be madeB> |t , satisfy said fi. fa. 1 have notified the tenant • c-sion of this levy and of the ‘terms and place of sale a • . W k" " Unty ' property of the said W. H. We Vo* u- 8 r I 1 f ,1* The proceeds of said rale will be ap- rd R Hln "- Adm ' nlrtr »tor of the plied ' lo lhe pl7ment ot of Mr. irked effet J. F. VINSON. Deputy Sheriff, Baldwin County, Georgia. SHERIFF’S SALE light-, the telephoi toast for breakfast, were .all made p< :ible by his genius. I was glad that I could be a part of thi fcelebration to honor this great man. It has been said that if, everyth!,.,.. that Thom-.- Ediwn h.. GEORGIA. Baldwin County done for the world were token out,! their would follow a revolution j do “ gi eater than the world war and j cr * wculd mean pratically the demolish-! ing of civilization. Young Americans will profit in a par study of his life for he rose from an ; ^ incor.spicious and humble birth to the greatest of all scientists. f the United States Treasury s belonging to the estate of | James A. Hardie. The bonds con- ■ • .'f • M U- 8L Tiea ury Bond f«r I $10,000.00; two U. S. Treasury equired I Bonds for $1,000.00 each, and five U. 1 S. Tr.-nsury Bonn- for $1000.00 each, and five U. S. Gold Bonds of the debt and the corts of this advertise- mrnt and other costs incident to said sale, and the balance, if an over to the said W. H. Wester hi? assigns. This October 9, 1929. JON W\ HUTCHINSON, By ALLEN * POTTLE His Attys. at Law. \DMlNISTRATOR'S LAND SALE 1918, recorded in the record* of said Baldwin County in Deed Book RR, pages 325-326. and in the several deeds therein mentioned and referr ed to; to all of which deeds and the record of the same reference is here by made in aid of the description of the said tract of land. The parcel of land to be sold be ing a corner of the larger tract con veyed to the said J. W. Will ams in the deed of conveyance above referr ed to, the said corner containing twenty-three and two-tenths (23.2) acres, more or less, and being bound ed as follows:—On the North by land formerly owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Furman Talley; on the east by the Oconee River; on the southeast and south by the right of way of the Ma con Division of the Georgia Railroad; and on the southwest, west and north west by the remainder of that por tion of the said tract of land lying to the north and west of said rail road right of way; and including in addition to the main parcel ,of twunty-one und twq-tenths (21.2) acres, a two (2) acre parcel on the Oconee River which was formerly used a.. a landing of Barrow’s Ferry, lying between the bridge of the Ma con Division of the Georgia Railroad across the Oconee Rver and the ad joining land formerly of Mrs. Eiiza- beth Furman Talley. This 7th day of October, 1929. C. B. LAVENDER A? administrator of the estate of J. W. Williams, deceased. fourth of .-a acre more or le* 8 . Tkig .6 tract or parcel ot being the conveyed to Henrietta Baugh by \p T. Conn, Sr., on March 9, 1905. Said property is being sold satisfy a certain promissory not ^ bearing date December 5, 1928, an d payable six months after date, and made and executed by the said Pitt, said note being for $390,000 princi! pal, with interest from maturity the rate of 8 per cent per annum, gether with the cost of this proceed ing, as provided in such deed. The said W. L, Pitts having de parted this life, the said property is advertised as belonging to the estate of the said Pitts and i. being sold as the property of his estate. The proceeds of said sale will be ap plied, first, to the payment of the promissory note, and the balanct any, will be paid to the repre tives of the said W. L. Pitts. Good and sufficient fee simple title be made to said property bv th e undersigned. This October 8, 1929. MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK of Milledgeville, Ga. By ALLEN A POTTLK Its Attys. at Law LAND SALE The hope of future pr-oprrity has never burred brighter in the breast? of Mill-ugeville people than it does t' day. The invasion of the Georgia Power l ompnny into our county has brought with-it an awakening that hen in the heart of Georgia we hav» a city that is destined to grow and H.’cnme one of important spot* on the map of the Empire State. The old adage, “Actions speak louder than Word?” is a true saying. Milledgeville people have always bein >low to get into action. In the majority the even way without much bother has been preferred to | great wealth and exalted positions. We Ut things rock along and as long! as we do not have our own toes step- j ped on we ar er. This attitude ha- carried us i but at the rame time it has had a great disadvantage. I like to see all the people interest ed in civic afafirs. I like to see them take pride in doing things for their community, I like to see then' active and alei II sell before the Courthouse of said County at public out- to the highest bidder for cash, he first Tuesday in November, 1929, within the legal hours of sale, i be following described tracts and parcels of lund to-wit: That tract of land in the city of Milledgeville, Ga., on the we.-t side of Ji-fferson Street bounded as fol lows: On the north and west by the j lands of Mrs. Annie Argo, on the east by Jefferson Street, and on the south by the gin lot of the Mil- udgeville Products Co., said land fronts fifty-eight feet on Jefferson I Street and runs back one hundred I and fifty feet. The above land was levied on as the property of W\ S. Edwards un der a tux fi. fa. is.-ued by the tax collector of said county aganist W. S. Edwards for state and county taxes due for the year 1928. Also: That tract of land in the 105th Dist. G. M. of Baldwin Coun ty Gi'org-a. containing seventy-five acres more or les> bounded lows: On the north by the lands of , _ . . , E. R. Collins, on the south by the lined to both- , . I lands of J. M. Simnv by the Oconee River, and on the tast by other lands of C. C. Porter. The oast line of the land levied on separa ting it from the other lards of C. C. Porter is a line parallel to the Oconee River running through the f the brick kiln Fourth Liberty Loan of $1,000.00 GEORGIA, Baldwin County: each. The real estate consists of the The under igned. •»* . administra- b< me place of Jame* A. Hardie, lying tor of the estate of J. W. Williams, in Midway of raid county and ;-tate deceased, by virtue of an order from ind fifty acres of land belonging to the Court of Ordinary of arid Coun- Jar.es A. Hardie in Bibb County, ty, granted at the October Term, Georgia. Said application is made 1929. th.reof. will rail at public out- for the purpose of making distribu- cry, o n the first Tuesday in Novem- tion of the estate of James A. Hardie her. 1929, before the courthouse door among his heirs. Said application of raid county, between the legal) lie ale, at th« will be* heard and determined at the hours of sale, to the highe t bidder re gular term of the court of Ordinary f-r cush, the following described in Baldwin county to be held on the land: GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to se cure a debt executed by W. L. Pitts to the Merchants A Farmers Bank, on the 24th, day of January 1929, and recorded in the office of th» clerk of the superior court of Bild- win County G«., in Book “SS” pag» 332. the undersigned will sell at pub ourt house in saic during ihe 1 gal ho he best and highest bidder. CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County: To all whom it may concern: Frank E. Bone, as Executor Estate of James Reynolds Norment, deceased, having applied to n petition for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, thi- i notify the creditors and kindrei all parties interested in raid < that said application will be passed upon at the November Term, 1929, of the Court of Ordinary of raid County, and that unless cause i to the contrary w ive will be granted. This seventh day «.f October, 191 W. II. STEM BRIDGE, Ordina Baldwin County, Georgia. opportunities . id .'how .f the Pc Things exist* which are i disadvantage to our town. 1 many things that by an e'fo part of the citizens can be d< with. The amr old thing is ■•t Monday in November 1929. This 9th day of October, 1929. W. H. STEM BRIDGE. Ordinary, Baldwin Co. Ga. EDWARD HINES, wit: ing and being m the 318th District, All that tract following described apai f GEORGIA. Baldwin Count*. The appraisers appointed All that parcel of land situate, ly- property, t a year > support out o estate of Ira C. West, fir hi, v. parcel of land Mrs. Lena Robinson West, have G. M., of said Baldwin County, Geor- .--ituate, lying ard being in the city their return. AQ per? ns are and by notified to show cause befoi * less, the i Administrator of the estate of same being a part of that 1 •f Milledgeville, ounty. and kno’ James A. Hardie. LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County. land which and described in ^ Mrs. Nettie W. C of the will of O. fully bounded lows deed executed by, Pitts; one, as Execi M. Cone, late of of Wm d state part of block ! at the November Term, 192.*, of the of Number 170, and bounded as ful- Court of Ordinary of said county, the North by lot of W. L. why the return of the apprai; i F. Steele; and on the We Will be sold on the 5th, day of Count y * n d State, deceased, to by N. Liberty street Said lot frunti thi? effe« The Cl imbe whole k Co., w hich stande are-t to the Oconee river. The above land wa* levied •e are the property of C. C. Potter, trading n j as Porter Brick Company, under a away j f j f a> j„„ ut .j by the tax collector of e that county aga>n,t Porter Brick particular handicap ( Company for state and county taxes is we do not care 4 , ue for the yr , ur ij»27. ! Also. 1 hat tract of land in the »f Commerce has or- north Conimon of t hc city of MiL .*L° f ^ e _ n *w. Lhe lodgeville, Ga., bounded as *olow>: On thc north by a SO ft street se parating it from land formerly own ed by M. H. Bland, on the East by a 30 ft street separating it from Find* formerly owned by O. M. Cone, »uth by lot? Nos. 14 and 19 hdivision of part of the Ed ace and on the W’est by a mg this organization street separating it from - uy i> la no «ay B | wk ...... , lf , u hdivi.lon of the •is place. Thi* land comprise? 15, 16. 17 and 18 of the subdi- n of a part of the Ed Harris place a, appears by plat recorded not just not the purpose of a single mm or this organization, for I lulieve all ot thim are -incere. to forward his indi vidual interest? in one instance but to work together, co-operatively, ir pint t,. move all of Milledge-I f Harrii good vllle f. The task* fi •are many. T smoothe one, and it will take the ef fort of us all to make thi* organiza tion prosper a* it should. A few men are g< ing to da the greater part of the work, to he sure, but non can have a part. Georgia m I-tnd your Inflm-mr In Mpinit u> realize this much dreitned of pros perity We can or can not, thc future ahead will be just what you nuke it. iry per ~ Clerk’* office of Baldwin County 'ok of Deed, III, l’age< The i ihove land was levied on a* ; ■ Tty of Tobe Raines under a tax fi. fa. b-ued by the tax collec tor of -aid c unty against Tobe Ka nes for state and county t-ixes due for the year 1928. Tube Raine, died the above described ia the estate of Tobe Raires. That tract of land in City ■dgrville, Georgia, hounded as Fare and on.-half round trip from „„ ,h. North Uy I ind of R. pract tally all pointn in Gt-»l*ia. « M, Milinn and John H. Holloway. Dal., of Ortoh.r 2P, to Ncivtm- . „ Ka-t hp «’,.t Boundary St . on bar 2, 1P29, intlusiva; final limit the South by Hancock St., and on November 6. 1929. ,h« Went by Und of IL T. Cline. A ok Ticket Apr, for Further In- ^ id Und “ * parnll.U-yram frontin. formation 6i> on Boundary’ Street and ' running hack West of the width 200 CENTRAL OT GEORGIA RAILWAY feet to lands of H. T. Cline. Tto light Way The above described land was EXCURSION FARES TO SAVANNAH ACCOUNT GEORGIA STATE FAIR OCTOBER 28— NOVEMBER 2. 1829 November, 1929, before the court <>use door in the city of Millcdge- ille, in the county of Baldwin, State | f Georgia, between thc lawful hour? of sale to the highest bidder for cash th efollowing tract or parcel of land: All that tract or parcel of land ituate, lying and being in tW? 318th, I District G. M. of Baldwin county,! Georgia, containing one hundred ) acres, more or lew, and bounded on) the north by lands of Williams and I Ritchie; on the east by lands of E. j C. Carson; on the *outh by lands of E. C. Car-on and on thc west by the public road leading from Jordan' Crosing to Butts cross-roads. The above described la'd bt ing the 100 acres tract of land purchas ed by V. I). Dooly from E. C. Car- son on June 15th, 192.3 and describ ed in a deed recorded in the clerk’s- office of Baldwin superior court in deed book No. 7 pages 247-248. Said tract or parcel of land levied on -is the property of V. D. Dooly to satisfy and execution issued in Stephen? County Ga.. superior court on December 9th, 1925 against V. D. Dooley and Non*. Norton, defend ants, ir favor of E. C. Car-on, plain tiff. Legal notices a? required bv the statute have been given to V. I). Looly -and Bob McConnell, tenant in possession. This the 4th, day of October. 1:»L9. W J HAYNIE. Sheriff Baldwin County Georgia LAND SALE GEORGIA. Baldwin County. Under and by virtue of a deed with power of rale, executed hy W. H. Wester to M. A. Nolan, on the 21«t day of May, 1925, recorded in book 10, p. 194. in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Baldwin! Co. Ga., which raid deed with power) of sale wa* transferred and a'-ign-j ed by the said M A. Nolan to the) undersigned on Sept. 12, 1929. which* raid transfer and assignment 1* re corded in the office of the clerk of the -uperiur court of Baldwin Coun ty, in book No. 14. p.lM, 1 will sell at public outcry baton the court house door in said County on the first Tuesday in Nov. 1929, the tract of land described in mid security deed. to-w>t: All that tract or parcel of Und. lying and being in the village of Seottnhoro 1714 Dist. G. M. raid State and County, known a* the Banks property, containing nine acres, more or leas, and bounded as follows: on the South by lands of tbe Merchants and Fanr-ers Bank; J. W. Williams, dated October 15, on Liberty street, and i October 7, 1929. W. H. STEMBR1DGE, Ordinary Baldwin County Giwzja Check Buicks Chassis -note its distinctive construction ' .. then ijou ll know why wore than 2,ooo,ooo people have boiujht BUICKS The w^rld-famous Buick chassis ind Buick s smart v Bodies hy Fisher! An unrivaled combination! Providing the degree of motor car pcriormance and all-round motoring satisfaction, over the greatest number of miles! The more thoroughly you compare Buick with other cars, the more clearly you will understand why more than 2,000.000 people have bought Buick*—why mi n and women are buying from two to live times as many Buicks as any other automobile priced above (1200—and why thiv have purchased more Buicks during the few weeks this brilliant new car has been on thc market than in any like period in Buick history. See thc new Buicks and arrange to buy one. Six of the 14 luxurious body types, incor porating all the famous Buick superiorities, are available at prices ranging from $122$ to$12 c 4, f. o. b. factory. All available on the extremely liberal General Motors Time Payment Plan. Ikmi with four Mr* *C.v*-oy*tvn> drauiic Shirk Abobr- impart a t.^ril r, - n pvfert harmony t.y'rTn a — i ^0 9PH tUL'.OAiJ Buicks tlnpa «» hw.-ar l*m«. ..-.a u*t tart .L}. t BUICK MOTOR COMPANY. FLINT. MICHIGAN THE Simmerson Milledgeville, Ga.