Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 24, 1929, Image 3

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UWIQjt MCOaPM. MUXEPCEVILLE. GA.. OCTOaEa 24. in COLLECE LYCEUM COURSE °f in.UfWnt •njloteTe.t 1 lanj I, de.lgnatrd .* Lot !*». **, on I Aucu.t, 1929, on Mal«lfo,ill. Street ---«■ OF VENICE OPENS | da '..°” V“ 4 .. d *? ° f August, 1928,1 the plan of the work done »« st*iw»l r«imMa merchant _j Dr. Alice C. Huetei Ttf Merchant of Vor.ice presented m o. , - ' r 1. - -— - — —»— — ■- Street Improvement Bond No. 99, for the , . Street Improvement Improvement Section No. 2, fronts co.t of improving nod paving Street Street Improvement Sec- Improvement Section No. 2. No. 2 in the City of Milledse- ville and runs back West 130 feet i Thirty-eighth Parcel: That tract Said land was levied on to satisfy an: " r P“ rcel “ f l* n<1 belonging to E. E. execution for 1115.49 with interest ! B,JM ‘ ituat * «« th e North aide of and cof t, issued against the above I ! lanCOck Street * betwe€n and ad - descriln d Und as the property of ; Joining the lands of Est. W. H. Len- Jcseph A. Moore upon default in the 1 " d and W * rren St * : Haid ^nd » dc * payment of the installment and inter- 8, K nated a * L°t No. 4, on the plan est due on the 4 day ofi° f the work done in Stree t Improve- August, 1929, on Milledgeville Street ment SectioB N ’°- -0. fronts 73 feet Improvement Pond No. 86, for the' ° n Street Improvement Section No. yeeU w itk Aprr^al Front Big Bond No - 85, f °r tb e cost of improv-1 88 feet Pi * y j ce mt G. S. C. W. Last m * and *avin* Street Improvement .ion No Aud,e - — • Section No. 2. Tenth Parcel: That tract or parcel of land belonging to Mrs. Henry C. Vinson situate on the East side of the Avon Players, headquarters! South Wayne Street, between and r . a the opening number of adjoining the lands of Mrs. L. C. Rog- 'flyfeum course at Georgia State; ers and the lands of Mrs. T. H. Faulk- Tlhc- Friday evening was a hugejncr; said land is designated as Lot l " xh. auditorium was crowd-tNo. 13, on the plan of the work done . •tcity. Students were delight-| »n Street Improvement Section No. >y 1 ' .-i a fnrwards could frequent- 1 -, front. 45 feet on Street Improve-j COst °* improving and paving Street- pressing their opinions ^ent Section No. 2 in the City of Improvement Section No. alone was worth more ‘ Milledgeville .-»nd rm^ back E. 210 of admission to all the j f°*t- Said land was levied of the college year, j satisfy an execution lor $59.06 with , play alone lycfum num the City of Milledgeville aud run* back N. 210 feet. Said Und was levied on to satisfy an execution Fifteenth Parcel: That tract or for $83.42 with interest and cost.1 A parcel of land belonging to Joseph issued against the above described, ♦ nicu.1 feutures „f the' interest and curt, i«ucd again., the £ .‘"k ‘“t ‘*" d “ '‘ r ° P T* « E ' E - Baa I . i-vre gratifying and un-!»huvc described land as the pruparty' ^^ TnT 1 / t 'T "T,, ‘ H _ adjoining the lands of Joseph A. installment an dinterest due on the Moore and the lands of Est. Mrs. 14 day of April, 1929, on MilUdge- ged. The actor, gave'ment and interest due on the 4 dsy ^ B “" : “' d U ”i U , 8tr ”* «”P«™m.nt Bond No. _ table interpretation of the' »f Auguet, 1929, on MiUedg^ville {?. 1? \ M K “’ ‘ ° f dS7 : f “ ,h * ;= ; Frederick A. Lewi, • -Street Improvement Bond N^T*. T .m i . , .I, „ , . . . , I Section No. 2, fronts 45 feet 0:1 No. 20. ■A I"■■■ ‘- d undct'nd.ng! or the cost of improving and pav- stTMt , mpn)vrnmit No . , sf the ehsraetef and familiarity with,■>* Strut Improvement Section No.| in the of Millt , d>revine a „ d ran , , g' v >'n by other fam- -- back w Portia played by Mine Eleventh Parrel: That tract or levied on to aatisfy an executi, - f 1 " 11 ' ,,f 8 P-1 Pafcei of land belonging to Mr,. T. *59.06 with interest and cost. BRlCK Thatclink Llkc steel Ar. Had. by Ik. ~McMILLAN" Proa... burnt in our continuous kilns There is No Waste in Our Bricks. Make Quick Shipment* in Any Quantity. RICH GL0 FACE BRICK-FIRE BRICK— COMMON BRICK Milledgeville BrickWorksCo MILLEDGEVILLE, CA. Established 1SS3 hy J. W. JtfcMilla*. . K. G. McMillan, Preside at Bella McMillan, Vice-President ! ' '' 1 • gratifying and un- j above described land i jood for a road shpw. The °f Mrs Henry C. Vinft beautiful, effective, and fault in the payment of the install- Notice of the le’ of the above feet. Said land was ha, beer, given to tr.v d f ndar.t in fi. fa. and tenants »al sad charm. The womens part,111. Faulkner situate on the East aide again,/ the above deacribed land Itive and pleaamg. Jeeat-.-f South Wayne Street, between and the property of Joseph A. Moore up- ,i lighted the audience, j adjoining the land- of Mr.. Henry C. on default in the payment of the in- “ rt °r* w6re ll . 5ted ln Uiel Ve-nr. and the land, of Merchants A etaOlneet and interest due on the 4 -n.l all d erved prai«. Basra-J Farmers Bank said land ia de-ignat- day of August 1929 on Milledge- infuse something; ed a, Lot No. 14, on the plan of the ville Street Improvement Bond No. tmriaa: into .... presentation with- work done in Stre. t Improvement ST. for the enet of improving ami , e the playwright. |Seeti<m No. *. front, no feet emjpaving Street Imprwvetaeut BeeSen nre of this able per-j Street Improvement .Section No. 2 No. 2. ■ a play more than three 1 in the City of Milledgeville and runs y re old one i- impressed back East 210 feet. Said land was line pre ence of perao- levied on to satisfy an execution for ii-s author of genius and in .$78.74 with interest and cost, issued it 1 roles. The heart oflngai.nst the above described land as at is not dead. The lan-[the property of Mrs. T. H. Faul.ner . pen still lives. Those upon default in the payment of the creations of the bard of installment and interest due on the real a* we ourselves in! 4 day of August. 1929, on Milledge- i r.c. or in the readers' j vil:-..- Street Improvement Bond No. ' ■ •rtia. Shyloch, Basaanio, i for the co t of improving and and their creator are abid-1 paving Street Improvement Section ver fusc.nuting persfinali- No. 2. Fourteenth Parcel: That tract or lean whispered after the; p-rcel of land belonging to Joseph interest and cost, issued against th- that the Avon Players 'A. Moore situate on the East side of above deacribed land a* the property -ring a spring tour out of j South Wayne Street, between and of Mrs. E. E. Finney upon default ‘i Hamlet a> th ir attrac-1 adjoining the land- of Joseph A. in the payment of th installment i required by law. Deeds will be made to the purcha- rs by the undersigned. This 30 day of September, 1929. J. H. THIGPEN, Marshal of the City of Milledgeville. Georgia. Twentieth Parcel: That tarct oi parcel of land belonging to Mrs. E. E. Finney situate on the West side of South Wayne Street, between and adjoining the lands of J. B. Lawrence and the lands of R. W. McMillan; said land is designated as Lot No. 34, on the plan of the work done in Street Improvement Section No. 2. frontlo5 feet on Street Improve ment Sectin nNo. 2 in the City of Milledgeville and runs back West 210 feet. Said was levied on to ffy an e- cation tor $137.80 8 of the dramatic art and | Moore and Washington Street; uidj.and interest s-upport this commend- the 4 day Mking of the Avon Play- .-ten to do their part in ;ifted and able com- pay back this season. MRS COOKS HISTORY GOES WEST The Hi?t ry of Baldwin of Coun- A. Cook has We SeH * Irdei eight •!. was received Monday ' il torical Memorial and rurti.u-nt of Icwa. The de- ‘ i l keep a part of them rest into other states. kww. for rent,, list with me I lacotin. good renter* daily, no '«» for this service L. N. JORDAN NOTICE He, Ga.. Sept. 26, 1929 ■ ym nt will h emade on "• r>‘5—A B. and C-. Gray-Mil- 1 Ui -id thirty days from and all unpaid accounts ■ ; Mi nted to Campbell Con i’ * >.. within that time. HfliELL CONSTRUCTING CO. ■ ■! ill*. Qa, MARSHAL'S SALE ■’ Hi dt-ville, Georg-’ i because wc only h :vc to sei' '.hen to you once .... After that you'll always buy them. iViade for those who iove fine thirds. . . . Culver & Kidd I Drug Company Idwil ny: i before he court- J I* tldwin County, Geor-| '• l«-gal hours of «al'-,i Tu lay in November | “ • •utcry. t.> th? highert h. the following dc- parcels of land, lying 1 ; city of M l! djreville. * iity. to satisfy < Clerk | i"-ued by th; 1 I.f the city of Mil- - t the lands herein- bearing teat** in the I iyor of said city, as «• Act of the General G orgia, relating to the treet impromement r d c’ty, approved August f'T p*j»t due Installment* ‘ ,r on certain Milledgevilk most Bonds: ’ 1 ’ el; That tract or par- < 1 nging to Mrs. Annis V ' ‘uate on tha West side >’" Straat, bvtwven and lands of L. N. Jordan 'n St.; said lend is do- • t No. 20; on the plan ne in Street Improve- V 2, fronts 156.5 feet movement Section No. f Milledgeville and t 210 feet. Said land atisfy an execution! h interest and eo«». | the above described ^ ’‘Vty of Mr*. Annie! - ll l-«n default In the pay- i 1 ktok W. ife ATLANTA’S FOREMOST HOTEL * / / A reservation at the Henry Grady is perfect assurance that every modern hotel comfort and convenience will await you in Atlanta. Your room will be equipped I \ lor unexcelled radio reception L’ —and, in addition, it will have at least two windows, circula ting ice water, ceiling fan, full length mirrored door and a private bath with tub or shower —everything to make your stay For the Best Service Go to GILMAN’S B-A-R-B E - R SHOP GROVER GILMAN Proprietor Prices Reasonable ALL WORK GUARANTEED Courteous Service Ladies Hair Cutting a Specialty BARBER? Presenting The LADY DIANA THE COURT OF BEAUTY YOUTH AN’; , a Here you will find every UChjpy per, of the city's bunnem and nCMIW districts earfy cessible. And you art sure to ^ Q A ^\/ enjoy the delidoua meals of the V_lK AL/ 1 glass-enclosed outdoor dining terrace, Atlanta’s most popular U OT E L Com*^enjoy die advan- ^ 1 tages of the Henry Grady- The Friendly llolel Rater fiwm $iJO • 5 UNDER AND lovely, and utterly feminine. The Lady Diana—newest of Towle patterns—brings to precious Sterling the youthful spirit of your own today. We will be happy to show you some of these lovely, useful nieces. No obli- hen to buy of course. Williams & Ritchie MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. DRINK SHERRO A WHOLESOME DRINK OF ORlCi.kAL HAVOR Those who have tried SHLRRO like it. We ask you give it a trial. You Can Get SHERRO at HAYE S PHARMACY—FRALEY’S PHARMACY SHERRO COMPANY Is this the Kind of a Bank You Like? A bank whoae method, are modern and progrewive. Whose Officer, and em ployees want to know you personally and are eager to help you in any matter that require, individual attention. Where your account u welcomed and ap preciated thought it may be a modest one. Thu n that kind of Bank. • THE BANK OF SINCERE SERVICE" EXCHANGE BANK Greatest protection offered deporiton of any Bank . Central Georg,., onfide of Mac.