Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 24, 1929, Image 4

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE. CA, OCTOBER 14, !•» UNION RECORDER Federal Union Established 182* : Office. Milledfe- R. U. MOORE—EDITOR JERE N. MOORE—Business Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ■ Yssr $1.50 Months .75 Adv, ished • Applii MILLEDCEVILLE'S DAM ; MR. MILLARD S. BARNES DIED Some of the Milledgeville visitors SATURDAY MORNING to the Rotsry club Wednesday were I good-naturedly “joshing” The Tele- p asse d Away After Sbort Illness, graph about it, eight column head- | Funeral Services Held Sunday line recently which said, “Big Pov- , Afternoon er Plant to Be Erected Near Ma- con." The feeling of Milledgeville. y\ r _ Millard S. Barnes, one of Bald- undoubtedly, i-i that she is largo w j„ county’s well known citizens and enough to be recognized in her own farmer*, died at his home in the right, since the dam is to he with.; southern part of the county curly four miles of the court h use. The ( .Saturday morning. Telegraph thinks so, too, and per- Mr. Barnes recently recovered haps it wa> a Burst of enthusiasm from a serious illness and had ap- that lead u« into taking in too much j Vl rently regained his health and t rritory. It was because Macon - strength. In the early hours of Fri- quite as elated over the new pow r: ,j a y n j^bt he attended an entertain- plant a* Milledgeville. The benefit nu-nt at the Coopcrville school hou-e, will accrue to all of us. With ar abundant sur.ply of power, with her street paved, at least one paved highway tapping a north and south paved highway here at Macon, Mi - ’edgevilla is in better position than he has ever been in her history* vhen she was capital of the state. Curiously enough, the city SANITARIUM j that ri , f i sted industries for so long The State Highway Board will hear j bris the most favorable opportunity outh of Atlunta to become an in- THURSDAY. OCT. 24. 192j THE PAVED RCAD TO THE today petitions front the ci Sanitations, the city and county dustrial capital.—Macon Telegraph. officials and the Trustees of the ’ Stat. Hospital, asking f«r a paved THE SMOKE SCREEN highway to th. Sanitarium from this i c|oud ^ |he puff , —■ittle, the long line of heavily load I d cars that streak through the main | -treet- of Milledgeville two or three t*m<- a day is u nuisance, to say th. The! pier very eek othei ■datives then or to bring rho are suffering and seek relief, 'he employee* and officials have to ravel thi., road to g« t into the city and ' it into the s al that they 1 un all weath- In the original chart* Milledgeville Railroad, and noiseless engine w , on the line. Increased h i freight department h: anted th* 1 to he that the and was seemingly in his unual health. About twelve o'clock, after ne had returned home and retired, he *as stricken with illness, and a physician cummoned. He re ponded • trealm, nt, and his condition im proved, between three and four o'clock he had another attack, and s family did everything possible r him, hut he quickly passed away. The funeral services were held at e Jos. A. Moore Funeral Home inday afternoon, Rev. J. H. Farr ti of the Milledgeville Circuit, «J Rev. J. K. Kelley, of the Cl.nton ethodiet church, officiating. The burial was in the city cemetery mem ber* of the Junior Order of Ameri can Mechanics acting as pall hearers, md the remains were laid to rest with the service of that order. Mr. Barnes was a -on of the late \ and Mrs. W. H. H. Barnes, and is fifty-two year* of age. He has th*. 1 been engaged in farming for some , m*»de it years. He was a quiet citizen and n p U l| long,a kind husband and father. Under w law the highway departninet can order the paving of this highway and it is the sincere hope of the Union Recorder that they pass uch an order. The distance is short and while the construction com pany is here it will be economy to have this work done. The highway department should give this mitter their serious consid eration and give immediate and fav orable action. THE SANITARIUM OFFICIALS The Board of Tru.-tees of the Mil ledgeville State Hospital very wisely re-elect?d all officials of the institu tion at their meeting last week. Dr. R. C. Swtnt at the head and his »taff of physician* are serving Geor gia with great credit. They ha -e .advanced the service of the state’s greatest charity in keeping w'th the progress of medical and psychiatric science. They have been alert to their duties and if Georgia today ha* one institution that she can prideful- ly own it is the Milledgeville State Hospital. The doctors and officers serving the state in the capacty of oMcUl* at th? state hospital are men a .id women of the highest sense of duty. They nfnr careful and p'nirstaking and realize to the fullest degree the responsibility that is theirs. The pratiees of economy that have l> « ii followed are to he c unmended. The- Ur oud of N. E. A. HONORS DR. GEORGE HARRIS WEBBER of Depart •f Edwci is survived by his widow, on? a block long through the heart f son » Mr. Stow art Barne*. and two \ The grade coming Trum the cmal > grandchildren; one si*t,r, Mr*. Ge orgia depot make* it necessary for J H. Lord, of Dublin, and two broth- the engine to puff and wheeze- in erR * Mr. J. O. Barnes, of Devereanx, r.rder to get over the grade, volunin- a nd Mr. T. T. Barnes, of Atlanta, of black smoke pouring frem the — stark and filling the down town dis trict with oot and cinders. The traffic ordinance.* are violat ed in most every instance. The en gine never stops at the stop signs on Wayne street. Coin, dawn W.yne *" d Pkreholo,, r..«J ~ !•!■> -treet the train speeds along across nelsowal Committ#« inter sections, some times at a wreck- ' ’ ,, , les speed D* - - “ eor,ff Harris H ebber, head ‘ ThTthitur should be ,t»p,,.d. Th, "• the department uf .duration and road should either be made to . lectri- P'yoholosy nt the Genryt. State C.U fy the line or put on aa oil buminit ■*** ,or " " mcn *'■* *■'*" *"'l" rtant enaine. Th.y ,build be made to »" Committee on Interna- t ,p at every .treet interaction nod * , ™» l of thc N * u '” ‘ 1 Edu - end a flue man ahead, walkimr <•»*'"" Aawiation. The nppoint- slowly in front. They should be «" m » d ' «"»» »*» b y forced I.. reduce the number of car.. Prr.ident E. Ruth Pyrtle. of Lincoln. The Georgia Railroad will he glad the ord of the State H «pi‘al and Nebraska. Dr. Webber only recently ... ..-operatT-ith the city in thi,. returned frim Gem vn. SwitaerUnd and we ure the menhant, and the » hm I* *“• *■ attendance for the people all over the city wi.h that it " n,ir ' ’«•»«>" o{ «>•' *'»■■« Fedfr - he dow* ation of Education Associations hav- ing been one of the fir>t delegates to ,,, . „ be appointed to represent the N. E. Th? publisher* of the Union Re. A cord' r realize that on of the l>est asset, a community can have in promoting its interests is a live and progressive newspaper It ha- been our continued effort to keep the paper up to the highest standard, so that it would reflect the life and progr: f* of Milledge ville, and muke it worthy of the support of the peo ple. At thi* time there is a desire and determination on the part of the citi- • l - -n uf M 'lledgeville to take on new | lif. .and make progress and advance- the ord. The Ui BISHOP WARREN A CANDLER | Recorder will keep step, and be ac- j tive and alert in being wide awake and progressive. It will he a news- I paper of which the citizens of this community shall not he ashame. Dr. Webber has served on many of the important committee* of the Nitional Education Association .and from 1920 to 1928 wa- a member of the hoard of directors. His affilia tion goes hack many yri»r* when the association had a nu mbership «<f only a few th«u*and. He has seen this in titution grow into a member ship of over two hundred thousand. Dr. Webber had the honor of being the fir<t deh-gnte sent from South Carolina to the del-gate assembly. For «-.■veral years he edited •» depart ment in the South Carolina Kduca- Hi.-hop Warren A. Candler has l.-rt j none of his rare wit and keen in sight into human k-H:»rartcr. T* 1 *' tw.. addresses which he delivered here Sunday Were mesfvtge* of liuth and phil< -ophy. Although having lived hi* three score and ten. the Bishop retain* all of hi* great mental faculties ami is still the outstanding man of his church and profession. Hi* mind is a stow house of rich know lege. There 1* no student of the Bih‘» who ha* a broader knowledge than Bishop Candler. Hi* visit here are always red lat ter day* and never-to-be-forgotten. N. E. N. He life of the N. E. A. Hon, Clark Howell, editor of the 1,1 in * *' v * n •* to h Atlanta Constitution, 1* being favor- r t of Milledgevilli • the Bi-hnp Candler wa* at hi* best Sunday afternoon, delivering the ad- at the unvi iling of the bould er. and he held hi- audience spell hound, as he related the early hi*- 1 rie- of the Christian religion, and tic Methodist church. «»ib!e eard tlnle »*■ l'»'*"t « people to buy from their hom ( mer- . chant*. Money spent st home i* kept The Robert E. Lee Chapter of the «*» circulation here, and aid* the Daughters of the Confederacy did merchants in it < reasing their husi- a noble and lasting work in mark ng ne*. ,-md building a business credi- the site <»f the first Methodi-t church. to the city. The industrial future of Milledge-^ Rev. John F. Yarbrough sounded ville depend* upon the co-operation a strong note for law enforcement of its citizens, and their willingness in a recent >erm«»n. His advice i* to Invest their money in manufactur- wise and sound, inf enterprise*. I ——■ ■ •— ■■■ —— . . ■ — ... ! Go to church Sunday. The church- Thi hank statement* published es represent the spiritual forces of ret i fly show that .al Hour of Mil- our city. They are the most esaen- ledgi v He’s financial institutions tial organization in Milledgeville de- havt large deposit*, and are prosper- serving \«>ur support. You can bet- ous and progressive. ter your-elf by taking thi* advice. If a person ha* enemie» it i* he- M lii-dgeville's two college* are do- I>r. J. L. Beeson has moved G. S. •au-e he want* to have them. If ! ing a great work in educating the C. W forward to greater usefulness on wi*h to have friends make your- j girl* and boy* of Milledgeville. Bald- and is making the college one of elf friendly ia an adage of truth. win county and Georgia. the rrevtest in the nation. Th, and address delivered city Sunday By Bishop War- C-andler were n«a*t- rpieces of ii'cing truth* and hi-UlricaI , The COW i« bringing a good week ly income to a number of the farm er* of Baldwin county. Surdav. t»ctoher 20th, was a day, which will long be remembered in MUkdgvrilU. The latest model* in hat* received Tht four bank* located in this city today at Mia* Leni Moore’a Hat contribute to the life and progresa Shoppe. The ladies are invited to of Milledgeville, because they are call and see them. They are styli*h sound and safe, and are fully estab lished in the confidence of the peo ple of Baldwin and surrounding counties. obhy in appearance. t of Milledgeville and Th,- M thodii Baldwin county are looking forward to the fourth quarterly conferences, The wholesale grocery stores lo- which w : ll be held Nov. 2nd and 3rd, 1 cated here do a Urge husinea* When the yearia work will be ended, throughout the surrounding territory. The North Georgia Conference aa- They have live and active salesmen aembles In Atlanta Nov. 13th. on the road. BELL’S [XXXXXXIX] Just in the Midst of the Season the coo! weather is right on us You have an opportunity to save Big Money on your Fall Dresses Sweeping Reduction On All Dresses Special Sale for 10 Days All dresses that formerly sold at $39.75 $25.00 $35.00 and $29.00 dresses, now $22 50 $16.75 dresses for this special salt $10.75 100 dresses formerly sold at $10.75. for this special sale $8.95 50 Coats at $15.00 40 Coats at $25.00 25 Coats at $39.75 More than 100 pair fine Blankets, no two alike—all sample,, direct (roar the null, at about 1-3 less than regular price. Wool and part Wool Blankets plain and piakL. $3.00 and $5-00 txnxmxiniiTiiiTTTiiTiTiiii] If You Want the Best, Shop at E. E BELL’S