Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 31, 1929, Image 10

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE, GAv -OCTOBER SI, INI C. S . $. OFFICIAL DIES SUDDENLY FRIDAY MORNING (Coni md frt front pafe) met of dreiksing. Tuneral services were held Satur day afternon at four-thirty from the residence at the hospital. Rev. A. G. Harris of the Presbyterian church officiating The last rites were sim ple but itnpres*. PORTRAITS OF HOSPITAL HEAD HAVE BEEN COMPUTED Portraits o' Dr. T. O. Pewell and Dr. L. M. Jom Will Hu| in Building of Their Naan Portraits of Dr. T. 0. Powell and Dr. L. M. Jones, who served many years as Superintendents of the Georgia State Sanitarium now Mil- kdgeviile State Hospital, were com- thc presence of a large concourse of • pitted by Mr. Frank Herring this friends. Beautiful floral tributes week .and they will be hung in the from many friends banked the cas- buildings at the hospital bearing ket. Interment was in the City their names. cemtery on the DeSaussure family The portrait of Dr. Powell will square. j hang in the T. O. Powell Building. The pall bearers were: Dr. R. C. familiarly known ax the center build- Swint, Dr. L. P. Longino, Dr. J. I. in « the portrait of Dr. Jone- Garrsrd, Mr. H. S. Joner Mr. W. S. will hang in the new L. M. Jone* Jett and Mr. Lewis Fk.nixtcr. j Hospital Building that is nearing com- An honorary escort accompanied | Potion, the body to the cemetery. They The protraits will be hung with were: Mr. L. C. Hall. Dr. T. M. Hall, -‘pecial exercises to be announced by Mr. A. J. Carr, Mr. G. C. McKinley, the Board of Trustees later. STATE PRESIDENT LEGION AUXILIARY COMWG Will Attend Heating of Lecal Aux iliary Neat Tuesday . at Three-thirty Mrs. James Maddox, of Rome, will be the guest of the local chapter of the American Legion . Auxiliary on next Tuesday afternoon when the regular meeting will be held at three- thirty at the home of Mrs. W. M. Scott. Accompanying Mrs. Maddox will ! be Mrs. A. L. Henson, of Atlanta, State Chairman of Rehabilitation. The meeting Tuesday is most import- itated Mbs Bertie Stembridge, President and it is the hope of the ■ •fficers that a large attendance will greet the visitors. Plans for Poppy Day will also he discussed. Mr. tw H. Gambrell, Dr. J. W. Oden ,nd Dr. J. W. Mobley. Capl. DeSaussure j t-survived by daughters. Mrs. G. E. McWhor- of this city and Mrs. W. B Fur- PREUMINARY WORK FOR DE VELOPMENT AT SHOALS IS PROGRESSING Mr. phb. Capt. DeSaussure is survived hj^ Sanitarium forty-five years ago from South Carolina and has served as Engineer nt the in-titution since that time. He recently celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday. Capt. DeSaussure was a man of rare personal qualities. His word was his bond and he was known by hi- associates as a man who regarded Brin duty abo at th* h The preliminary work for the de- elopment of Furman Shoals is pro- rrearing rapidly. The Gi orgla Railroad force is at rork laying tracks from their line •• the shoals, and roadways are bo ng made. A large number of men are at . . . - ork, clearing land, building houses. II ,l„. Dunnj hi. 7«r« „ uttta , in n Kht ,. wat „ anJ „ w , r . ege systems. It is expected to have this work completed by the first of Januury. Then the construction of the dam will commence. MR. W. A. MASSEY CONTINUES ILL The news from the bedside of Mr. W. A. Mas-ey is that he is quite ill, and that his condition is showing no improvement. Mr. Massey is one of Milledge- ville’s most re-pec ted citizens and merchants, and his many friends re gret hi illness and wish for him an early restoration to health. ML TKNER GETS RARE PICTURE Of GOV. MLLEDGE Secures Photograph Almost Extract fur Exclusive Publication ie Union Recorder MILT TOLBERT SHOWS TO COME HERE NEXT WEEK Governor John Milledge served his last year as Governor of Georgia thirteen years before the Union Re corder became a paper and his pic ture has almost become extinct. Through the effort of Dr. Tigner a picture of this noted Georgian has been found and is published exclu sively in the Union Recorder this Few people living in Milledgeville are familiar with the record and his tory of Governor Milledge, and none of them would recognize his picture '] if they saw it. The Union Recorder is indebted to Dr. Tigner. Dr. Tigner has presented the city, the two colleges and the State Uni versity with one of these very fine photographs and through his courtesy ho plans to present one to every citizen in the city who wishes one. He ha* a number of the pictures that can be secured by the asking with his compliment*. If you want a picture of John Milledge see Dr. Tigner or call this office. * Th '* tI ' Mr. D. A. Darnor. .ho hVl u will come to Milledgeville next week for th, entire week presenting a P™** 1 of ““ A *P Store i change of program daily. ‘ fetf, bra sent in his reaignati The show features nn eight piece orchestra and vaudeville artists. The show came here reverai years ago, and scored a big hit. ‘ ■« better that . get with it—We have th* titibax under consideration. beet Atwater Kant, RCA and Ma jestic Radios. I ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRIC rr» CUFTOM « and they both exprses deep regrt t at Fish and Oysters arrive daily at LOCAL MANAGER OF ARP STORE HAS RESIGNED go-into effect as soon as a successor can be named. Mr. Danner has dealt pleasantly with the trading pub. He Rtfid-Abe business done by the Co., has Ihfteased under his management’ He has several other business m-on*. Mr. and Mrs. Danna, during their ENNIS PALACE MARKET. | homo. having to gr> elsewhere to make tht;:' YOU ARE MISSING SOME- THING—If you kirrn t trie! CUOGDMCES Harris Hall’s Drug Store I PHONE 212 many improvement! ■<n made and it was under his xion that the water work* were constructed, and the water mains and j-ystem wan built. Many other accomplishments of a permai ent nature stand today to hi* ered as an engineer of great ability. He wa- a member of the Presby terian faith and contributed liberally *** ’TV.**" ... , tI Europe next Summer to visit the MISS FLORIDE ALLEN TO CON DUCT EUROPEAN TOUR. Mins Florlde Allen ix making plan.* take a party of young people to A WEINER ROAST A weiner roast and dance were enjoyed Saturday evening at the Wysong home at Carrs Station. The Mr. and Mm. Paul Wysong, Mr. and Mr*. Forest Wysong, Mr. and Mr-. John Wysong, I>r. and Mr*. Langston, Misses Dorothy Roberson, La Vera Morgan, Lora Ivey. Gladys West, Messrs. Donald Stiff. H. O. Elder, Z. B. Catrer, R. C. Porter, and J. C. Elder. to the th. nteresting cities in the old country. Miss Allen spent several months it respect and e.-teem of ull the „ . .. ., , o . 0 . P*ns and traveling the continent, officials and employees of the Sam- . _ . . . . , „ * eople who are interested can com- tanum. Up until his death he was • ... . , . . . . , .... mumcate with Miss Allen about the active m his work and carried on the nUll- intricate details connected with his department. It can be truthfully said “He died at his post of duty.” THE POPPY The Memorial Flower of th* Amer- lean Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary—emblematic of the sacri fices of our Nation's heroic dead. In reveyefece and understanding WEAR A POPPY. i Atwal C. OF C. ORGANIZES FOR YEARS WORT There is »o sal* yrii Kent Radies—my price* are as lew as •*> dealer in Georgia and may ha purchased on easy terms withoat interest. AD A M5 ELECTRICAL CO. If it is an electrola and radio com bination you are leaking for we have Ik* best on the market—RCA 47 and RCA 67—ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. Fresh Fish and Oysters and every thing in tba market linn this week at CHANDLER BROS. Public Affxirx: T. H. Clark, chair man, L. S. Fowler, H. S. Bone and John Hutchinson. Buxines- Development: L. N. Jor dan. chairman, George Tunnell, R. J. Wilson and John Holloway. Publicity: L. H. Andrews, •chair man. J. N. Moore, Cha* Whitfield, and A. C. McKinley. Agriculture: L. C. Hall, Adrian Horne, D. M. Rogers and Otto M. Conn. The committee chairmen were given power with their asristanU to select any other busier men to work with them in »eir work. The five orgy nization* constitute sub-huads that will embrace every pha«e of activity that will come be fore the Chamber <f Commerce. All matters wil lbe referred to their de partments as they come before the hoard and they will have full power Mr. Adri Ho named a number of the Directorate Board at th t meeting Monday, bringing the total number of director* to vigh-' President Bell and other member* of thr board enthusiastically endors ed the plan a* one that would bring alK»ut r.«ults and get quick action The pr. dent -tressed the import ance of th. five- department* in their relationship 1„ the work at hand. P. T. A. MEETS FRIDAY AFTER NOON AT THREE O'CLOCK The Pan nt-Teacher Association will meet promptly in the G. M. C. grade hViilding Friday afternoon at three o'clock. Mr*. Julia Gray, who is deeply interested in health work, will make a talk, after a short busi ness meeting. The members are urged to be on time. Sliced Mam—Puritan sliced ham u* week eely 3f ceela per peuad t CHANDLER BROS. LAND FOR SALE—Several ai«e farm* from 63 acre. I* 225 each. Fin* land, well improved. 67 acres la cily. Just th* place for Factory Site. J. H. ENNIS. Radiea may com* and Radios may ge bat Atwater Kent and RCA will ha here forever Get your Radio from ADAMS ELECTRIC CO Easy terms without interest. The Slogan of this Bank is SAFETY COURTESY SERVICE Three word, that means much to the person who is seeking a financial institution in which they can place their trust and confidence. This Bank does not merely use these words as a slogan, but pratices them in Deeds OCR LARGE CAPITAL SURPLUS. AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OFFER YOU SAFETY AND PROTECTION AS NO OTHER BANK IN CENTRAL GEORGIA OLTSIDE OF MA CON. OUR EMPLYEES WHO PRATiCE COURTESY TO EVERY CUSTOMER INSURE YOU OF A PLEASANT AND SATIS FACTORY RELATIONSHIP. OUR STRONG CONNECTIONS AND WIDE EXPERIENCE OFFER YOU SERVICE UNEXCELLED ANYWHERE. Rank wall Us and Eajay the Fgl Hmn ad laaafil af tfcu Insiaahsa af Twraty -sii Yarn Serin. Exchange Bank 4 Per Cent and|Safety Two Big Stores to Serve You. UNUSUAL VALUES THIS WEEK. MANY COLLARS SAVED By trading at Chandler’s Variety Store Candies 1 lb. BOX AND POUND PAPERS 50c and ?5c Values Extra Special TOWELS Odd Siees ir Turkish Crash. Some unperfect. Bargain price*. Get an early pick. TOILET SOAP Regular lOr Sweet Soap Close-oat —45c Dos — SWEATERS CoaJ style*—fancy slip-ova Men, Women and Children —$1.00 to $695— BLANKETS First quality doable Blankets an axceptional value —$3.95— The most beautiful line of Baby Clothes, Caps, Bootees. SWEATERS AND ROBES We invite your inspection GIFT NOVELTIES Just the thin I for Bridge Prises—Birthday or other gift days. Now on display. CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE HANCOCK STREET NEXT TO COLONIAL WAYNE ST. NEXT TO OLD CAPITAL DRUG CO QOAL QOAL SPECIAL SALE Three Days Only fee Haadred ud fifty Tan af He Rant Caal Em ■ MiledgeTile. Am TW Brorms aad Make A Special Frin af $1.50 § Per Ton delivered at your home, or place of businesa Emy Taa CaaraRtaad la Be Ai Fiat At Yaa Em Baraed. SALE BEGINS Tharufey Morning, Oct. 31 Lasts Three Days Only . _ CASH WITH ORDER OR ON DELIVERY Phone 239 or 461 J. H. ENNIS