Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 14, 1929, Image 1

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Rttitro READ BY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in Progressive Bsldw *nd Surrounding Cou VOLUME C Southern Recorder Milledgeville, Ga., November 14, 1929 Consolidated ia 1871 LAWRENCE NAMED COUNTY POLICE Comirissio"'" Elect R. H. Law- c:e as County Policeman at Session Last Monday ■ty ; J j^si'MES CHARGE WEDNESDAY I ] .■ rence was named county ; ,n and special prohibition „t . special meeting of the i umissioners la*t Monday i C . The term of office was ,<i ;.i the first of the year. 1. rence has been a Baldwin • nur for several year- af- with the State Prison as Warden for several years, was former chief of police and he ha* spent his en- n I|aldwin county. His me on the heel of several -*t a county policeman be Terry was county policeman lumber 1st, when he resign- - row ?tudying at the- State The office has been va- :re that time. (••mraiaaionera elected Mr. until the first of the year, rk will continue under the ystem which it has been >1 in the past. COL. SIBLEY NAMED MEMBER rs 1 A • ^ XT* 1 state council of bar oJinner Armistice Night c »> Honors War President Number 13 of Am i Sibley on Geor| Bar Ai Col. Edwin Sibley was elected the American Bar Association at the recent Memphis, Tenn., meeting: it became known here this week. The Ftate council is composed of five of the State’s leading lawyers, Col. Sibley was among the Georgia delegation that attended the national NEW INDUSTRY OPENS OFFICE A brilliant event of Armistic the dinner given by the Day NEW WATER METERS ARE NOW BEINGmSTALLED Workmen Begin Imtalation of Two Hundred Meter. Throughout City ■drow Wilson Foundati heme of Mrs. David Firgusi and chrysanthemums wert profusion in the parlor and library, where at small tables about fifty guests were served.' Dr. E. A .Tigner presided and told in graceful fash ion why we were celebrating « mistice Day instead of the usual 28th of December, Woodrow birthday. tallatb throughout the city, •ters having the purchase <,f thi liytn nuiJ, at a Mating of the City Council last Monday. Under the new meter system the old minimum rate wlil be don with and all consumer will pay cording to the amount of water used. Several weeks will be necessary to 'Crofging the Bar.*’ „ The company was asked informal- member of the Georgia Council* of fornie<1 Milledgeville branch of the ly to pay any tribute in their gift " — and Mrs. Lucy Walker recited a part of the Battle Hymn of the Republic which was especially loved by Mr. Wilson. Dr. Francis Daniils ex- •lained mo.-t lucidly why Americans, uiving come to this country to get way from the Old World wanted to stay out of its entanglements. Dr. Daniels showed another side to us, o impatient because An e son gave the League Mrs. David Ferguson followed with Nations to the world, alone stands out welcome to the guests and a little siJe. .Ik about the great Leader: calling Dr. Sidney McGhee spoke of being “Purely Personal". Dr. Beeson ' one of eight thousand soldiers who j >oke on his happy relation with .-tood where three thou.and of our I President, then Prof. Wilson, at Amen-an boys lay dead in France Snow Laundry to Open Office in Johns Hopkins; this association last- and heard the matchless words that} L. N. Jordan Building Next to H f,,r “ >' tar - wil *“ n »' ouW *P“ k »«>' Number of Shares for Stock Hold Telephone Exchange i-gSSmZSZm wU-| « «• * Teacher and Idealist. In her dom of his counsel and the splendor J NtW Directors to Eo Named and compelling way Dr. John- "f his intellect and hi> great lead COUNTY SCHOOLS SHORT OF MONEY Thursday mom- Crave Situation, Superintendent of two hundred Declares. Strict Economy Urged in Order to Finish Term BOARD PASSED RESOLUTIONS finish the FAIR ASS N TO NAMEOFFICERS What W«» H. B. EBERHART MANAGER Another new industry has located Milledge\ ille and will open for rith this busi eb. The Sno IS CELEBRATED Legion and Auxiliary Has Fitting Program at Memorial Gates. Rev. Harris Speaks In the shadow of the Memorial gat. - that mark the entrance to the hand*.,me G. M. C. athletic stadium that was erected by the American Let as i memorial to their bud- die. v.ho died in the wqrld \ lr, the • In M • ■ : ! ’ ■I the Legion and their Auxiliary, r f e» Rina in «■» IdgiMw "f I* Armistice Day Monday afternoon, ediately after a parade through main streets of the city. : two o’clock the line of march d off headed by the G. M. C. t hand and battallion. The ■>n mtminis, the Auxiliary and Gold Star Mothers of the war wed in automobiles. The pa- na-sed through the down town 1 n out on the hill and back to rumpus for the exercises that 1 •I commemorate the day that j trbt an end to the World War : •!. Erwin Sibley presided during { vemony. Hundreds of people crowded around the speaker om a- the program opened with j Col. Sibley presented Rev. ; •- Harris, Chaplain of the Post. ! ' < f the First Presbyterian eh I former State Chaplain | »* W. rid War. I eh of Rev. Mr. H*rri-! Laundry of Macon, one of the largest enterprises in the Sjiuth of this kind, will open their branch office in the Jordan Building next to the Tele phone Exchange on Monday, .Novem ber 18th, with Mr. H. B. Eberhart as The Snow Laundry is a three hun dred thousand dollar enterprise and has its central office in Mucon. Two trucks will he operated in Milledge- ville and special curb service will be given at the laundry. Mr. Snow decided to come to Mil ledgeville la:-t week and closed a deal with Mr. Jordan for the building next to the Telephone Exchange. The building is being remodeled and will be ready for occupancy this week. New machinery is now being installed The Snow plant ecently purchas- pd the interest) of the Moore Laun- Jries in Macon and are extending their territory throughout the Cen tral part of the State. The new in dustry is one of the largest to lo cate here in Bi-veral years. from the Pr s thn ugh hi g< Jet .'ey to the ton. Instead of President the fu;i grea 4 tm of Prim hip. Dr. Whii President final conclusi Mr J. L. Bi charming w •eson spoke in her y of Mill* dgeville’s evident when as a ted his unde. Prof, at Midway and was ceton with Mr Wilson! urr. Dr. H. D. Allen, to peak in such a j :al way that we voted! eerh of all. i*d by Dr. Brest n that i •'rial | ANNUAL REPORTS TO BE MADE | Stock holders of the Middle Geor- • "‘a Fair Association v ill have a ses sion next Tuesday night for the elec- j tion of officer*, directors and dis- | cuss other matters pertaining to the "'vanization. Judge R H. Dum Dr. E. and Mrs. David thi g committee to be t de members. The little Tommie Wilson. I Robert E. Lee Chapter Daughters of Dr. Webber told of what South Conft deij&ey, Mrs. R. B. Moore Carolina foiks thought and said of I’resiu nt, served the delightful din- President Wilson and concluded ner, the proceeds going to help pay pith Tennyson’s exquisite poem | for the rceently erected Boulder. CADETS PREP FOR SUNDAY OPENING MONROE FRIDAY DAY FOR ARMY ith I of tiii association will preridi lection of a President, V dent and Secretary. Tin* term ■ office or W. J. ( handier, J. H. Enni: M. W. St- mbridge and A. W. Wat- kin* as directors will expire anti their successors will be named. It is un derstood that the same officers and director.- will l H * named for an.tther year. F. W. Hendrickson is Vice- President, C. B. McCullar, Secretary’ and J. T. King, Treasurer. A proposal will be mad eto de crease the number of directors from Baldw Victory Over Norman Brings Cadets Nearer End With No Defeats and COUNCIL BARS CARNIVAL FROM SHOWING IN CITY ed License Monda Prohibit Show* The City Council denied ompany the right to show reek at a session Monday morning. The Council passed ordinance to irohibit show from coming here fihtout th* consent of the entire 'ounril an.i when the show applied or license, Mr. Baisden saw • the holiday ’ouncil members and they refused to thus 1 rive their approval to Coaches Johnny Broadnax Slap Rent/, began preparing their dadets Tuesday aftdrnoon for the big game Friday with Red Baron’s Monroe Aggies in Monroe, after handing the Norman Park Eleven a Morn-j 26 to, (I defeat in the Armistice Day d to ! battle Monday afternoon. Injuries will no doubt keep Mc- | Clellan, star full hack, out of the carnival j game in Monroe, a knee injury furc- lere thi- mg him from the game Monday, norning. Other minor injurie- will no doubt ance to hamper the teams play’, the hard ir here rchedule keeping *he team under > entire j handicap. The game Monday before a great *as one of the best Salvation Army to Start Work Here Army Officers of Macon to Speak on Program The Salvation Army will have its' formal opening meeting at their hall in the old opeia house next Sunday | ot j,i afternoon at three o’clock. Envoy Edw. P. Scovlil, who is in charge of the local post. F'ates that every effort is being matle to make this meeting a great success. Salva- tit n Army officers from Macon, Ga., will assi t ir. the opening service, a will as the Cadet band from the G. number of director*-. fr>ns olher coun-I ties in the Association. A proposal will hi* mad* to de- lim" the number of shares that any. t«ckholder may hold in the Associa-1 tion and to determine the maximum i number. Annual reports will he heard and j matters attended to. That Baldwin county’* public ! schools were facing .» grave finanical frisks, became known last week fol lowing the monthlv session of the B< urd of Education, who in a strong resolution declared that the strictest economy would have to be prnticed if :hc school were to continue through the remainder of the term. The report of Superintendent Biv ins showed that the schools gert in debt to an .amount approximately $23,000, and th . state aid was an uncertain proposition. The Board rtatetl that it was necessary to keep every expense down in order that the schools can be kept in operation. The resolution adopted by the Board follows: Whereas; O ving to the fact that the State of Georgia owes Baldwin County* Public School System ap proximately $23,000. which remains unpaid to date. And Where*-; It has been necessary to borrow $21,800 of thi- sum from a local hank. And Wherva*; It appears that there o relief from the State in future. And i*: The funds derived from th*- gasoline lax. county tax, and city tax amount to k-ss than 30 per cent of the payroll each month. And Whereas; It will be necessary to reduce th.- expenditure of fuade to th lowe t figure possible, in order to ke* p the schools in operation. Therefore; Be is Resolved. That we urge all school officials, teachers, patrons, and tax payer, to co-operate aing expenses down to '-Presi ] will h f | the ni the minium Adopted by the Baldwin County Board of Education. This November 6, 1029. FIRST MEAL SERVED AT DIXIE C0MPANYS MESS HALL G.S.C. OBSERVES EDUCATION WEEK Mbs Erua Belle Bolton Arranges a Interesting Program. Rev. Harris to Speak Sunday M. c. Eo Week, spon- rfloi rill be The fir th the The The pratically that GARDEN CLUB TO COMPLIMENT PRESIDENT NEXT WEDNESDAY fought on even te of the game, fumbles and p 'lowing up the G. M. C. att ,. .itedly. A mnrch of eight tarly in the fiist quarter hm first G. M. C. touch down. 1 >nd came near th*- half when ng large men* hall of the by the white people attending anil R t rU ctioi, Company ai th- entire allery ha* been g« v «'n Shod* Monday at noo ev*-r to hte colored people. There will be no admission charge and the army ^ U expeefing a full attendance. The j „ w ^ W4JI , § ronsiating of baked; w«-rk of the army will In- diacu*«ed I rhir ken, dreaaing. Engii h pea*,, by th*. spi alters and a musical P r "-1 mashed !ri-h potatoes, sliced t. ma-j ktt, the prvpai .red jointly each year by the Amcr- an Legion and National Education - riation during Armistice week is fing obseried thi* year at the Geor- a State College for Wanes under , direction of Mi** Eura ReBa Bol- The the Ct I Envoy and Mr*, j chatwe of the Pen Mi'hodDt church « lial 1 «ffe« ill I id, i the famil He had pened Tuesday morn- chapel exercises. Tha seek id*a was featured Wrdn -day and Friday Ha » the right shall rule over speaker declared. Hi* I eluded with a tribute to «n Legion, the organica- ion Hall Given Mr. Celebrate Appeal of New Book pa*, to W>', half the , -. 'TV Latlie* ti»m brill is win - untry Day C0IGNIAL HAS BIG PROCRAM ON FOR COMING WEEK off i and Hi- after the In i the history of the :i thi -pcaker told of the things '-'drh the orgnnization stood and ' at part it had played in bring- country hack to peace after 1 »'-ar had ended. 1 notes of taps from the cor- '* i Maj. (Merman brought the r:t f hut impressive program to an In the evening the members of the n were the guests of their com- ■r. Dr. W. M. Scott, at a ban- the home of Mrs. T. Treanor. •ng-s tales of the days during --nd 1918 featured the even- l of the lift **i the Geo S. Carpenter was :l speaker at an American Le- 'nquet in Eatonton the even- Umiftke Day. Col. Car- "» accompaned to Eatonton < - arpenter and Miss Bertie -dge. . in Legion Hall, i Club in celehri 0th. the by the of th. ^ r bonk, j “Home Keeping Hearts" which will! reach Milledgeville next week. The hosteses will be Mr*. F. E. Bore. Mrs. Harry Bone, Mr*. J. C. Cooper. Mrs. George Carpenter. Miss Mary Cline and Mrs. M. M. Flemis- ter, each i mWr of the Garden club will invite two out-ide guest*. During the entertainment a *h« ri program will be given by Mrs. Him who will read from the new book and Mrs. Edgar I <ng who will sing sev eral of Mr*. Hines >ongs. The hour is three-thirty. As the book will come from the press next week the tea will be an celebration of the in the back field p*rf rmed behind «H. a hard charging m that at *»nn * t n^i functioning brUlinntly. Batch* - lor, and McArthur were the outstand ing star* of the game. 1 Coach Red Barron ha* another I vra strong team at Monroe and the game j “Hi -rens to br* the big barrier in the | lell way of the cadets championsh/p j u it! march. A large delegation of stu- ( 1’1»‘ dents and c itixen- will accompany the team to Monroe for the game. I*nier High will come here on the 22nd and Gordon on Thanksgiving leaving no idle week-end* for the cadets. ExiU" and Flight Ar ia Every body Happy This We*.. nd I ild 11 .Ith •dored P. SUCCESS SALE OF POPPIES The . ale of popples Day by the American I iary was a great *u *11(1.00 were realised. in Armistice egion A axil- Mrs. H. B. „iv<*...,»li*hn>ent of the prr-ident of Enni* wa* chairman of the commit- the Garden Club. tee that conducted the sale, and >be was ably assisted by members of the Mr. Alton Rogers who is a student ; Auxiliary. The m*>ny realised will at Tech, -pent the past week-end hr sent to headquarters to he u ed with his mother, Mrs. James Eth- j In rehabilitation and child welfare ridge. I wor *- a h‘>«pital, guest house, I n wat- r and sewerage *y*-1 hi sd building, etc. I .and is j J. bring cleared, and a railroad track V laid fr<>m th (■ ^ia Railroad. It I will not be many weeks b-»w before j the hills on the West >id. of the Oconee river opposite the *.hoals will Ted Lewis and his band in I* be dotted by a littk city a ith nice Everybody Happy" is the feature hi.mea, supplied with all modern r in- picture Thursday and Friday of thi« j lenience*. n Exile’’ with Doloi ing the week and ‘ Holt taking the a i day have been ubi g. Friday will be ite resting when He issrred. i and her co-workera hly commend*-;i by Dr. Dr. Georg*- Harria ^••■-operated in arrang- FATHER OF MR. JOE MOORE DIES AT SHARON HOME P-m. CMaa —1 T.li.I.rro C.ul, Dies Early Meadsy After L«Sf Illness The new Yitaphone equiparent is ARRESTED F( proving popular nt the TH-atre with 1 V packed audiences at each perform-1 —— ■nee. Feature picture* have been R. B. Franks, included on each week's progrs the rema.njer of the y ar. HIS a. a ore, fatV-e - jeath of Mr f Mr. Ji»e M.*one of hi* city came to Milled*.* He Mob* lav morning. Mr. M-K-re wa* a pioneir citiaen f TaHi.^en*o county and was seven- Mr. W. A. Massey s conditior, dur i home drunk Saturday night, and Uwt jty-two years of sg* He had been ing th«* past week, has shown no hi* wife and threw her out of the n ill health for several month* and improvemeht, and the news from hi* house, dislocating one of her hips, j hi* dvath was received with much bedside is that it ia thought that his One of his young sons in defending sadm-s* by the many friend- of bis white man, is the county jail, having been *m- ed on a charge of assault with tent to murder. Franks went 11 strength and resutanee power are [his mother struck the man »n th** • a gradually weakening. Mr. ia; head with a hammer, but did not in ane of MilledgeviUe’s life-long eiti- flict n severe v ound. After Frank- tens snd his illness has been of much was locked up hi- bond was find at f concern to nil our people who kn«w j $l$00.0o, but he has ’j*. n u»*bl-- u and respect him, j to make it. 11« hen and his family we* <Karon when- tk were held Tuesday ,e number of M.I- a (tended. V i