Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 21, 1929, Image 1

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, BALDWIN COUNTY INSTITUTION Over Ob* Ho»4r*d y wr , Devotion to Pablic t Union- VOLUME C bead by thousands OF PEOPLE In Progrenloe Baldwin ■•d Surrounding Conn- tie.. Sfc c i&£* M “ , 4 to iSB MiHedjerille, G»., Nuvember 21, 192} CoiuolidaM la 1171 G- M. C. and Lanier Meet On Gridiron Friday at 2:45 Number 14 GAME DECIDES TITLE OF STATE fire Hundred Macon People and Lanier Band Coming Here for Came on Darenport Reid cadets are ready for foe IntiTi‘-t throughout Georgia will ccr/.fT on Davenport Field Friday af- ler , c ,, n when the G. M. C. cadets js^j the Lanier High School team, both undefeated in the G. I. A., on the gridiron to determine who will play in the post season game for the State ch.-nipionship. Five hundred Macon people with the Lanier band will accompany the team on the trip. Macon will move toward Miliodgeville Friday either in pcrd'in or in spirit to bnck their team who will be «>n the football field to figfc; for the right to go to Atlanta in lu-etniber. to play for the State .chm’pionship. .1 Coat!’. Broadnax and Coach Rentz brourht theiv team back from Mon roe u. : Saturday in bad shape but it s expected that the regular line-up will {ate the Maconites Friday after- no-- McClellan, McArthur and Batchelor will probably be in the line-up when the whistle starts. Milledgeville to be the center of the greatest football game in many jtar- Friday. Neither team has been defeated, both boasting powerful fkvenj. The Lanier team is a won derful passing and running agregu- tior.. They have held Boys High and Savannah High to ties earlier in the year. The cadets have come down to the close undefeated. They have ,layed an unusually hard sche- dulc, meeting Riverside, Madison, Monroe, Douglas, and Norman Park. The intere.-t is high in Milledgc- nlle. Stores will bo decorated to welcome the hundreds of visitors who rill come over to the city and every thing will be ready for one of the greatL. t games in many years. Landscaping of Old State Park Nearing Completion Dr. J. L. Beeson Supervising Work to Convert Wooded Land into Beautiful Spot. Red Buds and Dog Wood Predoninote Tree Expert Busy at Work The conversion of Old Govern ment Park into a beauty spot is near ing the finish under the supervision of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Beeson, who arc pluming more than one hundred Dog Wood and Red Bud trees in the twen ty acre enclosure that ha* been con verted into a play ground for the young ladies of the Georgia State College for Women. Dr. T. H. McHatten, of the horti culture department of the State Col- lego of Agriculture, drew the land souping plans and the work is being done at his instruction. Red Buds, Dog Woods of white and p Beauty Berries will bo planted by the of the score. Around the edge of the square a row of Dog Wood is being planted and throughout the interior wild flowers will be planted. Next spring the play g-round will be a land of flowers, wild flowers, as they once were in the woods of these Georgia hills, will blossom lorth in all their beauty. A tree expert is now busy going over all the old trees, grass has been planted on the bald spots and walk ways cut through. The log cabin erected by the class of 1920 stands in .the center, in rustic form, with its old furnishings to make the spot one . beautiful in Georgia. HOME COMING AT C.S.C. NEXT WEEK Old Students to Come E-ack to Campus for Week-end. Tea and Banquet Feature KormtT students of the Georgia State College for V -men have been iwt ’ lack to the campus next week : “v ml Thanksgiving and the rc- aininlcr nf the week a shte guests of the l«ic-:ii alumnae. Miss Katherine 1 ’ i dent of the association kci - u -rial hostess. -tninmehts have boon ■ young ladier- pleasure LITTLE CITY IS NEARING FINISH Dixie Construction Co., to Complete Erection of Half Hundred Houses at Early Date The completion of the erection of the Little City Furman Shoals where the Georgia Company is to erect their gigantic dam to create an in land sea, will be announced with in a few weks, it was learned toduy. Five permanent houses, fifteen semi-permanent houses and a number of shacks are being build. A large commisary, dinning room, office building and other houses are being erected. The ofice will be moved to the Dam site after next week and the other houses will be open for occupancy between now and the first of the year. The actual work on the dam will not begin before January 1st. it is understood. All preliminary ar ranpements .are being brought to a close so that all employees may be housed at the site of construction. The railroad to the camp has leen completed with the exception of short spur tracks to side track cars for un loading. Material* will be brought to the camp over this line. The litle city will be one of the largest the Construction Company ha ever erected on a similar job. THE FAIR ASSOCIATION OFFICERS ARE EIECTED ed and An Ad- WORK STOPPED ON G. S. S. ROAD BY ORDER MON, Engineer Declares P»it of Road is City Limit* and Orders Work Cease oo This Section HEARING TO BE IN ATLANTA POWE COMPANY TO REDUCE RATES Service Co-nmisrioc Orders Uni form Rale in Ninety-eight Cities Served by Ga. Power Co. An order from the Georgia Public Service Commission last week dured commercial power ratC3 in ninety-eight cities served by Georgia Power Company and placed the rate schedule on a uniform basis in the territory served by the com pany. The reduction grew out of an ap peal jjiada *s«verxl .months ago hyi 1 * Dr. R. C. Swint, Mr. O M. Ennis citizens in several Georgia towns ask ing for a uniform rote throughout the territory. Col. Erwin Sibley represented the citizen? in the argu ment before the commission. The power company appeared before the commission and several months was necessary to complete the hearing. The order will become effective af ter the December meter readng. The C©mmiB>ion ordered a like uniformity of vhe residential light ing and power rate in December of 1928, and the new rate will effect the following: The commercial lighting custom s who do not receive any power. The retail power customers that do n. receive any lighting service. Customers that lave combined lighting and power service. Customers using electricity for ommeraial purpo.-es for heating, ooking and refrigeration. Due to the varied u^e of clectrici- y for commercial purposes it is im practicable to prescribe one schedule , rates that will apply to all dnss- Under tk- ordtr Jlilledgcvillo h-is. Engineers of the highway depart ment in the Augusta division ordered nil work on the section of the rood leading to the State Hospital between Bland Lumber Company and the end of the Wayne street paving to stop Monday morning, declaring that the section of the road was in the city limits and the Law would not permit the highway dopni£meni doing work within a municipality of a popula tion more than twenty-five hundred. Under the order the Sanitarium Avenue will be paved and the origi nal plans to pave the road in front of the T. O. Powell building and the now L. M. Jones Hospital building looping beck into the avenue, will be carried out. The State Highway was supposed to have rrached an agreement with the city to pave the section of the road that was within the limits and a survey had been made and construc tion work had started. The fill at Fi'hing Creek was being graded and had been pratically finished to Double Branch Filling Station when the order Hopped the work. It was learned that the city in 1925 agreed to turn the road at Fishing Creek and the Oconee River ovc the State Highway and that they were to make all repoirs and im provements and the city would give them entire control of these sections of road. The Highway constructed the bridges at the creek and river and built the fills several years ago and have maintained those roads since that time. and Mr. L. H. Andrews will appear before the Highway Board in At lanta Thursday to argue the matter. In the meantime the construction company has finished laying the base on the road down the avenue and around the grounds and are now waiting the settlement before fur ther work can be done. The work of raising the Fishing Creek fill and grading the other section of the road his been stopped. MISS MARY IVEY DIED THURSDAY EVENING of Milled gaville's Well Known >men Pen« Away. Funeral Friday Afternoon Miss Mary Ivey, the eldest dnugh- •, of Mr and Mrs. J. L. Ivey, died at the hoi of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ivey, in thi* city Thurs day evening, November 14th, after rr* illness extending through several weeks. The funeral services were held at the residence Friday afternoon Rev L. E. Robert*, pastor of the Baptist Judge Orders Paving Case Heard Before Jury in January the campus • plan:* art* bt-ir.g made Coming week. Hnn- ' • former rtuuents are ex- i-l'm to MiHedgeville for " event of the year which ■e an annual custom. TH ' ? GIVING SERVICES TO ELD WEDNESDAY NIGHT r 1 Service* at Preabyteriai C ^‘ Jr "h «t 7.30 O'clock. Rev. L. E Robert. Will Preach tors of the city have ar old Thanksgiving service evening, November 27.. n ''Trice* will be held at the church at 7:30 P. M., ’ k E. Roberts, Pastor of eLurch, will preach. This " 1 he in lieu of one Thurs- :i ns, Thanksgiving Day. ,-_C. B. MeCul!ar. r—J. T. King. : -W. A. W g acting - . all benr< C. Hall, J. C. Ingra :ig sac: of flc DISPLAY BAKER’/ r folio’ REV. YARBROUGH RETURNED HERE Rev. J. L. Rutland Comes to Mil led geviHe Circuit ind Rev. J, M. Guest to Midway Charge The pastor.- of the Milledgcvilte and Bujdwin county McthoffUt churches as announced at the session of the North Georgia Annual Confer ence which adjourned Monday after- Milledgeville—Rev. J. F. Yar brough. Milledgeville Circuit—Rev. J Rutland. Midway—Rev. J. M Guest. Rev. Mr. Yarbrough has served a3 pastor of the Milledgeville church for the past three years, and his turn for another year is highly gratifying to the members of hh congregation and the people of Mil- ledgeville generally. During hii ministry the interests of tlie church nave udvanced and Mr. Yarbrough, both as a pastor and citizen, has identified himself with the religious and civic life of the city. He is held in the highest regard here as a and minister. Rev. J. L. Rutland fucceed Rev. J. H. Farr as pastor of the Milledge ville Circuit, the two pastors exchang ing chargts, Mr. Rutland coming from Tignall „nd Mr. Farr, having been appointed to that place. Rutland has been at Tignall the past two years, ami comes to the ledgeville Circuit with a splendid ord us a member of the Conference. Rev. Mr. Guest who comes tc Midway charge has been a nfember of Conference fir the past five or six years. We have been unable to learn where he was stationed the past year. _H* -succeed* Rev. A % V. Rocrk, who was assigned to the Monticcllo Circuit Mr. Roark has ;d as pastor at Midway the past year. Dr. Elam F. Denipvey will serve his fourth year as Presiding Elder of the Oxford District Under his leadership the District made a splendid report at the Annual Conference. The appointments to the Oxford District arc ns follows: Conyers, J. R. Jordan; Covington, W. T. Irvine; Eatonton, W. W. Car- rail; East n utnam, R. E. Lyle; Gray, H. Maxwell; Llth-mia, W. S. Nor ton; Midway. J. M. Milledge ville, J. F. Yarbroujjh; Milledgc- ille circuit. T. L. Rutland; Milstend and Covington Mills, J. F. Young; MornMccIlo, J. O. Brand; Monticello rcuit, V. A. Roark; Newborn and Mansfield, W. B. Elizcr; PorterdaK B. L. BettJs; Redan and Roc!. Chapel, J. D. Milton; Salem, C. W. Fruitt, Howard Sims, Jr., preacher: Shady Dale. C. A. . Ree‘«; Social Circle and Rutledge. E. P. Eubnnkr: West Putnam, T. W. Ellis, supply; chaplain state farm E. C. Atkins; conference necrotury of education, E. I*. Dempsey. KISS ATKINSON BECOMES SRIC* OF MS. PAUL RHODE" Decision in Affadavib of lllcfaktj lo Paving Charges, Handed Down by Jndye Park CASE TO BE TRIED BY JURY Judge James B. Park handed down o dcci ion in the cusc of the City of Milledgeville vs. Mrs. Ophelia Well, ct aL, in which he sustained the de murrer filed by the city in every in stance except one, ordering the case to trial .at the January term of court before a jury. Mrs. Wall with a large number of other property holdors filed affada- vites of illegality when the city ad vertised their property fori a sale after thry had failed to pay assess ment. against their property to satis fy an indebtedness made when tho street* of the city were paved. The cii;. filed a demurrer tEe allega tions when the case was called at the July term of Baldwin Superior Court. Judge Park ordered a hearing of tho demurrer in August ai.J that all the points be filed in brief with him. His decision c.amc Wedn-sdny. Judge Park sustained the demurrer of the city in every instance except one which was sufficient to bring tho case to n jury. The point in tho de murrer which the judge overruled was based on tho paving ordinance not having been read before "the Council three times before its adop tion. The Judge stated that If this were true it constituted an illegal proceeding. Since the first affndnvitn of illeg ality were filed a large number of property holders have taken similar action, charging excess prices for the work and illegal pracedingn in paving the streets. Th cease U expected to attract con siderable interest when it is called, cd. Hammond and Kennedy and Frank W. Bell are representing tho defendants In the case und th& attor neys for the city are Hinesdc Car penter, Sibley & Sibley, Allen & Pottle. TO CELEBRATE DAY OF THANKS Cily Will Observe Holiday. Service, to Be Held at Episcopal and Presbyterian Cbnrcbes Milledgevilk will cease in its ac tivities next Thursday to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The day will he a full holiday all ver the city. Every business house ill be closed. The Episcopal nr.d Catholic church- s wil have special services on Thanksgiving Day, reenacting the Pilgrim to give thanks to God for the blessings of the closing year. or »t G. S. C. W. “Home Corn- day will be celebrated. All idumnae have beer inv'ited back to the campur. retain and special enter tainment has been provided for all visitor*. In the dormitories _ '•‘ving dinners will be rerved, ral part's will be given d» of Merchant 1 .T. i Stei .ridge. The term of all the Directors ind not expired. Ar. Advir rv Board of three m«n- ountica v - n Baldwin county—K. A. Tivnct L. S. Fowler, J. C. Cooper. Futnnm—J. O. Wnll. Howard earn, Frank DennK Jones—Joe Middlebroks, Jack Bivins, Frank Morron. Wilkinson—Will Jones, John avis, Charlie Lord. Wasliington—Will Kelly, Harper Tucker, Man-in Scrugg. MR R. H. HARPER OPERATED ON FOR APPENDICITIS Mr. Robert H. Harper underwent n operation for nppendicitLs at the . iiy horpitsl Monday night. .It is re ported that he has born in a serious condition since, but the news from his bedside Wednesday afternoon was that he wa'3 routing quietly. Claimed as the large ! sack of lour in the world, the J~-hn Conn Company, wholesale grocers, are ntraducing’ a new brand of flour by iispbying this bag in the window of be Electrik Maid Bakery. The new flour. Heliotrope, is being old by the ratail trade and simul- nneous with the introduction of the . cw brand here, the big sack is be ing shown. Mr. Floyd Frederick represents the mill that manufacture.* the flour and is spending several days h:re puting on the campaign. and \ She t bout Bald-: i i thi3 city | mm held in! of Madifo odes. -,f MI.h.; Martha Ve to Mr. Paul of the RhodL*- THANKSGIV1NG SERVICE AT THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH At eleven o’clock on Thanksgiving Day there will be the regular Thanks giving Day service of the Episcopal church with an address by the Rec tor. All are cordially invited. F. H. HARPING, Rector. her of the Milledgeville Methodist church from her girlhood, and her rnrinory will Irrg b? cherished on ac count <-f many charitable and help ful deeds to others. She i survived by her paints, three brother*. Mr. Chas Ivey, Wn Ivey, Lelund Ivey, and one sister. Miss Mattie Ivey, of Atlanta, and a number of relatives. T!roB.-J( surprisr Rhodes in thi- : city. The marriage was qu'etly solcmn- bo only imme diate member of the famifl^h and frit :da of the couple attending. Mr. Rhodes spends sveeral days of . :.ch week here and has a large numh-r of business friends. He has been head of the Joseph store on the ■ ••ra?r since the retirement of Mr. N. K. Smith several years ago. i boid i ? y tl.i i the A npccftl the ly eum number will be i cvenirj in the auditorium. G. M. C. will meet Gordon Insti tute, their ancient rivals, on the Gridiron in the afternoon. M.i ny people will take dog and gur. and go into the. fields for a days hunti’v-. Thanksgiving dinner- will be served in pratically every home la the city, auu the day will be general ly observed throughout the county. Rev. L. E. Rnberta left Tuesday for Gainesville, where be will at tend tha Georgia Bupfci-t Conven tion which will be in oession through Thursday. Rev. Roberts is one of the out standing ministers of th* church and is recogrixid as one of the leaders. Aceompying him are Dr. X. H. Scott and Mr. Joe Koorr. Winfred Wynn, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wynn, ha* been named a utudent instructor at Emory Col lege. Mr. Wynn received his degree last •pring and is now taking poet g idu- atc- work. He has been aafesd an, assistant I* tho ment -,i •• The time of Lieut. V. L- \a.-h ns Military Instructor at G. M. C , has been extended to Juno 1st, 1931. His appointment to the colLge for four years would have expired June 1st, 1930, but Information has been received that his assignment would be extended another year. Lieut Nash has .made many friends during the time ho has been here, and h esteemed by the college authorities and the members of the Cadet Battfttto*.