Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 12, 1929, Image 1

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g/A'**.. "TTaldw'N county INSTITUTION uiU Che' Oo. H.oJeed Dr.otioo to Public 11 IVOLL ML I (Sixteen Page.) T^SS^ES^***** ta !|?S MUledgevUle, G.„ December 12, 1929 Consolidated in 1872 Number 17 G. M. C. - Madison Play For G. I. A. A. Championship MR. R. H. HARPER haspassedaway Coach Wallace Butts Brings Fighting Aggies Here Friday I Well-known Citiieii «nd Pretidenl G» me Detenninei Winner of G. I. A. A. Rag. Great Crowd Expected 1 Board of EduMtion Died Mo^ , to Witneta Game on Davenport field. Teams Ready for final day Morning Mr. Kcfcrrt H. Harper parsed as, I,, the city hospital Monday mors I. pci'embrr 9th, at seven o’clock. Mr. Harper was stricken with ap- several weeks ago, and lurdcno nt an operation for appendi- lcittf He al lht * timo was in a cr,ti * 1 fl l condition, but rallied, ana Itrwas I j^r, j that a successful fight could I{*nade for his restoration to health. rtrength fadually yielded and | death claimed Wm. TV funeral sendees were held the Milledgeville Methudist church I Tuesday morning, Rev. .7. L. Rutland | 4 r.d Kcv. .1. F. Yarbrough officiating. attended by a litre- crowd, among whom were a her of children and teachers , the schools of tho county. The tin, were intqjed In the city t.-ry, the following acting as pall is: Dr. .1. L. Beeson, Mr. P. N. : . Col. Marion Allen. Messrs P. .jurence, J. C. Cooper and S. tembridge. my beautiful floral offerings upon th t casket. ix-rt II. Harper was a ron of the Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Harper —»** Game of The Year. Game May be Broadcast making i »T!6nded s M. C. manhood he Tied Miss Josie Stiles, a daugh- | t*r of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stiles. He wniraci'd in farming, and was post- mabur at Meriwether for a number P 1 f ' m. Mr Harper at the time of his Icath President of the Board of I Education «>f Baldwin county, and was dri ply interested in the school affair* of the county. He lent his ivuruel. and assistance in building Ip the system to its present high li’j.ndard, and in him the children j Dr. I throughout the county had a staunch class, ud loyal friend. Mr. Harper was a member and fcr.id the Bethel Methodist church ai a steward for many years, giving tiisf and thought to the performance I tf the dutits that fell to him as an I dficial, in promoting the interest | «f the church, and in aiding the pas- in carrying on his work. «* took interest in the affairs of county, and was a member of | Democratic Executive Committee, a loyal to his friends, and •ng a kind and sympathetic | n ^ ture . he was always ready and *illinjt to lend assistance and extend I kindness. Mr. Harper is survived by his wife ^nd one son; three sisters, Mrs. W. • Bloodworth of Midway; Mrs. I Claudia Wilson, of Jacksonville, Fla.; | Mr*. Geo. Small, of Jones coun- ir brothers, Messrs Ben J. I Harper, of Putnam county; Otis and ^>1! Harper of Baldwin county, and J o Harper, of Valdosta. Milledgcville will be the scene of a championship football game Friday afternoon, when Coach Wallace Butts, fighting Mudison Aggies, con querors of Boys High for the North ern Championship, meet the Cudets of G. M. C., winners over Lanier for the Southern title, in ope of the greatest prep gridiron battles of many years out on Duvcnport Me morial Field at two-thirty. Hundreds of enthusiastic fans are expected in the city for the game. Reports have it that Madison will close every door and the town people will move as a mighty army on the old capital to cheer the team that hus brought them to the front in prep football this year. Plans are being made to seat the great hold that will come here for the game. Extra seats arc being erected and every effort will be made to accommodate the crowd. Coaches Broadnax and Rents will send their great agregotion of prep footballers into the game for the last time Friday. They will be primed ! j^ v and ready to meet a diferent team | not from th- one which defeated i" .i scroll. Tommy - ihe last I ‘ 11 • 2 .s Lanier game McClellan. McArthur and Batchelor will all be .started ir. the game with the usual forward wall that hus play, ed throughout the season. Coach Butts will arrive in Mil- ledgeville Friday morning with his team. They will be taken to the Baldwin Hotel where they will estab lish headquarters during the day. The team is in fine shape it is under stood. Madison since her defeat early in the season by G. M. C., has gone through a hard schedule and established a splendid record entitle- ing them to play in the final game for the Association Championship. In the delegation -attending the gunu- will be a number of famous cna/h's- Coach Mehre and Thomas of Georgia. Coach Fincher of Tech, Coach Russell of Mercer und a num ber of prtp scho::l coaches will also be hen A hi i of i g the Maco ted Pr Hll Effort is being made to game broadcast. It has not yet been decided by W. S. B. the Atlanta Journal station if Bill Mun- ill be sent here. The game will bring to a close the SCHOOL CHILD’N TO BE GIVEN MILK Medical Auxiliary Sponsors Move to Supply Undernourished Chil dren Wilh Milk at School KIWAN1S TO HELP IN PLAN Undernourished children of the Grammar school at G. M. C. will be furnished a pint of milk each day, it has been announced by Mr>. John Mobley, head of the Medical Auxiliary of Baldwin county. The plan to furnish milk to the children of the school that were undernouri.-hed, was made at a rec ent meeting the Auxiliary, whose membership is composed of the wives of the doctors of the county. At the j tb( Maurice G. Harrington Kills Wife and Self Saturday Night Homicide and Suicide Follow Quarrel it Wat Learned. L. H. Pene and Wife Jailed for Part in Fnu Before Tragedy. Funeral Services Held Monday Morning and Afternoon ie for him to play, j football j G. S. C. JOURNALISM CLASS HELP EDIT TELEGRAPH MONDAY NIGHT WASHINGTON COUNTY CONVEN TION TO HOLD SESSION HERE FRIDAY Kiwanis Hub Friday night, the plun was pre.-ented by Mrs. John Mobley and Mrs. H. I). Allen, Jr., who so- ' iciti-il the aid of the civic organiza tion in carrying out their plun. The Kiwanis by a unanimous vote agreed to furnish funds to purchase the milk for the five remaining months of this school term. Mr. Lee N. Jor dan personally subscribed to supply the milk for two of the months, leav ing three months for the Kiwanis to make the donation. The sum neces sary to purchase a sufficient supply of milk to give the children at the school who need more nourishment, will amount to over Fourteen dollar* per month. Mr. Jordan and the Ki wanis were enthusiastic in their en dorsement of the plan. Mrs. Mobley stated that the milk would be delivered at the school daily begining with the first day af- i Colt pii Maurice C. Harrington took his own life Saturday night after he had killed his wife, Mrs. Cora Johns Harrington, following a quarrel dur ing which Mrs. Harrington threaten ed to leave home because of domes tic misunderstandings. L. H. Pease and his wife, tenants of Mr. Harrington, were placed in jail by Sheriff W. J. Haynie who was ended to the home by Mr. Muurice Harrington, Jr., after the tragedy. Mr. and Mrs. Pease were iinkid with :rime became of their part ir. quarrel which had taken place before Mr. Harrington committed the deed. \ ** *i Mr. Harrington lio.l been in Mil- ledgcville with Mr. and Mrs. Pease on Saturday evening und when they returned to Mr. Harrington’s home a quarrel followed. Evidence g ven | at a coroner's inquest held Sunday 1 C. I. Mr. Harrington was fifty-nine years of age and ha> been a promin ent farmer of this county for many ycras. He was ex-ofido Justice of the Peace of his militia district at his death and was a former member of the Pnard of Tax Accessors. Funeral services which were large ly attended, were held Monday af ternoon at Hopewell Methodjst church where he had been -a member for many years and was prominent in the work. He had boen married three times having eight sons by his first wife and one Hy his last. Mrs. Harrington w-as Miss Cora Johns before she was married to Ollie Pennington who died several years ago. She was then married to Mr. Harrington nine years ago and had one son, Perry, by this mar- She is also survived by three Grady. Charlie and Erby morning by Coroner C. I. Newton j Pennington and throe duughtei showed thut Mrs. Peace attacked Misr Mary Lizzie. Clara and Ollie Mrs. Harrington and struck her with Pennington. a stick after Mrs. Harrington had | Mrs. Harrington is connected with accused and upbraided her for illicit one of Wilkinson county’s oldest und relations with Mr. Harrington. After | best known fnmilie- being a daugh- the Peases had gone to their home [ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Johns. The Mrs. Harrington made plans | funeral services which were held at to leave, her daughter stated, und I Nunn and Wheeler church in Wilkin- when she started from the r- am, M.\ j son county was attended by a large Harrington, who had gone to bed, \ concourse of friends. She was known ; his W. T. Wynn, Te« of Class Lccal Blue Lodge Giv. » by Telecr.ph Edit Visit Suppe. . Be Sei The members of the Journalism class of the Georgia State College for Women under the direction of fynn, teacher of the in the editing of the Macon Telegraph Monday night. The young ladies went to the Telegraph office in the afternoon and were assigned beats with the re- proters. They interviewed several prominent people, visited the police courts, and covered other assign ment?, gathering a large volumne of news for the Tuesday morning edition. After the copy had been turned in hte young ladies were entertained at a banqu-1 at the Dempsey Hotel by the Editors of the paper. Mr. W. T. Anderson and Mr. Mark Etheridge delivered speeches during the banquet and congratulated the young ladies on their splendid work. Dr. Wynn stated that they enjoy ed the trip and gained valuable ex perience i the work. HAROLD LLOYD HERE IN FIRST ALL TALKING PICTURE Members of the Washington coun ty association of the Masonic Lodge, numbering more than fifty men, will be the guests of Benevolent Lodge, No. 3. Friday evening when a special presentation of the Master’s degree will be given by the Degree team of the local Lodge. The guests will be served a barbe- le dinner early in the evening. Af ter the social hour, the degree work will be put on in the Lodge rooms. \ large delegation from the Dixie Construction Company has also been '•ited and it is expected that the delegation that will be present for the special meeting will number nearly one hundred. W. H. Baumgartel, Worshipiul aster, of Benevolent Lodge, will be - official host and make the wcl- j to the visitors. Mr. Lewis Sperling, of Tennille, is Master of the Washington Association and will head the delegation coming here. Visitors are aLo expected from Han- rock county. The gathering will be one of the largest Masonic events ;ver held here. the Christmas holidays. SURVEYFORNEW EATONTON ROAD gun and fired it into the back of his wife’s heud. He then picked up a thirty-eight nd killed him elf, the eet, attractive disposition v. ide circle of friends Baldwin and Wilkinson Dixie Construction Company Mak ing Surveys to Begin Work on Highway to Eatonton BRIDGE CHANGED AT RIVER | WE MACON NEGROES JAILED FOR DRIVING WH'LE DRUNK -Welc. ACCIDENTAL SHOT KILLS YOUTH NEAR IRWINTON Surveyor? have been busy several days making preliminary plans for the new road to Eatonton which will he made n. v=?*iry by the gigantic inland sea that will be created by the Georgia Power Dam which will be constructed during the next two years. The road will be changed only a few hundred yards, Mr. Porter, the engineer in charge believed. The bridge at Little River will necessari ly have to be moved up the river which will change the route of the The construction work at the Dam has been carried on rapidly and many of the hous.'s arc completed. All officers and'many of the employees the work have moved to the con struction village. Actual work on the dam is not expected to begin bc- the middle of January. All Talkin , Edward Daniel. Accidentally Shoi : After Hunt Tuesday Afternoon u "«r Officer Lawrence Bringi lo J*' 1 - One Charged With lure, ild Lloyd’s first Talking I’ic- • Welcome Danger" will open ek’s program at the Colonial Theatre next week and a fine all jail! talking program will continue through with being drunk after the! the week. The Lloyd picture is said to he one of the finest that has been made. I ’ lt i! ■''‘ dan in which they fashed into a Ford Roadster were riding two ladies Sunday s ' e *n jail were: Chas Ren- -iohnny Lee, Will O’Neal, Jr„ L nbo rn O’Neal, Maud O’Neal and 'a k Bryson ’ J°hnny Lee was taken f •'* -Macon for stealing the car " ^ a Mr. Martin. * two white women escaped in- I biuk k' J ‘ ^ aUl * O’Neal, the negro wo- »:■ badly cut and bruised and 1 fitica! condition. "Fast Company” is the second pic ture of the week .and The Argylc Case with Thomas Meghan will con clude the week on Saturday. Comedies and news reels will also be features of the program. CHANGE TN PICTURE AT COLONIAL P Ef lMR ER REPORTS SHOWS 5,569 BALES GINNED mment report .‘hows that ' ’ 1 of bales of cotton ginn- Lal iwin county prior to Dec tches 5,569. This is an f a j-emilar date of 1928 alt *. as the number at that ls 2J19 bales. Change of pictures at Colonial Theatre for Thursday ai d Friday of this week. On account of Broadway Scandals scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week not being up to the high standard of entertainment that; Mr. Curry en deavors to give to the people of Mil- ledgeviQe he will take off Broadway Scandals after Wednesday’s run and put in Richard Dix in “The Love Doctor” for Thursday and FriJny. • I Wcdnoda; CROWD FOLLOWS CADET FOOT- BALL TEAM TO MACON FRIDAY -ullet piercing his heart. Mrs. Hurrington were found lying side by side dead, by Mr. Maurice Harrington, Jr., who hud been sum moned by n daughter of Mrs. .Har rington. The corner’s jury case and returned a dcr and suicide. for her s and had throughou counties. Mr. Harrington survived by eight' sons all of this county G. T., Maurice, Jr., F. E.. L. R.. H. D.. Millard. Mark, and Guy, Rev. J. F. Yarbrough of t ? h-rst • Methodist church in this city and Rev. ivestigated the I J. L. Rutland of the Milledgeville crdict of mur- Circuit conducted both funeral ser vices. SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR HOLIDAYS DECEMBER 20 The G. S. C. W. and G. M. Colleges wil close for the Christ mas holidays Friday, December 20th. The school* throughout the county will also close on that day. BALDWIN ROADS BEING REPAIRED New Road to Power Dam Near Finish. Paved Road Over River Halted bv Bad Weather WORK ON ROAD TO G. S. S. Edward Daniels, sixteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Daniels of Wilkinson county wa* instantly killed Tuesday afternoon when a shot • gun was accidentally discharged af ter he had been hunting. Young Duniels had been out with i delegation of i that filled the of the Centennial standium fol!< Baldwin county road- were being placed in excellent condition reports from the Highway Department show ed this week, plans are ready to re sume work on the State Hospital road this week, weather condition hampering all progress however. Tho fill at Fishing Creek leading to the Hospital is still impassable and several days will be necessary to make this road ready for traffic. The top dirt which was ruin snaked '«*• j lust week will have to be dragged j off, officials stated and more dirt MiTcdsevillo i haoh . d in to n11lkc thc balc , u „. r . The rain on this road now will make paving safer, the engineer stated. MORGAN BLAKE Tf) ATTEND GAME Famous Sports Writer of Atlanta Journal With Ole Toner and Dave Jenkins to Be Here OTHER WRITERS ARE COMING Watch The Ed Bloodworth and had -turned to j .. d the G M C . footb .ll team to Ma-1‘ rhe wiI *, be raiaed about eigh the Bloodworth home. He laid his .nrf «™roh- .w , the Blooi gun on the porch and when he did the gun accientally discharged, the entire load going into his body. Funeral services were held at the home near Irwinton Thursday morn ing Young Edwards is survived by his parents and two sisters and two brothers. MRS. J. T. MEEKS DIES LAST SUNDAY MORNING Mrs. J. T. Meeks died nt her home in East Baldwin Sunday morning after an illness of several months. Funeral cervices were held at Friendship church Monday, Rev. J. F. McCluney aiying the final rites. She is survived by her husband and several children. last Friday afternoon and watch-, tcen i nc he* more, the supervisor of •d the football warriors of Broadnax [ tbe roa ^ said. ind Ri-nti -riumph In one of the be.tj Work|[>|{ „„ tha pavinK ba „ wi n >rep K»mc» of the year. hava to be delayed until the road The largest group left Milledge- throughly dries a* Uoth the Sani- ville op a special train at eleven 1 tar j um an d over the river it was o’clock. Tbps crowd included the ; t . arne d. j t j 8 hardly probable that team, the cadet band and students we w jj| enough fry and warm while a number of citizens were in- wca ther before spring so that we can eluded in the parsengers on the , fi n j g ), these roads the engineer said, three car special. The delegation nn( j tbu s the paving work cannot be arrived in Macon at twelve-thirty and done unt jj t h e spring -/oather begin?, the students paraded out Cherry Work on tho road to the Georgia street to the Y. M. C. A. ! p owcr dam was ncarirg the finish A caravan of automobiles started ' this week. Mr. Edwards, supervisor to Macon at about twelve o’clock and of the county rouds has had this work [ Chief Frank Broom extended i the lino was praticnlly continious un- in charge and was completing the .nvitation to the Macon and WaiLsi til one o’clock. final fill this week. The complc- j police to attend the footholl gan It «m „ happy crowd that left tion of thia road will K ive a jtood j here Friday aftwiloo ■ " ” Macon too and came hack ledgevflle. Morgan Blake, Sports Editor of the Atlanta Journal and one of the best scribes in ihe South with his colleagues in the Journal sport* de partment, Old Timer and Dave Jen kins will come to Milledgcville for th«> game Friday, Mr Blake notified, Jere Moore of the Union-Recorder Tuesday morning. Mr. Blake is possibly one of the best known newspaper men in Geor gia. He is a leader in Sunday School work in the. State and his talks over the radio each Sunday nro heard by thousands. His column “Sportanic Eruptions” in the Journal daily is one of the most widely read columns in Geor gia newspapers. It will be his first visit to Milledgeville. Ole Timer and Dave Jenkins have gained wide recognition as writer.- since their recent connection with the Journal. The party of newspaper men will he token on an automobile ride through the city and at noon will be the honor guests at a lunch* on. They will attend the game between Madison and G. M. C. Jimmie Junes of the Macon Tele graph will also attend the game and will be in the group that will be entertained Friday. Mr. Jones is an interesting writer and has a large number of followers throughout the state. CHIEF BROOM INVITES MACON AND MADSON PCJLICE TO GAME i-d that a number