Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 12, 1929, Image 9

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n0 N OF CAW AT FURMAN ^PROJECT WELL ALONG Sr |Cp'’» , ' jc! A . T. BEAUREGARD Department Dixie Coi lion Company |from P™.r,r.m.) Yca ?> «* a . < hi » w»» «r» ' ti „n of the camp for the , , c thc d “l’ »f standardized „ Shoals Project near '-'handUc, when operat:n B a slot . 1 rm" Georgia, fc well under 1^ “ —. .... K began about the x ' ,n t fc r and thc management methods ’ , attractive one in the his- w “ < "“ i8tion but what . wuh the County schools for Special , Da >' Programs; and thi teachers, operating a store was patrons, and children of Midway uyinj; and 10 per cent Community wish to thunk Mrs. Bee- n» when a storekeeper ( son. Mrs. Thaxton. and Miss Scotl —- k C f m0n . t u * St ° Ck at ° nt ‘ f ° r the * plendid p rogram rendered : ; r u. completion ’veil before t,me * and bcfort ‘ the present trans- last Friday afternoon, which was as *}. t ,.f the year. It is conceded portat,on system and distribution fallow? ; „1I sides that the camp site will mpthods "ere existent. Then, there Miss Scott took us to the cabin of _ •_ .. %.• was no (mention hut u4>nt nn« • »t__i n , , id there we (thc ht- eobbler t»f at by thc could Uncle Rem „f the company’s major con- up-u»-date and tie boy) saw the ai ; ,on projects. We make this !*._ P 1 J b * ttcr , merch »ndise in the the old plantation purchaee newer. ..redly after listening to lity ' and for !««•—but’ it's differei of men employed by the no *' re the days of Lock 12. The truth of tht ‘ n,uttcr »» that ._ standardized merchandising, and that I company Mr C P- K‘ dd l«* heading this — I ii-'ition here as General Superin- “ the on, y kind of merchandisi ■ f*/h:., had occasion. along with w “* h to invest * can be 8oId - ™ 11,.' j.' ra r.k Smith, Assistant Superin- J 111 ,ons °* - ates h WeinR sold PV. to greet old faces from the Ief8 mune >' in town * awa >’ fro ™ Itfnflf'h 1 \ . cities. going, but every day, more and more thinking people are awakening to the fact that it’s nil poppy-cock as fnr as values are con cerned. City people—thousands of them— are driving to Mnullcr communities purchase everything from edibles. __ H . in . ..{ jobs in Alabama ' V,n cougrutulnte ourselves that That you “» buy tor k lion will include men a ‘fy, or that an article or thing pur-1'' tothlnK an(l furniture to luxuries, | I' 1,xncrience orf hydroelectric cba “' d in the aily is any hotter, is a " d tbey m buying these things at 'unction is long and thorough. mostly •« y “ ur ”*«<-> facl .P"" 1ba “contemptuous-; C aption of the Dixie Construe- «■«*• bal » "> ytb "»«'■ But the city j ’’’ , w,tb «“ a -i'nntages | merchants are wise business men, and 1 ^ OUr own >lorp8 offer you—do not they have purposely let thc old idea, ‘' stand *» close to the picture that ) the frame”—it is to i Company by the City of MU- I Mrtvflle and its environs, in a terri- 1 ’ „„ fer its operation.-, has been prevail . in (acl> ha ' a do, 'v much to l tl , n , ta !,le the extreme. We have ‘'hcoarage you to continue to think 1 will! the best kind of eo-operntion alon f tbe Hne * of "»' ba ‘ ” th,. i,art of the Citv Officials and A”' 1 * ky sb " uW "'t the;' Officials, the railroads, tele- iy, business houses, .and iduals throughout the Th part. But there is L.v merchant wha laughs up when you buy from him some thing that you could haccd at home, for less I i.nstruction forces, hnving boVc ught up with R. C. Porter, moaey ’ • and forerunner to all mn- Recently, I asked a cit cts, have found as usual that “ Why shou,d « re f* deat rain been successful in build- v '^ e bu y f f °m y t definitely pro-Dixie senti- :he neighborhood. Upon our ve found him established* in ■ary office on the edge of own colloquially a- “the seed merchant f Blank ville b “We make them like it,“ and that is all he would say. When ashed if he sold for less, he said: “I’d'rather not dircosF. that subject.” As ling as there are towns and. . cities and people in them, there will road Progress Rapid ! u ^ va . vs be certain ones who will think tructiun of the mein eon- ‘ b ' ,t in orJer u ' be mn ' lbu,l >'- and peeling railroad to the camp- site bavc “meehing to te.lk about, in or- which was started about three weeks' der *“ ' lord d llvt ' r others, to be j its by the Bucqrus Class 14 Drag' dlffcrant r ™“ whal tbey ,erm tba j lire and under the direction of Mr. j P kbl ' ian m “ | titu>ie, they have te. go | F. S. bmitb. has been pushing forward i bo n ’ nf other city te, buy. People rapidly. Rail connection to the heart I wbo bvL ' * n Bletikville go to Oshkosh;! «Mhe plant site should be completed tbow Oshkosh go to Milwaukee;) be November 20th. Once this eon-1 Milwaukceians go to Chicago; Chiea- nerthnha. been made the drag hne'' 0 ' 1 ” to New York; New York j will proceed immediately with the excavation of the long concrete core- wall fur the earth dike on the west fide of the dam. At this writing, November 14th, the raeFs hall is in operation, along with the commissary. Bunk houses have been biult, and with the comple- tb ' telephone line to the mnin ] "V7.Expected that the erection of “stand so < you cannot the advantage of your pocket bool:, evidence of good judgment, and to , 00( j advantage of your community, e is ' vb ' rb your advantage, to buy where you live, work, play and make him *’ oUr ni °noy- Think it over, then “Try The Home Folks First.” Copywright, 1021*. A. D. Stone. Reproduction prohibited in whole or in part. OPTOMETRY * people havi e-half milc-i of comp roads have I been constructed. Due to the fact j that the country is quite open and , the slopes gentle, this construction !h«is been practically entirely accomp- ? shed by thc use of tractors, result- office. the temporary office at the “«ed hnu-e” will be abandoned. The | plant substation and filter plant have? started. Fifteen temporary n om cottages have been built ire practically complete for the if the principal foremen in thc | organization. The permanent op- rs* cottages have reached the | painting stage and should be ready >ccupany well before the first of the year. Clei the plant buildings such as the mixer house, crusher buildings, conveyors, and such, will be started shortly. Mr. ! Riddle has announced in a very i satisfied tone that all of the major , construction equipment items have I been located or ordered. This :r. I eludes new rock crushers, new mixing ! equipment, new excavation rolling 1 equipment, and last but not least, a i new* electrically driven Bucyrus-Erie two yard shcvel. try ia Milledgeville My charges are re« guarantee all work doi tented or refund your W. J. Brake ® r - H. E. Davis, in charge of ihe j Hearing operation in the basin, has j made a flying start in this phase of f the work. At the same time, he is; delivering tn the construction depart- j ment the lnrge quantities of lumber \ necessary for the construction railroad and camp. I'^ing heavy duty tractor of thei CRAMPING SPELLS Mlttiiiippi Lady Tell, Hew She Suffered Until She Had Taken Cards on • Friend’* Advice. GreenvMc. Miss—in describing she suffered several years ago, ^MatUe Dalton, of 112 Pecan bt «et, this city, recently wrote: „ cramp, and my hands would draw, so I came near Jiving convulsions. I would have “ to bed, sometimes a week, *£d when I would get up, I Just ‘‘fagged around, and did not feel Z? doing my work. I suffered a Peat deal with my back. T rnc ?d came to see me and saw , 1 suffered. She told me to try “krns Cardul, which I did. I seemed jo nave more strength, after my first ^tUe. After I had taken about ff^af Cardul, I saw a great “I qmt having such bad spells, and wm wronger and better than In a “JU5 time. I gained In weight. I 2J * few more bottles of Cardul, so well that I quit taking it. dm f cerl ^^y.oan recommend Car- ami know what it is to suffer, i know that Cardul helped me." iTwiisands of women have written of the benefit Cardul has GIFTS THAT LAST FOR YEARS TO COME Imped our slocks and stt how easily you can find just the Gift for every member of the family and at most rasonable piices. J. C. GRANT CO. “Gifb That laat” Spaced Stripe Neckwear $1 and $2 This is thc favorite of university men; business men are wearing it, too Slip-on Capeskin Gloves $4.00 They’re saddle-stitched, sturdy and with a warm, mellow tone in their fine leathers JOHN H OLLOWAY “The Man’s Store” #1 Send Us Your Automobiles To be Washed, Doped and Oiled, Pans Drained. We see that your cars are properly attended to, and Polish them too. We also do Machine Welding and Automobile work. Give ua a Trial SERVICE WITH A SMILE J. C. IVEY & SONS Garage & Transfer Durqnt Automobiles - Miller and Giant Tires