Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 02, 1930, Image 10

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TMC UNION-MCMM*. KILLBOCCVILL*. GA, MNUA*V *. 1*M CHRISTMAS WAS AHAPPY SEASON Qaiftiy Obwrvc4 uA Kumn tmi Hearts Were Happy WHK IV Cesniag e( Old Seel. COLOMAL TO PRESENT GALA PROGRAM NEXT WEEK Grut All <Mor. Corner. Now on Broadway to Bo Shown Firot Foor Days “Gold Digger* oi Broadway,” all talking, singing and dancing picture full natural color, is the headlin- • of the program at the Colonial Theatre next week, Manager Curry Cliristmas passed quietly in thi- has announced, city and county. The Vitaphone attra. tion is the Tueriday. the day before Christmas amt show that is now on Broadway day, dawrued crisp and cold, with the in the form of .-x musical comedy, temperature below freezing. but as Nick Lucas with hut guitar, singing the sun mounted in the skies, it be- the latest song hits, and Ann Penn- cair.e a little warmer, and the streets ington the dancing sensation of the and stores wen- thronged with peo- American stage are the stars of the pie intent on making their final show. Gold Digger, of Boardway shopping. It was a good natured will bring to Milledgeville one of the and orderly cr wd, and the spirit of big reviews of the New York stage, good cheer and happiness pervaded Critics have proclaimed it the most the air. All the merchants had a good wonderful of all the movfes that trade, buying not being confined to have been made since sound pictures any one line of articles. 1 were introduced. Christmas eve night Ensign and Friday and Saturday, a story of Mr.--. Scovilk had a Christina- tree newspaper life will be presented. "In and held appropriate exercises and the Headlines" i> a story of the news- distributed gifts to all the children paper game with a young repi AGED CITIZEN DIES AT HOME HERE MONDAY NIGHT r. J. S. McCalUr Pass*. After Year* FsmtiI H*M Twtsfey Mr. James S. McCullar. 75 died at his home near this city Monday night after nn i.lness that extended over a years time, and funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from Camp Creek church in South Bald- Eider Will Green of the Prima ge Baptist church at Camp Creek nducted the services. Mr. Mc Cullar was a faithful member of tht church for many years. He has been a farmer in Baldwin coun'.v for more than a half century, being a native of the county, children, J. R McCullar. E. C. Mc Cullar. Howard McCullar and Mrs. Mary Bell Flanders of Milledgeville and one brother, Mr. John McCullar of Laurens connty. He is also *** nxx nxxxx day. Miss Susie Hokgood has been called home on account of the lQness of her father. NINETY-NINE DEATHS RECORD ED BY R. T. BAiSDEN DURING YEAR Skow During the night old Sunta Claus paid his annual visit making glad the hearts of the children with numer ous gifts, and happiness reigned throughout in the homes, as ade by the older peopl The pr baffjinr mystery atory- j Flurry are very ytaii to see him out; am that inaugurate* the ! again, after a recent J.ncss. trueiy a headliner. Mr., V Polk, of Monticello, Ga.. is declared. visiting her sister. Mrs. H. E. Tyler. - i Mrs. Lewis Jones and children an- gifts LEGION AUXILLIARY TO MEET i-iling her mother near SFnrta, Gn. NEXT WEEK. Miss Lucille Tucker is spending Ninety-nine was the total of deaths corded by Mr. R. T. Baisden, keep- • of the record* for Baldwin county >r the year 1929, a su-nming of figures showed as the year dosed. Of the total of ninety-nine, sixty- two were negroes, leavirg thirty- seven white people dying. The males greatly outnumbered the fe male-. 25 white males ami .'18 negro males dying, while 12 white females and 24 negro female- died during ed by a numbe* of grandchildren ;^e year. I other relatives in the county, j The registration of deaths has be- __ _____ I come compulsory by law. A great number of death* occurred at the State Sanitarium that were not in cluded in the figures. MR. ROBERT BENFORD OPENS BARBER SHOP IN CITY | Greetings from BELL’S STORE HAPPY NEW YEAR During the day the stores remain ed closed, and all business was ut a stand *tilL Thirc were few people with Mrs. T. A. R « n the streets and it seemed that R. Hargrave on Ti everyone preferred to spend the day Junuary .th at thn dn ound the fireside, ietly. enjoy the hoi of M ideal and the day Auxilliai v will meet . Reese and Mrs. F. i Tuesday afternoon, 'clock, at the All members to be present, as this if P<<rtant meeting. REV I F. ROPFRTS TO PRFACH SPECIAL SERMONS ON NEXT SUNDAY NEGRO SHOOTING THURSDAY NIGHT RESULTS IN ARREST . Mr. Robert Benford has opened a the Christmas holidays with her par- barbpr , hop neJ:t door , ast of th( , ents in Calhoun Fall-. S. C. Western Union Telegraph office on Mr. Simon Smith, c.f Raleigh. N. Honcork strect Hia hop is at . C.. is visiting his parents, Mr. and troctivcly arra „ Bed aad in - oancc . Mrs. Charlie Smith. tion with it he will have shower baths. Mr and Mrs. J. R. <’url. of Sw.ains- Mr. Bi-nford is an experienced boro. Ga., visited her parents, Mr. harbor. having worked and operated and Mrs. Weh>ter Spivey last wrek. a shop in Macon for sometime pa?t. Mr. Joe Maddox, of Florida, is He will huve associated with him only I visiting her parents. Mr. and Mr-. first class barbers. In opening his! As we think of the past year and our pleasant business relations, we are coo- strained to let our thoughts be crysta- lized into the simple and sincere words —we thank you. May the New Year bring you happiness and prosperity. E. E. BELL CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Lodged in Jail Aftei lied Under Bond Rev. L E. Roberts, pastor of thi First Baptist church, will preach two special sermons on next Sunday ami has a ject-; ed the folio Sheriff YV. J. Haynie made his third arrest of the holiday season Thursday night, taking into custody, Gt-nrge Y<>ung who had shot Emanuel 1'earson following an altercation be tween the two. a _ - , Young was released under u five What The Scriptures Will Do for A . . . ... . , ,, _ ... mu... fu._ hundred dollnr bond Friday. Peur- son’s condition hns improved and it is said by doctors that he will recover. In the evening, at 7:30, his theme Litt!e information was secured re will be Bad Bargains. girding the shooting. Sheriff Haynie Both of these subjects will be dis- having been unable to learn the curbed in a way appropriate to the cause of the fuss. HARDWICK NEWS A cordial invitation is extended to you to these services, and to hear — the pastor's messages. i Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Augusta, i Ga., are visitnig her parents, Mr. and MR. FLOYD FREDERICK INJURED Mrs. Alex Stewart IN FALL. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simpson have Mr. Floyd Frederick received min- moved in Mrs. Brookin’s house, or iniuriea Saturday afternoon when' The many friends of Mr. H. E. he fell to the pavement in front of Mr. R. H. Wootten’s store. Rain had been falling end when Mr. Frederick stepped to the wet pavement as he left Mr. Wootten’s store, he slipped and fell, bruising his boulders. His left shoulder was badly hurt Mr. Frederick was out again Tues-J day afternoon, still suffering from soreness however. O. I). Horton. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. FnnHl family, of Augusta. Ga.. visited r tives here Tuesday. Mr. ar.d Mr*. J. O. Cooper mnrtc M n V' ndiy afte:noon. Miss Grace and Master Raym Marchmnn arc visiting friend- in r Ga. There will be Sunday School at the Methodist, Baptist, and Christian churches Sunday im.rning at ten o’clock, and preaching sendees at the Methodist church Sunday at eleven and seven thirty o’clock. Rev. Guest, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Marchmnn. Misses Marie Marchman, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Willis, and Miss Mary Willis, motored to Macon last Wednesday. Miss Lillie Griffin spent last week-end with her parents in Deep- step, Ga. The many friends "f Miss Eliza beth Church are very glad to see her out again after a recent illness. The many friends of Mrs. J. T. Beckhum are very glad to hear that she Is improving after an illness of some time. • J MMY CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL HATS AT MRS. EULA STANLEY’S All kinds of Mrs. C. B. Sullivan, age 56, died at her home in Macon. Ga., Decem- bpr 20. Mrs. Sullivan was before her mar riage Miss Hattie Collins of Baldwin county. She has made her home in Macon, Ga., for the past 16 years. She was a member of the Baptist Tabernacle in Macon. She was well known nnd loved by many friends, and hall he greatly missed by her friend? -nnd love ones She is survived by four sons and two daughters, J. L. Sullivan, of At lanta; A. G. Sullivan, of Macon: W. G. Sullivan, of Clear Water, Fla.; and C. B. Sullivan, of Macon. Mrs W. G. Heath, of Detroit, Mich.; Mr?. J. L. Bowland, of M/icon, and the i _ following brothers and -isters: W. . H. ; E. R.; and T. C. Collins, of Mil-11 ledgeville, Ga., Miss Mattie Collins, Mrs. C. C. Hawkins, of Milledgeville, Ga, and Mrs. W. T. Chapman, of Jackson, Ga. j Printing Just a limited number left—one group selling at $6.00. Close-out price —$2.98— One group selling at $3.00. Sale price —$1.00— MRS. EULA STANLEY Stylishly Executed b y Experienced Printers in Our Job Department. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: To whom it may concern:; Notice is given that G. T. Harring ton ha* applied for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Maurice C. Harrington, deceased, and that < said application will be heard at the court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in Feb ruary 1930. J. C. COOPER. Clerk of the Superior Court of j Baldwin County, Georgia acting Ordinary and ex offices Clerk of the Court of Ordinary on account of the vacancy in the office of ordinary. Give Us Your Next Order Union Recorder PHONE 436 MARKiT SPECIALS Our Banquet Bacon 31c-lb Banquet Picnic Ham 25c-lb Armour Star Ham (WHOLE OR HALF) 29c-lb CountryPorkSausage 30c-Ib In Our N ew HOME The Miraline Beauty ^hop Has moved lo the Sanford Build- 14 ing in the offices on the first floor r iust back of the stairway formerly occupied by the Tax Receiver. We invite a visit and inspection of our new Beauty Parlors—More modern, more complete—better service Come to see us. The Miraline FOR THE BEST BARBER SERVICE d COME TO 'GEORGE WILLIAMS Three chairs to serve vou, old time colored barbers to serve the white people. Ne~t Door to Odrvlcss Cleaners ■4 »<>♦ X/004i Happy New Year The directors, officers, and employees of the Exchange Bank wish you a happy and most prosperous New Year. We appreciate the patronage of our many customers, and hope that we have been able to render a service that justified their confidence in us. Nevertheless, it shall be our aim to serve our customers even more efficiently dur ing the New Year than we Here able to do during 1929. Some of our friends say that will be a big undertaking, but we shall try. Exchange Bank Of MILLEDGEVILLE, GA.