Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 02, 1930, Image 9

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REVIEW OF YEARS NEWS IN BRIEF ■tfSJSST r,|eg of lIoio»-Rec^ Last K« Paving: of Baldwin county section uf road to Macon begun. Dr. Anderson resigns as Health Officer and plans to leave city. Dr. John Wiley named Health Officer. Georgia Elks accept invitation to meet here in April. C. B. McCullur named Command er of State D. A. V. . W. T. Anderson discus ey road lass told in' bond >“" c l-for* Ki**ni« No.- of tho >' mlnd th*l N ''“" shi P audi, nc, V ; il. v.ar. Tin- I'arafrraphs I ££ from the hrod.incs of tho Cion-iucordor. aud are « briefly as poasibk'. Collato. oo>";p™ b ten " J ° nUar> nis 2 hear 8n report’of Baldwin*! Kiwani first totaoon rrop. 75,000 pounds Bishop H. J. Mikell makes annual visit to St. Stephens church. Father T. J. Marrow concludes ten years services here and goes to New York home. Workmen begin task of construct ing largest dam in state. Rev. L. E. Roberts accepts call to Baptist church. Mr. G. D. Myrick dies. All officers at State Sarv'arium re elected. Otto Conn and Mrs. John Conn purcharc Olhraan building. Pay roll at Sanitarium increased. All employee* given five dollar raise. City welcomes new Baptist pas- G. M. C. defeats Riverside. Road to Sanitarium ordered paved and work begun. Dr. Tigner gives historical sketch of Gov. Milledge. Colonial Theatre presents first Dean S. V. Sanford .ddrro.es 1 u,k,n B P 10 ™* » icta '* graduate, of G. M. C. 1 Rcv H,rri ’ K ' ve ’ Armistice Day G. M. C. grades present interesting I add re* j play. „„ p tant merger, with big. Cf.y vfelcome, ex-cadets. Hun- . >n( j ull , concern of St. Louis, dred, attend home coming. Dr. Chas ,r mmc cream atalaons open opera- Hcrty and other prominent men in (crowd attending. One of Mggest ’Tt. Tarry named acting Sheriff. | "“t* ia ““*»• . x.-„. Year damn- Rev - c< ' or l"' Thompson resigns «*’•” ushers m New i ear. damp- Pr „ byteri .an church, fails to flaunt spirit of people. * V.<nd Ma-ter Raymond Daniels •» Masonic Lodge. announced. I lay a nhalt to Montpelier church. Forsyth calls Rev. II. D. Warnock Baldwin Superior oii(. °^ en * and he accepts, leaving Baptist pas- iisuary term the second »eck »f torat< , opcn ;Jie year. Capt. Stanley Chandler of Co. D. R. W. Hatcher is named President w | nfc ? a brc at annual prize drills at rtf Sons of American Revolution. q j^j q Lee’s Birthday to be observed with jj. Wootten again named head fitting ceremonies. of alumnae. Ma ins new officers. W. H. Peabody High graduates thirty, Ba umwrtel, Worshipful Master. Rev. Harding makes address. Dirigible Los Angeles pisses over G. S. C. W. stages brilliant com ity. menccment exercises, four hundred graduates. Dr. Christie and Dr. Kil- i be- Patrick address students. ; Col. Joe Pottle named President i BJeftrik Maid Bake Shoppe opens of G-orgia bar. T . here, Mr. W. R. Reeves and Joseph A. Moore named Aldermnn! .Ion Hutchinson forming part- succeeding Dr. Anderson. Bev. F. H. Harding named Trea^-i City prohibits fire crackers during Christmas by new law. Salvation Army opens work here. War President honored at dinner Armistice night Snow's Laundry- opens offices here. Roland Lawrnccc named County Policeman. Knight Templars inspected, l'ark for G. S. C. W. girls wa Powei Company reduces rates Judge Park over rules demurrer in paving case. Rev John Yarbrough returned here. Mr W. A. Massey dies. 0. S. C. stages home coming of students Thank giving. Cadets defeat Gordon on Thanks giving. Judge Stembridge dies after serv ing county twenty-five years, as Mr. B. I. Fraley dies suddenly. Cold wave ushers in December. Woman badly burned in jail. Congrcs, gets Vinson bill to aid otton farmer. G. M. C. defeats Madison in post G. L A. A. Millodgevillc-Gr.ay road under con- urer of Dioecase. l-eason came and wi -miction. Is being paved. Sew dormitory turned for Hon. championship. Extra session of Baldwin Super- M. S. Bell. Auditorium named forj Mr. R - H. Harper dies after opera tor Court called for February. Russell. | L’on. W. .1, Havnie wa- elected Sheriff City Primary set for August 1st.; School children to be given milk of Baldwin county to succeed Sheriff Mayor Pennington and S. D. Stem-j by Kiwanis and Medical Auxiliary. S. L. Terry. His election was by tt bridge and L. H. Andrews announce! Morgan Blake, Ole Timer and large majority over two opponents. for re-election. • other prominent sport writers at- Frank Broome was named Chief of Sanitarium asks for three new [tend G. M. C.-Madison game. Police to succeed Chief Haynie. buildings. School- close for holidays. Georgia State Fair Association in- July 4th quietly observed. j Churches give Christmas Pagenta. vited here for 1930. I Mrs. A. B. Scott killed in autoi Shopping during holidays brings Mrs. Chas R. Harper died at her accident. of Superior Court Baldwin solon off for fir*t term i house of representatives. .Summer school opens annual sess- * Dairy cattle experts visit city. July term of court of little im portance. Paving case postponed. Theodore Harris, negro, slays ioid of several weeks. Blues make fine Col. Roach named Money issued through Extra si held. Pro ident of the National Organ ization of Service Star visits city. K Avan is gives interesting program over Macon Radio Station. Heavy Criminal docket causes ex tra sersion of court. , man. New building of colored patients Doctors form Clinic. •pened at State Sanitarium. ' Churches of city hid farewell to Heavy rains feature month of H. D. Warnock. February. Rivers rise rapidly. I Mrs. J. M. Burke dies after illness Mrs. Mary Harris Armour lectur er here. Blues make fine record at annual Grand Jury adjourns rccummendaticns of any imj Head of Junbr Order : - visits city. Ent ertained chapter. Citizens take actio i .-jinst pav ■ time at it»c levy. March frst sees werst deluge of ’ • , '*-v:ilc. tevenl j.-ju*. Rivers and Creeks Ba r, »r—■ '••'•ritarium. ram; age. I $1,000 >er • trrae from Business men ask for lower power cream stations. r»te. Paved road to Hancock line next Farmers receive Federal Aid. protect. Paseball season opens April 1st.' Methodist hold annual picnic. Dr. W. F. Tanner Presents G. M. Congressman Carl Vinson markets C Grammar School Check for Li- first cotton of sea*oR. tarary. J. H. Blain hurt in auto wreck. Rev. J. L. Lawrence dies in At- Presbyterians call Rev. A. G. Har- lanta hospital. ris and he accepts. Plans launched for G. M. C. home- Union Jleco'dor celebrates 110th cr ming. ] annivc nary. G .8. C. W. Seniors visit Mag- | J. A. Hardy, G. S. C. employee nolia Gardens on annual trip. jtakc; own life. Storm sweeps across county doing Fifty-four ‘vote to name Mayor big damage at Browns Crossing. I and Aldermen M. E. Pennington, L. Dr. J. E. Kid«i dies after long ill- H. Andrews, S. D. Stembridge and Jim Smith nominated as Mayor and Aldermen. Over two million dollars given institution- of Baldwin county. G. M. C. receives appropriation of $10,000 for 1930 and $10,000 for 1931. Solons want Allen speaker for next term. J. R. Norment dies after long ill- business to merchants. Freezing weather continues through month. Miss Clara Brantley dies. Miss Bertie Stembridge named Ordinary. F|rst woman elected to office in county. Poor of city are remembered by 'Salvation Army. Salvation Army stages big Christ mas tree. Officers capture big still. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK The regular meeting of the «*ock- holders of the First National Bank will be held at the office of said Bank January, 14th, 1930, at 3:00 o’clock p. m. Directors are to be elected and other business that may properly c* me before the meeting at tended to. Please be present or duly represented by proxy. Do not make your proxy to any officer of the Bank JON. W. HUTCHINSON, Cashier. March 31st. Rain record for March broken, over ten inches falling. Crowds ‘enjoy Factor services held at all churches. G. M. C. alumnae gather at ban quet and make plans for homecoming Hon. Darden Asbury delivers Me morial address at services on 26th. Evangelistic services open at Methodist church. U. D. C. announce plans to mark !*ite of first church here. Governor calls Baldwin solon ( "nference Effort to be made to name G P Junior College. R ' H - w °°tten elected President ’ G - «• C. Alumnae. M-|’ r i *e,stiv*al gala event. •*2“ at G - S. C. take part. S.at“^“ rt “ rC of A- 1 " Tag. »t “ .Pnron heuun. G. S. C. opens with largest • en rollment in history. G. M. C. opens with big student body. Paving cn river road begins. Grid praticc begins at G. M. C. Dr. W. M. Scott named head of Legion. A. R. Board holds meeting here. Bishop Candler unveib Boulder marking first church here. ter« B •** WtK count y May 1st Por- Georgia power Company begins n <-k yard badly damaged. erection of gigantic Jam here. Hu-rf^r May 3rd. Middle Georgia Fair T . c ‘ fh idren come to city, (week of entertainment, a „ “ "J Elk- nlpdc"? aid F*»'t , all r~~'~n hrtrun. ta G. M C. C« ,, *w* e Dr - Anderoo 1 Elk- pledra aid " ovement for Junior ‘ Chamber of Commerce organic. Hon P. Bell named Prerider' > re igns M Ald» •$ A CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O’Quinn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Prosser, ana other relatives, wish to express their appreciation and thanks to the neighbors and friends, who minister ed so kindly and lovingly to Mrs. J. T. Cbok, during her long illness., They did all that was humaly possible, to aieviate her suffering and make her comfortable. May God’s richest biesring rest upon each and every one of them. DR. GROVER C. JONES OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN MACON. CA. PHONE 1570 SPECIALIZED SERVICE— C H. ANDREWS k SON. BOSTON CAFE —WHERE EVERYBODY EATS—' “Freak E«*» Served Daily’* JAY’S COAT SALE $37.50 Coats REDUCED TO *24 .95 $22.50 Coats REDUCED TO *14-95 $12.50 Coats REDUCED TO .95 *8 J A Y’S Department Store NEXT TO BOSTON CAFF. The Chemist Bakes Biscuits Every Hour Every hour one of our chemists takes a scoopful of flour that is being milled at the time and bakea a batch of biscuits or rolls. Every run of flour is so tested before it is put in sacks. Besides being the purest Soft Wheat Flour that can be made, every sack of OMEGA FLOUR must have the fine baking qualities that built ifa renutation. A. J. Carr Co. Wholesale Distributors