Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 14, 1930, Image 8

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THE UMON-MCORDU. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA-, JANUARY 14. IIM FURMAN SHOALES REGIN TO LOOK LIKE REAL JOB GA. FAIR ASSOCIATION TO HOLD CONVENTION HERE FEBRUARY 4-7 (ObIimH fre» fmnt PM«) Federal F.*rm Board and others. CoBjrreMman W. W. Larsen of Georgia ia endeavoring to secure Chairman Alexander Legge of the Federal Farm Loan Board at Wash ington as a speaker. A definite ac- c< ptanci- hsa not been received as yet. Judge Larsen is on the Hou e Agricultural Committee and in dose "II, 11 *‘ . . . llf t i.„ The new crushing plan equipment, contact to Chairman Legge ox tne „ aiis- „ , , _ „ , ie consisting of a 48'x60 AUts-C haim- Fedcral Farm Board, and he is en- * , = 1 c™. secure the attendance •" •>“» Crusher, and ,. 5 1-2 Sym- i of the *' n * Cone Crusher, arrived and was ible for 'unloaded in our yard. This equip- nt will be installed during the mh of January ana will then be ,dy to begin building up the htock b of crushed stone for concrcat- -. th? crushed stone being the little (Continwnd from front page) In the abaence of more available “goats" they suffered the brunt of the blame for the almost continuo’ia derailing of locomotive 4 , crane, and dump cars, casualties which neces sarily would arise from green track laid on soft fill, over swamps, with harp curves, steep grades, and con tinuous succession of frogs and deavoring to of Mr Legge upon Association. If it the Chairman of the Federal Farm resent, some other will no doubt be pres- Board to be representative The addres clcom the opening date. February 6th, will be made by Captain J. H. Ennis, for mer President of the Georgia Senate, and leading Milledgeville citizen. The response will be trade by Walter liar rison of Millen, Ga. Mr. Harrison is Mayor of Millen, Commander of the American Legion Post there. Secre tary of the Jenkin County Chamber i f Commerce, and Secretary of the Jenkins County Fair Association. The complete program has not been C. B. McCultar. of Milledgeville, Sec notary of the Middle Georgia Fair here, is president of the As sociation, and E. Ro.‘s Jordan, of Macon. Secretary-Manager of the Georgia State Exposition at Macon, is Secretary of the Association. Among the members of the Board of Directors of the Association, each turned of whom will be present at the i" ,ta |'I | meeting here, arc A. E. Gibson. tur i >l Secretary of the Southwest Georgia Expo ition at Dawson: L. C. Ander son, Secretary of the Candler Coun ty Fair at Metter; Felix Jenkins, Secretary of the Chattahoochee Valley Exposition at Columbus; Gor don Snusr.y, Mayor of Savannah, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia State Fair vannah; C. O. Perry, Secretary of NO SIGNAL LIGHTS, COUNCIL DECIDES AT MEETWG MONDAY Kiwaai* DmM. Funds to Baldwin Blnea Stef pod. G. M. C. Cota Water Bodoctioa That clear, water can be made from a colored water never fails to urprise the laymen, and such is th? vise on the Oconee River. The newly constructed system of camp road*, of which we were so proud during the dry weather in November, leaves us not quite so proud at the end of December. In fart, they have been hardly navig- i able. During the past month, in an ndeavor to better their condition, the Crisp County Fair. Cordele; j «» «*r. nf cl.yjrr.vel have h»« din- Gc-J • r. C'i >r.:a.: of Sanderavllle, I ♦nbuted over the l r surface, and truck i • it -*■ i—j— curtailed to The City Council in session Mon day night denied the request of the Kiwanis Club to install signal lights at four important street inteisec tions in the city, lack of available money for this purpose being given) as the reason. The Kivanis appeared as a com mittee a week ago and in a letter to the Council gave the followi.-tg rea sons for installing the lights: ' Human life and limb are jeopardiz- . cd every day at our four busiest j crossings. The city could not justify such j loss unless everything possible has . been done to reduce accidents to a iade from the big ones dyna- minimum. >ut of the power house area Traffic lights are the best safe nd the canal. The machine shop, ^uard. fisting of a drill press, lathe The public would commend you for haper. and other incidental mn- t ; ,kinr such action, realizing that it has been Installed. In the means the safe guarding hte lives of ,hop, the various assort- our people. lathes, and planers. Th P requert was tabled and a Isn beer set up and n.-e r...w --.-a unicat ion ??nt to the civic club dy for business. As is consistent; r ,i. P action, with an independent and highly or- J Tf.. monthly •appropriation for the ganixed community, with the help raa ? r tenunce to th? Raldwin Blues ■ f these shops we are prepared t«> | . f $25.00 per month was withdrawn, manufacture or repair everything, This fund has been given for several from baby carriages to locomotives. I years toward the support of the com- Thr efficiency of the newiy in- j pany. stalled and now operating meohani- An agre cine n t was reached by cal gravity filtration plant was proved j wHich G. M. C. would be given a re- When the results of the first bacterlo-;| doction of ihx „ p hundred dollars por logical te t. made at the State Board L rmim on Wfttcr cnnsumed . of Health's Laboratories, were re-j turned as satisfactory. Fatiga* Helps IWsfht It Is interesting to not* that criti cism of authors who wPe away their daylight hours and do oot settle down to work until the n^mal bed hour hss been overcome. Science has ascer tained that the mind functions well when fatigued. Through experiment* conducted at a well-known university ^ wu* found that the brain Is too rest less in the morning and afternoon for complete concentration. Fatigue fur nishes the thinking apparatus with a drug that nets like opium, producing ulertnewi without "flightloess.” Racing in Paragon; The start of a Paragua? re? e is often very protracted he set to begiu early in the anil a series of false starts until noon, when the ■ horses tnke their charge* l r»*st and refreshment. '• » meet In the afternoon «<• over ngnin. The reus- a !•'» lay Is that no rae<* «•-?« Im.Hi Jockeys nr agie.il thn nornlng. continue of the The field force- of the Dixie Con ‘traction Companp at Milledgeville were granted their annual holiday at Christmas of four days, this being generally understood as nn allowance for one day each for New Year's July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christ The results of thi* dissipation visible for several days, but with the New Year work is again in nil swing. rton Coun- * delivery of lumber ty Fair; Henry Odom of Covington, , ! >are them. Secrctaiy of Newton County Fair; R. E. Rountree of Swninsboro, Secre tary of the Emanuel County Fair; A. L. Moseley of Lyons, Secretary of Toomhs County Fair; R. L. Van- sant of Marietta, Secretary of the Cobb County Fair; J. P. Watson, Jr. of HawktnsvHle, Secretary of the Pulaski County Fair; and Jud P. Wilhoit of Warrenton, Secretary of the Warren County Fair Inasmuch as most all of the Fairs will sign contracts for the Carnivals that they are to use at the 1930 Fairs over the State, Carnival and free act representatives, advertising representatives, nnd others interested in Fair and Carnival matters from all over the country will he tendance. Also, a number of Fair Secretaries from .adjoining States have accepted invitations to attend. The committees from the local Fair Association to handle Conven tion plana and details will be select ed at the meeting to be held Fri day night The capacity of all ho tels in the city will be taxed to the ''mit in taking care of the visitors, and it will be by fan the biggest Con vention ever held here. M. * F. BANK ENOS SUCCESS FUL YEAR (Continued fn •« l»l») STATE HOSPITAL BOARD HOLD ANNUAL MEETING LATER The Board of Trustees of the Mil- lrdgevillc State Hospital adjourned (heir annual meeting here Wednes day to n date to be named by the President, illness of Hon. John T, Brantley making the delay necessary. The meeting was the first of the *w Year and annual reports of the were to be We RALPH SIMMERSON dek and Marquette Dealei oil or 2,(XK» llnwallan in gruziuy LOVE PARADE HKHLT PRAISED IN MACON HUE NEXT WEEK Carry Aimhscm Two Big Pictures far Weak. Noah’s Ark ta Opaa Wash The Love Parade being a musical extravaganza is filled with gorgeous scenes, excellent music, a fine cast, magnificent interiors, and fascinating costumes, was the comment of Tues day’s Macon Telegraph of the picture that is to show at the Colon!*! Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. The week’s bill opens Noah’s Ark for Monday and Tuesday and closes ith the “Return of Scherlock Hol ies” on Saturday. The Love Pa-'-jce Duke ,ade has an entrancing plot afcd pro-1 anc i mado •nts a musical show equal to the Gold Diggers, many critics say. The Parade is undoubtedly one of .utstanding pictures of the year. 1 Mime TUBS. DAT AND OECT OFFICERS Mr ; *- W A*u. Istiraitiu Q-* 1 _x »» If i t. a flat I all 300. At the re.ol«r monthly m.etin. the John Milledge Chapter of tt ! Sons American Revolution last Tue>. day evening at the Darien Hot.1 fhmaidetriL H * tch * r WM ■**!■ elected Dr. Y. A .tittle?” vXSiridJSJ Dr. H. D. Allen, Jr., Treasurer; CoL Victor Davidson, Historian. Judge James a. park and Hon. “ iwrts at the meeting resting speeches. u r L. C. Hal! and Mr. M. A. Poole were new members present. Th? members joined in an interest ing discussion of Abraham Baldwin the subject for the prize essay this RALPH SIMMERSON tick and Marquette Dealei in a harry asd will lie them while THREE EXPERT MECHANICS TO yeu tit down and wait. | SERVE YOU And the best equipped shop hi en. That it what we offer the auto ownert of Millodgeville. Pricu FOR SALE—Nice black Walnutt at | re a*©»able, service the boat. Doo’l rcatonable price. Cell-phone 9004. trutt the Jack leg, when you can get ' " — I it done by the beat. DRAIN YOUR OIL regularly. It RALPH SIMMERSON the life eftll with Quaker State and Texaco. FOR SALE—Two Fiak Tiret, Siae rhere ere no ila that turpaat them. | 30x600, tbeae tires will git RALPH SIMMERSON ) good service. The price it Buick and Marquette Dealer ! Apply at tbia office. right. t th** Eighteenth i to head iho mis" wore hair- n. in 1705. Pitt i every pormui «its forced to rtilleate costing the tax yielded ilnea i.l-_*s" soon w.lei. Th, tax Mr. W. II. Stembridge has nc- c pt"d a position with The Merchants & Farmers Rank and has already entered upon his duties. Mr. Stembridge is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Stembridge, and a grandson of the late Judge W. H. Stembridge. Ordinary of Baldwin County, and has many friends throu- out the County who wish for him success in his now line of work. dcr mask disappeared, oiled whiskers, nnd sl heads crept In for the Starting Today, Jan. 16 Shoe The Fiorsheim tin- heads of tlic call Wo In a Veata and your battery trouble* are over. Wo recharge and repair any make battery. . RALPH SIMMERSON Buick and Marquette Dealer SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TO TO TAMPA, FLA ACCOUNT SOUTH FLORIDA FAIR AND GAS- PARILLA CARNIVAL Tickets on sale January 25 to February 8, inclusive. Final limit vuno'AB departments V"j February 18. 1930. Stopovers allow- heard. Many important matters •» to be discussed, but the illness I«' »< “« »“*“»*» “ - J '* W of the President made delay neces sary. meeting of the Executive Com- »*• was held to take care of rou- matters, however. OECENDANTS OF FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT CITY edither going returning trip, or both. For sleeping car reservations, fares CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY “Tka Right Way” Evans to the hank board is the first time fsrmers of the county have been recognized ni hanking circles in re The Merchants & Farmers Bank was organized in 1898 nnd has been identified as a progressive influence in the county since that time. Mr. L. C. Hall wr* one of the original director, of the l-.ank and in 1905 he was made Cashier. Under his lead ership the hank has prospered and during the last year, a report was made showing great strides along all lines. Weathering the periods of fin.1r.ciai deflation and business stress, the hank stands today as one of the strongest in the state. A dividend of ten per cent was de clared for the year and an additional sum was carried to the undivided profits account, increasing the c-rity of the hank. The Merchants A Farmers Bank a capital, and ui divided profits exceeding >190,000. APARTMENT FOR RENT—Tw« •xtra large nice room with ad join- tag bath and Kitchenette. Indivi- dual Garage. Prefer couple with out children. L. N. Jordan. When you wash yoor car, laoe right. Wo take off •king but the paint. Call ax t for and retnra yonr car. RALPH SIMMERSON Buick and Marquette Dea Pre Coldeu Weddine Present tis J. Drevers, n son j of tl r Miss Annie Waitzfelde into The Union-Recorder la: Friday to purchase n paper to tal ■nek to his kins-peoplc who were i in? time residents of this city. In company with Mr. T. L. M Combs he was shown through the city, ,-iewcd properties th.it owned by his mother's people, site upon which the Ohlmnn holding stands was owned b grandfather and other busine 1 ? were at one time owned by them. Out at the cemetery, he square on which are buried twenty-two babies, .all of them mem bers of his grandfather’s and uncles families. The elder Waitzfclders came to this county with packs on their hack, some time before the war between the states and when they moved to New York, during the reconstruction per iod, it is said, they were tremendous ly rich, having made a large sum ol money in the mercantile busine>s. Mrs. Drovers became interested ir watch charm that Mr. McCombs was wearing and he explained that it was i present presented him on his Gold en wedding anniversary by a lady who now lives in New York. Mr. Drcvers then presented Mr. McCombs with a fifty dollar bill, as an anni versary present. After spending several hours here, OPTOMETRY I kavu bc«u practicing optome try in MiUodgovUlo for 20 years. My charges are reasonable. I guarantee all work done as repre- •anted or refut'd your money. So you take no chances in doing busi ness with me. Otfice hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5, Sundsy 2 to 5. W. J. Brake the part?' continued their automo bile trip to New York. : that Author* Who Despised Bi While it is natural to nssui all authors are devoted readers and advocate reading for others. It It pointed out that do Maupassant said hooks “made one narrow, they misrep resented life, indulged in deception j nnd s: ■t* the mind false direction," j and Rousseau deelnred that he “hated j hooks: they teach people to talk about! things they do not understand." Fur-j ther. Emile ZoJn compared authors in ( genera! to “suiisagemakers who pre- i pared their stuff for others while se dulously not eating any themselves.". Offering natiorally famous shoes in today’s finest styles—at. a louvered price—that makes now the time to buy several pairs. The earlier you come the better the selection $ 8 85 OUR ENTIRE ASS0RMENT INCLUDED John Holloway , THE MAN’S STORE Napalcoa No Scholar Napoleon did t:ot distinguish I Keif in school. As one writer put! Napoleon’s scholastic career was not * brilliant and he received his commis slon in the artillery In 1785 without! having given evidence of any marked j ability, except, perhaps, that of hold- [ ing his own counsel and of carrying i k through to the end any attitude IS adopted. These traits, which after- 5 ? ward tnnde him feared equally in the council chamber and on the battle field, he Inherited from his mother. THE BEST WRECKER IN TOWN. If you don’t believe this, call 300 if yon need one and see. We can pi yon ont anywhere. Just give us ring. RALPH SIMMERSON Buick sind Marquette Dealer TUNE IN TONIGHT (THURSDAY) Station WLW at 10:00 Eastern Time, 9:00 Central Time, for 'HOLLINGSWORTH HALL*' [ UHUSUAL/CAHDUS I SMtf CULVER & KIDD Of Course GET READY TO PLANT YOUR GARDEN NOW Primary Necessities BULK GARDEN SEED And VIGORO V A product of S"wift & Company i CompleteplanifttoHfor laicns* gardena 9 floteers 9 shrubs, trees Buy These and Tools R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail XXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTXXXZXXIS Another Car Mules Just Received And believe me they are beauties. I have the price and the Mules. If you are interested in saving $50.00 on your Mules this year see me. All of them are readjy to work any where—Plow. Wagon, or what ever you need these Mules to do—they will do it. EVERY MULE GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK Ralph Simmerson IZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MH