Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 30, 1930, Image 3

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VIIU. CA., JANUARY Ml ItN wnoN the arv "* ». Hill DIDOT) s »«k on the ehelf. pl.od JL white the C. 8. C. fWn ndit«l ^•>>1 old Recorder. I •» t»ck T; *, much to tnlk *hout end much thnt I *<">* l" <** ’bout. ,t.t I think I «n mnke up for loot time- I beptn my reducinic pmicrnm nnd fir , t thin* I I’>*« d "»• diet silver rip, for the benefit of .hum. who .re no; .equated with this delicious leverage. >t » conned jmipefruit juice. Ud at five last Tuesday morning , Urtened' to the Kiwt of Engfend a nd believe it or not. this .Id (rentle- B had a voice with plenty of ojh patl. I sat with much interest until the Italian and Jape new? counselors, or what ever they are .came on »ir and then I answered the call the sand man and back to bed I went snd another hour or maybe it was three of peaceful slumber put me in fine condition for the program of the day. Out at Lockerly, the beautifui estate of Mrs. R. W. Hatcher, the It. A. R’s wire in session Tuesday and on the same afternoon, the beauti ful English home of Mrs. L. N. Jor dan was the scene of a garden club meeting. Both of unusual interest. 1 am wild about the Jordan home. It has all the conveniences the heart could desire. Mrs. Jordan very modostly given Mr. Jordan the credit and whether or not, the arrangement and (Xfuiaite beauty displays derful taste. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Harris have made such a splendid addition to out city that I cannot refrain from tell ing them. This perfectly charming couple have made so many friends since coming here that I deem it pleasure to tell them that now tli we knew them better, just how wo derfu' wo think they are and how glad we are to call them Milledge- viTlians. And now its little Robert Harvey Herndon, and Sammy Whatley, the latest arrivals to be counted in census. Aurelia and Harvey H< don and Sarah Lee and Sam Whatley are the proud parents of these fine baby boy* and both parents ur ]* 'oud of them tis hard for me to tell which in the finer—but I am both of them have every right to let their pride overflow. Now to the supreme triumph of the week—the American Legion min strel such an array of stars that dis played their talents on the stage Fri day night. Erwin Sibley, of oursc, pre.ided wfth his u-ual grace and charm and Joe Andrews was a Judge of the fin est qualities, and I split my sides laughing at the Rogers boys, W. H. Stcmbridge, Dr. Adcock, Billy Jett and the other fun makers, but did you ever sen such charming women as John Mobley, Jere Moore, Ralph Simraetton, and Bob McEl ath. Every time I think of that quartette, I laui’h. Of course I would single out the men filfet, but why not, isn’t it natural. The lad ids of the play did their part to make the show .*» com plete success, Mrs. Tom Reese. Anne Bone, Louise Jeans. Elizabeth Fraley, Mrs. Bob McElrath, Su«ie and Julia Butts, Frances Bone, Dot Smith, Beulah Thaxton, Martha Bass, La- vera Morgan, Gladys West .mil Mu- »ah i'.anford who featured in the femenine roles, vied with those of the opposite sex for honors. But the cutest part of the whole show Wa * Y*® watermelon chorous. I couldn’t recognize any of them. l.ut the program told me they wero Mar- tha CarpenUr, Betty Canty Allen, Juba Scott, Sara Alma Giles. Tiny Horne Edwards flnd Ja _ nette Giles. Th^. nttie girls sang the.r wuy into my heart The only trouble was. their exit came too quick. Thu, my week came to an end »dh the show Friday. Saturday wlu uneventful. y nftST SHERIFF OF BALDWIN COUNTY Mr. J. Ponder Canon, prominent citisen of Forayth, 1mm i n hia posaemion a commission imued July 18, 1806, by Governor John Milledge his great grandfather, Adam Car- son, as Sheriff of Baldwin county. Mr. Carson has *ent an cract copy of the communion to Mr. Alexander Britt of this office, and it i.i pro duced below: STATE OF GEORGIA. By his Excellency JOHN MILLEDGE, GOVERNOR and Comnvinder in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof, To Adam Carson Esquire, GREET ING. WHEkEAS you were elected ot the fourteenth day of July Shcrtfj of the County of Baldwin. I DO by virtue of the power am authority in me vested by In.v her.' by commissinate you the said Adnin Carson, Sheriff ds .aforesaid. You are therefore, hereby thorizi-d and required to do and per-, form all and singular the duties * ,u ^ incumbent on you as Sheriff afore said according to law and the trust reposed in you. Given under my hand seal, at the. State-House in Louisville, the eigh-1 teenth day of July in the year of Lord, one thousand eight hundred and six and in the thirty-first year of lh American Independence. By the Governor BEN CHAIRES for JOHN MILLEDGE, (Seal) HORATIO MARBURY, Secretary of the State. We have ■ Siitfj aprixSt predict *T ■»» Hrtly paid fir. Will •d to reliable pinn ter Hpaid baiuce. AdArii CABLE NANO COMPANY M N. and Street Atleato, Geerfi* MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Hava’t Mack tiaM to t*l| you •ko«b how Woco-Pop U ioIri, a. *h«ro aro four automobile* blowing at tho puma *ow, otkor than to say that wo roU moro in January up to ■** «kaa wo mr sold in our liras iu one mouth. Fill up once and noth- inp olso will do. L. N. JORDAN mrnmm Mr. and Mita. Alfred Rayaolds and Mra. T. J. Reynolds motored to Ma con, Ga., Sunday. Tbe many friemhi of Miss Nettie Johnson are very glad to hear that she is rapidly improving .after having her tonsils removed. Mrs. L. E. Tidwell, of Macor, visited her mother, Mrs. A. R. Berry, laht Friday. Mr. Erie McKinley visited Mr. J. T. March man and family last week end Mfr. and Mrs. Roland Dickerson motored to Jackson, Sunday. Mrs. Dickerson amd little daughter will spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr. R. L* McKinley motored to .Macon Sunday afternoon with rcla- Mr. S. E. Wright, Jr., motored to Atlanta Monday with Mr. S. W. Jett. We are very sorry to hca*- that Miss Lillie Griffin is ill. and wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Nan Ham and Mis* Elazibeth church visited in Macoa Tuesday. LOST AUTO TIRE —A Medal M A" Ford Automobile Wheel with Firestoee Tire inside of Tarhuttea Motor Co., Tire Cover. Wes lost between Milledgeville and .Sandersvill. Tuesday. Reward wiU be paid finder. Notify L. B. Eikuw. Sandersville, Ga. CHEVROLET USED LUMBER TRUCK FOR SALE One that will go out iu the u and bring in ns many logs as Mr. any Body’s Igfct track, and one that wiU keep on doing it. If yen don’t to put muck in oue and tken etil one tkat will de the job. See quick. L. N. JORDAN Its time to Retire, Bay a FISK— W. E. ROBINSON. JR., Chrysler Sales and Service. build, write C Ryle, Gordon, Go. Work end prices guarnuteed. 1-30-21. M xxxxiixiiixiiini i111 mim FOR THE BEST BARBER SERVICE COME TO GEORGE WILLIAMS Three chairs to serve you, old time colored barbers to serve the white people.. Next Door to Odorless Cleaneis TAX RECEIVER’S BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN FLEASE CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND MAKE YOUR RETURNS AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE BRISCOE WALL Tax Receiver 1»2« CAVRIOLETT FOR SALE On. .k., h.d ,k. .... Md. loot. fcodi „ d lik . . “ b ~> l “*« l Y stniito. A * l,,,lc *« • L. N. JORDAN DR. MURRAY KING ftoa ' 2 f-[- R-. 105 Jefferson Street Veterinarian Milledgeville; Georfie NOTICE! Delinquent Tax Payers The law requires that all tax fifas be placed in hands of the Sheriff, his Deputies, or Bailiff, the law also makes the Tax Collector personally liable for any tax fifa’s he failes to have executed by these officials. This means extra cost, that you will not be required to pay if you settle before the fifa’s have to go out of this office. L. D. SMITH Tax Collector MILLEDGEVILLE’S NORE-OWHED IMEII Electric Maid Bake Shop I** Elecliik Maid Babe Shop is owned and operated* exclusively by Miiledge- ville men. When you buy a loaf of Electnk Maid Bread a Cake or package of their Rolls you are buying HOME PRODUCTS MADE IN MILLEDGEVILLE DEMAND ELECTRIK Maid BREAD FROM YOUR GROCER. THEY MAKE CAKES LIKE “MOTHER USED TO MAKE". DENIM ELECTRIK MID BREAD AND CAKES MACHINE SHOP A WORD TO THE WISE. . BRINC US TOUR MACHUE SHOP WORK AND VELDMG We do it as good as can be done matters not how complicated. Mr. Robert; has 26 years experience and competent to take care of any kind of job that you may have. J. C. IVEY » repare now to meet your 1930 taxes on next December 20. The plan is so simple and yet so complete that it invites the deep consideration of every man and woman. A deposit with this bank each month for ont-twelfth of the amount necessary will find you ready on December the 20th, to meet this payment promptly, and save additional interest charges* You make your deposit each month, we pay you lour per cent interest and when December comes we deliver you your receipts without your brothering about the matter in the least. Think of the saving, think of the simplicity of the matter and think of how little worry it will be to you. Pay your taxes promptly and thus expedite your state, city and county finances. Begin now and make your deposit each month, we pay you interest, and (hen pay your taxes for you. Qoaaoae&Xb. Exchange Bank THE LARGEST COMBINED. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF ANY BANK IN MIDDLE GEORGIA OUTSIDE OF MACON 3 ttttttiiiizZIIIIIXIXXXIXIIXXIXXXXXXXXX: siiixxxxxxxxxxja II ■ I IBI^xxxxxxxxxxxxiiiixxxxxxxxxr