Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 30, 1930, Image 6

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\ m L Sl^s THE UHION.RECOHDM, HILLEDOEVILLE, CA-. JANUARY M, IIH ®ljr Uninn-firrnr&w lit Office, Milled**- d-cU»s mail natter. R. B. MOOrtE—EDITOR JERK H. MOORE—Busin*.* Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES . Year $2J0 Month* 7» THURSDAY. JAN. 30. 1930 hey believed MMledgevi'l needed. The Uni- n-Recorder rtad these diti rutin with n:uch inters t and found in i hem spl ndld suggestions. Wc like d them m-cauM they were frank and rante from outsiders who ran | really observe with less prejudice t than those who live within the city. j F’rst they say our haHreaa streets, ■ re often too dirty t-* l»e attractive I and thin in another editorial they! suggested pretti r tr.tsh cans. Both j of these Xujrprestjons are fine. Your city is judged quicker by i*h cleanli- neaa than any other thing. DiHy and ill kept etrcits art .not attrac tive and unsightly trash cans are worse. Adding to this suggestion, The Union-Recider would like to make one. Why not have all trash placed in the hack yards insUaii of »h > front. Have the trash wagon go tr. the rear of the- stores and collect, _ the trash. In-tead of the mcrchuntj ‘ sweeping out of the front door, sweep are t | >ut the hack and the trash mar car. $5 >0 o, $7.50 BILL HARRISON ATTENDS MEETING OF 10G CAR CLUB j | NOTICE TO THE U. C. V. OR* J CANIZATION DEATH* L. N. Jordan in Attest i* of Chevrolet Club Mrs. Susie Benford, widow < f the late J. R. Ber.ford, died at her home B. C. Ward, the in Wilkinson county January 28 Ih, F,a terin Brigade, Georgia Division and funeral and burial were at of the U. C. V., requests Geo Camp Sno ™ Hill church and cemetery Wed- Dole* No. 730, U. C. V., Camp Dan nesday afternoon. She is survi\ ed Bill Harris>.n, salesman foi L. N. Jordan Chevrolet Agency in Atlanta this week as the guest- Sanford, So as of Confederate Vet- the company at u banquet in hon- j ‘ runs, and the R. E. Lee Chapter of f the On: Hurd red Car Club. | the V. D. C , to communicate with Ur. Harrison sold 149 cars lot‘him if they arc going to stnd repre- ,r which entitled him to member- sentativos to the annual reunion of in the club organized by the the U. C. V., at Biloxi, Miss., June , . det C« inpanjr. There are only 3rd to 6th. They mutt secure their •ntv-fJv- salesmen ha the state who certificates by the fifteenth of j died Monday night. He is survived nrd this ., tinction and Mr Harrl- March. I by his wife and eight children, i is at the top of this group. by eight children and a number of other relative)?. POUNDS—The funeral services of Mr. W. B. Pounds will be held at Black Spring church today (Thurs day) at eleven o'clock, Rev. J. F. McCluney officiating. t S. C. W. FACULTY MEMBER* LISTED IN WHO'S WHC Five members of the faculty 0 f .. Georgia State College for Vo, were listed in the latest ediLon" Who’s Who in American Edu-mj, Dr. J. L. Beeson, Dr. E. H. Sc Dr. George H. Webber Dr. Fra* Daniels ur.d Dr. Thomp* B. Mtadm were those lited as outstancT educator.; of the nation. * ^ It is an honor to the coi.eg, h. Mr. Pounds five of its fiiculty member J" been giving such high ratine * distinction. ' The meeting is held at the Bilt- >re Hot* I and the club will be given banque: and dance in addition to h'r . ntrrjainments. Mr. HaTri- n has boon with Mr. Jordan about he new! $3.00. . _ $10.00. LENI lake his rounds through the. back mqore. The Hat Shoppe, rls. No matter how careful we are! Virginia-Carulina Chemical Corporation nded the sale of the til sit Geor This . I }l blows. out the frbnt, the of the trash away, an in emptying the of the ref us.- when College for dvtron has been made by pr grand juries and has been cons by the County Commit «r,.j Beautifying the highways outi! another splendid thought and oi red tho civic organizations or wo !iut clubs should muke this a major young lad: facilities bring forth and good ones from i\> and we give this of the orBoniza- , chaols t>d for the public wel- HF.ALTH OFFICER MAKING EX AMINATION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN Dr. John Wiley, commis-ioner of Health for Baldwin county, has been! busy this week esamning the children j in the schools <*f the county. The! examinations are mnde with the view cf checking irregularities in the child and having correctioiw made The bill of health for the children' of the county is very good, the doc- stated. The children »n the city lined litter. Maybe They’ll Learn •ached, gram. Tlie G. S. C. W. plant occn * nt : re four aquartfe with ihv tion of the sites occupied court house and jail. The college ipr« now* has a handsome dormitory, the ! tie Miller S. Bell Hall, practically in the) fare. buck door of the jail. It is easily. Church attendance is also discuss- recognjzed that this should not he. j «>,i with much force and The Union- Then* is no doubt but that the jail • Recorder is thoroughly in accord with should be removed for as it is now) the young ladies criticism of the it I* or. ■: ye sore which stands ouLi people of this city for tbeir failure when compared with the buildings| to attend rhurih. Sundiy should Le on the G. S. C. W. Campus. j a day devoted to worship, rest and Neither the court house nor the jail J meditation. There is not a citv m are adequutv for the purposes for j Georgia with preuchers who have the which they were construrtt-d. If vr?| inter: t of the people so close to their have the light viewpoint of the in-[hearts. They are interested in their terior of the jail, it is impossible work. A town prospers just so much for the Sheriff to care for tho»e|as it*- religious life and atmosphere under hL charge as they should be. | g The cells are alx there ?s no room in *he jail lor »jhav« made fine suggestions and .. — pruoiUT, which dm., not always mcanj thl . h „ |lc of The Union-Recorder that D nccircDC a guilty criminal, to be made ill thej they w ij; bear fruit. f no I E.KN 31AK Ur ML Ella Shoe Polish Specials. Buy a regu- ir 15c box and get one boxfor one ent Both paate and combination. CHANDLER BROS. THE WEATHER CONDITIONS The temperature registered \>e)ow freezing several days of the past week. The weather wa ideal foi [ January. Tuesday morning of this week brought cloudy weather and rain, accompanied by an eleciric rtorm of short duration. Wednesday a cold wind blew out of the North- ringing rain, and making «» .°“ t ’ “”ji Thc J™""* la,li ' s of . th = coUc f c“d d»rSy.‘ jau lor «.hav« made fine suggestions and it is comfortable. Tho court house falls fur short of meeting the requirement** of what it should be. The Superior court room is unti- Auately furnished, and presents an appeorancc that is frx from being at tractive. It* arrangement is far from being what it should be. The court house dot-j not eontnin any room for the grand jury to as semble. That body is compelled to occupy one of the office rooms, and that body crowds thi* room to its ca pacity. At the January . term of court the room i, hot and stuffy. At the July tr.rm the windows have to 1m- opened to make the surroundings bearable. Tnis makes it impossible fer the deliberations of the gran 1 jury to be ns secret as they should The ja lird i PRESENTED JEWELS VINSON SHOULD BE RETURNED The presentation of Jewels to Mrs. Thi. Advoivite-Democrat ayn- d G - H - Webber retirinR Worthy Ma with the AuRusta Chronicle that there tron an ** **r. J. T. McMullen, re- rhouiil be no oppeaition to Con*resa- worthy Patron, featured a rec- man Carl Vinson the. year. Mr. Vin- e "< nieetinR of the MilledRovilIc eon has the prestiRC of fourteen chapter, O. E. S. years in congres- behind him. He is Now officers were installed, Mrs. worth far more to the District today J. W. Riley as Most Worthy Matron than at any time since he went to and Mr. L. C. Wall as Most Worthy the capital as our Representative in Patron. A complete staff took office the Lower House. He is worth far with them. moro to the district than any new The closing year, the first of thi man could possibly be in several Eastern Star in this city was most y.ars, be he ever so able. Oth-r successful and the outlook for the eetrons of the country keep their new year is most promising. The Repr.-sentntive* in Congress because membership has shown a large in- the people know that the longer n crease. Congressman serves the more able he — is to represent his district. His in- Shoe Polish Specials. Buy a regu- flugnee and pre tig increases with Inr 15c box end gel one boxfor one which jurors arc com- year's service. The T* nth Dis- cent Both paste and combination, when considering a realising this fact, will re-elect CHANDLER BROS. lt “I Mr. Vinson ihis year, ruR-irdlrsa of: nouRh| wh o uijRht OPIK1.-B him. So why wor- DEATH OF MRS. W. H. FELTON ry him with opposition thuc would) Mrs. Kt-becca Latimer Felton, be useless? At least, thi^ is the view j widow of the late W. H. Felton, •»f Th«* Advocate-Democrat, and it i? in a anitarium in Atlanta Friday ‘hared by thousands of people night, after an illness of several days throughout the District. -Tha C*a-.v- with bronchial pneumonia, fordvillc Advocate^Demoern u j Mrs. Felton was ninety-four years ca c is far from inviting, small uncomfortable, and i to raiuo the desire in the mind 1 .' of <*ur citizen to n 'oid jury duty. The rooms -.-cupied by the county officers do not measure up to their requirements. They arc not lnrgj enough to adequately care for the records as they should be. Besides tlfcs court hou' e docs not contain offices for all of the county officers. The Sheriff, Cbunty School Superintendent, the County Judge the Tax Collector and Tax Re ceiver, have no office in the build ing. The conclusion i* inevitable that th‘ Georgia State College property would be greatly < nhanced, and could be beautified and the usefulness of that institution increased if it could secure the sites of the court house And that Baldwin County could erect a court house and jail which would better meet the needs of the county. The County Commissioners in con sidering the sale of the property of icnn*' will be confronted with «ml question.* to be mottled befoi decision can be reached—the price that should be paid, the selection of another site the cost of the erection of another couit house and jail, and th, 1 differjpee in the sale price and that required to purchase a site and to erect ths building and the ways of obtaining same. The college authorities and com- mb«ioncr8 should me$t together and go thoroughly into the matter, and sot* if a satisfactory agreement can be reached. down In Latin. Know whrn he wrote lt? Two thousand years, twenty centuries taco- lonu before unybody hod dis covered that.. wasn't tho field tliut become exhausted, but the plant food in tho field. Too thousand years ago—and some folks haven't heard lt yet! Grow What They Want "Successful cotton production today depends not so much upon blindly producing a large supply as upon adjusting the supply to suit the preferences of tho spinners of different yarns and tho consumers of cotton goods of every kind. 8uch adjustments can be made only when the local markets reward the grower for the production of su perior and penalize him for the pro duction of Inferior cotton." — B. Youngblood. -V-O- Fertilizf.r under cotton pro duces an earlier crop. Fertilizer is one of the most effective means for fighting the boll weevil. "Havo been selling V-0 tar 25 years. V-O has always p d among cotton "Timet change—end w change uilh hem."—CallaBius, Ummania Mac- FOR FINER COTTON, V-C The southeast cannot cem- hlKher- „i ude long-staple cotton, said Dr. H. G. Knight, chief of the Bureau of Chem istry and Soils at Washing ton. And one of the means for growing higher-grade long-staple cotton, wu might odd, is good old V-O—plenty of lt. in the^rlght analysis, at the right time. NO SUBSTITUTE! A certain good farmer lias been buying a ca-loud of V-O every year for a long time and making money with it. Not long ago he was having an argument with his dealer about it. I'll Just turn you over to the Vlrginia-Oarollna Oho mi cal Cor poration and let them sell you direct.” "Not much you won't!" the cus tomer shot back at him. "Domelike that, would you? I'll be overlast ingly shriveled If I'll let you do anything of tho kind—I won't stand for It, domed if I will! Now you listen to me—I want V-O. and I won't take anything else but V-O. and you needn't try to put any tiling else off Sound like it's made up? Well. It's a true story. One of the division superintendents of V-O enn cite chapter ond verse. Dexler, New Tazewell. Tenn. Washing Dollars Away Okl*. iriia form was sold for *2._ . neighboring 90 brought S4.2U The few months ago t tint declined M.000. and neighbor* tell me the second Is not worth $1,000. The answer? Terracing!"— R. V. Pet a ton. />«»siandj»om/of fertilizer used in the United States, cotton is first in tonnuge. say s The FettiliierReview; com is second, potatoes third, wheat fourth, and tobacco fifth. Where Nalurc Buns Away About 100 yeoiw ago somebody took the first prickly pear to Aus tralia and planted It. Since then tho plant has spread over millions of itifila Is ii acres and Austria is Importing in- But who knows what tho Insects will do? They may bo like the rabbits in Australia—the first rabbits were taken there year* ago and their descendants have swarmed all over the place. -V-O- "For 20 years I have sold and used V-C. This pr st year one of my ten ants raised 30 boles on 40 acre*, with V-C. under adverse weather conditions."—J. W. RtmooiroBD, Dealer. Franklin, Ala. American mills make 147 dif ferent cotton fabrics, according to a government report. These are put to almost 1.000 different uses. Cutting Down Guesswork Soli surveys by the V. 8. Depart ment of Agriculture, including the areas added In 1928. now cover 754.- 000 square miles In detail, and to addition to that the Department has done reconnaissance work an 598.000 square miles. "Knowledge of our soil resources has thus been made creator than that of any other country," says the Secretary ' of Agriculture. "Indeed, lt may ex ceed that of all other countries combined." V1BCINIA-CABOLINA CHEMICAL 1 I’OItATlOK i WHAT M1LLEDGEV1LLE NEEDS The above title was used by the member* of the Journali m class test week .xnd under this heading a num ber of young ladies told of the things of age, and her life The Augusta Chronicle of a recent 1 activity. She w.ns the only woman dat~ urge - the re election of Hon. ever to hold u seat in the United: Carl Vinson, as Congres*i..an from States Senate, and was a pioneer! the tenth congressional district with-. temperance worker and author. She I opposition. The Chronii !e gives was a woman of great intellect and 1200.00 PAID FOR ONE COPPER CENI' J. *\ Martin of Richmond, Va.. is | the p.oud possessor of a check for 3200 00 paid him for jin old copper, cent. The Numismatic Company, 1 Dept. C56, Fort Worth, Texas, who purchased this penny from Mr. Mar tin, says there are numerous oid coins, bills and stamps in circulation for which they will gladly pay big cash premiums. So that you will know the value of old coin* and lonvincmg reason* why Mr. Y.nson should be returnee’ to Congress, and they will appeal to the voters of the district. He has represented the dis trict well and wisely, and the experi- i nee he has gained increases his use fulness. He has become recognized us one of the outstanding member.; of the House, and his colleagues, noth Democrats and Republicans, recognize his ability, and the val nhle service he is rendering. Mr. Vi ■: n’s record speaks for it-elf, and thews that he is always active and ilert in his support of those mea 'ur*-) which he believfis to be to the intcre-1 of the district he is representing. H« -hould be returned to Congress with out opposition. The grand jury at the recent j ion of the Superior Court found •iTiusually large number of true bills. The members of that tody folio in the line of their duty in contribut- 'ng to ending violation of the in the county, for the onlv >ure way to do this is to enforce the law, and make the violator of the law lizc that he will receive nunishment n the courts. Tfcr rema : n only two more days o secure 1930 automobile tags. There are a large number of auto mobiles here still carrying tags. Tax Collector L. D. Smith has served notices on delinquent tax payers that fifas will be served if taxes are not paid promptly. strenRth of character and had her 6tamps and what to " atch convictions on all questions political, your the Numismatic Corn- social and moral, and expressed them pany "' iU sand for ° nly 4c . '“ ny with vigor. ' rea( ^ er °* this paper who writes them, a large illu.-trated coin folder de scribing some.of these wanted ar- | tides and the big profits to bf made. Better write them today for this large folder so you can post your self and know just what to look for. Remember that Mr. Martin’s know ing the value of his penny meant a difference of $199.99 to him. With out knowing its value that penny might still be in circulation, passing through the hinds of thousands un til someone !ko Mr. Martin, who knows old coins -cognized its value. It pays to b? posted Send 4c now for the illustrated coin folder. You have nothing to lose, everything train. (Advertisement) Don’t Take the Chance Let us test your Radiator for Alcohol—We have a big supply on hand and give instant sefvice. RALPH SIMMERSON Buick and Marquette Dealer QUICK RELIEF FOR COUGHING SPELLS Famous Prescription Stops Them Al most Instantly 1 The- phenomenal success of a doc tor’s .famous pfrcscription called Thoxinc is due to its double action. It immediately «oothes the irritation .and goes direct to the internal cause not reached by patent medicines and I cough syrups. The very first swal low usually stops even the most ob stinate cough. Thoxine contains no harmful drugs, is pleasant tasting and safe for the whole family. Sold on a money back guarantee to give better and quick er relief -for coughs or sore throat than anything you have ever tried. Ask for Thoxine, put up ready for us? in 35c., 60., and $1.00 bottles. Sold by Fraley’s Pharmacy and all 1023 other good Drug Stores. 1 (Advertisement) ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT ORDER Y0U| TAG TODAY We have a few blanks left and will fill them out free of charge. Notary Public to witness them. RALPH SMMERS0N Buick and Mur-net*'! Dee.ler lxixxxxxxxxxx: Sale! The FL0RSHEIM Shoe WHETHER you need shoes now or not, it’s economy to save on a pair or more while this reduction is in effect $Q.85 John Holloway liawm