Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 06, 1930, Image 6

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' INK UNIOM-RECORDU. — LUCEVILLE. GA-, IVH JARY C. IBS* WANTS VMRM TWt Cwuiml Sw»i«i W CmrtHMi it Kmii far Uur- ms. muluiovis out pun PM EinERMT CAMPAKM Cl*Mat af Tvattp ta It Or|ttiaf la Tttcfc AMl lllifr.**. Hmtu* Will Urn H The Augusta Chronicle of recent date under the option: Lets Have No Opporitioa to Vinson. Published the following editorial: Tub Chronicle, with thousands of, other friends of Congressman Vin-j son. has watched with great inter est the attempts that have been made during tho last few week* to get oppo-ition to the abl«* represen tative of the Tenth Georgia district io the house of representatives. There reason to get up opposi- [ wr i te . tion. for it is admitted on nil j»ido«s | n that Mr. Vinson has made an able 1 ,.„ r congres man. one whose usefulness , : .. irh< is inercasing all the time, ore whr has been there long enough to be real help to the district. Tb re have been efforts Wade to get. Solicitor Gineinl Gi .rge Hum? of the Augu»tu Cm u to run. other Free training in the rudiments of education will be offered to all thoac a-Ho desire it, within the next few vecks, Mrs. C. 11. McCullar, chair man of the Baldwin Count; campaign against illiteracy said this week. If you know of a person who car not road and write, please tel! their to see County School Superintendent P. N. Bivins or Mrs. McCullar or any member <>f the committee and re- re to h.irn to read and IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE necessary or iieitet to the carry lag UNITED STATES FOR THE HA- out of the purpose of ifr organiza- effort of W get rudge Ben F. Walker • hi- still other efforts i n ? to R .t Boy V. TTar- •r nurr.ber of the leH Vv- .1 -ffers m, to oppose Mr. IVe have an idea that non; he has declared ‘ Anyone * who will be promptly put in a class .or if it is impossible for them to conn for a class, a special private teacher will be supplied. In case- v.-h< re it is desired, the- teacher will be sent to do this work without any body's knowing of it and there will be not the slighte-t embarrassment on tho part cf tb person who seeks to Karr the tYr.gr that life has u.ni.-d t who it. In many cases, pe no* read and writ • srni had the opportunity as not their fault. Gr ide it needful for the:-. CON DIVISION or THE MHOLE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In Re: J. M. Fountain, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. pursuant to an order granted by the Hon. J.. N. Talley, Referee in Bankruptcy, in the above stated mat ter, th- undersigned will sell, at pub ic outer} - , before the courthouse door of Baldwin County. Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash, within the * ral hours of sale, on the 18th day of February, 1930, the following de- nmrib d parcels of land, to.wit: All that truct or parcel of land Mtur.tr, lying and being in the city of Milledg^villc, Georgia, on the Mosleyvillc Public Road on the south •ido of Fishing Creek and on the We-t side of said Mosleyville Public toad, containing approximately two acres. b:ing all of the land lying oe- tween Stanley and Cline Avenues, lef rs.on Street and the Moaleyvilb* Public Bead: bounded on the North Stanley Avenue, on th# East by Mor'ejr. ille Pu he Road, on tb Clir A\ and i t!.' . by Jefferson AM that • parcel ug in t such people as tion. Par. 7. Petitioners dtkirc the thority in their corporate capacity to buy, sell, hold and own *uch realty and personalty as may be necessary to carry on the purposes for which said corporation is formed- They de. ire the privilege of suing and be ing sued in their corporate tupacity. Par. 8. Petitioners desire all the rights, liabilities .and privileges which may be pert&?nt to any corporation of said character under the < institu tional laws yf lhi.- State. ALLEN & POTTLE, Petitioners' A .'.umey*. GEORGIA. Baldwin County. I do certify -that th. above and j an- «nvct copy chai foregoing is a of petition foi office on this date, third, nineteen hun f led in my .it. February I thirty. OOPER, Baldwin LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin « uni WHEREAS, on tl Yd December 1921, Lou . Ra • he hvreinaft r desc to T. Pettigrew i.» secure* rmlj . 1923 i The, enten the eongrci certn’n to he defen be beaten by any man or woman i- j th: district and th*''- v. ho have It j fostering opposition to him became. PPThap. th ; dr ■' -ih -Vi:.. • r ■! ally, or for rome other frivolous ren- t c ron. should hick off and let’s not have t' gii through the formality of ledge vi lie, establish*'d at centra! points in Mil- 1 described as Lot. ledgeville as seem mce-sary when all 1(i in BIock No> the nam . are .‘u. In addition to; « cr jbed in a plat d Oconee I lei Milledgcvill; . Baldwin C- part oi n a Oconee R ights in the j pc’tt ■ rc f the City of Mil--Ray; and better known and ! WHEREAS moist cold and dry cold in the same refrigerator FrigidufC equipped with the new Hydrator now offers an extra service. Celery comes out of the Hydrator crisp and brittle. Lettuce takes on a new freshness. Tomatoes become firmer. Parsley, cress and other garnishes almost seem to grow again! See a demonstration at our display room—now. F RIGI DAI RJEF™™* R. W. HATCHER KDWE. CO. ^ Wholesale and Relail No: Id, 14 nd fully de- hereinafter ate teachers F< : id. i has been is from"the county of Bald.. is at th. other end of th di to speak, no one could ha 1 more zealous in his efforts for the interests of Augusta and Ri* hinond. county. If wo Kid had a man brcdD and horn in this community, an Au-j v yu tnn all hi- life, he could not have fought more earnestly for the best intrre t of fhis city, and h ; s work for river development, for the Len- vood hospital, for tl.c Arsenal. for Iviiiustl.i win »e rccruiU- v< lunteer teachers. Th -ary thine is to learn the nn*v - I j those people who desire this edu-h ional service and their addresses, I f that they. may be put in the emss j ; rhe s-r. s of lessons numbe • j mty. They begin with the simple 1 -i, each the pen-on to read an i j ite and carry him on step by step : th:- la.-t lesson which is the prepa-j ion of a hank draft. Those whe.' , to learn only to write their v.. - nay stop then. The classes i I be conducted according to the J ord i the the Offi WHEREAS, the af the Clerk of the Super- |,r.» defaulted Court of said County in Book of Q f. ds “SS”, pages 8 and 9. The said *n,; s t n *e lots lying and adjacent and atirg on the Weft aid; of South r-r-.n Street in said City of Mil- aid note H^*^^*®*®*®***®**^^!******^*****#^^*^JO HtOCSKMIMB it there- r .,, 3 l H E SOUT H ERN * Said above describe<l land will be id free from all liens except State, •unty and municipal taxis for th 1930, which will be assumed by - purchaser. All valid liens against t propert. will be attached to the cc-eds of sail*, and -aid sale will rned that A. T. r fon the C-ourth* mnty, at public out t bidder for ca.*h o y in March, 1930, -ii!.-. t)r sale, the f« •ill sell THE SOUTH WITH MANY EXCELLENT THRC'JGH TRAINS she.-. tho d land: Ail that ? MilledgevilJe ounty and b:t ale will be loor in raid g SERVES to the high- j c* he firet Tue.«- ' K thin the legal ing describ- 1 & R0YAL PALJk J DELUXE ALL Pullman S Chicago, Indianapolis, Grand Rapids, D- or ..rrr! of l»ml g Cincinnati ta .'ackucnvillo an,I the East J be” r in the city a P.OYAL PAL.M ALL '/ear Chirr-o, Indianapoli*. Detroit, Buffalo, Cleveland and Cii East Coast of Florida. i pint of 3, in Uloi cord tin the cottoi nd foi Classes will ah.o be formed for the ! . groe.* :.n.3 the rudiments of educa-, ti;> will bo made available fur all *.Jio e who wish it and may be ha-; j limply for the.asking. There will be a short but very im- \ illiteracy in Baldwin county on j Thursday uftc-rnoon at three-thirty J in the office of County School | Superintendent P. N. Bivins. Every j organization is urged to have repre j fentatives present, and those mem-1 Lera who were at the fir t meeting H „„ Sm i th , i re asked to have their reports read; m. not already in. MRS. C. B. McCULLAR, Chairman Baldwin County Committee on Illiteracy. if the; thing elrj that Augusta wanted, ztamps him at once a; one of the most useful congressmen ever to repre-ent the T *nth district in con gress 0 Ci ngrefsnvan Vinson has not bren neglectful of the other sections of the district and wc may expect soon that there will be new post office buildings at Thomson and Sander - ville. while his activities in behalf of the farmer.** have been vigorous and intelligent, and are, undoubted ly, deeply appreciated by them. Just at this particular time Con gressman Vinson is about to put over the greatest work for Augu.-ta of all his career, that is the securing of $1,- .350,090 for the development of th* Savannah river channel below Au gusta, making this city one of the greatest shipping centers of the southeastern section of the country. We predict that the bill providing this money will pa»s within the next few weeks and that work will begin on oar channel during the coming summer, or early autumn. That Augusta appreciates work of Vinson can be best illu strated by the fact that among all our list of able men there i: who is even threatening against Mr. Vinson, despite the /act! that he himself come, from Baldwin!££)RE THROAT? DON’T GARGLE pin. goed work for Augusta and for the While G-.orgia has a splendid dele gation in eongrtVs, each possessing | I'.ualties that' make them : nlcndid, then* is not a congressman from Georgia who stand- higher in Wash- ingt !> at this time, not one who is moic .ffcctive :n his efforts for his district and his people, than Carl Vinzon. These are tbe facts. As see it. no mnn in the district could even run him a close race let alone defeat him, so why annoy him with to lp “ rn -Inin,:, to thp Hon. J. X. Tnllpy, Ref- „f Baldwin Surorior Court in in in Bankruptcy, for confirm:!- hook rf deed* • , 00" Mio 420-1, l.rt- lion on F.bruary tilth. lidiO, .ter known on a put of the sulwlivl- Thi l'elimary 6th, lndO. 5 i„„ 0 f the "Edmund Hnrris-tnict" GEORGE S. CARPENTER, „f tend. Said lot or parcel -f land Truitee in Bnnkrup'ey for hotmded ns follow,: on tho North by .1. M. Fountain, Bankrupt. i lend:, of \Y. Hcotm; or. the East * hv Lot No. l. on the* Sout' by West APPLICATION FOR CHARTER Avt-nue and .. n the West 1 Lot So. GEORGIA, Baldwn County. , 2. Together with all bull lings and To the Superior Court of said County improvements thereon. The petition of Jon W. Hutchin-j g-jjj sale will be made for the i>*»n, C. H. Whitfield, Roy Hayes, A. purpose: of rai ing funds to pay the J. Carr, Jr., C. J. Conn, and Tom note above described. There is due pectfully shows th- n the note the sum of Three Hun- ollowing fact*, to-wit: dred,Twenty-Four Dollar., and Eigh- Par. 1. That they desire for them- ty Cents principal, and Interest to elves and their associates to ho in- th; date of the sale amount- to One orporated for fhe full term cf Hundred and Seven Dollart; and]-- wi-qty years under the name and Thirty-Two Cent-. A dcH will be tyle of thi Independent Merchants made to the purchaser by the under- f Milledgevillc, Georgia, Incorporat-. q lc -ned .as provided in the security j d:ed above mentioned. J TONCE DE LEON A LL Year Y Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, Clev land. Louirville ■> nr.ati to Jacksonville and the East CoaM. of Florida, g SUWANEE RIVER SPECIAL O Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, Cleveland and Ci ^ We*t Coast of Kloridn. g KANSAS CITY—FLORIDA SPECIAL ALL Year g Kansas City. St. Louis. Memphis. Birmingham g Brunswick, Jacksonville and Miami. q For detailed information, reservations, etc., i Southren Agent or write ' G. R. 131 Terminal Station, *. 2. The capital stock of sai-' corporation is to ife four thousand dollars <$ 1.non.00), and petitioner.^ debire the privilege of increasing the i same whenever a majority of the stockholders hall fit, to the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,- 000.00). Par. 3. The shares of stock of raid corporation shall be of the par value of ten dollars ($10.00) each. Par. 4. Ten per cent (10 percent) talk of opposition He is a of the people and they know is popular with tl.® people i time is not yet at hand when ; defeat him. This February 3rd, 1930. A. T. PETTIGREW. Granteq of Louisa Ray. HINES & CARPENTER Attorneys. NOTICE AND TO DEBTORS CREDITORS Xll creditors of the estate of Mrs. Mary - Grimes, late of Baldwin Coun ty, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned, according to law. stated. the Any JTL.. Do Quicker, Bell Don’t suffer the p friend | cf the entire amount of the Capital it. He I Sctok hereinbefore referred to ha -.J and all persons indebted to said id the j been paid in full. The principal. estate are required to make imme- iiv one | place of bu iness at.J office of said diatc payment. This January Gth. ! corporation will be in the cijy of lOUO. J. C. GRIMES. Milkdgtvill . Baldwin County, Geor- ’A Administrator of the Estate of Mr*. Mary Gri The object of said corpo- not pecuniar}' gain, but, j' purposes hereinafter fully • here i sides if ■ that any : oppose Vi icripticn Give* fr Relief ration for tin ain and discom- *yjt out Use a doctor’s Par. Thoxine guaran- * anized i the very first promot Thi to lora Richmond county and we have an idea that h.- will lose Co- 1 lumbi.n. Lincoln, Jefferson, McDuffie, Tailaferro. Glascock, ,Warren, Han-, cock, Baldwin, Washington and Wil- 1 kitison counties. ^ - r — im urr Tb:- keeping of a mined and «*- i,,] for tho pericnc’.d representative in congress .. not j 1 5 njT bi tter • - r.r-l tF v 11 y only 1rmpm ThoxY.e hn- • lieves the -orei jto the internal . it •: u- ful •ihods • th i by adopting all law- ■signed t*> make plair . to th<* business, agricultuial n P. or -|due i IThoxir double nctior-^-it quences to tho crmmur.ity of the fur- '*■? and gors direct ther growth and developm nt of the ausp It contains foreign owned chain store system i nnd is safe and usd the economic soundnes- and wi«- .•holo family. There dCm of trading with home -ownid to ston coughin*’. hurinrss. With this purpose ' f»0.. i irritr.trd tlr-natr. .lust : e. put up ready for us? d $1.00 bottles. Mor.r for r't ; im ITS desire that the corpora- i : 15c.. • tion hall have power to carry hack I general .advertising business and general interests to permit a if nct rpHeved. Sold by Fraley’s’its branches: to solicit, contract for disgruntled few to succeed in a Pharmacy an d nil other good Drug' and give publicity to all kinds of ad- studied effort to discredit Mr. Vin-ig^j^ jv.rtising; to manufacture, buy sell son. when the great mass of us know | (Advertisement) I and (five away advertising devices he is worthly and one of the best* —'and nov.-ltidp; to engage in the busi- oongresemen in the hf ub?. The ___ DC c T DAODrD crmrtrr ««?*■ of publishing newspapers, journ truth U the people will opfeely frown I rlr. Dtol BArtoLK otKVlLt aJs and macazineSf to carry on thl down effort? of a few in trymg here ; COME TO jbusine-s of job printers, lithograph- and there, r:gardlezs of fitness or. VV7TT f I AWKQ * r and en ff rav ers; to construct, pur- other worthy considerations, to get a 1rhase lease and sell billboards, sign- candidate against him. We fliould I b'oardh, and other structure*- suitable be so grateful services of Congress- j for advertising purposes and to do man Vinton that we should speak ififcc chairs to serve YOU, old time! general circularizing .ami distribut- right out and discourage any effort colored barbers to serve the white, ing busiaiss of every kind; to act at trying to gat opposition to him people. advertving agents for others; and and let him know that we are grate- [) oor j 0 Odorless Cleaners to do al1 such othe f things as may be DR. MURRAY KING onc 2? c )*!. Res. Jefferson Street Veterinarian Milledgeville. Georgia Southern Railway System NOTICE! Delinquent Tax Payers The law requires that all tax fifas be placed in hands of the Sheriff, his Deputies, or Bailiff, the law also makes the Tax Collector personally liable for any tax fifa’s he failes to have executed by these officials. This means extra cost, that you will not be required to pay if you settle before the fifa’s haw to go out of this office. 105 Tax Collector STRONG STEEL Safety Deposit Boxes FOR RENT - Price $3.00 per year for small box; $4-00 per year for large box. Protect your valuables—come early before a., are sold. The Merchants & Farmers Bank