Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 13, 1930, Image 1

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BALDWIN COUNTY institution Hundred I r_r.r"p-«* ®I)f Uttion-Rccortier READ BY THOUSANDS •ltd Sarrendbk Coen -^T ' MMsar"** as Farm Board Chairman —hAifMi, Ga-, Ftknuj 13, ltM Consolidated la UTS Number 26 METHODIST TO Speaks to Large Audience ASSEMBLE HERE Advises Decrease in Cotton Acre- *'ate ard Increase in Uve Stock cn Georpia Farms Introduces Mr. Legge ce that filled the audi- • rjfia State Col- < ° r1U \Vomt* T ' heard Hon ' AIexaRllpr D f the Federal Farm V^’V rjar. to stablize agri- **°“ r . n the United States through l ‘ u *' J ‘ :of cooperative ,fl .°‘ v ,i «•; the Federal ^° a ' ' r ^tablhhed by i l. ; rr -ir, l.'-tre was presented to Mr. R. W, Hatcher, f the National Re* fintion and one i ,u iness men of the hairman Legge, v n part: ••I: U universally recognized that Agriculture form- one of the funda mental supports of our whole indus trial structure, and that its processes affect th: welfare of .a larger portion of the world's population than any other activity.” •*! knew of no man in whose abili ty the country has greater confi dence, and if he succeeds, which he undoubtedly w ill, with our co-opera tion. the croat wave of enthusiasm that will sweep' the broad expanse of cur country w ill merit no less re- Wird than a selection of him by our prat nr: or. as its chief executive. i have the great pleasure of pre- m ntirp to you one who, rrxt to Presi- diac boards for in America today. Chairman inder Leepi- of the Federal i Beard." •. L p.’O strewed the necessity phase of farming and apncuUur.il endeavor. He bow ed the creat advantage that collective effort had over the individual trying to compete with ejjfc other for a wile of their c-’r.mn^ty^ "Mv ad-Sr:- t., yoi peopl^isfPeed Georgia first," the Chairman stated. Georgia imports a great majority of the dairy products con umed and there is always a demand for truck CAnlcn product*. dairy and poultry owed. The the lowest the quality EXTRA TERM OF Delegates Swarm City For COURT MONDAY Fair Executives Convention Baldwin Superior Court Opens Ad journed Term to Clear Criranal Docket, Judge Park Presides Judge James B. Park will cprn an adjourned term of Baldwin Superior court next Monday morning, the ex tra session became nece : sary when it was impossible 'to dispose of the criminal docket during the January c rnt which closed three weeks ago. A l ; st of enseq to be disposed of have been published ns ordered by President Georgia Fairs Mr. R. W. Hatcher, former Presi- ient of the National Retail liard- vnre Association, who presented Hon. Alexander Legge to his Miliedgevillc tudicnce. Noted Preachers to Speak at Gathering to Be Held Tuesday Evening Feb. 18th The laymen of the Oxford District, ‘specially those of the Methodist •hurches of Miliedgevillc and Buld- ■vin county, have been called to as- mble at the Methodi-t church ir. his city Tuesday evening, of next w ek. at eight o’clock. Arrangements have been perfected r Circle No. 3 of the Woman's Mi*-!'nary Society of the Methodist j cou ri and the e will be the only :hurch to snve a banquet. The plan j CR to be tried. All parties ard for tho banquet is that each of the i tnesses interested in the culendnr laymen •..ttending pay for his dinner, have been ordered to appear at ton The ladies will prepare a mo«-t tempt- '•’clock Monday Fbruury 17th. ing feast. j amp jurors that were serving After thw banquet Dr. Wallace - touri adjourned will also serv? , «OEtr-. of Atlanta, and Dr. O. E. during tho txtra resaion. Goddard, Missionary Secretary of the Solicitor General Joe B. Duke came I Southcin Methodist church will ad-; ' ;<tv last week .and met Mr. I dress tho leathering. They wiil di, j -« , I Kr t0 1’kn the calendar. It is I cuss vital questions relating to the i rstood tint the cases that have ' c B McCuItari President of the work of tho Methodist church. Both; Mt will protically clear the | Association of Georgia Fair Score- ore eloquent, scholarly and forceful j itariv,, who ueted as official host to speakers, and will present their The Grand Jury has adjourned and | th( . , k ,| ti> .ntes who .attended the theme most interestingly. ‘roD-t" 0 ' °* durlnlr tlM! | nual convention held here yesterday Xu collection will be taken or sub- | ; and today. Mr. McCullar is secretary AV a nv . - n _ «f the Middle Georgia Fair Ass’n. •-WILL OPERATE veriptions asked. This should be an j inter:-st to the local Methodist, they should join heartily and thusiastically to mukc it a great products. Mr. taminuni : Plan evflopment of co- operatr.. boards throughout the na- >r w-.jf outlined and the methods ** in th* 1 expenditure of tho SOO.O09.ooo. appropriated for form by Mr. Lcggc. At the conclusion of the-^^M, •A- asdienee was permitted to ask Bctionv about the Farm Board “l its funcUo". Several men ank- <0hiopinion .vgnrding cotton priors whil. he expressed his opinion •nitst an immediate increase in pntm. he stated that he could not tell *“> the future held. . the question of what the •=4nidual will do hut what can be rh.'h,.! through united effort. • t. v.av? n magic wand and "‘~r:cu!turc conic* out of its rut" ! 'ing words of Mr. ' >tely ar.d positively F ''K5 t SCH°0L for illiter. IS ORGANIZED Q r * ^ urn, *bes Teacher for School Zed a ‘ Farm Monday Night DARTMOUTH CUP GIVENCADETS ''resident of Atlanta Dartmouth Alumnae Here Saturday and Present, Trophy to Team H. A. Wason, President of the At lanta Darmouth Alumnae, came to Milledgeville Saturday and presented to Cadet Jim Roberson, captain of tho football t*.—: that won tho G. I. A. A. championship, the handsome Dartmouth Cup, offered by the Geor gia Alumnae of Dartmouth University to the football team winning the championship. Mr. Wason was met .at the college by Col. Roach, Conch T. H. Rentz, Coach Johnny Broadnax and mem bers of the team. In u congratula tory speech he presented the cup to the captain of the team wno in turn handed it over to his team mates for inspection. Mr. Wason was honor guest at n dinner at the Baldwin Hotel Satur day evening. College officials and the coaches were present. Praising the record of the G. M. C. team last fall, Mr. Wason expressed his great pleasure in presenting the cup. The Dartmouth alumnae arc Crying to promote clean competitive sports, manship in the Georgia association, the representative stated. The cup will be placed with several other.- that have been won by G. M. C athletic teams and military com panies and squads. It is a hand some silver cup, beautifully engrav ed and heavily plated. It is being shown in Williams & Ritchie window. CADETS TO PLAY RIVERSIDE FRIDAY NIGHT MiSS LENI MOORE DiED IN ATLANTA 'Veil Known Woman of This City Passes Away at Home ot Her Brother Mbs Leni Moore, of this city, died at the home of her brother, Mr. J. A. Moore in Atlanta Saturday night, where she was stricken with her last illness a few days before. MLss Moore had been in declining health for some months, and the past full spent several weeks at a sani tarium in Atlanta, where she under went a serious operation. She re turned to this city, but never fully regained her health .and strength. However, >he continued to give di- p r •chord for adult illiterate? zed Monday night at th« •n Farm with Col. George * teacher. Roach volunteered for thi«* have a number of other ln thc cit y- Mrs. C. B. Mc- ated that the fir t class fce- f «i Jr"' 8 of tw ‘‘nt* lessons Mon- ’ Jtht. Thc pupi , H w<fre 4 , nthusi- a -a anxious to luarn. clasps * n tRe county are to as soon as it can be v.ants this instruction. -- are busy making •t. .ns and are finding ■’ ‘ eh sod Hliter- r “ "n offered is not Riverside’s cadet basket ball team will come to Milledgeville Friday night ns opponents for Coach Babe Florence indoor athletes in what • prom ires to be the big game of thc j lanta to- purchase her spring and summer millinery. After completing I her purchases, she went to the home 1 of her brother, where >be was strick- The funeral tervices were held Monday afternoon at Patterson’s A Sons Undertaking Parlors, Revs. R. A. Edmondson and V. E. Landford officiating. The interment was in West View cemetery. She is sur vived by six brothers and other rela tives. Miss Moore came to this city from Atlanta several years ago, and pur chased the millinery store of Misses veil & Ivey. She was a talented milliner careful ard painstaking in her business dealing, and rapidly .i her clf in the bUBfajea* life of the city. She was a member •>: Lho Methodist church, and ?dent ; - fied herself with its activities, being a regular attendant at its services, ltd a member of the Woman’s Mis- sionray Society, one of thc circles, and of Mr. L. J. Rozar^ class in the Sunday School. She was pleasant and affable in her social relations, and won the love and esteem of all who came to know her. Her death has brought sorrow to hundreds of friends in Milledgeville and Baldwin county. ICE PLANT AGAIN .VIbniic Ice & Coal Company Will i Place New Machinery and J Resume Operation Sir. W.’ H. Araall, b'cal manager »f the Atlantic Ice & Goal Co., has | 'announced that the machinery in their ice plant will be overhauled, and new machinery added to resume facturing ice in this city. Atlantic Ice & Coal Co., pur- the plant from Capt. J. H. jtwo or three years ago. Some n.ontl% ago its operation was suspen se for consumption in this 'ity was shipped from thc plant of the company from Macon. This has *<roven unsatisfactory, and the local ice plant will be put in first class condition, and the manufacture of I second base will hav ’ce resumed here. The best ice will down, the engineer explained. All be made, and the demand locally anu jef this section will have to be con- . rounding territory will be supplied, j ditionrd again before the oil treat ment is put on. Thc :ection of the road approach ing the Fis : >*? Creek fill is being rep-ared for titu base and it is un derstood that the lime rock base ma terial will be put down there during this week. Much work has to be done •n the fill section before thc first base can be poured. It is understood that it will be sev eral months before this road is com pleted. The paving that was begun over the river last fall was also halted by rainy weather. This work will be re sumed and completed with a contin uance of sunshine. Capt. Eun Welcomes Delegate; Here. Prnmiecit Speakers Head m First Dap ef Meeting More than three hundred fair exe cutives of Georgia and carnival com pany representatives assembled here today for thc annual convention of the Association of Georgia Fairs hich opened at the Baldwin. Hotel Wednesday morning at eleven o’clock. President C. B. McCullar openeJ :..v convention and presented Capt. I. H. Knnis who mode the official ..Iconic from the city. Mr. R. L. Van ant. secretary of the Cobb coun ty Fair ut Marietta, made the re- Reports of the officers of the As sociation and the address of the President concluded the but .ness tssion for the clay. During the morning session F. N. Harris, President of the Georgia State Fair at Savannah, addressed the convention using as his subject "Busi- nifs of making a Fair a Great asset to the community which it serves.” Dr. J. M. Sutton, State Vettncrian. also spoku to the delegates diseas ing the regulations and requirements governing live stock for exhibitivc purposes. During the afternoon session, the principal address was made by Ho^. Alexander Ligge, chairman of thc Federal Farm Board of Washington, D. C. The address of Mr. Legge was fol lowed by Kpeecho.i of Mr. v .. D. Riv ers, Mr. Eugena Talmndge and Dr. Andrew M. .Soule, who discussed various airdcultural problems of the state. Wednesday evening the delegates •vere the guests of the Middle Geor gia Fair Association at a banquet at the Methodist church. The program Thursday will include speeches by .Oscar MilK of Atlanta, Dr. E. H. Scott, of the Georgia State College for Women, Dr. A. D. Wil liams of Folkston. A. E. Gibson of WORK RESUMED ON G .S. S. ROAD lime Rorrk Base Bein'? Laid on Approach to Creek Fill Treat ment to Be Applied to Ave. Work was resumed last Friday on thc Milledgeville State Hospital road, a section of the lime rock base is be- : ng laid while the lx.se that was put down in the fall on the avenue and in the front of the buildings at thc hospital i« being prepared for thc oil treatment necessary before the surface covering is put on. Th- lime rock ba» was apiyaJ on Dawaun^J. P. Wnaoa, Jr., qJ Uqnrk- the avenue section of the road last - — - - - — - ^ fall, but work was halted by exces sive rains. Thi section will have to be gone 'over and in many places a .. .. ------- EVERY CHILD IN BALDWIN irr.:: h Z*Z%T»t. COUNTY MUST ATTEND SCHOOL Superintendent Bivins to Enfot The Compulsory Attendance Law Asks Corporation of Pnblic Mr. P. N. Bivins, School Superin tendent of Baldwin county, has an- nou «d that in connection with the presmt adult illitearcy campaign, a drive is underway to qnforce the compulsory attendance Law, and get every child of school age in the schools throughout the county. Superintendent Bivins in this ef fort is receiving the co-operat ? on of Mrs. C. B. McCullar, chairman of »he illiteracy drive, and her assist ants, and thc prnicipals and teach- °rs of the schools, and he is asking ♦he public to a sist, by reporting to l ;n nil children they know that are not in school The*-e oar::ot be any vxcuae for inville, and Jack V. Lyles. The speakers will discuss various problems of the Fair officials prior to a round table dutcuiston and open forum. The "ENTRAL PRESIDENT AND GEN. MANAGER HERE WEDNESDAY Mr. Clift Herr fer AtMr, Alexander Legge. Cue * * Frank Bone MR. HATCHER ENTERTAINS FARM BOARD CHAIRMAN ion. Alexander Legge, end Mr. Con- wall, Head of American Cottan Association Visit ‘‘Lockerty" 1 Undefeated by a big number of N’orth Georgia schools, the Gainsville *-am is the favorite in the second :nme of the season with G. M. C. The *ed and black team lost to Riverside r. Gainsville two weeks ago, but Coach Florence has a greatly improv ’d basket hall team to meet the in vaders Friday. Before the game begins a series of boxing bouts will bo staged. Three prclcminary bouts will be' put on as hii appertizer for the main boot. Donnally, the cadet champion will meet) the champion of the Riverside campus in thc main bout. The box- ng will begin ct seven-thirty and the '.lit ball game gets under way an hour later. DEGREE TEAM FROM MACON TO COME HERE THURSDAY E.it.rn Star t. H«»e Sq~tal Vi.iU Meeting Tki. We.lt. D.jr.e Work I. B. Demoo.tr.taJ At the rcqul.r mert:nr of the Mil- tcdttevllle chapter of the Eutim Star on Thursday evening, a decree team from Macon -till come here and nut on special deprre work to inatrnct thc Milledpeville chapter. Mrs. John \V. Riley, Worthy Ma tron, urqea all members to witness this work. . Hon. A. E. Clift, President of th h.ld ir r jti . county not to tV- . t|r , of (: . orK „ Mrrnl with 1 nchool as thi system ,.f die | <art v of officials of the railway cm county is so conducted to make n j... nv „ me hoi .. Wednesday to he. accessible to every child in thc j lh( „ l!Hrl L . s „ f Ho „. Al, Sander Loirm county. j who spoke before the Georgia Fai Every par nt in the county should I Association lend every a riatance to the authori- t, and do all in their power to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hatcher enter tained Hon. Alexander Legge and his party on their v»it here Wednesday, at their country home “Lockerly." Mr. Legge in company with, Mr. A. B. Conwell head of the American Cotton Association and Mr. Mercer Lee, District Manager of the Inter national Harvester Company, arrived in Milledgeville about noon and were takn immediately to Lockerly where they were honor guests at a luncheon. Mr. Hatcher, former President of National Retail Hardware Associa- jt'rn and for more than quarter of a i y i. c il representatives of thc l::tvrnatiosal Harvester Company, 1 n a warm friend of Mr. to learn. Accompanying Mr. Clift were Mr. .. ... ..... • . . ,i*. D. Pollard, Vice-President anti that their child is ffiven advantme | Genora | Manager, and Mr. W. E. j Stewart, General Freight Agent and Mr. Jack McCartney Secretary of President Clift. Mr. Clift and Mr. Pollard came to Milledgeville on a *pec ! al car. While here the railroad men were the guests of Mr and Mrs., Frank Bone. CADETS WIN THREE STRAIGHT BASKET BALL GAMES THIS WEEK Defeat Gordon, Cola mhos High mmd Mercer Cube in Decisive Fashion. Team Improved An almost overnight transforma tion has taken place on the G. M. C. campus, Coach Babe Florence's bas ket boll team charging from a green mediocre team to a championship contender. Thc cadets defeated Gordon on Wednesday night 39 to 26; Colum- High was taken into comp on Friday night, 84 to 16 and Monday be present j n ; K ht the Mercer Freshman were defeated 21 to 12. •STRICT GOVERNOR MAKES OFFICIAL VISIT TO K1WANIS Sibley Outline! Work .1 Friday’s Meeting. Third Club Visited Col. Erwin Sibley, District Gover nor of Kiwanis attended the Friday meeting of the Milledgeville club as tho district representative o£ Inter- rational. Col. Sibley is Governor of the driven over to the Dixie Construc tion where Mr. Riddle showed them over tin work. The State Sanitarium was also visited. In the evening the party were the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bone at a delgihtful dinner at their boose on the hilL Rjv. J. F. Yarbrough went to Griffn Tuesday to attend a Georgia product dinner, given by the Rotary club. He wow accompanied by hi’ daughter. Miss Elizabeth Yarbrough and Miss Dot Smith. prior to his visit here Frday. Last week he poke before the Augusta club and a few weeks ago he wits sn offeial guest of the Midvillc club. CoL Sibley disarmed the purpose of Kiwanis and its work. His address one of advice and very enthusi astic. Senator Adams, one of the edi tors of tho Eatonton Mcsocng^r was 10 city Wednesday.