Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 20, 1930, Image 8

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“T THE UNION-RECORDER. MILLEDGEVIU-E. CA.. FEBRUARY 20. 1030 iUMM OOGrOK LOCAL HAPPENINGS Spring is on the way. The farmers are taking advantage of every opportunity to speed the IJay, . forge* Hu (Yoar Town) A Holt i B lu HmI? How do you feel toward the j,.« B who wears good clothes, keeps his { Saturday was a disagreeable rainy ahoea shined and his hat cleaned, but l * ay ’ an< * ft ' w P eo Pl e came into the 2*way* on whoso abdominal cover- c ' ty ^ rom the country. iHR. there is conspicuous evidence ■ nu.ny o slip between the cup nnd th Up :who always needs a shave, an for the years that you have kno lra nevt * r has had a manicure'' What is your reaction when yo hehold a lady walking down tli street all dressed up in the fine raiment, with a hole in her heel? A..d what would you think if you A North-eastern wind brought saw this same lady every day for a «b ar and cold weather Sunday, week, and every time that you .saw Monday morning found the tempera- her there was the same ho!, in the!tun- around freezing, same hose? W j vUlver reaction to such, -Mr. J. T. Howard a member of Peopi , it is sun* that you are not , f-amp Geo. Doles, continues critically attracted to them. It is certain that 11 at the home of his daughter, Mr*, contract with them due* not fill you Stith Myrick, in Jones county. with joy and pleasure, nor create a desire to bf intimately associated Saturday is the anniversary of Geo. Mrth thcm * Washington’s birthday, and is a in people such is called slovenli- j National holiday. It will be observed ness—or perhaps you have n better, by the banks and postoffice, word for it; in communities it is “oppressive ugliness.” Vacant store rooms with dirty, placarded and mess- ed-up windows; broken, cob-webbed and paper-stufed second story win dows in the business district; vacant lot* overgrown with weeds, cluttered with all sonit of rubbish and refuse; vacant houses with tumble-down buildings; dirty streets, highway en hances littered with nondescript road signs; open city dumps and other such 'things of repulsion are to a community what a soup-stained vest or a heedless stocking is to otherwise wcll-dres;ed people. I know a town where, seven years •go, a store building in the heart of an attractive business district was gutted by fire. Weeds grow rampant through the brickbats within the con fines of stili-.-tanding, charred half-walls. Several years ago a school building surrounded by fine homes was con demned and abandoned stands, dark and gru, broken rAIMERS CLUB GUEST OF MR. F. C. PENUEL SATURDAY V.Amy Que to Be Ei U« ( e riled Hob. Alexander r HU Visit to City smutted. still Wednesday night the hotels were unable to care for the visitors to the meeting of the Fair Association. Some of them went to Mucon in their automobiles and spent the night, re turning to the city Thursday morn ing. Mrs. Dixon William* is teaching the illiterate class at the Men’s build ing .at the State Farm. She was as sisted the past week by Dr. Thos. B. Meadows. and rotted doorways yawning ghost-like, from under sag- gng roof and mildewed walls. The city hall of a town I know was destroyed by storm some time ago. What was the basement of this build ing is now a catch-all- a dumping greund for street sweeping-, tin cans, junk .and corruption—a rod- * nts ’ P*rmdlac of filth and hogwash C ub. in plain view of every passerby. As you are affected by slovenli ness in people, just yo are the poten tial residential, commercial and dustrial customers of your community affected by ‘‘oppressive ugliness Don't tolerate .abominations that Create "oppressive , ugliness." They can be eliminated and it’s your busi ness .and the business of every otb citizen to see to it that they a eliminated, because it’s costing yc money by driving business out < Mflledgeville nnd keeping new busi- nes and new people from cumin Copright, 1U2U, A. D. Stone, production prohibited in whole t part. This Town Doctor Article is pub lished by The Union-Recorder in co operation with the Millengeville Lions The Baldwin County Farmers Club met at the home of Mr. F. C. Penuel Saturday. Mrs. Penuel elegantly served dinner which tempted and satisfied the appetite of the most epicurean The business meeting of the club was held immediately after dinne A discussion evidenced that the men bers w:re strongly of the opinion that Baldwin county shou’d hnv, Farm Agent, It was pointed out that a live farm agent could organize bo's .and girl- clubs, assist in se lion of better seed, and conduct operative sales. Judge Dunaway and Mr. Geo. Hnllii'.shead were appointed a com mit te to arrange programs of dis cushion ut the meeting-. They wer, also instructed to plan for an acre production contest this year among the members. Col. J. E. Pottle, Messrs W. W. Moran and G. E. McWhorter were appointed to write Hon. Alexander -*egge, a letter of thinks nnd ap preciation for his coming to Milledg, ille and delivering an address. Dr. H. D. Allen brought to the at tention of the club the fact that the Milledgeville Kiwanis Club was ing to finance through the Merch ants &. Farmers Bank the purchase of high bred calves for girls and boys. He stated that difficulty had been found to find the calves at the prices designated to be paid. Col. Erwin Sibley, District Lieut. Governor of the Kiwanis Club, present, and made a talk pledging :o-operatir.n of the Kiwunians ir. carrying out a progressve program which would bring the city and coun try closer together. r. C. E. McWhorter announced that on Tuesday, March Gth, a farm institute conducted by the State Agricultural College would be held Eatonton. Topics of interest to the farmers would be discussed. He suggest d that the members of the club attend. The March moeting of the club .11 be held with Mr. W. E. Ireland. DR MURRAY KING Phone 229-L R*,. |05 Jeffenao Street Veterinarian Milledgeville, Georgia OPTOMETRY BOSTON CAFE —Where everybody eats— •■Fr.,b E„. S.rr«d Daily” FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS AND WESTERN SIEAK DAILY Try Oar 35c BLUE PLATE DINNER 666 Tablet, ■<*r. .at ckc*. Malaria i. 66 * *UO IN LIQUID. DR. GROVER C. JONES OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN MACON, CA. PHONE 1S70 -Tl 111,11,11 I Lave b**n practicing optome try in MillWgevill* for 20 year*. My ckargns are reasonable. I laarmatno all work done it r op re stated or refnnd your money. So ynu take bo duuicoe in doing bail- Mei witk me. Office hours • to 12, 1 lo Bi Sunday 2 t» S. W. J. Brake Let Us Tell You LOW to grow FLOWERS Baby Chicks We are ready to serve you again. Our chciks are really better this season than last- Hatches coming off eich week. Now shipping R. I. Reds. Barred Rocks and Buff Orping tons at $15.00 per 100; $8.00 per 50; or $4.25 per 2i Prices on large quantities given upon request. BASTON’S HATCHERY ASTON’S ,ETTER IDD1ES ihemJ PEED your flower*. Flower*, like all T living thing*, will grow better when given the proper food. You will have more of them, they will 1m* larger and more beau 1 iful, finer in every way, if you apply Yigoro. It takes only xt little lime and effort to give >«>itr flowers this scientific aid. NOTICE! ; CLUBS AND PARTIES GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION FOR ♦ BARBECUE MEATS AT ♦ BERRY’S PLACE j ™ B KssK» T &r“' ,OTBEc,vE 1 Quality THAT ENDURES THE extra value built into the new Ford car is reflected in its alert, capable performance, reliability and long life. Beneath its flashing beauty of line and color, there is a mechanical excellence unusual in a low-priced car. Many measurements are accurate '■> the thousandth of an inch. Every part has been carefully designed and made to give you many thousands of miles of faithful, uninterrupted ser in safety, comfort, speed, power, economy—in all that goes to make a good automobile—it is a value far above tire price. The quality of the new Fod is a quality that endures. $435 up-f.o.b. Detroit Call or ’phone for demonstration McKennon Motor Co. jjv Phone 31 Milledgeville, Ga. DID YOU KNOW? That’you could relieve the burden of taxes by system atical saving each month. Start this month by depositing one-twelfth of your iaxes each month and we will pay you four per cent interest and when December comes you can meet this obligation promptly. There