Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 27, 1930, Image 4

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THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEOGEVILLE. CA. FEBRUARY 27. 1930 \ A Baldwin county farmer, whose aame has not been divulged, will in herit from «n unknown benefactor on March 1, 1930 one million dol lars. The motive behind the legacy is a* much a mypstery as the dona tor of the money. It is believed however, that the farmer's good geni will turn out to be some distant rela tive. It is rumored that the farmer possesses a wife and a daughter with social ambitions. They have already made plans for moving to th« city. This, of course, will necessitate >: social secretary and a coming out party; in which case the donation will be most ti; ;ly. The unknown croesus will bestow his pecuniary blessing upon his pro- tige at exactly fifteen minutes past eight on the night of Murch 1, 1930. The presentation of the money will take place at the G. S. C. W. Audi- ■ torium. If you want to find out what daughter will do with father's mil lion come to see Mrs. Hines* new musical comedy. “Bringing U| Daughter.*’ In the cast proper there are eight charoctera. "Pa" ia an old sea cap tain, deaf, fond of a joke, and he deals in an uncertain temper. This part will be played by Mary Elliot. “Ma” is a weak, “thankful” person —but—you'd be surprised! "Mu' Frances Fordham. Eve, the daughter, is a little sport. This part will be taken by Carol Butta. Adam Big, a breesy reporter from the big city, is always on the Job. Idelle Collins will pity their part. Louise Ohambless will take the part of Miss Von Strees, the social secretary, who stirs up a hornets nest and gets stung. Kathleen Hatcher plays celeste thf wicked little flirt of a French maid, who ia almost the undoing of the staid and solemn valet, Jones. Susie Dell Beamy will take the role of Jones. Robertine McCleandon will be a acroam as Angel Clpld, the little girl of the nearest neighbor. She V^rowa 'everything from the front door to the well bucket. Thera will be plenty of music, for there will ho 24 Melody Maidens and whistling hoys, who will make A1 Jolson torn green with envy. The melody Maidens are Lucy Candler Helen Hall, Margaret Candler, Eliza- belli Isom, Bootsie Huff, Frances Crawford, Myrtle King, Maud Betts, Caroline Combs, Ila Cade Williams, Beth Saunders, and Ruth Lord. The wheeling boys (are FJhyices Scott. Sollie Bryant, Geraldine Bray, Vir ginia Frasier, Claire Flanders, Claire Canada, Daisy Geiger, Jamie Hooten. Mary Blalock, Dorothy Slappy, Ger trude Gilmore, and Caroline Green. The guests, who will call on the newly rich family are Lucy Davis, Nell Day, Frances Bone, Dot Smith, Antoinette Lcwrence, Anne -Bone, Mildred Bsumgarte), Louise Jeans, Hilda Jackson and Janette White. MR. LECCE REPLIES TO LETTER OF C. B. McCULLAK 3ut« Tk.l H. Wu J Comment Aboiqt Affair Col. C. B. McCullar, President of the Georgia Fair Associations has re ceived the following letter from Hon. Alexander Ix-gge in reply to a letter ritten after Mr. Lcggc’s letter to Congresman Larsen was mude pub lic. “Thank you for your kind letter of Feb. 18. So far as Senator Har- i* Rpcech was concerned, he wni certainly entitled to his opinion, but I did feel that it was questionable whether it was wise to try to talk f our program to a Georgia audi- nce at the same time the activities •f the farm board were being dis- redited by the senior senator for the state. The Jonesboro incident was sim ply described by Mr. Young (of At lanta, and Mr. Lcgge’s companion the trip) in the Atlanta papers, as doing nothing more tlv.n hav- a little jcke with the congress- i who were so insistent that 1 go, in connection with which I was advised how easy it was to get there and about how long it would take. Even at the speed the sheriff ob jected to, we were not able to make the trip within the estimates these gdntlemen made. Therefore, I thought it was not out of the way to suggest to them that perhaps they were guilty of leading me into a speed trap. ”1 certainly could have nothing but the kindest feeling in regard to the cordial reception given me in MilledgeviUe and I sincerely hope that the people of that county will continue to make progress along the linea of diversification and organi zation, which after all are about the only suggestions we can offer for the betterment of their condition.” Deputies representing the Internal Revenue Departs*nt will come MilledgeviUe on March 5th to aid payer* in amk a* out their income The deputise will come here and spend the morning at the court house. The service they give ia free H will aid any person making the SPRING LIKE WEATHER BRINGS OUT PEACH BLOSSOMS Wild flowers, peach trees and other fruit trees have begun to bloom with the continued spring like weather prevailing throughout this week. The vari-colorod blossoms can >eon in woods .and along the road aides. TWO BOYS RELEASED AFTER comrmiEifT hearing Arrested ia Maeea Last Week fer Held Up ea Maeea Read. White Men Freed L. A. and J. J. Barker, young white men of Macon, were released Monday afternoon by Sheriff W. J. Ilaynic after « committment trial before Judge B. C. Ward, failed to produce evidence to show that they the men who held up Mr. Poe on the Macon road last Wednesday. The Barker boys were arrested in Macon after Mr. Poe had identified their automobile as the one that carried away two men who held him up for robbery near the state prison. The youths established a perfect alibi in the hearing and Mr. Poe failed to identify them. FOR SALE:—Baby carriage kiddie ceep. both ia excellent ceedi- (tea. Mrs. T. C. Braatley. Farmers are now busy making plans and preparing fei their crops. We wish them much success as enter the year. TOOK SODA FOR STOMACH FOR 28 YEARS 'For 20 years 1 took soda for indi gestion and stomach gas. ’’’hen I tried Adierika. One bottle brought complete relief.”—Jno. B. Hardy. Adierika relieves GAS and sour stomach in TEN minutes! Acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel, re moving poisons you never knew were there. Don't fool with medicine which cleans only PART of Me 1 bowels, but let Adierika give stom- J ach and bowels a REAL cleaning and) see how good you feel! Culver & I Kidd Drug Co. (Advertisement) FOR RENT—Furnitltvd apart meat, Electric Refrigerator, eed ell Mod ern conveniences. $75.00 per Month. Soe Dr. J. W. Mobley. THE SLOGAN IS TRADE AT HOME And why not when you have right here three hundred lateit style all wool patterns to select your suit from and the cost to you is just $23.50. no pottage or pressing, as I do this myself—just come in and select the pattern you want and in two weeks I will have your suit ready to step out in. I also carry the quality plus line of hand tailored suits at $32.50 which are real values. G. V. BARR Marchaat Tailar - DR. MURRAY KING Fhooc 2294. Rea. 105 Jeffewm Street Veterinarian MilledgeviUe. Georgia BOSTON CAFE —WHEHZ EVERYBODY EATS— "PitaO E,,i a,wi Daily" ■, -I- FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS AND WESTERN STEAK DAILY Try 0> SSa BLUR FLATE DINNER 666 Tablets RdUvis n HandncAa nr Nnuxlfu ia 30 minwtno, aback* a Cald Ik* Hnt day, and ckcak* Malaria ia tkrna MS ALSO IN LIQUID. ML GROVER C. JOKES OSTEOPATHIC FHTSICtAN MACON. CA. . , PHONE 1ST* SURE WAY TO STOP NIGHT COUGHS Night cough*, or cough* caused by a cold or irritated throat, can now be stopped within 15 minute* by a doctor's prcacrintion which works on an entirely different principle. This prescription is put up under the name Thoxine and is available to everyone. Having Thoxine on hand is a safe ty measure against all cough* and throat irritations. Thoxine contains no harmful drugs, is pleasant tasting and safe for the whole family. Sold on a money back guarantee to give bet ter and quicked relief for cough* or tore throats than anything you have ever tried. Ask for Thoxine, pot up ready for use in 35c., 60c., and $1.00 bottles. Sold by Fraley’* Pharmacy and all other good Drug Store*. (Advertisement) Ride in the Beautiful New Ford COME in and arrange for a demonstration ride in the new F*ord You will know then, from your own personal experience, why it is such a good car to own aod drive. Here, at an unusually low price, is every thing you want or need in a motor car . . . $435 up f. o. b. Detroit. McKinnon Motor Co. MilledgeviUe, Ga. Phone 31 Don't Throw Away Those Old Shoes We make them Look Like New. Expert Workmanship and only the best Materials Used. WE HAVE JUST INSTALLED NEW UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY BL AIN’S Shoe Shop & Pressing Club “If We Can’t Fix ’em Throw Them Away" Allowance for your Old Stowe—any Lind Prices on all model Westinghouse Electric Ranges drastically reduced in this Sale of 38 carloads of Ranges During thi, tbt world’s largest Eltc- tric Rouge Sale, it’, so cosy to own a new Westinghouse Electric Range no Georgia homemaker need loagr dsn? herself the jojrs of Electric Cookery. Price, have been drastically reduced by the manufacturer. Terms at* the easier. Aad we asa anting an alowance of $20 for your old Move—gas, cooL oil, wood or electric. It may be creaking at every joint, yet it hna a trade in value of $20 on your new range! Now is the time to join modern women who have gained new-found freedom from the burden of getting three mtab a day. Begin to cook (letnicely! $S down—*4 month* to pay Oaty $5.00 dears iaaOda in tear kitchen any Electric Rang* yon select! Pay the balance in 24 maatke. No charge for Inatillatlan Hie now low yricao, the >20 alnwanta, thaso easy terms present an ontatandiag appor- COHB1NATION OFFER —Aa last allri la rear km Carlas trie salt far • balaaca! Details at aajr aac at « Georgia POWER. COMPANY Buy Georgia Power Company 96 Preferred Stock Why You Should Trade With Home Merchants They all buy through the local jobber, thus enabling the jobber to buy in cat- load lots tod get quantity prices end save local freight. This kind of buying results in lower prices to you. The money they spend goes through Millecfeeville channels. It is not sent out of town as soon is you pay it over the counters. You profit by trading with the Home Owned Grocer in two ways. First, you get the best of foods, the advertised brands—not the brands that are forced upon you.. Second, your money goes through MilledgeviUe channels and bene fits another group. This helps to build the community. You save by trading with your Home Owned Merchants. The Chain Stores propose to crush out the Home Owned Independant Merchant, and with the Independant Store gone Mr. Consumer will be entirely at the mercy of this Monster, The Chain Store. Bewaie of them. The Woolworth Building was not built by selling goods below cost. During the past few weeks there has been a gteat awakening of the thinking people thruout this country, thousands and millions of people are opening their eyes to the grave danger in the Chain Store menace and they are going back to the Home Owned, Independent Merchant to buy their needs. The Chain Mon ster sees this great movement, he is slashing prices further and further in a desperate attempt to check it. Don’t be misled. For your own best interests for all time stick to the Home Owned, Independent Service Store. WE HAVE A C00D TOWN. LETS KEEP IT GOOD INDEPENDENT MERCHANTS OF M1LLEDGEV1LLE, Inc. ' “HOME-OWNED”