Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 06, 1930, Image 12

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THE LNION-MCOltDE*. MILLEOCCVILLE. CA.. MARCH ». IUO ft 1 III y LOCAL KNIGHT INSPECTS Bonds of five hundred ($500.00) I 100 feet, levied as the property of and on the West bv the land of Mrs.' ATLANTA COMMANDERY I'oilan* e»ih; being bo i d* numbers Joe Durden, and found in his pos--!Gt<rge Trapp. Sa i land 'contains; olvent in-tension. . note of I Also at the same time and place, gned by | The following described property. follow on East by Aiun J106 and 107; and or Mr. H. S. Joms, past Grand Com- 1 -trument, to-wit. one mande* - of the Knights Templars of I Kighty <$H0.00) Doli G-.orgia. as the official representa-|S. G. Mun (bounded tive c-f the Grand Commander}* in-j Said sale is .asked f *r the purpose ; Hicks, or West by Sol Screen, on i spectod Atlanta Commandery No. 9 j <f paying the debt* and making North by Fine Street, South by pr< last Wednesday night. 'distribution among the heirs of T. H. city lronting 6u le.t on Pine Mn Mr. Jones and Mr. Joe Moon, who j DeSMMMW. *«*d runing bark 100 feet, levied accompanied him, were honor guest' Notice is given that sail applies a, ht: property of Allen Hicks a at a banquet in the evening. tion will be heard at the April Term, found in his possession. j 1 930, of the Ourt of Ordinary of The above described trtut - a DEATH OF MR. C M. STUBBS -aid county. Lei all persons show parcels ' f land was levied by me * — utuse at that time why said petition der and by virtue of tax fifa’s uu>u T!r. Carla.-; Min>h*ll Stubbs., one hould not be granted. jby the Tax Collector of Baldw »>f Fsyettcvilk ’» and Fayette coun- This March .'Ird. 1930. ty’s bed known and oldest ettixen*. BERTIE B. S7EMBRIDGE. pa.v.d away at the home of hi» ; Ordinary, daughter, Mrs. L. A. Brookins, near I G. E. McWhorter, Milledgvile Mondaj. February 24J Administrator of the estate of after an illness of only .* few days.! T. H. DeSaussure, decea.-ed. Fifty (£0) Acres, more or less, and is known as the old M. J. Martin l lace and also a lue horr.* place of the late M. C. Harrington. Said bile will ae made for the pur- j #e of paying the ceota «i, and mak ing dirtriboLon an ng bis heirs of M. C. Harr.neton, deceased. G. T. HARRINGTON, , as administrator of the M. C. Harrington, | of the bn-girt* of Smith to B I Pythia. and contantag one forth of! Clerk’s office "of tJ CCrd * a » more „ w j i„ book IT p,„ lgs Z r - - Sold solo will be modi for th* pur- (rir.uing ot a p„ t-o’.i f °‘' Wl: *• pose of raising funds to pay the note field Ferrv R n *^ ^ s kf- above described. There is due on the note the sum of two hun-.ied and tw«jnty-six dollar and fifty cer.ts principle, and interest on taid note •nec the 26th, day of January, 1930. fieid Firr, Rood nornh^ £■* * 3S }[ 2 to Sw ‘« Gum on line; thence with u>ia deceased. Mr. Stubbs came to Milledgeville I — about nine month- ago to make his j LAND SALE home with his daughter, Mr*. L. A.'GEORGIA. Baldwin County Brookins Mr. Stubbs was In feeble " " ~ health when he can> to make his home with hi« daughter, an. at first was very muc-h dis*ati*fi« d hut Litter I his i home and new friend*, that h- said he dd in* ’ want t«* go hark to his old hove until h.- died. He uj*; always bright and eheerfui even to the end. Mr. C. M. Stubbs was the i Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Stubb 1874 Mr. C. M. Stubbs was m to Mi s Sarah Cato and to this w;i> born eight children of ill sell before the Courthouse door of aid County *t public out cry to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tue-day in March 1930 within the legal hours of sale, the following described parcels of land to C ounty Gtoryw. on Daccmb. r Mh, SALE OF LAND UNDER POWER ’1929, for U»f. duo the State ol GEORGIA. county. Georgia, and Baldwin County, for the Wher.ai. on the 1.1th. d.y of Jan- yew of 1929 Wild the owner, of u , ry ThwM , H .rra cMveyed the above deacntfcd parcel, of had. th „ h . reim>(t , r „ Und to the and irnd Nk null be made to eatMfy M .. rih ,„. * K , rmfr5 of Mu . thef if a a, 1 have not.fyed the de- i. dg ev,Ue. Georgia to .ecu re . note fendenta in the lua and the tenants d -, ud lhe 13ll d „ o[ Jnnunry 19.-. in po. esaion of the kvy. .and the due y,. 13th d>y j,„, la , y 1M#- terms, time and place of sale as re- f or ^ sum red by law. rh.s the Oth. day of March 1930. J. F. VlA.>'iA Deputy .Sheriff Baldwin < >urty ha. hundred and line; thence with aaid line to cppoiite the white Oak roe... . E 25. ther.ce X 69 E IS 1-2 to Cue - «■ branch; thence with C "* to date of rale. A deed will he made S 12 to where Sheff.el.J F ° to the purchaser by the undersigned! provided in the "ecunty deeu! to peat oak b.gmmng above minconid. , taming one hundred in ZZ' Thu March 3rd. 1930. I nr let.. It being the MERCHANTS ft FARMERS BANK, deeded by John L. miv.'*”" Grantee of Thomv. Harris ' W. Grime, March 1'oi M * ri ALLEN ft POTTLE deed recorded de Jttk S *” Atty.*. for Merchants A Farmers Bank 499. U p * rt land SALE 1 be^enrimrf bv’lt IT **** ^ he exercised by Exchange Bank, by rit: j ADMINISTRATORS SAUL Hou and lot in the North Wes- rfu‘jt«-rn part ->f the City of Milledcc- ville hound -d as follows, Ea t by old 1 of I I'ats ntt.n highway, on the Wet On b-rwEat. a,on highway, on the North Co ^ ol Ordinary, the und, 4 by Sam Williams, said property Jan-| wil| #t {j tourthouse uoor in mud County to the highe t bidder for cash, v.thn & hanmrs Bank wifi sell ti-iore j tue legal hoars of sale, on the lirai court house dt»or n v.d c »urty J Tuesday in April, 19JU, the fol.ow- pui-lic outcry, to ti^r bit . l in R dtacr.oed land belonging to tnc ior cash on the i.rrt Tu-idav L. Stubbs, of f-Myett viBe. and four The following d .-enbed property;. u „ r . , a -W- ^ Of; bounded - ^J. Ertatc of M. t. ttarr.r.g.on. ueveaw.u, Aprd 19J0. during .he ic.1.1 h, r.g South to i po nt on the Ei highway, said property levied roperty of Mary Boyer, and found Also at the ;ame time and placi wei.ty-six dollars and fifty cents Ij226.a0) payable to the order of i.. M.rchanu a I aimer.* tank ana ligned by Thomas Harris, and. Where: ..iid deed contained the • rrant cf a power of .ale of tH^ land j j GEORGIA, Baldwin Ccunty: j heri'.iisiti-r dt'cri-d upon de auit Under authority of an order pass- til e paym nt of me rot?, ar.d. ed by the Ordinary of said County, Whcrtas the tucker of said tote’ at the March Term, 193l», • t the k* ;i defaulted in the payment there- gned j 5 ry, be tort the | This is therefore lo notify all per- : nceraed :hit lae Merchants STATE OF GEGORGIA Baldwin County. Lndvr and by virtue of the power* contained in a certain deed to stcure debt, executed and delivered by Mrs. .Jury W. Grimes, conveying to Ex change Bank the property hereinaf ter d-.*cr.l-d, said deed being on »-ec- ord in tne ofiice of the clerk of Su perior Court of Hanock County Georg, i, in bo« k P P, page 381, ana . tiu.’idled (fakiu.OO) Dollars, which debt is evidenced t>y a not. uateo Octobir 10. 192-1, payable on October AO, 1925, Said note being signed by tne a.d Mrs. Mary W. ( r-mei-, anu maring interest at the rate of 8 per c-nt per annum from its date. ir. t u/iuer.Mgned will .-.11, at puoac arle. Mfure the i it; house do< daughters Mi- Miliedgeviell; Mn Zack b- ■ kins, of West by l)r. Body on North by Wall Linton. Street and tn the South by Mrs. A. Linton, and Mr*. H. L J unes, of L. Ellison -aid pr« perty fronting 50 ib'-niitigharn. Ala. f.et on Wall Street and runing back He is also sunrivi d by one sister ldt» feet, levied us the property of Mr . W. V. Holt of Fayetteville and Sophie Baily E»L a large numbre of grandchildren. That tract of lard in th- 319 ui - The funeral seivices were held atitrict of said county containing 65 hi* old home where he was born and acre*, bounded as follows; North by! rtared Wednesday February 26, 1930 the M< nticello road. East and South j it vleven o’clock. Rev. Reeves of by lands of the State of Georgia, Fayetteville officiating, his body w*a| known as the prion laim, and on th*' laid to rest in the old family cent- West by lands • f R. N. Ashfield, said tery. Hia grandsons acting ns pail land being all of the Edwards and btarers, D. C., C. R. and L. R. Patts-r on pecan farm, lying South of Brook.ns, Janies and Marshall Stubbs the Mont.cello road, the land ii Itvi- to-wit: 'sale, the follow.r.g describe 1 land All that tract or parcel of land,' AH that tract or parcel of U.iJ being part of land lot So. 193, in the i .tuate. lynig and being .» ts« 321st •!21st District G. M„ ©f said Stave 'Jiftr.ti. G. M. B.itdwin Coar.ty inJ and County, bounded as i.dLw.s. on ( n the .4iaj;e of Harrisburg and the North by' the jMi bug. v ,11 -Ma-( bourded a follows; ©a the North by t *n road known a the- Garrison road; I amis of H. D. AU.- i, on tile East b.- on the East by land of the estate ei lands of H. D. Ali.-n, on the Soui'ij Willie Lou Harr ngton; on the South, by a s ttK-nnnt roid I aui.ig irto the ( hy land of the » gate of L. M. Smith,' old DuBignon plantation an J «n tli? I •edgeviUe, Baldwin County, Georgia, ic th. highest bidder for cash, b-- ween th. lt^al hoars oi salt, in t.:. first Tuesday in April, 1930, the fol lowing de iribed property, tj-w-it; All that tract or parcel of land sifatP iyix.g and being in the id4th Diet. G. M. Hancock Co. Ca.. ad joining lands formerly owned by j •*K-n Hols.y and lands of the estate of G. G. Smith, more fully described in the deed from G. G. i re.N.6 of th. f«t th.t »; d prt « w: not. for Fiv. Han drfd , f5 6 0w „ DoIUr, wo. not podi tured ond .till romoins unpaid- - l(ld by ROM, of th. lirt thot no mttrrr. on sold note ho, Uen poid ; icr Spet.inber 20. 1929, anj by firtlw, r^on of th. foct that th kn d„ on Mid preperty hove not be,,, Mrv Mory -W. Grin b,vmy d parted thi- life, *ln~ me execut if said d.ed to aacai-e . - »t and r ’he t-ect of land desexi be so'd as th» -t- • of th» sai>l ' 34 .... Grimes, and for the r-Tose p, ; ng the indebtednes . d i, Said irdehte«lness bo ~ in -v, ^ * ipal amount of Five Hundred D lars plus iaUrest, at the rate ol ^r cent p.r annum, fr.,m the 21 day of September, 1929 The p c eds of said sale will be applied the payment of said rote and ir.:«« dui ther .on. and the baliiw. f« will be paid over to the i„-rsi representative .f tb said Mr.*. Xi W\ Grimes. A deed will be execia by the undersigned, to the purchs at *uoh ale. This 5th day of March, 19.lv EXCHANGE BANK By Otto M. Conn, Pres drs and Collar Ogietree. A FRIEND. ed -ns the property of Edwards and Patterson the firm composed of Mrs. Warren Edwards and Sam Patterson. Th«- Und was It vied as the pioperty of the def ndants, and was found in th«-ir po ses.-ion. March the 5th, CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Notice is g.ven that G. E Who ter, admintstr-itur of the e tate j 1930. • f T. 11 lH-Sj*u*-nre, has appl.ed U» Also at the same time and plu*e. th»* Ordinary i- r leave to s.il six (6) 'i he following de-cribed property, Cnitcd States Gold Bonds of One -unded as fellows, on tht- West by ilunur d Dollars each, bear ng four Wi.R. r Taylor, on the East by O. O. and one r ourth per tent <4 1-4 per P.a ks. *-n th South by Ida S,*!om >n. * ent) ii.t« i st. being ©f the follow - n North by Grimes Avenue, said ng Humi. rs. 170IU77. 1701078, 1 perty fronting 60 f.-et . n Grimes 17.737b. 1727317, 172737*. 1727- Avenue, ami runing back 1*0 feet. 279; two (2» Emanuel County run.: levied on as hte prop rty of Lizx.e bond.*, .'ii i.n* th. u and fl.99B.Bttl Harr: , and Bund in her p- -on. Ibdiara each; on* Uoml l.« ing num- Also at th aim* time and place. U r 295 n~.during 1951; one bond be The f«.Low»g &■*. r bed pro." oy, ing numb r 3 :k, matur ng 19.»3; two t .ui ded as follow*, on nth i»y T»ft t2> Appung County rand and bridge Street, on Eaat by North Ways* b -da <•; * ne tb- u-and <$1.000.06) j Struct, on W est by oil pr-’-p. rty ot I" Ur- each, U ng b< nds numbers- Jo. DurJtn, N* rth by W. E. UubiB- .J a d b0. maturing 1944; two (2) am. said property fr Mn- » f * C ty of Milledgeville Water Works n Wayn Street ai d run tmcl V* £ SAY IT ALVISEDLY mmm Ur put dim (tut «>n ihe floor, dol cd them up and thr w rh- er weal brlow fierzmg But aajrway we will -aik Refr.grrators anc a k you to give us a call- See the Fngt- dairr HvdroUtor. R.W. HAfCHLR HARDWARE CO ACTTODAY-DONTMISS THESE BARGAINS! 8G REDUCTIONS WITH an •oooc<K*oot>:<»»:»oco<*oooopoooc I! you haven’t attended Chevrolet’s Great Spring Clearance Sale, come in today! To make It the bhuktst of It* kind ever held in this community we offer Big reduction* on popular cars that set a new record of value for your dollar! The Hg reception given the I1M Chevrolet ha* tiled our si.*m rooms with late model, low miL-age care that must be sold this week to make rooa. far more AT COUNTS tndc-lM. Now vou crb i •Me ueni car hearing the rej left "with an Oh that count,". ThU lignite, that the car haa been thoroughly reconditioned hy toy-notch i See out Mg eeiection M ranhes, and model, canytng the femoue red "OK that coual," tag. Euv today tHS MOST KJCTUUMUMMAST TALUKS Of LOW Mu!es! Mules! Boys lhr> ire sfu k . nd ready to plow or haul. It h the finest err load I have had and its mv fourth one Several b!g pairs for team work. See me quick if you want to save money Ralph Simmerson 1*2» CHEVROLET COACH This car has only hern used a I ttle and is a real pn k-up for what we arc a:king ii you v,,11. aen ure it> sp,*r» .nee and perionaam e and rr’ ibihty i wdl pefer it t*> saMhing tn the market near tl r i. rr i; . ar :s benig offered for th< rakculouA sum of $500.00. I $2$ USED CHEvkOl El TRUCK TOR SA1E Th» is vour U-! cham t to }?< . er >ae hundr*d era s m the dollar on a Trark. CcaaplHrK ov« l<auhd, go««l t re . n. chanKi iv prrfe>*t Thi- •■■■• k k w o.fe;e«! at $300.00 1127 CHEVR0’ ET SE»>\N POT SAlE One of the e V nd th.it h v pe teu. never .vhused, in emceTea! on i^nm. *> 12) w »i drive thu car hom- 4 AMO 9 !»n CHEVROLET SEDAN FOR SALE ll >ou vc.ni , N-ti*n tie, n the opportunity ol a tfe In' You w II be proud ol the prelotautKe mdappearmce. I' I tar i- lietag offrred at $49)00 Ride *• you pay plan 1928 CHEVROLET ROADSTER FOR SALE Herat teal car lot am k nd ol dmm* H.t miav *Q| and> mite, of -erv.ee ahead of d. I’pboloery. tire*. | pa at good- A pack-up at $210.00. CHEVROLET I Ml T0LWHC FOR SALE The only obiectioa on earth that anybody tomd ruae I cai » that it » an ope* car Stil it ytw warn aervy* m a.tataa coat, opportunity a kaociag on your door. I .. N. Jordan 9MALL DOWN »AYMBMt9-BA9T 9. BB. A. C. TBBM« ■Hi a 12.