Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 06, 1930, Image 8

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THE UNION-RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA.. MARCH C. 1930 Zigfield’s Fabulous All Talking - All Singing Super Screen Spectacle R 10 Rta THE EVEVT V0(J HAVE WAITED FOR SINCE THE DAWN OF FILM ENTER TAINMENT. ACCLAIMED THE PICTURE OF THE CENT. RY IN MAGNIFICENCE Friday, March 14 HONKY TONK A Warner Picture With Sophie Tucker In Splendor Colonial In Iriumph t Theatre NEXT WEEK JOHN BARAMORE S FIRST TALKING 1 PICTURE “GENERAL CRACK” | 10-11-12-13 Saturday Fnt AB T MW«f Wtrtn iNcter PARADE OF THE WEST Wkfc Hoe CAm SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TO BE HELD SUNDAY Christian Church to B« Host to Sun- «ls; Schools of Coaalp. Interesting Program Aanoancsd The district Sunday School con ference will be held next Sunday af ternoon at three o’clock at the Christian church at Hardwick. Delegations representing the Sun day Schools throughout the county will be present for a moat interesting program discussing the major prob lems of Sunday School work. The program which has as its topic fol- "The Tall for Service Iowa: Hymn—Rescue the Perishing. Scripture selection and prayer. How shall we prepare ouraelvc for ervice—Mrs. C. B. McCulfau. The Voice of G*»d is Calling— Rev. Cunningham. Special Music. Hew may I be of Service to my Sunday School. Business and Dismissal. DR. WEBBER NAMED CHANCEL LOR OF M GAMMA MU Capitol of National Society for Southeastern Division Brought to MilledgeeilW There’ Punch in this short and track shirt value $2.00 Shirts art of ibk cut low it the nock tad around th* arma. The ahorta arc while or striyrd John Holloway t oooooooooo >:-ooooooo-:<r Dr. George Harris Webber, head of the department of education and psychology at G. S. C. W.. ha» just been cumrausioned by National Pres.dent Leroy Allen, as Chancellor of the Southea t Regions of Pi Gum- mar Mu, National Social Science Honor Society. This great scholarship society has over a hundred chapters in th col leges. In addition to its chapter ImemheiH, there are hundreds of alumni and member -at larg. who in elude i«ad-*ra in every important de- i partmen| of public and private life, j r rams Mu occupies the positior. | the field of socia' science. com- ; to that of Phi Beta Kappa , in the field of I terary studies and of i Sigma Xi in natural science. President Allen in hia letter ac- j mpany me the commiasion to I»e. j Webber makes thi pert inet sUit* men* l are the first to be appoint | legional chancllor. I want, to have that honor, not merely for personal reason-, but strictly on the basis of mint.** Dr. Webber now holds and has held many positions in church, fra ternal, civic and educational organ 'st ops. I)r. Webber i an elder in lhe Presbyter ar. church, IhsUirt Trustee of Kiwanis, Chairman of the Departm nl of Teat her Training of the G. K A., member of the com- m.tt e on internat ional relatii ns of X. E. A past director of the N. E. A., Past Master of Anir-nt Free Maeors, Pa t High Prie t of Royal trch Mason-, past Dlu«tri»iis Ma»- * r Roys| and Scieet Master^. Pad Cltaneei'or Commander Knight- o' Pyth as, p»«t Dictator Loyal ©rd«*r of Mooar, | •'it director of the Shim- degree team. Ur j C. B. McCullar, here, president o' the Association of Georgut Fairs and J. T. McClellan of Macon will leave here on March ninth for a week' automobib- trip to Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio McClellan is the owneT of the J. T. McClellan Carnival Shows and is making th- trip in th« interest of his carnival. McCullax will accompvny him for the purpose of visiting Fair Offkial and obtain ing information and idea* concern ing Fair management in tho-e States. Drain your oil mry five hundred j it keeps your motor young. Ro | • ur * **d put in Quaker State or Tes- RALPH SIMMERSON Beick end Marquette Dealer We recharge any make kattery •1-tO Tweet RALPH SIMMERSON HARRIS HALL'S DRUG STORE. DR. a E. STANFORD Ckl ~—H-I.k “K- >«■ »- I2S-J EKHfT ICNDRED OPERA CHAIRS FOR ui| AT OIK HALF PRICE T. L. McComb MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. THOUSANDS OF MILES Or UNUSED SERVICE IN THESE USED CARS Now cm aale at prices you cannot affoid to pan up car has bcca ihiou'h our shop and is guaranteed by us. Every 1925 FORD iOLRINC $95.00 1923 BUK k TOLKINC $150 1926 DODGE TOURING $150 1925 STUDEBAkhK $200 ONF. ESSEX COACH $200 1927 ESSEX COACH ' $300 the keel .«'d eel? by L. D SMITH S j r.d .n B.tt.r. w..fcu—r.i . VISTA—W. IWUM Ik.. RSLPH SIMMEKSON B.ivk -»d M.r s ..ll. D..I., FOR SALE—T.. .1.,, h.n. .. S.. J. T. And,,., HELLO WORLD—Dob I C. Am," j C.I four Alw.I.r K..I o, RCA R.di. from ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. MiU«d,.,ilU'. Old..! Radio Dealer. A good Place to BuyYour Ford Car WE take a personal interest y purchaser of a Ferd car and we are fatly snip ped te give yeu good ser- cor-plete and unuseally ac- cerate Only genuine parts are eed and all laker is Filed si ii low flat rate. That’s why we say this is a <rood place ta key your new McKinnon motor ca M Hedge..lie, Ca. KEEPING YOUR CLEANING DOLLARS IN MILLEDGEVILLE HAVE YOUR CEANING, PRESSING AND DYING DONE BY Odorless Cleaners We have just purchased several new machines that are now on the way from ihe factory to be added to our present equip men! lo make our plant one . the most modem in the State Better seivice, better workmanship is our motto. TRAPE WITH THE INDEPENDENT ClEANERS ODORLESS CLEANERS GRADY CILLYARD. Manager DID THE FREEZE KIL LT0UR GARDEN <i - > call by and get a new supply of teed at our I free** dwcvint. Abo lake along a package of YKjORO ar d ire H a* d reeled Wli guarantee your new plant irg I' catch up ut growth with your old one lha twas killed—lrv u* on th» |>ropo$»tior R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Whole ale ud Retail 1927 ESSEX COL PL $375 HU ISON SPEEDSTER $275 Fresh Fru ts and Vegetable* Fvary dug at the MODERN GRO - RV ? S H PURE S. C. RED’S EGGS $1 no U, IS. $S 00 a hundred called fur. Mrs J. R. Goddard, Ruutu t. Be. It pd A Radio is m better than the ser vice that goes with il—Gat year At water Kent or RCA Radio from— ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. 1925 HUDSON COACH $350 1926 HIBSON COACH $450 SOLD ON PAT WHILE YOU RIDE TERMS T. H. Ennis Part%a Lay tag Mask—IOO 4t. •3AS We tlw hare Sera’ch Feed a ad haky «ui«h feed. L. D SMITH'? FLAT TIRES—We am at your service. CaM 300 aad we get there ia Jiff* eaywhere in the . ity RALPH SIMMFRSON Reich ead Mat goodie Dealer Get year Seed Irish Petataae fr MODERN MERCANTILE CO. Prmae j Right Radi* -Atwater Keel aw* RCA - lit w d . hr t Rsd.es dUf ee Easy Terms—ADAMS ELECTRIC | \ exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x mmixm Used Cars With 0or OK jj YOU KNOW THEY ARE 0000 AM) WE HAVE THE PRICES-THUO TO SWT YOU M tia. IU« 4-0se Boeh lead- M $150 srd Sri Me 1W ce bo. * bees dnvas red 1Z.M4 K mkn, mi ht kafhl tm ^ »hu M, . pmM stv M Os. Irasd Nrw 1111 Fed 4-Doe Srdos. Th» Syoodoeo te a loe (Ms IM edos Os* III! Modtl MarqiMt, 2-Doe Srdos. Oor U2t Rod Sport With RotdUe. This ir • rool hay oad synof ir coeiaf REMElraER WE TRADE FOR KWH COWS,CORN, HOUSES AND U)TS. BANK SFOUOM WHAT HAVE YOU. RALPH SIMMERSON1 Buick and Marquette Dealer CSXXXXXXl n xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaxxx XXI .. '-saw mil