Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 13, 1930, Image 10

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3 THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., MARCH IS, 1930 Four Big Attractions Next Week!March 17-22 Monday and Tuesday SONGS! GR'NS! THRILLS! “Roadhouse Nights” With Jimmy Durant, the Charlie Chaplin of the Talking Screen. Thursday and Friday John Baramore In “General Crack” Three Song Hits ia the most ThriKag Picture you have ever sees. Wednesday Jack Holt In “Guilty” Saturday Hoot Gibtoo ia a New iD Talm, Comedy. “Courting Wildcats” Colonial Theatre Barm ROBERT E. LEE CHAPTER MET TUESDAY AFTERNOON ButiiMU TruMctcd and An Inter esting Program Rendered Refreekxnehti Enjoyed Th® Robert E. Lee Chapter U. D. 1 C.’a met with Mrs. L. M. Jones as hostess on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. S. A. Cook led in a short prayer. Minutes of February meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. John Mob ley. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. P. N. Bivins. Report of the C. of C. meeting was given by Mias Lucie Brown. She stated the childrch were planning to plant some shrubbery on the square of the unknown Confederate dead in the cemetery'. She also has charge of the historical essay con test. Different activities of the Chap ter were brought to the attention of the chapter by the president, Mrs, R. B. Moore. Miss Lucie Brown ga'.e an interest ing piece on tho history of the Con federate uniform. As Memorial Day falls on Satur day .a dsicussion arose whether to change to Friday, it was decided to | observe Saturday, the 26th, Mrs. G. A. Lawrence had arranged a delight ful program. Mrs. John Shinholser gave a reading and a beautiful vocal solo. Juanita Ingram is always en joyed by the chapter, and her two selection were especially good. Mrs. Jones served delicious re freshments during the social half hour. 1930 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED AT G. M. C. MASONIC NOTICE Changes on the interior of the building occupied by the Odorless Cleaners have been in progress this week. The front section of the build ing has been laticcd off and a recep tion room arranged. New machinery is enroute and will be installed in the rear part with the other machines that arc used in operating the plant. FOUR NEW CHEVROLETS SOLD SATCRDAY Y«s Sir Rea Bob! they are going like hot enkos, the moat wonderful buy in the world today for your money, our slogan, we can sail them if we see them first. L. N. JORDAN EIGHT HUNDRED OPERA CHAIRS FOR SALE AT ONE- HALF PRICE T. L. McComb MILLEDGEVILLE. CA. Spring) Dresses ^ Prints Crepes Chiffons Georgettes Frerh anu new and colorful are these New Spring Frocks CARR’S EMPORIUM C. 1. A. A. Champion. Games. Five to 3i Milledgi lie Coach Thomas H. Rentz looked in to the future Tuesday afternoon and gave out a few plans for 1930 foot ball program at G. M. C. The G. I. A. A. champions have nine games on their program while lithe is known of the material for the team next year, the Coach has picked the best teams in the state to play. Lanier will be absent from the schedule having severed relations with the cadets. The season will open Sept 26, in Millcdgcvillc, an opponent for this date has not been secured however. The following ia the schedule an nounced: September 26, Friday open. October 4, Saturday in Savannah. October 10, Friday open. October 17, Friday Madison A. & M. Madsion. October 24, Friday Riverside— Gainesville. November 3, Monday Dougins A. & M.—Mflledgeville. November 14, Friday Monroe A. & M.—Milledgeville. November 21. Friday U. S. B.— Milledgeville. November 27, Thanksgiving Gor don—Milledgeville. Tuesday night, March 18, regular communication uf Benevolent Lodge ! No. 3, F. & A. M., lecture by brother : Joseph A. Moore, Grand Junior War den of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. | All members are urged to be present. Visiting brothers welcome. L. L. BECK. W. M. J. T. McMULLEN, Sec'ty. CARD OF THANKS We take this method in thanking our many many friends for their kindness and the beautiful floral offerings in the death of our loving mother und wife. MRS. G. W. PA PST MR. W. E. EVANS MRS. HENRY SIZEMORE MR. W. C. EVANS, SR. MRS. W. J. HAYES MR. W. C. EVANS, JR. MRS. J. I. FARMER Those Apalachicola Obiter*, the finest you avar saw, at aama price a* you pay for the little raccoon oysters you buy from othera. Try them oacr end you will buy them alwaya. Shad, Spanish Mackeral, Trout, Parch and Mullet at ENNIS PALACE MAR KET. COTTON SEED FOR SALE—Pure Piadmont Cleveland Cottan Seed, picked before storm from hale per acre crop, privately ginned, reclean ed. $1.25 per buahel. R. W. STEM- BRIDGE. Rente 3, Milledgeville, Ga. LAMAR F. HAM SPECIAL AGENT New York Life Insurance Cx PHONE 541 NOW IS THE TIME Have your oil changed and re filled with our Tiolene or Quaker State. More important in tha wintar than aummer you have tc prime so much more tnereby shooting gasoline into your crankcase, which thins your oil and takea out the lubrication. No ) YOU WANT TO BUY AN AUTOMOBILE? F so you certainly owe it to your- to shop artound a little, look n all over and then ask for a lonstration, if we can not akow more for your money than any »r automdbile on earth our hat ia to you. Make us prove it. L. N. JORDAN Chevrolet Dealer NEW FORD CARS On Display world. 1 MdQNNON MOTOR CO. Phone 21 MILLEDGEVILLE, GA Rev. L. E. Roberts, pastor of the Milledgeville Baptist church, hr* an nounced that the subject of his dis course next Sunday morning will be Why Should a Man Support the Church. (Real the 5th Chapter of Ephesians. The evening subject will be “What is it to Really Support the Church." (Read the 13th Chapter of St. John. At the close of evening service the ordiance of Baptism will be adminis tered. The evening service will be held at eight o’clock. Large Manufacturer of Pianos has repossessed Piano now stored in Milledgeville. STANDARD MAKE. UP RIGHT MAHOCONY CASE IN PER FECT CONDITION. CANT TELL FROM NEW, USED ONLY A FEW MONTHS. WILL SELL TO RELIABLE PARTY FOR UNPAID BALANCE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS For full information Address P. 0. Box 467, Macon. Ga. The Fidelis Class of the Baptist church will give a St Patrick’:- party Friday evening at eight o’clock in the Men s Bible Clas Room. A! the members are urged to be presen; ns new officers for the class will b elected. The out going officers are- President—Mrs. C B. McCullar. Vice-Presidents—Mrs. P. N. Bivins. Mrs. C. J. Linch, Mrs. H. E. Stan- ford. , / Secretary and Treasurer—Mrs. F. R. Hargrove. Reporter—Mrs. W. 1L Blackwell. Bunas, Squash, Cucumber, Tomato, Beet, Turnip, Mustard, Rapa, Eng lish Pant, Radi the*, Lettuce Seed ; Golden and White Dent. Hickery King, Hastings Prolific Cora. Onion Sets and Cabbage Plants—HEN DRICKSON. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: To All Whom It May Concern: Edward R. Hines, having applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Clark Tyler, deceased; this is to notify I the next of kin and creditors of said decca ed, that said application will be heard before me at the April I Term, 1930, of the Court of Ordinury of sa'd Ci.ur.ty. I This 4th day of March, 1930. BERTIE B. STF.MBRIDGE, Ordinary, Baldwin County, Ga j Hon. Ed. Rivers Georgia’s Eloquent Orator Will Speak in This City One Day Early Next Week HE WILL DISCUSS THE CHAIN STORE He Talks Straight from the Shoulder Watch for Circular Announc ing the Date AND BE SURE TO HEAR HIM He will speak under the Auspices of the Independent Merchants Association ■■