Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 13, 1930, Image 3

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r c ■ vfy Favorite recipes », oi«• Bl HjUcdreville By MRS- T. H. RENTZ -Hfeolr D “*** |(iood f«r children «nd grown-up?.) ^AJCF (pr'-noimeed sigh-say) a B&mn DM- <***** from a priae recipe.) ■ , , b of rrund *teak 2 cope wrier 1.2 l»rp can of English peas j c-srrot*. d-ced ;-2 can t« n.utoe* , . a ;,;.4po i- minced onion • !,) *»■*• Grind raw meat in chopper, add to boiling water, eta to separate par- •ldrs of n* 111 * S(1 d toma to, onion, and Majoning- Let simmer one half adit, add pea* and carrots and cook Jntil tciuirT. rvi- with rice. The . nfm? and vegetable joices are all in' ;bf jrhnom gravy. Baked Liver Leaf 1 !-2 pounds liver 1 ,up i-reati crumbs 1 cup water 1 ]-2 Uaspoona salt :■ tabiesj' ns bacon grease f «oo* 1^ u.» jioon pepper 1 jablt ;>oon minced onion Wipe liver, pour boiling ‘water ■ \rr it xnd let stand five minute: pet through food chopper. Add drier ingred:. nta, mix well and place jpBai. mal pan. Bake in mod- r:*u wtm. Serve with a white tauce ■ u- r. 'l w.tjj catchup. 1 taablespoon spice 1 tablespon doves 1 tablespoon cinnamon 2 cupa blackberry jam Mil in order riven, rifting flour, I (The following items are tnken from the files of Union-ftrcocdfr of March 14. 1906.) The Woman's Home Mieoion So- spicee end baking powder together, eiety of the North Georgia Confer- Put in angel food pen, end bake 1 ence met hem thia week. Ther-were 1-2 to 2 hours in oven set at 2M |sbout 100 Indies present. The fol lowing committees were appointed to .meet the train.; Mr-. J. H| Vin on, i Mis.es Carrie Bmrl ey. lit: 3 cups sugar I Collie Cook. Marie Whiuker 1-3 cop Ka-o [ Elizabeth Bivins. Rev. 1. T. Davis, cup water j Dr. E. A. Tigner. Messrs M. S. Bell ( and Sid Stembridge. The little girls j named below acted as pages during good thread, ; the convention: Martha Stovall, Emily Cook. Sara Sims, Henrietta Conn, Rebecca Little, Mary Pottle, Julia Troutman, W. A. Walker A Co., i« the place Genie Claire Barnes and Maggi» * kay Wagmi, Baggies aad ; Bivins. iraess ef every kiad. Iacladiag Plow Gear, Haraass, Traces. Baggy The officers for the Baldwin coun- Wagea, Plow Liaes, Whips aad ty fair which was announced for the ear of every kiad vary ckeap. Sava early fall were: Judge John T. Allen, loaey by baying what yea need from President, E. E. Bass, Vice-President, the. ckeap. 2-26-30 4t. R. L. Wall Secretary. J- A. Horne degrees. 3 egg white?. Vanilla Cook till it spina and pour slowly into stiffly beaten whites. Flavor and spread. WU T.~i&KUA ►..£ A,., r hlfW;,} Court Messrs R. H. Wootten aad Robert W. Wig on left last Thursday by pri vate conveience for a trip to Fla Mr. B. I. Fraley has moved to his home or the hill, recently vacated by the removal of Mr. Hicks and fam ily to Savannah. lapr t.:u Strawberry Shortcake uake and serve this in i minutes to a half, hour, o.i per i nai speed.) ,i cake totter as follows: P butter eugar butter and i.t rggs, milk, flavor flour, n&lt, and bak.Rg pi** d lupthf-r ,K* Id in light 1; Bali waffles, i :tle. ( a unffl. , i>rt.^ci wifi ghtly b»rr.". m x J plentifully ihrcl nugar. 1 lace anoth- on U*p, an«i spread i.n*r. Top with whipped d whole si iaw berries. mpromptu hr-dge ^ame, or when nJpacy drops in ai.expectedly, as m *y l«t cooked <»n electric waffle -* / uuile in about two min- Vs - lb s rec.pe makes about eight 'dividuai -hortcakea. The waffles ••y J i. made the day before and !’-<l in a cookie jar. 1 urn FUh Salad j «Up tuna fish, flaked 1-2 cup celery - ua-|..-o. 8 palatine Uble- puuns cold water l - 1 -i* lusyonnai e teaspoon r ’i ( 2 cup «n am (or whites of two aw.) - Ll -' i-"ona chopped pecans or dnuu. fi«d», celery and nuts. Soak in cold water, dissolve over add to mayonnaise and ughly. Add fish mixture nd more M-asoning if d«- ■d in cream beaten stiff, oiled mold, cover with m of wax paper htlu astir band Freeze salt or in automat- • rve on crisp let- id may be deco- fed olive-. By MRS Roy NELSo p| 1 ; * r to taste • u * * I flour in sauce !ri add strained, hot J1C * Hr '* *•» till boiling n.l u't.r c, ,j„ ( „ d * <1 I..J in hat water, "v nir, add thr milk ’ ! ‘*«d. Serve with aal W wv*d for FOR SALE OR TRADE—I will sell or trade my home ia the city Kmiti for a hease with five acres mere or leas outside the city. Robert Caw- then. 2-26-30 St Mr. M. S. Bell spent last Thurs day night in Montezuma attending a meeting of the Night* of Pythias. He responded to the address of wel- Lawal building Ut 6SalM North I “HELLO WORLD—Don’t Gn Away" Get yew Atwater Keat or RCA Radia from ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. MilUdgeville’s Oldest Radio Peeler. Eadie—Atwater Kent aad RCA the world’s beet Radies—Said aa Easy Terms—ADAMS ELECTRIC FOR RENT—Fa—iebsd apart. Electric Refrigerates, aad aH i •" **w*aaieacaa. I7M9 par am Saa Dr. J. W. Mektey. Liberal allawance far ffW Radia "« a new screen-grid Ats Kea» nr RCA Radio—Easy Tern ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. Gat year Saad Irish Rotates. * MODERN MERCANTILE CO. P. Right. Mrs. Mattie A. Bivins announces I the engagement of her daughter. I Elizabeth to Mr. Steven William Brown of Hawkins»iile, the marriagt- to occur in April On account of the popularity of j the contracting parties, the above will be read with interest. Miss Birins is cnc of MiiledgevilK’s , _ T _ _ „ ... Prettiest and most .attractive young 1 and George H. Tunnell were the di- . . _ . l ladies. Besides pos essing many charming personal trait* of charac ter, sh< ('apt. D. S. Sanford of the Baldwin Blue- announced that the company would be inspected on March 28. 7/le ■ ~ un FLORSHEIM SHOE Most Sty Its /fy A 5 IO /•' i j J for moneys worth and more - - • Ihe MODE for Spring and Sum mer days . . . lighter weight and roomy, with a world of style in its clean-cut lines. Easy on your feet ...hard to wear out...an essential part of the lighter, smarter attire. John Holloway talented musician. Dr. E. A. Tigner spent Sunday in Atlanta. He was .accompanied home by Mr Tigner who ha* been visit ing relat ves there. SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE STEMBRIDGE & COMPANY PHONE SS2-J Paint Now HIE MVANT16E OF THE CODE WEATHER There i, no prewr*»tion for your property like a good purr paint composed of proper ingredients and well mixed Cooledge Hyg ade Paint MEETS THESE REQUIREMENTS II IS made m the South for our Southern climate -Painl promis es to advance on account of price of Linseed Oil. Let us figure with you oo present low (vices— R. WJAM R HARDWARE CO 1 ru k* flour 1 milk A Million Dollars A Day Is Railroads’ Tax Bill The railroads were reiurnt-d from the coatr> I of the Govern ment to the operation of their owners Ui year ago this montn. During that time there has bee n a steady improvement in the ser vice and efficiency of the railroad*, while freight rate* have been substantially lowered. Factor* of expense over which the railr- ad* exercise contro l are con tantiy being reduced, but there is one item of coat beyonl their control which is continually increasing, anil that i* the tax*-, they are required to pay. The mounting tax b.ll i* » hindrnm* to reduction in the cost of producing service, and is * mething the pub lic ought to know about. In 1920 tax payment* mvde by th erailroad* a* a whole were $272.063.453.. while in 1929 the amount ww $412,630,307, an in crease ef $130,666,954, or 4S per cent. Railroad taxes are now more than a million dollars a day. In rereat ywnrs the railroad- have paid mere in tuxes than ia dividends to their »n»r». The railroads do aot ask that they alone he relieved of tax burdens, but they do er.courigu every pos iblu Andy of the rout of g .eminent that gives promise of lightening the burden common to every business aad to every indirideal. Constructive criticism aad suggestions are inritrd. A. I. CLIFT. President, Central ef Geergs Railway Compaay Savannah, Ga. March 11, I960. BELL’S Extraordinary Sale of Dresses and Coats Every Express Brings us New Models in Solid Color* and New Prints New Spring Dresses Miaal nhn ■ h, nip,, mi |ntg»a U* eW an Off mat Sit mmm. 1W Mb «W *»■ t«a te» wt Urt tea, Mmjt MW ity W, ia pnate4 enpm wSidl an mrj F«fabr, far Ua, ipnuf—Trim $10 COATS Saart mb far apnaf—TW mb tn Off* *i» wte. h mkn mi UUt wf* oi Umv fate, hr rta tali «f i» rhta. w..lns< Uta SPECIAL n <«*, ta wmt 6ta.ru. m $16.75 If You Want the Best ShopJAt E. E. BELL’S