Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 13, 1930, Image 4

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I THE UMON-RECOBDU. Ml 11 III I |l II I I CA, MARCH 13. 1U* W. C. T. S. MOTES LACK Of FUNDS HAT FORCE WHOLESALE DISCHARGE FROM ASYLUM, HAKIUT DECLARES (frtu Chain ») The MiUedgevUle Woman’s Chris tian Temperance- Union always meate on the first Tuesday of every month. Time of prayer of World -wide W. C. T. U.-Noontide. Says Cosditiaaa a* las*i tutiou Critical Declaring that a wholesale die- isiees toaay L-Muea a sunenu-m. — — tine that “evi ry possible rcourc. ’"<1 bowels. Adleriks surprise you! Culver A Kidd Drag (Advertisement) FOR SAU Wayaa Street, price MAO. Apply at FREE hat*, of inmates at the Georxtal* n<l , ° wer bow * 1 removing poisons The Union Signal say. that on. *•«« S*n.uritmt h> inevitable unless l^ 11 « v « r k ” W w,r * *" d who was opposed to temp-ranee and «• " e»ue i, increased, the board of «nsed your stommth trouble, prohibitioa ashed “What total ab- trustees today issued a statement, Na "’»«er what you have tried for >tainer ever amount* d to anythins The answer was “Only Abraham **>«■ *tate should be exhausted be Lincoln. Thomas Edison. Admiral * or> * uch • drmstic sle P »* uken " Perry. John D. Rockefeller; lobert ‘ The situation of the Milledgeville E. Lee, Stonewall Jacks-n, Henry 1 state hospital bids fair to assume Ford. Wilfein Grenfill. Charles tragic proportions in the near fu- Lindberirh. Of course, this i-n’t the ture,” the statement, released by entire list .but then, thi, is a small John T. Brantley, president of the paper ” board, declare*. “From a high source, | Office the board is informed that the state's l Thomas A. Edison was interviewed revenues will very likely not be more j at his Florida home on hi" eighty- | thin 60 or 70 per cent of the ap- j third birthday. In answer to some propriations for the year and that of the many questions a-ked him. h*- in this event the several state insttiu-! reaserted his belief that absolute tions will suffer accordingly. 1 prohibition can be accomplished in “If thi- gloomy expectation is the United States. Asked if he be- realized, it will be impossble for the lieved modification oi the \ olsl»-ai ( board to provide for the present law to permit h«me manufacluie of great population of the hospital, now wine and beer, would help temper- I numbering more than 5,300 resident ance, h? h- replied "No." patients, .and a wholesale discharge will be inevitable. The situation is I “The unrestrained denunciation of made the more distressing le-cause of j prohibition in Congre*-, n«-t related the large number of insane persona] in any way to pending legislati m, already held outsde who have not j seems to be intended to ertat* the been admitted to the hosp tal because j impression that there is a rebellion 0 f lack of room. uniiwt pinkgSUon a the United -The power to .vert ,uch . oalrnuj SUte.. ' remark. the Whe. lmr (Va t , y , he boir<1 .„ d „| Int.Ilill Bul l. ran only register a ewlemn protest. “An Analysis of the strength of urging that every resource of the the anti-prohibition movement in state be exhausted before such a Congress, reveals some astonihng drastic step is taken. The possible facta; discharge of 2,000 or more insane “The organization against prohibi- persons shocks every humane sense, lion in the House of Reprenentative*. , The people of Georgia should know has only 61 members. There are of this situation. MARRIED WOMAN FEAR GAS THE SLOGAN B TRADE Af -EATS ONLY RANT FOOD “For C. years I ate only baby food, everything else formed gaa. Now, thanks to Adlerilu. I eat anything and enjoy life.**—Mrs. M. Gan. Just ONE spoonful AdWrika re lives all GAS so you can eat and sleep better. Acts on BOTH upper And why not when you hive right here three hundred latest style al wool patterns to select your nil (ran and the cost to you is just 123 50. BO postage of pressing, as I do this myself—just come ia aad select the pattern you want and in two weeks I will have your suit ready to step out in. 1 also carry the quality plus line of hand tailored suits at $32.50 which are real values. G. W. RA*R ; Tailor FREE Every Saturday during this year 1930. we will give vuu with each 50c cash retail purchase in our store. One IQc Standard size loaf of Electrik Maid Bread At Culver & Kidd Drug Co. 224 Of Course ‘"The Rexall Store" -i- Phones ALSO ASK FOR YOUR CHINA TICKETS 240 THE SOUTHERN BMVta THE SOUTH WITH MANY EXCELLENT THROUGH TRAINS BOYAL PALM DELUXE ALL Pullman Ckaeaco, Indianapolis, Grand Rapida. Detroit, Clevekmd . B a Cincinnati to Jacksonville aad the East Coast of FWiH. ROYAL PALM ALL Year Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, Buffalo, Cleveland and rw nnnti to the East Coast of Florida. v . PONCE DE LEON ALL Year Chicago. Indianapolis, Detroit, Cleveland, Louisville and nnati to Jacksonville and the East Coast of Florida. SUWANEE RIVER SPECIAL Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, Cleveland and Cincinnati to the West Coast of Florida. KANSAS CITY—FLORIDA SPECIAL ALL Year Kansas C>ty. St. Louis, Memphis. Birmingham and Atlanta to Brunswick, Jacksonville and Miami. For detailed information, reservation*, etc., call on nears* Southren Agent or write G. R. PETTIT, Division P»» eager Agent, 131 Terminal Station, Macon, Ga Southern Railway System PLUMBING From the smallest repair to the largest job—give me a cat). Satislaclion guaranteed—Fifteen Years Continuous Service. Robert Cawthom Phone 178 114 member* supposed to be wet. It appears that the anti-prohibition movement is m weak that anly 61 of these representative, are willing to rente out into the open as Active oppoamekt* of the law. The house membership is 435. Of the 61 mem bers, 38, or 63 1-3 percent of the total number come from the cities of Chicago, Philadelphia. Milwaukee. 8t. Louis and Cleveland. Twenty three of the Reprcaentativee, or 39 1-3 percent of the total number come from New York City, and the adjac ent communities in New Jersey. Thirty-four or 56 2-3 percent come from the states of New York, Wis consin and N*w Jersey. The appeal of only ten of forty-eight states are represented in thi- noisy wet agita tion. That ran hardly be railed a national rebellion “ UNION SIGNAL FOR fALE— 2 glory home on Hill— Soo J. T. Andrews. LOST—oo Sunday between Sparta • aad Saodergeillo or Saadorgeillo oad Mtllodgovillo o brown leather baad- bag containing personal af facta. Ro- I ward. Mrs. S. L. McGoo. M.iledg.- TIME TO RETIRE—Got a Fisk fi “For some time it hat. not been possible for the Mate to make its payment* to the hospital with loag- arcustomed promptness and the board has been greatly embarrassed in consequence. From 1929 there is still due a balance of |50,000, while nothing has yet been re eived on the appropriation of ll.S06.0M for 1930. FuttAer embarrassment ia canard the beard by the failure of the state to complete payment of the building sppropriation had ia 1027. “The two buildings provided for by it have been erected, one of which U paid for, the other not. Being authorized to go forward with the erection of the second building, it was contracted and finally completid by the contractors out of their own fund*, the board having to as.-ume the carrying charge until final pay ment of the -ippropriatinn is made. A aac-nd appropriation for additional buildings was had in 1930. but. great aa i- the ne.-d for them, the board dare not undertake their erection un til it can lie assured of the ability of the state to provide the mon y t« Hear Ye! Him Ye! You are cordially invited to •mad a Dance at the Whether or Not You Care to Find The»Way to a Man’s Heart.. It wiO do you a lot of good to Irnow HOW to do it ... The Hubby might balk about the expense of that trip you wish to take soon... And you young ladies ... it's going to happen some day... you might as well be looking for it... HE will come along and then you’ll fall as fast as a fifty story elevator ... THEN, won’t it do you a world of good to know the shortest way to his heart? The Union-Recorder cannot vouch for the truth of this old proverb, but if it is true, we will say that you ran learn enough at The Uaion-Recofder’s Elecric Cooking School to make you the best little heart winner on God’s a-ecu earth. ■fcOO to 100 J Baby Chicks We err reedy to serve you agem. Our chciks ere ready better tlui verson then last Hatches coming off each week. Now shipping R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks aad Buff Otpav toos at $15.00 per 100; |$.00psr 50; nr $4.25 per 25 Prices on Urge quantified given upon request. BASTON'S HATCHERY G. M. C. Gymnasium Wednesday, Thursday, Friday March 26, 27, 28 The Union-Recorder’s Electric Cooking School Presented In Cooperation With GEORGIA POWER CO Ml WHOLESALE Ml KTtIL GNCfM N MUEMEIUE The Greatest Surprise of the Year Awaits You !!