Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 13, 1930, Image 7

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THE WyWWWMU, MILLEDGEVIUX. CA„ MARCH 11, ltjo -ial , jTciftiy 1 starr is visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bell spent t* eral day a of tka week in Atlanta. Lfcr.i' Fredsrickson spent the ^ wck-eVd in Atlanta. .. G . e. McWhorter i* visiting ^ i r in Kaslcy, S. C. Mr. Fred Starr spent Sunday in :>.■! ij n vi«itir.p his parents. Mii s <ara Harwell of Haddock, e Mrs. Roy Jackson. Mrs Bill Woottcn of Grey, spent Monday in the city with relatives. Mis es Lucille and Marjorie Duna- nr ari . visiting relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bell spent sev- , ra! days of the past week in AUanta. Mr?. A. A. Vaughan, of Spartan- tarj:. S. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Geo A. Watkins and Ittle daughter, Helen, spent Monday in Macon. Mrs. Fannie Smith, of the Georgia {•over Co., visited relatives in Mil- jrn Sunday. Mr. R. H. Wootten’s condition is mprwing, but he is still confined to his home. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hall arc plan- rag to take an automobile trip to Florida next week. Mrs. Robert Toombs DuBose of Athens, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Marion Allen. Mr. and Mr-. Otto M. Conn spent Sunday and Monday in Atlanta, visit ing relatives of Mr.-. Conn. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Golucke have returned from an extended visit to Mr. Golucke's son in Bainbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Andrews and children < f Atla f.a spent Sunday uith Mr. and Mrs. L. il. Andrews. Mrs. Mrs. W. F- Rountree, of Valdcsta, - is visiting relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holsey visited j friends in Swaineboro and Wadley! the patt week-end. Miss Annie Pearl Smith, who( teaches school at Mount Carmel,! spent the week-end at home. ; Regular meeting of the Ordci Eastern Star Chapter Thur day even ing. All members urged to be pres ent. Col. j Jos E. Pottle has returned from a visit of a few days to his brother, Judge Robert Pottle, in Al bany. Mr. A. D. Torrance went to At lanta the past week. He heard an addrc«L by the President of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. A spring holiday dance will be held at the American Legion Hall Friday night. The music will be ren dered by the Rainey Melody Boys, a high clais orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ivey, Miss Lora Ivey and Horae® Ivey and Hor ace Ivey went to Charlotte, N. C., the past week to visit Mr. J. W. Ivey, Jr., who recently underwent an opera tion. He was greatly improved when they returned home. Mr. Sidney Lee Stcmbridge, sales man at the store of Mr. E E. Bell, spent several days of last wek in At lanta, atlcndihg a shoe salesmen con vention. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. S. J. Stcmbridge, who visited her daughter, Mrs. A. O. Hop kins. - MRS. CHAS J. CONN HOSTESS AT BRIDGE. On last Friday Mrs. Charles J. Conn was hostess to her bridge club at her home on Wilkinson St. In the spuciouj living room, where the guests were seated at card tables, daffodils and other spring flowers were used in decoration, .‘..ter the game a delightful o-.aJ crurac v. _ served and the high and low score awards were made. V s Prices s»d quality at ENNIS PAL ACE MARKET. Our produce, the best and frathaet. Cabbage, Green, 6 :eat* per lb. Irish Potatoes, 4 cents. —erge Spaniih Onion-, S cents per iu. Rutabags, fine, 4 cent* per lb. Phone 239. Cabbage Plants and Onion Sots- HENDRICKSON. LOOK OUT FOR J. G. PEELER Peeler says says just to show than bow saiy it is he stepped out and •old a new Chevrolet Saturday. He “*• mooting fish. L. N. JORDAN Chevrolet Dealer If you want to know about Ennis Fertilisers, as!, yeur neighbor. Not a Farmer who ever ased them, will buock them. Once a customer always ona. Prices and quality, always right. See J. H. ENNIS. Mr. and-Mrs. F. F. Malncss, of Orangeburg, S. C.; Mr. W. W. Mai- pas , jf Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. W. D. Richey, of Tampp, Fla.; Mrs. H. I. Palmer, of Atlanta; Mrs. G. W. Bogman. of Atlanta; Mr. Henry Pal- mer, of Atlanta: Mr. ard Mrs R : ch- ard Singleton, of Columbus, came t'> Mr. ar.d Mr.-. H. R. DeJnrnettc of Milledgevillc to attend the funeral the guests of Mr. and | and burial services of Mr. J. D. Mol- Stcmbridge Sunday, j puss. Mr.. J. 0. Efcckwi od has returned ;•> her home in llawkinsville, after - tay of tvcrnl days in tho city. Mn. Geo. A. Watkins, Mrs. C. L. Boier, Mrs. O. B. Tw.llcy, M-s. IL Hayes spent la t Thursday in Mu- br. Y. H. Yarbrough left Wednes day for Columbus, whree he will testi- ->’ ' n ‘Be Federal court on a sanity Walter Gordy of Atlanta came hone Tuesday to spend this • eek “ lth her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Br. and Mrs. Homer Bivins were °^d to Atlanta Inst Thursday on ■•'count of the death of Mrs. Conn Gibson. Mr?. Frank Moore underwent an I' -raton at he City Hospital nnd is n Hy. Her many friends Ber a speedy recover. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Butts, Jr., an nounce the birth of a baby girl .at the City Hospital. She has been named Winifred Faye. She is to be called Faye. MRS. R. M. JEFFERIES ENTER TAINS ON FRIDAY. The home of Mrs. R. M. Jifferies was the scene of a delightful lunch eon on Friday from 12:30 to 2:30. The color motif v.as yellow and white narcissis. Mrs. Frank Bore greeted the guests at the door and invited them into the living room. Mrs. Jackson Lane Ed wards and MTss Bertha Robin on poured coffee .and tea in the dining room, where the delicious buffet lun cheon was served. Others assisting n entertaining were Mrs. E. E. Ba s, Mrs. W. E. Robinson, Miss Otclia FIcmister, Mrs Jcre Moore, Miss Elizabeth Grant and Mi s LeVora Morgan. Cat Tail Millet and Amber Cant Seed, HENDRICKSON. • >»» Loi. Graham, of Gorgns, Ala., come to Milledgeville to be with Miss N *"cy Holland. Man- , C.rd«« S—^—HENDRICK* SON. • v ond«s ■ r - H. Johnson and Mrs. H. t - r H fccn n, rpent several in the city, vlalt- "7 T' h,,r . Mr ”' S. E. Black- "Be he. been ill. nco Andrews arrived ! ’.nd the spring holiday. * “ ,!l hl,r parents, Mr. and "• Andrewa. She will ' her ■ nool Friday. Atlaep. ' ' j 1 rcy c " mp hnnie from ; ”7 Sunday with her Mi, . i,nd Mra - Cha, Ivey. a* conRectr d with the ad- 4 C, ' uepa.tnient ef J. t>. Alice ' ?• DeJ *rnette, Wht under- I , ( ir uporat : on ft, c ;ty Ihllaam ~ Ktmrri • 1 Ms home ii Mr. DeJ.cnette af. ' hc ho *Pit»l rpent several •" ..dye •‘ nd Mn ••*»» D. We de i.h—Sell .. chei a* anybody—Give 16 o*». to a p —Guarantee every thing I sell preciate yo-|* buair.ei'.. Phone ROY NELSON. Burpee’* Stringiest, Bunch B the best bean that grows—1 J1CKSON. EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY PEOPLE ARE GETTING WISER M-. R. G. Smith was in Saturday, he drm-p home a new Chevrolet. Mr. E. T. Bloodwcrtk was in Saturday he drove home a new Chevrolet. Mr. J. H. Millstead was in Saturday ha drove heme a aew Chevrolet. Mr. John Lewis waa ia Saturday ha drove heme a new Chevrolet. L. N. JORDAN WHERE ROGERS GOMES INS 1 — •"■wMiiijr in me opment of the Ssuthrast Section—co-operating all goefl movements for the South’s upouilding—pay.no out millions of dollars m mn> tappy in their wo ■ublic appreciates l EAGLE BP \ND rP' DSNSED CAN IMF W ‘S’ ivS a JU ARGO REI. SALMON TALL CYN FIRM F\1 NORWAY MACKEREL E ‘ c » s©$ DEL MONTE EARLY GARDEN PEAS ’Sn 2 25* UBBVS OK DEL MONTE SPINACH 3 "S& 2 SO* SKINNEK’N SPAGHETT I OR Bfl AC AEONI3 S' 2,5* sucaiT. DOMtNO LUL-. GRANULATED JLW LOU SHORTENING SWIFTS 8-LU. AC JEWEL FAIL M» * -UO ROGERS 1011% PORE SANTOS COFFEE VEGETABLE SHORTENING SNOWDRIFT S ^ LIBBY BARTLETT PEARS NO. 2 1-2 CAN 30* ROGER’S NEW LOAF BREAD—THE PULLMAN ZOt OUR REGULAR PONTY BREAD LOAF HOT-CUP L COFFEE in. 17*| Rogers Market Specials Meat Specials Friday - Saturday COUNTRY SMOKED MEAT ...24t lb. CA. PORK HAMS, WHOLE 25c lb. PURE PORK SAUSACE 2Sc lb. GOOD SMOKED SAUSACE 2Sc lb. LEAN PLATE MEAT ISc A PURITAN CURED HAMS, SMAU SIZE, WHOLE 2Sc lb. We wil par mrbH price far Camhy Park, ra»C Hew, Vaal aai Caaatry Betar. Sw sa Bafm pm Sal. 5- -.- H—e a»r>. a renllemaa came into onr ttore. ubed for GENUINE RUSSIAN CAVIAR. He fcoafbt iii tint, anil n liner biH of 01 more ®lhe ilrmt, like ANCHOVIES. OLIVES STUFFEn WITH ANCHOVIES. RIPE OLIVES. PURE SAP MAPLE SYRUP. MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. ETC. When be had nw-hed hit nurehete*, he remarked that he had tried to hoy tin tin, CAVIAR ia Savannah that morainf before he left and canid find only one tin. He raised through Macon and caildn't find a tin. Some one told him over there if he was coming Ihr-n-h M'lled-evifle, he woold find it at BELL GROCERY COMPANY. He alio remarked that he had been able ta find this t-ne of faaev Groceries it only one other place in Georria, and that we aold them from 20 to 30 percent cheaper. Tlie point il—Yon can find the very best, both imported and domes tic groceries at onr store, for leu money. He was to pleased noth his pnrrhases, he came a short while ago and duplicated his order. Onr customers know this is tine. If yon are not one, rtv ns! We will be glad to open an account with pan on thirty day basis. Deliveries every hoar in the dap. LENTEN SPECIALS Oval Can Shad Roe—The most delightful breakfast dish 00c. Regular 8Sc seller, 6 cans for JJ.M 6— 30c Cans Royal Chinook Salmon Steak 1-2’s $1.25 Genuine Russian Caviar Whole Grain 40c Gorton’s Fish Flakes |5g Carton's Simply Fry _..15e Finest French Anchevies, Per Jar SOc Fmest French Anckovies Staffed with Capers, Per Jar 50c Hors D’Oeavres Glass Jar 50c SPECIAL THIS WEEK CampbdTs Pork and Beans wi'h Tomato Sance 10c Franco-America Spaghetti with Tomato Sance _..10c 3 lbs. Morning Glory or Annonr’s Star Eicon for $1.10 3 Rolls Finest Tissue, the 20c kind for 40c Bel’s Speciel, “Tke Best 30c Coffee on Earth” 20c 8 Hw. Scoco Shortening $1.60 6 lb. Backet Snowdrift $1.19 6 lbs. Armour's Simon Pore 100 per cent Leaf Lard $1,05 Streak O’ Lean, Streak O’ Fat Wki.e Meat Per lb. 14c Good White Meat for Boiling 12 l-2e Car Pratt’s Poultry and Dairy Feed just received, Starting Mash, Laying Mash, Growing Mash. Baby Chicken Feed, Scratch Feed. Wholesale prices in 100 lb. Lots. BtLL GROCERY CO. QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 283—r'HONE.'—498 DIXIE SHOP Spring Dresses THAT SHOW THE NEW MODIFIED SILHOUETTE Tiie ‘"listline is marked and the flaring hemline is p.eserved. Spring collection shc,w how youthful and becoming the new dresses have become, of printed and plain flat crepe, satin or chiffon— folftck and gay shades. Specially Priced JUST RECEIVED NEW SPRING HATS JHE £)1X1E SHOP A Word to thw Wise— Bring us your machine work. Welding. Auto Repairing, Washing and Alemiting WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Mr. B. H. Roberts our Machinst has 28 Years Experience TRY US—SERVICE WITH A SMILE ,J. C. IVEY Pan-Am Gasoline, Dopes and Oils