Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 20, 1930, Image 1

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. BALDWIN COUNT? I A INSTITUTION I . o,.r O.. W-S °” , io . Public Y«ri» * Hitiott READ BY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE •Marat Union BaubUokad In Ida •sutban BaaarHar 111! MiiedjcrilU, Ga., Mack 20, 1930 Consolidated ta l|71 MS FOR NEW IKiwanis Club lEATONTON ROAD Is On^fU ARE APPROVED BoysCalfClub 'Pure Bred Heifers to Be Sold at I Dixie Construction Complete* Sor- Small Cost and On Liberal vey and Present Pers. active to County Commissioners Teims. Farmers Co-operating Katrina Van Televox Will Attend Cooking School Electro-mechanical Robot to Be Intereitiaf Feature of Three Day School ii.n tire an given the »p- ^o«l of ifcf commissioner*. The pj*.i hid been previously shown the fcyjhway board and after a few or uharee declared satisfac- Purchases of, a number of pure .oDPiivU GIVEN TUESDAY bred calves have been arranged by APriw VAU the Kiwansi Club in co-operation „ vp ..lowing the new [with the gawners Club to be sold to A r '"^urty road leading from the boys and girls of the county at n ^ nton ani j jj, c new a small cost and on liberal terms, it lil -' ‘ u ,i| .p an Little River'was announced at a meeting of the jnty Commission- j clubs lust week, esday by official. 1 : The agricultural committee of the Company and IKiwanis composed of Mr. George Tunnell, Dr. Dawson Allen and Mr. W. E. Ireland, have been in com munication with large breeders and have made arrangements to secure th calves. They have opened the calf club membership to any boy and girl in the county who desires to se- _ ^ ^ cure one of the animals and willI un( j on jy t j, ree Georgia cities hav measure up to certain responsibili- j t j, e p| ensure G f seeing her per- ties in regard to the care of the f orm> Her appearance here will be anmal. greeted by A number of pure bred bulls have already been imported into the coun ty and the introduction of pure bred heifers is done with c. view of building up the dairy herds of the county and to get a pure bred cow on every farm. Mr. G. E. McWhorter agricultural agent of the Central Railroad is working with the committee and the .agricultural department of the Geor gia railroad is also helping to secure the calves for the club members. The change will require the con- gjoriion uf more than two miles of read to begin ubout a mile from tht pnr>ent bridge at Little River and to ran about a mile into Putnam county. The new bridge will be ap proached by a fill more than seventy I feet in heighth and will be several ' hundred feet in length. The new hridgt will be of concrete and steel ird will clear the river bed about sixty feet. The length of the bridge will be 342 feet about twice the length of the present bridge. During the conference Tuesday proposed plans for minor changes in o*her reads were also prerented. The Fraley’s Ferry road will be closed and a new road constructed through to the Eatonton highway. Other unimportant roads will also be closed. The changes In the road syrtem has been necessitated by the con struction of the Dam at Furman Shoals. It is understood that the ■Jiff 1C rill be ■fail xpt ted .that a approach the i ill be constructed, FORMER STATE HEAD OF JUNIOR ORDER TO VISIT HERE Held. Neighboi Katrina Van Televox, electro-me chanical robot conceived and execut ed by engineers of the W.-tinghousc Electric Company, will give a per formance daily at The Union-Record- cr’s electric cooking school which is to be one of the most outstanding events ever staged in Milledgeville on April 2, 3, und 4. Mr. Robert Morris, manager of Katrina, will arrive with his electric maid on the morning of April 2nd and will take her immediately to the G. M. C. Gymnasium where she will rest until three o'clock when she will make her appearance and give |jer performance. So wonderful is this mechanical genius that she has creat ed a sensation. Her debut was made Atlanta only three week COOKING SCHOOL HEAD SENATOR E. D. RIVERS DE LIVERS ADDRESS AT COURT HOUSE most enthusiastic audi- of Milledgevillc and Baldwin county women. She will operate electric switches, toast bread, make coffee and will talk when command- MISS OLGA KOCH Mis Koch, who will conduct the electric cooking school of The Onion' Recorder on April 2, 3, and 4. HIGHWAY WORK BEGINSATONCE Number 31 GRADUATES^ G.S. CTO HEAR NOTED SPEAKER Bishop Warren A. Candler to De- j Brer Baccalaureate Sermon. | Peabody Professor to Speak 1 BRILLIANT PROGRAM PLANNED Two of the South’s most ouUtand- | ing lenders, one a man and .the oth er a woman, will be the principal speakers on the Georgia State'Col- j lege for Women commencement pro- grim which will open on May .’loth, Dr. J. L. Beeson has announced. Bishop Warren A. Candler pre siding Bishop of the Southern Metho dist church will deliver the Baccalau reate sermon on Sunday June 1st and Miss Lucy Guge, a.» ociate pro fessor of Elementary Education of O • T> • J I Peabody College, will speak to the uCrlcS I\aias I on Monday during the | graduating exercises. The commencement program will Hon. E. I). Rivers, former presi dent of the Georgia Senate, was speaking at the Court House Wed nesday night before an audience that packed the court room at the time The Union-Recorder went to press. Mr. Rivers tpeceh was made under tin- auspices of the Inde pendent Merchants Association and the noted orutor discussed the evils oC the Chain Store. Mr. River, is one of the best orators in the State and the full text of his address will be given in next week’s Union-Recorder, it being impossible to get full details in this week’s issue. Four Stills Captured In County Officer, Make Raid, Which t in Capture of Four Whitkcy Conflict'd Retuh in Capture of Four StiBa. j “* cb . ..... ■ „ ^ . ! exercises, the complete.program has Miss Olga Koch, nationally known home economist, will direct the school. The complete program has not been arranged but the tentative arrangements call for lectures* on oven meals, the preparation of rolls and pastries. Muss Koch has been •hcrever she has been und her ______ j Raids over a period of four day n . . ■ . r ii- ■ . by officiers of Baldwin county re- H f °t. Nu,e i >a . Qnl ?* r i »ulu.d in the capture of four .till. Miles of Cradmg._ Paving of [and . larK , qaontily „ t whl , k y ., nd the arrest of four violators of the Prohibition law. Thursday Ounty Policeman Ro- Sheriff Hayr..e and Deputy Vinson found a still on Road Will Follow The committee has announced that | ability with pots and pans and edibles any boy or girl who desires to secure one of the calves can see a member of the committee or make his appli cation through The Union Recorder office. Immediate attention will be given their requests and arrange- mnts will be made for them to se cure the calf. »- H. Stai does not exceed her charming person ality. Those attending the school will sample dishes prepared by Miss Koch. Ample seating arrangements will be made to accomodate the crowd that will assemble at the school. There are no charges of admission and The Union-Recorder is giving the school in co-operotion with several Mil- ledgeville business houses for all men who wish to attend. Modern electric equipment will be shown during the school and although d cooking demon.-tra t at five-thirty, thi Wednesday night; building will umain open for the in j speclion of the latest electrical de ■ l"»it«<l ■ Thi- .how will feature sliuht o’. | vic „ s aad thu , lurc food a.spluys that .hand trieki. and other magic feats be made by the „ r , past state Councilor ; liy members of the class. A beauty ( . h>nta .. 0 .„p 1 . n , t i„ |t „ n d the Georgia PEABODY STUDENTS TO PUT ON SHOW MARCH 26TH. Und -r the auspices of the Junior Class of the Peabody High School, an entertainment featuring Houdini, Jr., lectures^ presented in the High School j L j nt , ( of tie Junior Order, of Atlanta, will if the principal visitor at the district rathfring of the organization to be held here on April 3rd. Members from all neighboring lode?, hive been invited and the mee’-ng is expeeted to be one of the brswt the crpanizatior has ever held here. - « CITY INSTALLS FINGER PRINT DEPARTMENT Chif {• rank Broome received this ^ek material to install a finger Print department in the Police Court div'-ion of the city. The prints of all prisoners captured wi.! b* made and filed w»ht the de partment of Justice for future ref- rhorous singing the late songs will be one of the features. The public | is invited and an admsision of 15cj and 25c will be charged. Mr. W. L. Ritchie was named chairman of the Board of Deacons of the Presbyterian church at a church meeting held last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Ritchie succeeded Mr. G. E. McWhorter. The board of Deacons composed of twelve men ■ of the church and during the past year has successful terms. FIRE IN WILKINSON COUNTY Pow Co. The Parc-nt-Tcjachers Association at the invitation of The Union-Re corder will .-erve os hostesses. The invitation was extended this club be cause of its connbcUon ith the college who have given the building for the school. FIVE HOMES ARE BEING ERECTED Every Section of City Represented In Building Program In Progress. Apartments Are Included Contracts were awarded tile Ker shaw Construction Company last Friday by the State Highway Board to begin the grading and surfacing of the Baldwin county road, i one quarter miles in length, for the Wa^ington county line leading to this city. The order which was signed after the terms had been stipuated that the work will begin within thirty days. A price of $35,813. will be paid for the work. The county Commission *ra have been busy for several week- securing right-of-ways nnd have 'uscceded -n securing prutically ail i-igrature- to the land deed- with the exception of a few. The delay of a few parlies may detain the work on the road it was understood. The new road will require die con struction of several fills, and all told 78.000 square yards of earth will he moved. The road will follow prati- cally the saim- route as the present road, although change.® will be made to cleminate all, curve.; along the route. The largest change will b* made on the stretch from Dr. Morans’ place to Mr. Shin hols tern. This load w'lll be straightened and ail curves taken out. j. • weather will permit (he oil treatment will be given the State Hospital road and the river road here the base ha-, been laid. | exercise not been announced. | Bishop Candler is well known I throughout Georgi-j and his appear ance here will be one of unusual interest. He is the dean of ithc Suothern Methodist ministry and is reognized as one of the great think ers of the entire nation. Miss Gage is an outstanding lead er in educational circles. She has been influential in building up hig standards and has many close friends in this city. She is eminently well qualified to fill the place on the pro gram and Dr. Beeson well pleased when his invitation was accepted. Town Creek and confiscated the 80 gallon copper outfit and thirteen bar rels of beer. The machinery was ready to run when found. No was at the still when the raid made. In the northern section of t'ie coun ty, Pete Harper was arrested eight gallons of whi»key poured out last Saturday. On the same raid ; ction, Tom Avery was taken forty gallon still und 120 gal-1 ■ Ions of beer. Federal Prohibition 1 Officer Sutton was on this raid and | the two men were taken to Macon. the day -n two hundred | Thc Vagabond King to Be Shown Great Screen Production at Colonial 31st. opper outfit i oods and i the Saturday night the officer at Colonial Entire Week of March 31st de-. still Mo Pie; MR. GUY TORRANCE HAS NARROW ESCAPE of Rural Carrier Struck t of Freight Train on lorgia Railroad Mr. J. E. Jackson, w 10 lives in ■•vil! also enable the local! Wilkinson county, lost his house and ure information on household effect by fire Saturday ■ th in a short time after 'morning. The loss falls heavy upon ‘ 4a '' ''Mr. Jackson. church. The still had been set on fire when the officers arrived. Sunday Joe Bro*. . Hawk- was ar- sted near Pan eras for selling whis- .'0. .Several pint bottles *and n keg Saturday afternoon Chief Frank Broome nnd Officer Thigpen arrest ed John Trawick when they fourd a gallon jug of whiskey in his wagon. He ressited .arrest and tried to take the whiskey away from the officers drawing a knife. Officer Thigpen broke a glass jug over his head but he not brought under control until Chief Broome hit him under the chin ■ith his fist. County officers la - er went to Tra- wick’s home in the western part of ounty and found a 50 gallon 1 f still, 180 gallons of beer and three j gallon- of whiskey. The outstanding song romance of the talking screen, “The Vagabond King’’ will be-shown at the Colonial Theatre the entire week of March 31st, Manager M. L. Curry h;u» an nounced. The picture is-in technicolor and present- one of the great musical treats of the year. Munager Curry was fortunate in securing the pic ture for a week’s run. It will be shown here the same week that it will be presented in Maccn. Many popular songs .are sung in the picture by Dennis King who has been proclaimed the golden voiced songster of the talking screen. OLD THEATRE BEING DISMAN TLED FOR OFFICE BUILDING Milledge-iUt J Only Theatre for More Than Half a Century Ha, Been Uepoliihed. One of Popular Theatre, for Many Year, Great Actor, Have Appeared on Stage The Gr.,,., ThM(re thret aide! .•ith ery section i the build- medicine shows were among the first to make the circuit*. They were popular in the early nineties. Mins trel thows also visited the theatre each year, five or s Colburn's Minstrels was one of the finest and last shows to appear in the opera house. been las- iLT" 1 W the public f °r the - wmi-. uuoiences will thrill no «•*** ‘? m f t 1 h * sho ‘ ,s playing on its ou . ' *' u l*“ng picture has forced y'J i htr P°P u l»r theatre, tear- ^ ^ c L*>mb8 has begun Th, 0l i t lhe int€r >or of the Grand . more than a half cen- i Q ,l c ° f mOHt PoPnkr theatres tW, and wlU convert the old Tho i n |j- Sn °^* ce building. °ctn P i “fc”* in which thc theatre t ' a ‘‘ c ial88l *ijly ** cond floor was -un me aci were among uie oesi ar ' ! on.-r oborts and Brake - shows appearing at the theatre. V ' r Griwe M 08 T the * tr ® b , y Mr - | Clara Joel, one of the great actress f Ur ch;, H .j ’ , f* . McCombs of all time, played the theatre once. : 't introduced 111 and “The iiay of the road show is gone, Popular th-at- ° f the most ! Mr * McCo ®bs said, we used to hove a “*y tw J f S ° n road fori some mighty good shows end I hate i.e years. Patent' to sec them come to an end.” of the city represente ing program that is now in progress. A great number of smaller houses are aho being erected in the suburbs. Mr. L. S. Fowler is erecting a large apartment house on West McIntosh St., just east of the old home of the late Dr. G. D. Compton.. The house will be equipped with all modern appliances, and will bo up-to-date in every particular. It will bo composed of six or eight apartments, and it is stated that they have already been rented. Mrs. Ben Bass is building a home on East Montgomery >trect just off ““"""ot Jefferson street This house wiU •ided with modern apart- intents, »nd be- handsome In appear- illney The Kpworth League nt their mevt- ing Sunday evening discussed “The i Pioneers of Methodism” in a most mfined to Iinteresting program. Mr. Alton I days of jtarne was the leader and presented | the topic In a very interesting way. r. Guy Torrance, car Ruial Route 6 f-om the Milledge-j j)r. \y. ille PostOffice. had a narrow escape home rom being killed early Mnnduy af- the past i -■moon, when the automobile he was *25."rCCSCfU!NOTED COMEDY “AUNTLUCIA” "t. t™, ... ,..;TO BELAUGH HIT OF THE YEAR of his route which extends into the | North-eastern section of the county. P. T. A. and IL_ D. C. Join Han or in Staging Comedy Sensation was returning to the city. The accident happened at what is known Dixon’s Crossing, where the Geor gia Railroad crosses the road leading to the old Josh Ellis place. The automoblio was on the track! N«<t TIinnday tnd Friday Night at Tht G. M. C. Auditorium “Aunt Lucia," hailed as the out standing amateur success of the yaar will be presented in the G. M. C. before Mr. Torrance realized the j auditorium on next Thursday and nearness of thc train, as he did not! Friday nights, March 27-28, under hour or it up^ouching. Thc the .utplcie. of the P. T. A. and the The Theatre was one of the moBt popular in the state and was one of the few playing shows that appeared in Atlanta. "Within the Law," ‘Polly of the Circus, ’ and “The Man the Bex” were among the best Mrs. A. Gold»tein is constructing a home on South Jefferson street. The home will be large and roomy, nnd will add to that residential sec tion. Mr. A. J- Carr, Jr., is building two cottages i West End, which will be conveniently .arranged, and make comfortable and convenient homes. of the automobile was struck by the engine, and thrown several feet in the air, striking against an embankment which probably saved Mr. Torrance from death. The train was promptly stopped, and the crew rendeicd him every as sistance. It was found that he had escaped with only a few bruises a on thc face, and a shock. He brought to thi* city on the train, carried to the Doctor’s Clinic, throughly examined. U. D. C. According to reports from sur rounding towns where “Aunt Lucia” las been played, it is one of the fin- st, cleanest and liveliest comedies The play proper deal.® with the home coming of Buta Bula college. The show takes place in the drawing room of the populrr Fraternity house. The schobl is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Lucretia Wakefield, worth fifty million dol lars, and they are expecting her to give the college a large amount of mony to build a new football stadium Jerry Watson, played by Billy Jett, on the road. It has been played all > George played by Harris Rogers .and aver the United States and into (Dick by W. H. Stembridge dresses Canada with unurual success every- himsdf as an old lady for the enter- where. All who have seen it pro- vaim 'it a show that none can af ford to miss, and it is predicted that "Aunt Lucia” will set .a new endur ance record for continuous laughs It is reported that one of these cot- and tapes will be occupied by Mr. Paul will Li* several days perhaps before ’when it is presented to MlUedgeville 2 o j 0ta; . j he can resume his duties. , audienc*. tainment of his fellow fraternity brother?. Prof. Gaddis pley**d by Joe Andrews nnd Dean Howard by Lois Smith mistake him for the weal thy Lucia Wakefield. Once in this dilemma it it impossible for him to td on balk page.)