Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 27, 1930, Image 1

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Set for Create*' Event in HO0LWW rWTHREEDAVS K «r completed for All P lan> . ot (( ; several year*, , ooldn* School, Wednesday af- i vf**' j! rfirt-f -rk for - al robot which - pfffirTo daily -ic three o’clock. waa able tb get r. < ] to com « to the ocl lithouirh m*veral larger cities T dtnandinp her sen-ices. Hi* ()!pa Kock the director of the .-■ol rill arrive Tuesday and fin- ,11 details s« that when three rtj arrives Wednesday afternoon . rll lie ready to begin her first aieriesuf l<-<-turse. The definite mm of the opening day has not :tt worked out but Miss Koch will ibab’.y iwtnict in cooking an oven Tbt part food display which will pur on by the wholesale and re- ratrtHants of the city will be of the principal attractions. The s to the Gymnasium will be ed an hour early each day and remain open one hour later to lit an inspection of the food dis- Georgta Power Company and Electric Company will have a play of modem electric equipment ring how the home can be com ely electrified. here are many important an- ncements regarding the school will not be made until Wednes- morninir when a -pecial cooking id section will be sent »ut through city. The special section will aii final details regarding regis- j n for many feature.-. The sec- vvill also curry complete details ill tho taking part. Admission to the school is abso- lv free and it is the hope of The A them High to Form Local Opposi tion. Cadets Play First Game Thursday in Mndison. Coach Slap Rcntz has his team ready to open the season Thursday nfteVnoon in Madison when they will play the Aggies of Coach Butts, al though the firet game to be played here will come April 4th. Athens High school will be the team selected to help raise the cur tain on the diamond season in Mil- ledgcville. The high schoolers were the opening opponents last year and the cadets came through without look ing their scalp by a small margin. The game is expected to be one of the best of the season. In Madison the cadets will spend two days, playing Thursday and Fri day. Coach Butts has one of the best teams he has had in the three years he has directed athletics at the Aggie school. Coach Kentz stated that he had ,e of the hardest biting teams in the history of the school and if his pitchng staff came through he ex pected to have another championship team at the college. The new uniforms which are white trimmed in red have been issue dto the following: Batchelor, Baza nos, Robinson, Thompson, May, Rich, Ennis, Thompson, and Martin. Four others will be given out Thursday be fore the cadets louve for Madison. Money Paid Thirty-one Pensioners! Judge Stembridge Receives Last! Payment for First Quarter of 1930. Number Dwindles Only thirty-one names remain on th? pension roll, Judge Bertie Stem- bridge stated when she received the final payment on the money due foi th fir.-t quarter payment of 1830. The number of pensioners has gradually dwindled until only a few remnin. Since thi CENSUS TAKING WILL BEGIN ON NEXT WED’DAY Enumerators Will Begin Work April 2nd. Mrs. McCollar and Mr. Addas to Take Gty COUNTY OFFICIALS NOT NAMED ment was received a few weeks ago. r.. of the number died leaving nine veterans and twenty-two widows to receive un allotment from the state four times during the year. The state finance. n%»«lc it im possible to pay all ihe money at one t:me and the first payment this year was divided. The money received Tuesday wa* the renmnder due. Judge Stembridge stated that most of the money had been given out and those who had not received their part were expected to come to the office thi Counting Milledgcvillc and Bald win County’s population and gaining other information for the statiscians will begin Wednesday morning, April the first pay- 2nd, it has been .announced by the Rev. J. F. Yarbrough, pastor of the Millcdgeville, Methodist church, will leave next Monday for LaGrange, where he will preach in revival ser- FARM LOANS ARE EXPECTED Mr. Andrews Attends Meeting in Washington. Baldwin Alotment Not Yet Announced Dr. H. D. Allen, founder of Allen’s invalid Home and Chairman of ihe Board of Directors of the Exchange Bank and "ihe Merchants & Fanners Bank, died at his home late Saturday afternoon, taking from life Baldwin county's first citizen. Baldwin’s First Citizen Died Late Saturday Application blanks for farm loam, | e expected this week, Mr. „ L. H. J Andrew's stated following a visit to Washington, Georgia, Monday where representatives from eighteen coun ties gathered to get information and make plan, for the Federal aid to the farmers of the State. Mr. Andrews slated that Baldwin county had one of the highest rec ords in the state for loans paid back and that they would b consideration. Fifteen lars was alloted the county last year. lthcugh only nine thou and was loaned. The directors of th'.* loan this year have asked for thirty thou, and, however, the exact amount has not been made public. The official representing the national government and addressed ntatives who gathered in ushington Monfiny, stated that the minute the President signed the bill , the allotments wouid be made and f 1 ** u: ' 8 Be Big Hit Thurs- the applications could be put through, lav and Friday of This Week. | ll . wa * rtaU?d as u certainty that th. Thousands Pay Final Tribute to Dr. H. D. Allen at Funeral Services Monday Afternoon at The Methodist Church. Founder of Allen’s Invalid Home and Head of Two Banks Ends Useful Life FIVE STILLS ARE CAPTURED Couty Officen Continue Dry Rnidi During Lost Week end Add Five More to Bag The dry crusaders of Baldwin j county who began a ►erics of raids several weeks ugo to malte Bcidvrin I county safe for Volstead, added five ■ their bag during the suptrviror of this district. Mrs. C. B. McCollar nnd Mr. Ewell Atkins have been xusigned the job of counting the people of tho city. Rev. J. F. McClurey is to handle Hardwick and the State Hospital, but the names of the other people who will complete the team to go out through the county have not been mode known. The questions to be asked cover many subjects but are to be held in strictest confidence by the people who ask them and the government authentic, who will receive the com pleted reports. The enumerators will have to com plete their work in a limited time and all people are asked to answer ques tions promptly and to co-operate with them in every way possible. It is predicted that Milledgeville and Baldwin county will have a large increase in population after the count CHAIN STORES AGREATMENACE Senator Ed Rivera Saya Tkey Take Away From A Community nnd Givn Nothing in Retnrs Senator Ed Rivers was a.vticU by large and attentive audience Wcd- sday evening of last week, when he discussed the Evils of the Chain ill avail herself of the . f attending the school. D. Callaway, a food j Georgia Power Com et be present at the U diicusg the prepnru- :l special dishes includ- I tk "** that may be .sted at theii 80 gallon i. A fifty i I f> und hid near 1 i* under charge' vners. 14 barrel Ions of whiskes per outfit read;. »n s ! was lalt . Ezell home. A lCe ; charge «»f violating the prohibits ■ friprator. prepa JS1SS MEN STAR IN SHOW:: . Ul I HIS IT rPK. Ur £e Number to Take Part -° m * ,oca l People i»ehind the foot l "d Friday night . bill would be signed before the first ! of April. Preparation >f the land for plant in'.; his been delayed and Mr. An drews stated that it was nei •s=ary th:»t the money be available early n*.xt month if the farmers were to be benefited by the loan. Dr. H. D. Allen, Baldwin County’s, conducted by Rev. J. F. Yarbrough, ' rast week best loved and most esteemed citi- 1 pastor of the Methodist church, and j Thursday i zen. parsed away at his residence at i Rev. F. H. Harding of St. Stephens | hast Baldwii Alim’s Invalid Home at 6:30 o’clock Episcopal church. j white man, a: Saturday afternoon, March 22nd. Mr. Yarbrough in hir eulogy pa Dr. Allen’s death fallowed a stroke a touching tribute to Dr. Allen, and i that they % of paralysis, with which he was the beneficent work he had done in »«vv„ v , w , stricken Thursday morning. During bk-ssing and aiding humanity, which, thousand uoi- tkt th*'*-" 1 * days of his illness, us phy- w.-j. akin to that done by Christ 1 'siciana, nurses and loved ones watch- ! He was upon the earth, eb at his bedside and battled for his The cortege that accompanied the life, the pcopL of Milledgeville und j remains to their last renting plai Baldwin courtly, with the deepest was on: of th:- largest ever seen in * ,aw ‘ concern, uwarlcd news .and hopeu am! the city. Profound sorrow was writ- Friday a ntgro, Dave Reid was ar- prayed that his life would be spared, ten <»n the faces of the concourse of i rested at hi* home as the alleged When it became known that the people .-urround ; ug the grave a* the turner of a distilling apparatus and end had come, and the heart that had ast sad rites w* pronounced by the 1 barrel of beer which was found on beat in sympathy with humanity ihinistirs. his place. h c . : uted that the Chain Stores was ;t.il, a pall of sadness and gloom The pall-buurers were: Messrs. Mr. O. M. Harper was also arrest- were operated by capitalist in the settled over the community, as ex- Otto M. Conn, Oscar Ennis, tf. 1‘. td for the ownership of .an outfit financial centers and that they were prtasion • of sorrow of the great loss Beil. Drs. R. C. Swint, Richard Bin- that was buried. The 250 gallon taking from a community and gave that had befallen our people were on, T. M. Hall, Y. H. Yarbrough and '. stilling machinery were unearthed nothing in return. The A&P Stores, spoken. Hundreds of friends visit- Dr. J. L. Be son. Honorary Escort in wood-, making the second outfit Rogers and S-ars and Roebuck took ed the home to express their sympa- Directors i f The Exchange and that has been found buried. Four fifty million dollars annually from thy for th;- bereaved ones, and as Merchants 4: Farmers Bank; E E. ciarrd barrels’were also found, one the trade channels of Georgia, and the news of the death of I)r Allen Bell, M. S. Bell, G. (J. McKinley, A. them containing a gallon of whis contributed nothing towards building The auditorium at the Courthouse Was filed to it- rapacity, and the crowd of citizens that gathered heard a strong indictment of tho Chain Stores, and their effect upon the rt immunities in which they are estab- ; li«hed. Th? meeting was presided over by Col. Marion Allen, and Capt. J. H. ying that he had always been true the* people of Georgia. Mr. Rivers gpuk? "for nearly two >u*v, and b« Id the closet attention was carried throughout th country by the daily pre number which hat b Method W. aft. annoum ,,, ( j ( 1 l "' '' Prominent j The W. C. T. U. will hold their nessc hj l!. W V ' takt ‘ nnrt • r ‘‘‘ ru,ar meeting on next Tuesday uf- jje’n ‘ ,“ n »ed the ternoon at four o’clock in the Men’s life local 'j., I*** lVer * ,Pen jB'ble Clata Room of the Baptist phy- l'«Tformern. .church. AH members are uiged to blessed this •'v.n r “"<• rrWy"niZl .an ...r'P p ' r, °" the - r t the opportunity to have been in pro! a:,, ,i and the coach ■I P,,r..' m ' ho “ f °v the . , tonight ke’l h’ of the show t hd- . Choru * of twenty h will i ' ,h * bab v «how kt ' ‘""oted by Mm. Lang,. ^ ? n ad ded feature, las ■' “ ,eatlln K the east which of the best ametucr r Milledgeville. The wr 51 * 4 to b °" ““tt wt d cr„.a " at ’tttlicata . Krc-- Dr »< be present. half Jon. W. k, Hutchison, E. R. Hines, Jos. E. Pot- Early Saturday morning tee, Erwin Sibley, W. A. Walker, R. Eastern part of the county . Mf ou, Lamar Ham, R. W. Hatch- named Whit Johnson was ■. Dr. J. I. Garrard, Dr. L. P. Longi- wh I • operating a 125 gailo n<». Dr. N. P Walker, Dr. G. L. Ech outfit Johnson was jurt . Dr. J. W. Mobley, H. S. Jones, 1 iuncock county fine and wl £. W. Thornton, Dr. G. A. Lawrence, '.i Sparta Tue day he wa W. W. Stembr dgc. E. E. Bass, B. Si00.00 and placed on probation sen- <>f tl H. Dunaway, Alonza Simp'on, J. C. tenet for 12 months. t es paying linal tribute to the Cooper, Hurry Bom-, L. N. Jordan, Federal prohibition officer Fred mere character of a citizen and J. B. O’Quinn, Geo. W. Hollinshead, Sutton was on the raids with county ’ patronized hy the people of th* n who had touched and , l~ H. Andrews, E. C. Kidd, Frank officer Roiund Lawrence, and Har- munity. unity for more than Broome and Lewis Flinvister. per und the Ezells were carried to Throughout his speech he held the ces were held at church Monday ’clock. AH busi- is in the city wa* suspended, and large gathering a was ever wit- ised in Milledgeville a bled I up the State. the | He in • rt»d their business methods, negro ; raying that they used deception in •ested indurirr trade, and many o.* the opper 11.,1 d. they sold did not come up in r the we gat, and measurements to tl^osi tried sold i.y the local merchants, fined 1 h y would destroy the opportunity sen- of the young m'*n of local ccmmuni- t es to engage successfully in the Fred ; m-r< untile busine.-s, if they were entury. The (Coi back page) I Mucon. and released . I Chair Union-Recorder Installing New Equipment this' Week Store.s up us the menace of the it time to the happiness and prosperity of the people, as they were great centralization of wealth which | would drain this section of its money N’ew machinery, representing an in-| ing machine which will be used in , press was added and this machine was : should be.” , nnd give nothing in return, lie urg- vestment of sveeral htousand dollars, cuting the paper, the machine is further improved by the addition of The people of the city are extend- I ed his hearers to stand by the local W ‘H b« installed in The Union-Re- 'especially constructed to insure an ink fount to insure even distribu- ed a coruial invitation to inspect The merchants for their ielf preservation, corder office this week bringing ; acuracy and neatness; one all elec- tion of Ink on all job*. Union-Recorder plant any time dur- During his speech hc spoke of the about another step in the moderni- trie stapler, built for speed and Editor R. B. Moore in commenting ing Monday. All the new machines j great work being done by Mr. Hen- efficiency and purchased with a view Ion the new machinery said, “It has . will be in place and we are anxious demon of Shreveport, La., in inform- of making it possible to do more been my desire to have a jam up - that all those who are interested to ing and arousing the people against punching machine; printing office equaled by none of come by. the smaller plants in the state. I be- Reinvesting money into the busi- lieve that we row have the best ness will mean better service, better nation of the office to greater im prove the efficiency in the service the new.-p&per and printing depart ments rneder the people of Baldwin county. In the shipment that reached Mil- IcdgeviUe this week are two all steel typo cabinets, the very latest models, with many late attachments to in- crease efficiency; two all steel im posing tables one of thept for the department and one for complete series book work; one perforator; fiv of new type. The office entered into an expan- sion program eight years ago install ing the latest model linotype with many face* of type. The following year a new improved cylinder pres, for prints* the newsnancr and tV equipped shop in the state located in work and more improved appearance a smaller town and equipment that of the work. The Union-Recorder will compare favorably with any that j has always had a policy to give their the Hhop- in the cities have. We customers the best of everything and want our fronds and customers to the owners feel that their latest step taspeet this new enntame-t and to «s one that will mean much to those • an thctrH ent- college paper*. Last year a new Job see a complete printing office as it who want fine printing. the evil of the Chain Store. CADETS TO HAVE ANNUAL TRACK MEET TUESDAY The Ipjinual inter-company field day and trade meet at G. M. C. will be staged as usual next Tue^iday. April 1st. Each company of the haMallhn will enter a team ar.d the winning team will be presented the Couslcy cup.