Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 03, 1930, Image 13

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THE UMIOmtECOSDEIt. MILLEDCEVILLE, GA„ APRIL 3, 1U0 E10 „.h Ham *-“* k.n t--"™ 1 " 1 ha “, J *W> K . hopped celery 1 e»P '“V . nw'flake crackers ■ rn '’ Cro tl,on.i*« or cooked j o cop nuy [when the spring' comes—and want j *o d r * 88 ap my kitchen—and I am j fixing right now to give it a coat of paint and put up some new curtains but I get .5 thrill! The trouble i> 8 —I can’t do it all. I told the good man of the house a little while back ! that I longed to ue twins—one of • me would go 0 that I manage I would stay* at home and plant and per hour was maintained. Gasoline J weaknesses appeared, 1 consumption average# approximately expected—iK-c&ute Chrysler c 17.5 miles to the gallon. fn connection with this long grind it is interesting to consider pass laboratory tests < i before being released. of this sturdy Chrysler. , . Each piston traveled 22,748 mlies and do the things , up and down> The crankgh|l£t turn _ do—the other j ed over i 6 f, f667f744 timcfIf and therc i happening under the hood j NEGRO SERVANT PAYS TRIBUTE TO OR. H. D. ALLEN said—” that might be nice for you —but you both couldn’t stay here —”—So—I shut up. Wouldn't you TtlE “IRON” WOMAN j 1-2 cup ■; pjmento®* green pePI’ crs , rtaJl tl . i. n:un J ul " 1 0 ’ ...ml mustard finely cut (rnkd j ifc rrt** ' torii»' J ... 11, ik"*® I see by the papers (as Will Rog ers says) that there is to be a ’ wonderful performance given here this week on Wednesday, Thursday land Friday, which will star a Wo- 1 man—an “Iron" Woman (for want ol better word)—and that all of us and have a good sliced time—eat which will be prepared and marvel i at the ways of this "Woman" and- ENGINE’S RUN 0FJ9 DAYS Impresses German Engineers isburg, Ga., March 26, 1930 In memory of Dr. H. D. Allen, who tu ov uuing rigiii wiuioui MiOW- the wheels rotated 36,472,204 times, ing my regards by speaking a word When the fact is known that the I of consolation and encouragement to average automobile engine comprises his loved ones, for he was my friend, some 450 working parts, it is easy to He was a good man; a father to me. appreciate that the merest fault in I He brought my mother and me when the smallest unit would immediately j he started the hospital, together, so have affected thr smooth operation I can but say he was a friend to both of the eng:ne. But no mechanicul white and colored, so not only me, but the whole State of Georgia has lost a friend. Dr. Allen’s initials were H. D. A., but I take it meaning this. H for harmony, D for devotion, and A for all—Harmony and devotion to all, and that showed the 1 met you with a pleasant look and a hearty welcome, and may God bless his family. The men who build a community ore the ones who make their home there, and arc interested in its ad vancement and progress. They are not outsiders who come in to drain the community of all they can get out of it. Sixty-nine days of continuous run- refreshments 1 ning! A distance of more than two ncs around the world! That is Chrysler’s most recent 1 tap * , jamatoes rups canned corn l dips diced celery 1 teaspoon salt j ,ji. water r,;I ;;u minutes so-forth-and-'O-on. Now that will 1 achievement on the road. and I shall certairly there provided 1 can touch the right i button to release me from any con flicting engagements. “Aye—there’s j I nm sure that all of us will be : Sauce Using Make Whi - tl*. butter 5 gu. flour 1 1.2 teaspoon salt 1-4 teaspoon pepper Mix with vegetables add 1*2 cup ,r,„d cheese. Serve piping hot- J«» half my gray nv.tter-1 mwah*- stay be added. the r " ult bt ' most * Spke Cake 2.3 cup butter 1 12 cap sugar 2 tggn (beaten separately) I . B p hour milk 2 caps flour J teaspoon soda 1 t-aspoun nutmeg 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves Without a stop of the engine, and in all kinds of weather, a Chrysler "65" Sedan roiled up 63,710 miles on the Avus Speedway between Ber lin nad Potsdam, Germany, under the upervbion of German automo- t thankful to The Union-Record-j ii VF authorities, and so astonished the Georgia Power Company and lhc mot „ r „. orld thnt German en- j ginoers asked for permission to tear down the car and study the construc tion and qualitv of its parts. The great distance covered by this Chrysler car in the 69 days is equal . - . ... . to more than the distance that the the result will be mos gracing a cflr flv . Thc to me and the Judge will be thunk- car waj >tm rf „rming smoothly mg all concerned. 1 am so I and efficiently when the long run was abruptly terminated by a colli sion, caused by a dense fog which in terfered with the driver's vision. Six drivers alternated at the wheel. Only the necessary stops for fuel, oil, tires and change of pilots were the town in general—who sponsor this cooking “show”—and if I take along my paper and pen cil—anybody who ever saw me wtth-X ‘ it “gimme" a dollar) and Nuts i ; he added. HINTS FOR THE HOME By NANCY HART Goldfish As Pet h Me ly sold to the idea of anything elec trical—that a passing agent might be able to seil me most anything— but all of “us women" could suggest oodles of things which we would like to get hold of. For instance a device that would make us hold our tongues when we "oughter”—and all that. The ft-low that would invent* an electric fence that would cletri- ■ cute any hen that tried to “climb" j it in search of the negihuor’s Y’ow- or garden—would .nuke a big hit— ; to say nothing of a big lortune. So —I am going to that “show" all htree days—and I am going to “learn everything" from that Iron Woman T * u/i.wv Tl,.,, 1 po sibly can. You see—I am MaVC * ou a Jar .° . . stressing the Iron Woman more than in the vouue Jtot now. And A. ^ ^ Qf ^ ^ who ,, „ iM.-on w y un n ® have Chang,—f or 1 MIGHT (Home ™ -hferato /mm koldflri. of . bo ™ ^ ^ ^ of ‘ w years ago, but that the glass ... ... ... ,r, for holding them are different "» us thmgs-probably hey .ire more utlractive than they coa n0 c ouff . , - _ I am certainly curious to see that • it were hi fore. Therefore every- ... , . . Iron Woman—and find out what nhe >dy wishes to have goldflah. , . . . . ... . can do and how she can do ttl how I here was u f.me when all pet nian -y p aces she can fro—nnd how ...If ■ h-rliey are never pet goldfish he hold them. If she onn think . ne Way. hut nil lame goldfish— of ail thing , al onc tim w—and not f in globes—just big or little or Rct th[m miled , p! if s he enn be ..Iiiim s.zed frlohc,. of Blass. 3 mem h er 0 f five roganinations and . But that was a long time aco und r< , mpnlbur wWch , funi „ n „ h atl • methods of keeping goldfish have KMk oine Berta (an ,, , ped largely aiaee then. For uraund a ml . ti „g ocaElon.Uy); if • n ha;, a truly lovely thing she can „ in the n ,„ r „i n g_gn. a b ■. m to keep one s goldfish. It 0 and ptncil and jot do wn the ... ..•■ any shape one desires and , |Ag to do thal dav „ r ; : LS f sh “P‘- l ” ““ «• get left—and then 'ill in the things ■ i. i.ui s rooms. not so important until the white 0 tht !’ rctt, “ t »/ tht ‘ »•» sheet look- like”an inventory of a for fishes is n bowl that hardware store If she will get up nt six-thirty in the morning—make out that list—be on hand for class es at eight—back home at one— the yard to see about a few here this or that should be planted—make out a list of groceries—arrange Miss Koch Chosses Meats From H. Enms , Market TO USE IN THE COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS The fine quality'—the tender jniceness, the sanitary methods of handleing our meats made this cooking expert recognize at once that ENNIS MEATS were the Best in the State. Your orders given prompt attention—and you know that you get the best when you order from Ennis Palace Market "Absolutely tes frt.m the ceiling or from • iciet high up on the wall. This xiobe looks like a big Japanese lan- ,ern , with a lacqurcd base of red or ."•en or black, and a colorful taaul ^Tof"‘work Urging from it, and cords at the top swinging it from its hook or bracket. i, . particularly decorative bit iTdrin.^T.ltanrt. ftoT-.W then on to practice—back to plant out some things before dark—af ter supper do a few hours typing and hurry to bed in order that she may hurry up in the morning in or- "( furnishing. Thtrc .are also all the charming n»h howls or holders that stand on 'Upport* of metal. These are some- limvs just little frameworks that are ST1? ^ may get to her Care: n, ° a r‘" EOn loor - on time—«tc—etc—than I think I , „LTl 1 “ fm “^ u * u * 1,5, in * n might like to buy her. I need her in *} u* br »>nre finish. lb Sometimes the fish bowl is irides- 1,,° ' utiractivc. suggests all brilliancy of a soap hubble captured de tangible. heard of anything thnt has thrilled me more than to be able to get to a school that will teach me . . | something about my electric stove , on „ k "°“ f""'t you. that there —have had it for quite a while- V„„ I„, aa V , q “ d ‘ ”, but it 1. still "teacher's pef-and 1. elnl , ' ln c wa f er m a j dare an yhody else to touch it. It " lmt lh “ I. my ™«r«,tion- and when I fee- i rme blue or srreen. rod nr vcl- , , . . . .. . , down and out—I go turn on the heat -ick are colored i ' nitocUUy to pile in your ,0 - These, too, are a pretty fh'-y make the fish globe Cresting in color. the water in tint the water? You or green, red or yel- tinted watre i • —* \nd .i .. . and cook something and all the hi tn“n thorp nro polornd mnr. . , , , mess in me just burns out. and I ready to “come up smiling." I about to become a regular recipe fiend—I cannot lay a paper down without cutting out every recipe it contain*—every magazine I see I nnt to tear out or save in some way very word it says about something ..ice to cook. 1 think I missed my aspoon^of ca ]jj n(f — and jf we bad had rtectric toves in “my driy”—I probably ould now he a “chef" in some big ‘••I' h-ft-over pieces of veal .nnd ■ 'i. on** oqnco of butter, one des-' ^rtspoo n of flour, one « xtnct. one small onion, .little >h juice, nonnor and salt. Mince • UP of tantaT^Si 'on" the P « r h0tPl in New Vork c, ‘y— of • • .V , ,, ° n th, cn -ting 1—2—3—4—at a Woman's H meUed m'ia Vnto 7'Z TJ' ! C ° llf>f1 ’' 1 *° °” » relreUr " ,Prfe " h'"n ^ then stir in the nnd salt, the very finely minced ^ " -roth. Continue to stir r-. ;i i iilon, r a squeeze of lemon juice. - !, , Smn0th - ^ PT n°ve from heat, N w heo* al lthoroughly. and pile •3 n little* cool. cit-Sr itof 0 up in little ramakin cases, sprinkling "leat, seasoning if pepper finely chopped parsley over the top. Omega Flour Selected by thousands of Discriminating Housewives Be cause Every Bakery Test Has Been Satisfied Miss Koch selected Omega to Demonstrate Cake Bak ing at the Cooking School, because she knew there would be no failure and the cakes would be so much more delicious— Use Call Your Grocer Today for a Sack and You Will Find Your Baking a Pleasure