Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 03, 1930, Image 7

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THE UWION KECOKOER, MILLEPCEVILLE, GA APRIL 9m :ial Mien is spending MISS CECILL HUMPHRIES week in Atlanta. ENTERTAINES ON TUESDAY * j Miss Cecile Humphries entertain- i- A ter is spending ed most delightfully on Tuesday al- t h. eek in Atlanta. • ternoon in honor of her sister, Mrs. • • * j Farish Tilley, who leaves this week B'.aml -pent Monday for her home in Minnesota. t ur- Atlar.au VI, \\. A. Bostick spent l, r . M>- . ram ., lu the V*** * „ . - U#V*" h f /•. I .me and Miss Cnro ,-k-end, visiting the Savannah. I). T. Rankins spent : the past week in .li Allen has returned to Atlanta t- pending the past week wnh her mother, Mrs. H. D. Allen Jla-ler !:■ vnolds Allen is visiting hi* ^randm-ither, Mrs. Reynolds, in man Lee Burnett is visit- vnta, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ur. anti Mrs. L. C. Hall have re- tmni from Miami where they fptta Mveral days visiting their daughter. Mis- Alice Hall. Quantities of spring flowers ol I rautiful tints made a scene of loveli ness in the rooms where the guest* were seated for bridge. After the games delicious refreshments were served. Eulogy to Jos* E* Pottle The State's finances seem to be in bad way. The future doesn’t look D.. \Y/ I I I • I l to bri * ht and » time Georgia oy i nomas W. Hardwicki ado p tcasoracre «'pwantandtho long and some fhat During stormy life I have been honored and blessed with the friendship of many loyal and faithful friends. Here- lies the noblest Roman ot them all. Joe Pottle was a_ gentle as i child, as modest as a 'voman, and yet as btravt- as a lion. Open-hand ed and warm-hearted, his generous nature knew no guile .and (pooped to c S. C. FACULTY TO TAKE PART INC. E. A.MEETING Session to Be Hold in Macon on April 18th, anil 18th. Sophomore Class to Fnrnish Music Appearing on the program of the 65th am.ual convention of the Geor gia Education Association which will I have known him as the forceful |be held in the Municipal Auditorium and efficient solicitor-general for,at Macon, Ga., April 17-11*, are the the Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit; an (following members of hte G. S. C. leaders of the state took hold and PMt it through. WANTED—On. or IDod Md., quick—W. J. CHANDLER. J»i< reci.nl ... Print, in nttrnclire nntMrn.—CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. WANTED—On. nr t.o ,„„d clre. Mnl.. quick—W. J. CHANDLER. Mr. Choiles Hurt will return to >. Mo.. Friday, after a visit to •tht-r. Mr . H. M. Hurt, who ‘ i.u«aisy him hack to DeSoto. und Mr.-. E. E. Bell spent day in Atlanta, with Mrs. Mary ■ I.uthcr. who is in Wesley Me- DR. AND MRS. WALKER HONOR MISS FREDERICKSON AND DR. DOBYNS. Dr.and Mrs. N. P. Walker enter tained on Wednesday evening in hon or of Miss Leone Frederick-on and Dr. W. F. Dobyns whose marriage will be an interesting event of Thurs day. The officers of the State Hospital and their wives were the invited guests. Flowers grown in Mrs. Walker's garden carried out. a color motif which added to the beauty of the party. BrMge was enjoyed before delici ous refreshments were served iful line Victoria Wash 81.00 each—CHANDLER’S office that he retained for many W. faculty: Miss Alice Lenoru Tuck-! VARIETY STORE, j years, as long as the people could er will direct the Sophomore class induce him to hold it, and in the i which will furnish music for the i unduct of which he was so fair and Friday evening program, just in his relations to the Courts. ! j n the English Council, Miss th Juries, and the defendants that j Katherine Scott will ,alk on “Induc- h.- never asked for a verdict that tlv tive Teaching of Grammar" and Dr. interest of society did not require i W. T. Wynn wlil discuss “Some and he rarely asked in vain. Phases of Southern Literature." Mis:: known him as the able and Scott will also act as secretary in the Gubernatorial candidates seem plentiful from the present outlook. Do not. -he too quick to light on a candidate, you can never tell who will have the bug to bite them and there is plenty of time to choose a candidate. Fertilisers, the best in the world. Select year spring het now. Beeati- ful new Styles, now on display— CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. COTTON SEED FOR SALE—Cok er’s Cleveland long staple Cotton 5e«d for planting, at $1.00 par basket. See W. L. Ritchie. Blue Seal Flour SPECIAL PRICE accomplished lawyer, learned in the law. scorning trickery and petti fogging, upright and honest in his dealings with all men, courieou* and friendly with the courts and with his brethrm at the bar, illustrating and and exemplifying in his life and in hi* career the noblest traditions of his high profession and thus guining and retaining the univer ul confidence and esteem of his brethren through out the State to such an extent that ue of his death he held and [adorned the position of President of DR. DOBYNS THURSDAY. .the Georgia Bar Association. Mins Loono Fredrickson^ will be-| • , havc known him „ n so]dicr „ ho come the bride of Dr. \\. F. Dobyn. | ]n ,' !u niorninjf of bis manhood left at the home of „ Macon friend on lhb ,, cmc and loved onM t „ tj) , ht Thursdny afternoon nt f.vothnty und( . r th<J Stars and Stripcs in thc it has been announced. | Spanish American War. Dr. Bohyns arrived in the city \\ ed- \ j bav , known him as the brilliant ntsdny and he and Miss Frederick- >nd c | oquen , oral „ r „ ith the puwcr MISS FREDERICKSON TO WED Department of Deans of girls and women, and Dr. Wynn is scheduled t talk on “The Value of Academic Studies” at the Phi Delta Kappi breakfa.-t on Saturday morning. Dr. Geo. Harris Webber will ac i chairman in the Department of Teacher Training; leading discussions Dr. Webber’s department will he Miss Euri Belle Bolton, Dr. Thoiras B. Meadows, and Dr. Edwin H. Scott For the lbme Economics Associa tion, Miss Stella Steele will talk i ‘Arms and Objectives of a State Association." Mrs. Surllnc 'Parker Martin will address the Physical Edu cation Association on “The Means and Objectives in Health Education." il leave' for Macon Thursda; afternoon. Immediately a ceremony they will leave for an auto mobile trip through Virginia return ing to Memphis, where they wil make their nome. Miss Frederickson has been dieti tian at the State Hospital severa year.- and has made many friend; in this city. Dr. Dobyns served nr internship at the hospital. Mrs. J. C. BtaUnm ante W - Hazel Batson. a daughter of most de,i * htfuily at brid « e Mi und Mrs. Fred Batson under- «< n; an operation for appendicitis •• * c *ty hospital Friday morning. >!l :s n " u ,,n her way to recovery. i H- n. Jack Cohen, editor, and Mr. l alph Smith, of the Atlanta Journal, came to the city Saturday aft- rnoon, t0 join in Pttyivg tribute to their : '' ■' E. Pottle. i'r. ami Mr*. Stanford will leave rniay for Atlanta where they will *dend a Chiropratic convention. Dr. M- Burgess of Statesboro will n th m here and accompany them 18 tht,r automobile. Thursday afternoon in honor of Mis. Leone Frederickson a bride of thi. week. Spring flowers in baskets nnc va.es were used in carrying out •: most beautiful color scheme. Afle: the shames delicious refreshment-* were served. Miss Frederickson was presented a beautiful set of linen tin napkins as honor guest and prize.*, were givei for high and low score. U. W. TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON. The American Association ol University Women wlil meet Mon day evening, April *ith at eight p. at the G. S. C. W. Tea Room, the past week-end in The hostesses will Be Miss Rogers, -I. rsonville, visiting Mrs. W. C. j Mia* Katherine Scott and Miss Bur- who is remembered as Miss feitt. Mr,. Pace accompnni. P-iDdt-n T. P jiitden and Mr. Jock 1 tkem hoir ' , “ nd Mr " V. C. Webber, of N ’ Y - »P«"t several day, .. ,hl ""k Mr. and Mr,. Wootteo. Mr. Webber i, •••-l’r-sident of the Brooklyn Un- A,ni ' LoUi ' e Cav ‘, has rc- M.ri. ’ h ' Woman's Collep. at i i ^ a ^ r upending and Mr^H h ? r par * nts ’ Mr • 1 Davis, at the Dixie *ny. 'I-. J A ‘, ^ B"dgea and daughter, i i,4 " f Savann »h. were call- j,....l on amount of the _ ' f Mrs. Hodge’s brother. Col. ' Ble. She is the only sur- ' Cr of Col. Pottle. -. i!I r „ c - G - Wiry, Jr., of • accompanied Judge ..„ rall.d " 10 thC City ' h * vln * .lh „r ■' lccount of the 1 "1 Bottle. Mrs. Riley daughter Judge Pottle, * Wren M p T' ' Mn! ' J ' H - Forr and , Ruth ood Baker, of Tignoi, ' “ooh-end in the city, vislt- ' ' M ,. D - VMl - L - «■ ' ’" ul p orr and Mi„ • * Tbcy wert accompanied \ i ,e T, n TiKnal by Mrs - w. “ d Mttle daughter. Joan. W. M. U. TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON. The Woman’s Missionary Union of the Baptist church will meet Mon day afternoon at four o’clock in thc Men’s Bible Class Room of the church. The Doris Knight circle will have charge of the program and circle B. will have charge of the social half hour. Mrs. F. W. Hendrickson President of the Union and a 1 attendance is urged. AUXILIARY OF AMERICAN LE GION HELD MEETING TUESDAY The Auxiliary of the Americ) Legion held their regular monthly meeting at the American Legion Hall Tuesday afternoon. In the absenc of the President, Mrs. Kenneth Mc Millan, Miss Bertie Sfeemhridgc pre sided, at the business meeting. Af ter the transaction of regular busi ness, Mrs. Thos. Reese hud charge j of the program. Mrs. Reese made I a talk on the “Poppy”, and Mrs. C. | B. McCullar spoke on National de-| fense. iway listening Senates and Con ventions and to impress the people, on thc hustings, with the power of his logic, the beauty of his diction, and ♦*»*• fervor and sincerity of his appeal. In the more intimate and persona! relations of life I have known him as the devoted and unselfish husband, ns the loving and indulgent father, ns the affectionate and considerate brother. I have known him. best of all, a» the faithfub and loyal friend, who never offered excuse or alibi, who i never asked for vacation or fur lough, who gave his all to his friends withe ut question, without stint, with out limit, and with no thought of possible reward. Yes, I have known him, admired him and loved him all of these years, for all of these things, and I slfcll I miss him and mourn him as long as my ovto life shall last and I shall | never again visit this beautiful mid-! die Georgia City but what I shall t find myself longing for the touch of, a vanished hand and the sound of a^ voice that is stilL Today, my friends, we meet in this' solemn .ceremony to pay our hist' tribute of love and respect to the memory of o.-r dear dead friend. He was a tall, man, a sun-kissed man, who lived about the clouds in the higher ntmosphdre of public duty und of private thinking. Today, I can pronounce no finer ulogy upon him than is contained •n the single, simple sentence: "Those who knew him best loved him most ” Today we shall lay his body in the ^som of the soil he loved so well for its last long rest hut we know that his spirit is already at rest in the bosom of the God who gave it. The Standard of Comparison. How often knee n beard “It h h “ ,tood *« »«* fnr year.. h gT” r WfR'"*. Vtt Sack ....$1.20 „■ 5 ed V“.7 10nd or Be » u, y- p« Sack $i.oo 24 lb. SnowbiO, Per Sack ^ No. 2 1-2 Silver Bar Peeled Apricot. Per Can 3t c No. 2 Slvc. Bar Yellow Cling Peache.. 3 Can. for S»c No. 2 Stiver Bar Corn, Extra Good, Per Can 15c Golden Crown Mixed Vejetable*. 3 Can. for , S| c _. „ , (Make. Ddiciou Vegetable Salad) Liny Midget or Very Small Gold Bar Pea. C Cant for Sl.Qff , n . u G®«L None BeUer) 1 Ft. Jar Salad Bawl Mayonnaiw jj, 1 lb Jar Sunbeam Peanut Batter, Regular 46c, 3#c No. 2 1-2 Gold Bar Fre«h Prune. 25- 7 lb>. Extra Fancy Pearl Grit. 25c (We Receive Weekly Shipments Direct From The MBs) SATURSDAY SPECIALS 25-30 lbs. Armour Betfie. . jy c (Special Price on 25-150 Bh Sidet) Good Boiling Meat ]2 [,2c Home-Rai.-ed Dressed Hen. 4 to 6 H». Milk-Fed Frier. 1 1-2 to 2 lb*. Sliced Ham, Sliced Tongue, Sliced Peel. Genuine No. 1 Fat Maekeval. T un,i ' 1 S * J * d - Eltr * Un* Hard Wkite Uttnce, Nice Tender Celry, Cabbage, Tnrnipt with Top., Tomatoes, Carrots and Strawberries. FRESH EVERY DAY BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 763—PHONES—410 JS/ow. ARROW BROADCLOTHS arc Sanforized to guarantee permanent fit From ARROW TRUMP Whitt $J95 to “BARONET in colors 55 ONLY ARROW SHIRTS HAVC ARROW COLLARS JOHN HOLLOWAY The Mans Store FOR RENT—Two furnUke* or un furnished room* with private bath. Call 464. Field Day Middie. in the dau • 81.00—CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. DON’T FORGET YOUR TREES AND SHRUBS NOW IS THE TIME TO USE X/IGORO W A product of Swift & Company Complete plant ftH*d for linens, gardens, flmcera. shruls. trees Treat them liberally early and note the wonderful change in your trees and shrubs— In fact ail we ask you is to tiy one lot of VIGORO on anything you ha\ e growing—Gardens vegetables, flowers and shrubbery. Ask your neighbors about VIGORO. R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Whukeak A Retail Announcement: Having purchased the “Hat Shoppe," formally owned by Mis. Leni Moore, I wish to invite the former customers of Mitt Moore and all my frinds to visit my Shoppe end inspect the new line of smart pre-Easter Hats which are arriving daily. The same high quality merchandise which has won for the .tore a wide reputation will be continued to be shown each season and I wish to asure every lady in Baldwin and surrounding counties of my sincere appreciat-on for their patronage. Miss Bessie Bland The Hat Shoppe BRICK Thatclink Likc stegl Are Made by the "McMILLAN” Free#** BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. We Make Quick Shipments in Any Quantity. . RICH CLO FACE BRICK—FIRE BRICK—COMMON BRICK Milledgeville BrickWorksCo MILLEDGEV1LLE, GA. , Established 1883 by J. W. McMillan. K. G. McMillan, President Belle McMillan, Vice-President Fraley 3 Pharmac; DRUGS. SUNDRIES, SICK ROOM SUPPLIES. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED DAY OR NIGHT—TELL YOUR DOCTOR TO LEAVE THEM WITH US—DELIVERED PROMPTLY. “ ,H«-MGHTS