Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 10, 1930, Image 4

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THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE. GA-, APRIL 10, 1030 PATRONIZE THE STORE THAT IS HOME-OWNED AND HOME-OPERATED They help to educate your children, build your churches, pave your streets, give your family jobs and do everything to promote the peace and happiness of your family. Dollars spent with these merchants are re-invested for your good. Independent Merchants Association, Inc. CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. To All Whom It May Concern: Carl Moore, having in due form applied to me for Permanent Let ters of Administration, upon the Estate of (Miss) Leni Moore, de ceased; this is to notify the next of kin and creditors of the raid (Miss) Leni Moore, deceased, that aaid application will be heurd before me at the regular May Term, 1930, of the Court of Ordinary of said Bald win County, Georg fore to cite .all persons concerm kindred and creditors, to show era if any they can, why said Exocut should not be discharged from i administration, and receive Lett* of Dismission on the fust Monday May, 11*30. This April 8. 1980. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE. Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. C. N. Chandler, Guardian of my hand and official signa- Annie L. and Levison Thomas, has $ure, this Sevtnth (7th) day of April, applied to me for a discharge from 1930. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE. Ordinary, Baldwin County, Ga. GEORGIA. Baldwin County. To AH Whom It May Concern. Jos. E. Pottle, Jr., of mid State, having applied to me for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of Carl N. Allen, d'- ceased, of said county, this is to ci f c all and singular the heirs and creditors of said Carl N. Allen to be and appear at the May Term, 1930, Court, and his guardianship of said Annie L. and Levison Thomas. This is therefore to notify ull per sons concerned to file their objec tion , if any they have, on or lore the lirst Monday : n May m else he will be discharged irom guardianship as applied for. Aprd 7, 1930. BTRTIE B. STEM BRIDGE, Ordinary. iEORGIA, Baldwin County, o All Whom It May Concern: Jcs. E Pottle, Jr., of said State, having applied to me for letters of i 1U30. oj sai.i -» im ' niBtr at»on de bonis non on the , I1WW vwuoc .. cause, if any they e8tate of Car| N- Alien, deceased, of Term. 1930, of the Court of Ordiw .'ompton, and being of the alue of One Thousand Dollars. The property above dsecribed Wilijscnted by certificates Nos. 7 >e sold as a part of the Estate of and M0, issued by that bank; also, Mrs. Emma Compton, deceatcd, un- | forty-seven shares of the capital stock of The Merchants & Farmers of Ordinary of said County. Let all Bank of Milldegevillc, Georgia, repre- persons show cause at that time and place why the petition should not be der and by virtue of an order grant ing leave to sell the same which or der issued out of the Court of Ordi nary of said Baldwin County. Geor gia, and was granted at the April Term, 1930, in open court, after ci tation had been properly run i ing all persons of the petitioi leave to sell the said property. Said sab- will be made for the pur- ! County F pose of making distribution among the heirs of the said Mrs. Emma Compton, deceased, of the money.- of the said Estate. This seventh day of April, 1930. MRS. BEALL C. HUTCHINGS, Administratrix of the Estate jf Mrs. Emma Compton, Deceased. itock of The Merchants & Farmers Bank of Milledgeville, Georgia, repre en.ed by stock certificate No. 230, issued by that bank; und also, one share of the capital stock of The Baldwin County Fair Association, >tify- I represented by stock certificate No. for j 34, issued by thut association. The share of stock in the Baldwin CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. The appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support out of the ■ state of Clark Tyler, deceased, for his son, Clarence Tyler, a minor, have made their return. All perron are hereby notified to how cause before me at the Mi can, why letters of admiristratj bonis non should not be granted on the < state of said Carl N. Allen. Witness my official signature this 7 th day «*f April, 1980. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. unty, this Association was is in the name cf Baldwin Hotel, which is a trade name of Mrs. Alice E. Me- Craw, under which trade name she operated her hotel busincs.t. The forty-seven shares of capital stock of The Merchants & Farmers Bank, represented by stock certificate No. 230, will be sold in five lolc ; four lots will be of ten shares each, lot of seven shares. The above described property will be sold as the property of Mrs. Alice E. McCraw, deceased, for the pur pose of paying the debts due by her estate and for making distribution among her heirs. This April 7th, 1930. HUGH T. CLINE, As udmini trator of Mrs. Alice E. EXECUTOR'S SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County. By virture of an order of the court of ordinary of Baldwin county, granted upon the application of G. E. McWhorter, a* administrator of the estate of T. II. DcSaussurc, de ceased, late of said county, to sell the personalty of the said T. 11. I.»e Suuss e, deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribution, tnere will be sold before the court house door, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, in the city of Mil ledgeville, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May, 1930, as the property of the said de ceased, the following described pre- sonalty, to-wit. Six (6) United Stutes Gold Bonds of One Hundred Dollars each, bearing four and one-fourth per cent (4 1-4 per cent) interest, being of the fol lowing numbers: 1701077, 1701078, 172737G, 1727317, 1727378, 1727- 279; two (2) four and one-half per cent (4 1-2 per cent Emanuel County road bonds numbers 295 and 338 for one thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each, maturing in 1951 and 1953; two (2) five percent (5 per cent) App’.ing County road and bridge bonds of one thou-and dollars each ($1000.00) being bonds ingular the heirs und aid Carl N. Allen to be and appear at the May Term, 1930, cf said Court, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration de bonis should not be granted on the estate of said Carl N. Allen. Witness my official signature this 7th day of April, 1930. BTRTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. cite nil and Q f smid County, why the return of j McCraw deceased. CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. To All Whom It May Concren: Jos. E. I’oule, Jr., of raid Stale has applied to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of hi- iather, Jos. E Pottle, Sr., deceased. the appraisers should not be the Judgment of the court. April 7, 1930. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE. Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County: By virture of an order granted by the Ordinary of said County nt the April Term, 1930, of the Court of Ordinary thereof, I will sell at public outcry, before the courthouse door of said county, within tbe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May, 1930, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de.ser J property, to-wit: This is to cite all the heirs and of said Jos. E. Pottle, Sr., and appear at the May Term, 1930, of said Court, and show c.iu-e, if any they can, why letters of administra tion should not be granted on the estate of *aid Jos. E. Pottle, Sr. Witness my official signature this 7th day of April, 1930. BTR7IE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. •di- j Ten share* of the capital stock of the First National Bank of Milledge- villc, Georgia, represented by stock certificate No. 350, is-ued by that bank ’.also, ten shares of the capital granted. This April 7th, 1930. EDWARD R. HINES, As Administrator of Joe Ford, deceased. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary | gRICK ThatctinkLike stee ‘ ♦ A.. M.d. b, ih. -McMillan- p™».. t BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS ♦ There is No Waste in Our Bricks. ♦ W* Male* Quick Shipments in Any Quantity. 9 RICH GI.0 FACE BRICK—FIRE BRICK—COMMON BRICK } Milledgeville BrickWorksCo ♦ K. G. McMilli MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. Established 1883 by J. W. McMillan, n. President Belle McMillan. Vice-Pr* -: CITATION GEORGIA. Baldwin County: Notice is hereby given that Ed’ It. Hines, as Auministrator of Ford, has applied to the Ordinal said County, lor permiss.on to all of the lands belonging to the .slate of Joe Ford, which consists of a ^ract of land containing One Hun dred und One (lul) acres, more or less, in the 318th Di trict, G. M-, of said County, being the Southeastern naif of land Lot No. 347. Said land being bounded by lands formerly owned by Goodwin Hitchcock, lar.ds belonging to the estate of Dr. C. H. Hall, and lands formrily belonging to Gun Hall and Annie Hell. Notic is also given that said appli cation will be heard and determined at the May Term. 1930, of the Court WATCH THE RED—WHITE AND BLUE LIGHTS'ITS THE SIGN OF Delicious Barbecue We will sell a sandwich or a pound. Drive down lo our Wayne Street Store and get all kinds of sandwiches—Weiners, Ice Cream and Cold Drinks We have Barbecue every Thursday—you can tell when you see the colored lights burning. J. B. LAWRENCE CHARTER NO. 9672 RESERVE DISTRICT NO. 6 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FPST NATIONAL BANK Med i Milledgeville, Georgia at the Close of Bu i March 27. 1930 RESOURCES GEORGIA, Baldwin County: George S. Carpenter, administra tor, of the estate of John Young, deceased, represents to Loans ur.d discounts $326,379.04 the court in his petition, duly filled I J. S. Government Securities Owned:— —• 154,300.00 bers 79 and 80, maturing two (2) five percent (5 p« City of Milledgeville Water Works Bond of five hundred ($500.00) Dollars each, being bonds numbers 10G and 107 maturing in 1942; and one insolvent instrument, towit: one (1) note of Eighty ($80.00) Dollars, dated January 1, 1925 and due sixty days from date payable to T. H. Dea- Suu.-sure and signed by S. G. Munn. The terms of sale, cash. This 8th, day of April, 1930. g. e. McWhorter Admr. of T. H. DesSauasure, deceased. and entered on record, that he has Other bonds, stocks and securities —— ——- fully administered said estate. Tins Furniture and fixtures - * is, therefore, to cite ail persons con-j Real estate owned other than banking house cerned, kindred and creditors, toj Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank — R show cause, if any they can, why Cash in vaults and amounts due from national bank* '• said administrator should not be dis-1 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas., and due from U. S. Treas. 11*44; j charged from his administration, and | Other i 8,770.09 17.338.83 I 67,002.2G 3.750.00 7,204.40 | of i the first Monday in May, 1930. BTRTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, | ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE As the duly qualified Administra trix of the Estate of Mr-. Emma! Compton, late of Baldwin County, Georgia, deceased, I will sell before the Court House door of Baldwin Tues- C1TATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Whereas, E. C. Kidd. Executor of last will of Charlie Williams, repre sents to the Court, in hiu duly filed aad outovf4 o* that ho hus County, Georgia, on the fir.* day in the month of May, 1930, with in the legal hours of sale, nt public outcry, to the highest biuder for cash, the following described person al property, to-wit: One Twenty-third Street Railway intent M»r- bearing »nt, Num 1st, 1912. LIABILITIES | Capital stock paid in —-— j Surplus fund J Undivided profits Circulating notes outstanding - Dividend and Cashier** checks outstanding Individual deposit subject to check 1 TOTAL DEPOSITS — 75,000.00 I 25,000.00 ! 4,775.38 75.000.00 ? 4.973.<.v 128.516.73 240,574.59 Bills payable TOTAL $593,840.62 STATE OF GEORGIA, Baldwin County.—I, Jon W. Hutchinson, cash ier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JON W. HUTCHINSON, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of April, 1930. L. H. ANDREWS, N. P. B. C., Ga. Patronage of Railroads is Helpful to Public Every improvement in railway service has brought benefit tf the traveling and shipping public. For this reason the welfare of the railroads is a matter of public interest. The railroads have made expenditures, built facilities and pur chased equipment to handle the traffic of the nation promptly, safely nad dependably. The Central of Georgia, for example, ha? a transportation planti that can handle 50 per cent more tonnage than is now moving over its rails. The present standard of service is of such great value to agri culture, industry and commerce that the railroads are justified in asking the people of th* 1 country for their patronage in preference to competing forms of transportation. Assured of that business for which they have planned and builded. the railroads can continue to provide expedited service. Without such patronage the public faces a sacrifice in the quality of railroad sendee or an increase in the rate scale. The railroads cannot prosper under a combination of lessened traffic and decreasing rates. Unprosperous railroads produce un- satisfacotry sendee, and unsatisfactory sendee is harmful to the public welfare. When the people patronize the railroads they help themselves. Constructive criticism and suggestions i invited. President, Central of Georgia Railway Company Savannah, Ga., April 8, 1930.