Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 10, 1930, Image 7

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THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDCEV1LLE, CJU APRIL 10, 1(30 e - w - Schw * M “p*” 1 in Sl^'. . Mi , Annie Trcnnor, of Snvannah. . 'viitinc relatives in the city. „ and M" w - A - M " x " cl1 ' ° r were (ruests of their aauBhter, «•» Hayes, Friday. yj r J P. Simpson, of Columbia, < r tpent Sunday and Monday with he 1 ^ rs - ^ ann * c Simpson. j. W. Hardy is visiting at tno v - t of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. jr-rshall, in Macon this week. jjrs. Mark Few and children, of Athens, spent the week-end with the family of Mr. J. C. Grant. Mrs. Alice A. Williams spent the pul week-end in Butler where she visited her sister, Mrs. Dewey. Col. and Mrs. Marion Allen and Pr. and Mrs. Dawson Allen spent last Friday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watkins and litt'e daughter visited Macon one day the past week. Mrs. W. J. Davis, of Atlanta, spent the' week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Medlock, of Macon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Homer Bivins. Mm. Sam L. Terry, Jr., and chil dren came down from Forsyth and spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Sam Terry. Mm. Baud Ferauson and daugh ter. Miss Bfttie F turned from a visit to Dr. David Ferguson at Newport N< ws, Vo. Mrs. Parish Talley anl little have returned to their home in North Dakota, after a visit to Mrs. Talley*: mother, Mrs. Jos. E. Humphrey. The friends of Miss Lillian Stiles wall be interested to learn that she is con vale fine after a severe illness ■n Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mr. Jos. A. Moore spent Sunday a: Sharon, where he went to carry sster. Miss Allic Moore, who has ten visiting him. -he many friends of Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Bradford will regret to know *F-t their little son, Bobby is ill with ft ft ft , r,avid Ferguson of the United Navy is spending ten days wit}l hi* mother, Mrs David Fergu- *° r - ^ r - berguson has recently re- ,nr *d fro m Hath. bhi- friends of Mr. Frank Johnson triad to learn that he is recover- • • r m a severe heart attack, with which he w of kn w ek. srticken Wednesday Mr. ^•d Mrs. Jos. E. Pottle and ??* v„mo to Mil- Sr V" make “»«»»■ They | al . thc rMidE "« of the Po«Iv 00 Jefferson ial Mrs. Geo. S. Reach, Mrs. T. H. Rentz and Mrs. Sam Wha' ’ey B pcnt Wednesday in Macon. Mrs. T. A. Chambers spent Mon day and Tuesday in Macon visiting her sister, Mrs. W. S. Sapp. Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Conn and Messrs. L. S. Fowlre and Geo. Kemp went up to Atlanta Monday, and spent the day. The friends of Mr. L. S. Holsey are glad to learn that he has suffici ently convalesced from his recent operation for appendicitis as to re turn to his home from the hospital at thc State Sanitarium. Mrs. Wm Lowerrc, and sons of Rome, N. Y., are visiting Mr.*. Low- erre’s mother, Mrs. T. K. Myrick, Mrs. Lowerre is remembered here as Miss Katie Myrick. Mrs. Fannie Smith, a member of the cclerical force in the local office of the Georgia Power Co., is at her former home in Millen recuperating from a recent illness. Mr. C. H. Richardson, promi nent citizen of Wilkinson county, suffered a heart attack in this city last Saturday. He was carried to thc city hospital where he spent sev eral days recuperating. Miss Cora McCoy, Trenton, N. J., spent Sunday with Mrs. Jerome Babb. Mrs. Babb accompanied her to Savannah Monday, returning to Milledgevillc Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Holsenbeck and Mrs. H. K. Brown, of Macon, spent Sunday with Mr;. Laura B. Stem- bridge. Mrs. Stcmbridge accompani ed them back to Macon, and will visit them several weeks. Mr. John Hammond, of Atlanta,, ent several hours of Tuesday in the city. Mr. Hammond is the Atlanta orrespondont of the Macon Tele graph and the Augusta Chronicle. He is recognized as one of the best new.-paper men in Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloodworth re turned Tuesday front .a visit to their daughter, Mrs. B. E. Harrison, at Greenville. S. C. They were accom-; 'pnnied home by Mrs. Harrison and little daughter, Mary Virginia. Mrs. M F. Davis has returned fri Atlanta, where she was at the Wes ley Memorial Hospital, having i dergone an operation, removing cataract from one of her eyes. The operation wa- performed by Dr. Ber nard McH. Cline formerly of this city. Mrs. Davis* many friends will learn with pleasure that the opera tion was a success. Mr. George Fowler and Mr. Wil liam Fowler of New York, City, liting their mother, Mrs. Mamie Fowler. Mrs. George Fowler and lit tle daughter will come here later in eck from Birmingham where she is visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler will go from here to San Francisco, Calif., where Mr. Fowler has accepted a position ns buyer with a large department store. Mr. William Fowler will spend sev* ral weeks in the city. MRS. F. C. PENUEL ENTERTAINS- ON THURSDAY. Mrs. F. C. Penuel entertained most delightfully on last Thursday even ing at bridge at her home at the State Hospital. Beautiful vases of lilac were used in decoration in the room where the guests were seated for the games. Delicious refreshments were served the three tables of players. EASTER EGG HUNT MONDAY AFTERNOON. The Maud Norris Circle of the Methodist church will have an Eas ter egg hunt Monday .afternoon at four o’clock on the G. M. C. campus. Admission 10c. Ice Cream will be served. Field Day Sox—the color joa want —CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE JUST ARRIVED FOR EASTER New Dresses Prints, Georgettes and Sport Frocks—-Their Styles, Colors and Materials are as new and timely as their arrival—See them and make your selection. EASTER HATS If you want a wide brim or a turban effect you can find it here —and the prices are most attractive. Carr’s Emporium Your Easter wardrobe J- L Si Mrs. W. S. Mobley who is visiting . , . left Saturday for l h ' r d *. u * htcr - Mrs - F - c penul1 ' " I '’ ■' "Mines.' trip to Rock Hil , > g c the Jionor guest at a delightful party • r, <l Greensboro \ c He will return ! ° n ^ on< * ay afternoon at the home- of 5 the latter part of this BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES So new—So fresh and fair that they are irrisstible—in Georgettes—Chiffons, Prints and Washable Crepes. Smart New Hats—Just Received—Se lect yours for Easter. Full-fashioned Vill Silk Hose, just the shade to complete your Easter Costume. The Dixie Shop For over tbirty-rix yetn it hu been the policr of tlu, (inn to comb the world’, market for the vory Wrt food, that am be pcrch»rfd for ort potroiu—« it is with pardoaoble pride that we iRRORBce the exdoaire agency, both wholeaale ami retail for Crosse & Blackwell famous fine-of fancy deficasies. NEW ARRIVALS FROM CROSSE A BLACKWELL Orange Cop, delightful orange jnke— One-half puts, sufficient to make one gallon u. Small size, sufficient to make one quart .7.'..15c Lemon Cup,—delicious lemon jnice— One-half pint, sufficient to make one nloa eg. C. & P. Engbah Breakfa* MarmrixT ST C. 4 B. Famoua Preserve*, IS ox. . Raaberry, atrawbeny, blackberry, red and black carrot, plaa, Lreengrege plain, Apricot, peack aad othera. C. 4 B. Pickled Wabata, 8 ox. 6tc C. & B. Famoua Picklea, 8 oa (Sweet Cherkiaa, Sweet Mixed, Soho, etc.) C. & B. Chow Chow, known the world oyer 5g c C. 4 B. Famoua Meat Sance 41c (Uaed for oxer 224 Year.) Grated Parmesan Cheeae 50c per Bottle “■** Confectioneries—Manufactured by JAMES KEILLER 4 SON Ltd. Dundee & London. Scotch Bon Bons nound qg. Creme de Mmthe '75. Fruit Tablets 7.777. 7Z. 75c “"*«• «• inapcct tbew gnod.” We w* be debgfated to show yon. NEW SHIFMENT FROM PEEK FREANS Ritz Assortment $1.5# pU, Afternoon Teas Assortment || 25 gkff C.,..r Pnff, / 85c „bg. Cnspbread u SEE OllR WINDOW SPECIAL ®!°? SopeHatire Patent Has Stood the Teat of Yean Flam or Self-Risittg, 24 Iba n.2# 3 Cana Red Diamond or Giant Patask 25c BeTa Snecial, The Beat 30c Caffee on Eeartk 20c 1 S"' f'." 1 CHt *’ FreA D"*** f»r the MiM, 25c 2 lb*. Bell’- Beat Roast, “The Coffee Tkat Satisfies" $1.06 7 Packages 10c Luxury Macaroni 5| c 3 Iba. Armour Star “The Bacon with n Fixed Flavor” .$1.10 6 Iba. Armour’, Simon Pore 100 per cent Leaf Lard $1.05 6 Iba. Snow Drift Shortening $1.19 8 Jbf. S-oco Shortening $1.00 , Home Raised Strawberries, Home Grown Dressed Hens, Milk Fed Dressed Friers, Tnrnip Salad, Kale, Mustard, Turnips with Tops, Lettuce, Cellery, Tomatoes, Hormel’a Baker Whole Chick ens, Baked One-half Hama, in fact you can find what yon want to eat at BEIL S GROCERY CO. BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 283—PHONES—498 ■t-k. ■ 'he arrival twin ' Inn '1" of Mr ' " nd Mrs. » Miami. Fla. the Winhrrly Mn nnmed A1 -' n “” d k'.tj. J'' 1 Montgomery and Miss <\ J| r .', 'mray. of this city, Mrs. - • 0co n*e; Mrs. O. H. and Mi » Louise McAfer. of fat. Mlss Frankie Spivey, ot s “ n - c. <'ha Gardens, Charleston, Mrs. It Gorgeous tulips of many color? filled several bowls .and vases while an occasional basket of spirea gave much color and beauty to the part/. After the games delicious frozen re freshments were served. Mrs Mobley was presented a beau tiful guests prize. P. T. A. TO MEET FRIDAY AF TERNOON. The P. T. A. will meet in the M. C. Grade Building Friday after noon ot 4:00 o'clock. Dr. N. P. Wal ker will he the speaker of the after noon. All-mother’s whether a mem ber of the P. T. A. or not arc invit ed to be present. Keep Up With All The Latest Events GET THEM ALL CLEAR IN FULL VOLUME—The easiest waj; to accomplish this is to buy a— Majestic- Radio Ask thc man who has one —No other arguments necessary. Prices $1 16 to $385. Sold on easy terms. HATCHER HARDWARE CO Wholesale and Retail T T is rather surprising ^ to us, in reviewing our new business records to notice how frequently the enthusiastic endorsen M of a ‘small’’ customer has been instrumental in bringing in a Marge” one. Net only for this reason, but because we value a sound, loyal customer regardless of the size of his cacount, we repeat—"No Account too Large, None too Small.” Exchange Bank FOUR PERCENT AND SAFETY Baseball Monday and Tuesday April 14 and 15 G. M. C. vs Norman Park Game Called 3:30 Fraleys Pharmacy DRUGS. SUNDRIES. SICK ROOM SUFTUES. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED DAY OR NIGHT—TELL YOUR DOCTOR TO LEAVE TKM WITH US-DELIVERED PROMPTLY.