Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 10, 1930, Image 9

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THE UNION-RECOKOE*. MILLEDGEVILLE, C*., AFBIL IS, IIH ''^OFFICIALS of the sal. ARMY TO VISIT milledgeville . ,.„ouncemont has i<M reach- A " Envoy E. P. Scovill. in cd U? 0 r the Army’s Oppciations ;n cWfC ville tbit curing the week- M f April 26th and 27th, there eoi C • dfl^ff ation oi high rankin P *’ J . a ti , v i it this city, and it is Jid that although all plans lsV* r *•’- a this complete as to the program that Milledgeville is to treat, ns the visiting ., r> men and women of rare in music as well as and ^mging. » .rg ixosc visiting Millcdgc- ■il' « this time will be. Adjutan. '‘ I’Mrs. Sidney !■>*. ‘I» ■*“ ‘be ’ Tbr.--.trJ *"* birds of the *" • Army in the Souhtlnnd aUflt will 1 rememberei •wrad^ of the War Cry, as the T- of 'THE PROPHET OF Aul j*£ VALLEY*’ while another '! ! . : r :s to be Ensign Bald- l '°' Fj*1 .Master of the Salvation ftaff Band, of Concert Hal! ‘j 'gtdio Fame, who will bring to tfpij’vville. Cm, tite crack silver i yiar. i silver quartett of unusual aMIfi" and in the street services on Saturday afternoon, April 2Cth, this quartett will be heard as well as the :>;;c-.vine Sunday in the churches, if this can he arranged. Another of these noted visitors «il! be Kn.sign and Mrs. McGillivray rfi- Ersipn i« a member of the fam ous quartett, and his beautiful wife k o > lens a pleasing personality. Then to, there will he present, God till the inimitalble Adjutant Harry Cluhley, whose visit here one iKi ago. delighted so many shut- ias. and whose witty stories of real Bffc, wire side spliting to say the least and all in all. Millcdceville is tot*treated to the greatest feast of B3ir-d song that it has ever heard, arprdiaps will have the pleasure of fesrag, for .‘omc time to come, and these in charge of the Army’s opera tions here are to be congratulated on so fine a program for this fair city. A full printed program of the Whole week-end will appear in this j,..pcr at a later date, as scon as full arrangements are made. OiU.ii biga ot Biliousness Tfciii Indicates the Heed of Slack-Dranpfct. Tr.-fiinrd's L Jack-Draught has been my t : in the wav of mv- . Mrs. J. M. Rich, of 1700 t city. ‘I have iour.d Bind:-Draught to te the t-: • I have ever ti ed far ' r : of colds. I have • ... my home for years. W. C. T. U. NOTES The week from April 7 to April 12 is known as membership week by the National Woman’s Christian t emperance Unino, and an intensive drive is being put on every where. The National W. C. T. U. now num bers one half million paid members and an equal number of adherents. The leader of the Women’s Organ ization for Nations' Prohibition Re form made the statement that “every bit of spare time I have for th n rest of my life will be,given to this cause”—that is, wrecking the Eigh teenth Amendment. The National corresponding secretary of W. C. T. j. aiks; “How many white ribboners ire ready to pledge; “I will bear the .orch of the Woman’ Christian Tera- erance Union, the torch which never uurned as brightly as now, the torch which never flamed out all over the .orld as it docs now. I will try to iift it up high that the individual will be lost sight of and only the •Woman’s Christian Temperance Jnion may be seen.” Mrs. August Burghard, correspond ent for Atlanta Constitution, writes in regard to this membership drive “The W. C. T. U. has a place for every mother hearted woman. No matter what her accomplishments or limiationa may be, or bow isolated or busy, in other fields she is, by joining she can add influence and strength to an organization, working for God and Home and every land. The W. C. T. U. invites you to be come a member, busy Member of a busy church, and asks you to conse crate a part of your time to this cause for humanity. W. C. T. U. work is applied Christianity and will meet with the approval of your Mas ter. This temperance organization asks you to help make and ki'ep our own land free from the greatest evil that confronts the evangels of the Cross at home and abroad. The W. C. T. U. invites you, busy home mother, “to help keep all hoir.es protected and sweet” through the beneficent results of the 18th Amend ment. KAY-DET EDITORS ENTERTAIN- ED AT BANQUET been ub | ^ • d it also in hto ; r ' ' r : l; to us children. • vrr ,i.iq the usual chi!- : . h.-r v it. . : cp a .. of Black-Dram;: i: We always felt better »-*r taking it. '* r! 1 -• it to my children T •• l-t. ■ colds or upset :.tom- : "::es they cct fevt v: h -r. :r. 1. : If they tiepin to r ; r. or their tongues are Sr ;• I make a tea .of Black- . h;i r:-4 give to them in small • They don’t mind taking it at til." to thousands of fai lilies. Thcd- “^5 Black-Draught .ias a corner «• r.3 cv.n on the ncdicinc shelf, to t • nearly 100 years. •odiord’s Black-Draught Is a Ff'y v.gctable medicine, free from “ntuu! mineral drugs. Costs only a dose. NC ., 3 , ‘ n Practicing optomn- 1 Mill.i,„au lor 20 c ®rge» are reasonable. I «.,-d w ° rk *■ nrr, ~ refund your money. So chances in doing busi. 12 i 0,fk ® ho ®ra S to ’ ‘ *° 5. Sunday 2 to 5. J • Brake LAMAR F. HAM SPECIAL AGENT NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. PHONE 561 Baby Chicks FOR SALE Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks—Whitd Leghons. Healthy Vigorous Chicks from old stock- The kind that will live and grow. HATCHES EVERY TUESDAY R. E. LONG Advantage of Planting Selected Spanish Shelled Peanut Seed 45 lbs. ordinary peanuts in hull required to plant one acie at 4c $1.80 20 Ibj. selected shelled seed required to plant one acre at 8c - 1.63 Saving on selected seed 20 BESIDES YOU HAVE BEST SEED MONEY CAN BUY If you shell them bv hand you will not get over eighteen pounds per bushel, at considerable cost for shelling. If you have them shelled by machinery you will not get over fifteen pounds per bushel, besides will have to pay for shelling and then hand-pick them. Results i YIELDS. planting good seed, BETTER STANDS, BETTER The peanuts we offer came from planting of selected seed that we sold last year which means that this is a bred up, high yield ing stock, showing 75 to 80 percent sound, mature kernels and a production last year of 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of peanuts per acre. We screen out all of the small peanuts and hand-pick to get out all of the damaged and broken kernels, thereby giving you a perfect seed to plant and you should get even higher yields this year by planting this seed than that shown above for last year, under proper fertilization and cultivation. Lets put some real effort behind our peanut crop this year and make a profitable yield per acre by fertilizing them and using good seed. We also offer you shelled and hand-picked Runner Peanut seed at 8c per pound. ,We will be in position to handle your peanuts at our Macon plant this fall. Write or call on Georgia Peanut Company Moultire.GeorEia TRANSIT STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Macon, C». H. G. RAY, President THERE S A TREND TO VALUE AMERICA IS CHOOSING The editorial and busines.- staff of J the G. M. C. Kay-Dct, college paper, [ were entertained on Friday evening at the Mayfair Hotel. -« j Male Sam Whatley, faculty direc-; tor presided during the banquet : which was one of the most delight-! ful affairs of the spring term BUICK Buyers today demand known goodness . . . dollars must bring a real return ... and so motorists are buying more than TWICE AS MANY Buicks as any other car priced above $1200. TOTAL IN U. S. Men and women in all walks of life are now seeking posi‘ive value. They are de manding the most and best for their dollars. And so today more than ever the trend is to Buick. Not only ore motorists driving 700,000 more Buicks than any other of the 15 makes of cars in its price class—not only ore they awarding Buick from 35 to 50 per cent of BUICK 2nd Car in U.S. 3rd Car in U. S. 1,465,988 730,652 639,511 thccombincd sales of thesoflfteen makes— but they are riving Buick a greater propor tion of the total sclrs in its field than ot any previous period in Buick history. See Buick with Body by Fisher—compere it —consider tho tremendous buyer prefer ence revealed in the obove figures—and you’!! egree that Buick does provide greater value in all elements of motor car appeal. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN Canadian Factorial °' v ' ,,on _ of Cenarol Motors Bgildan of Mclauflhlin-Buick. Oshawa, Ont. U>rporo °" Buick end Marqiatte Motor Can RALPH SIMMERSON BU1CK-MARQUETTE DEALER CLEANED In these elevators is stored the choice Soft Red Winter Wheat from which OMEGA FLOUR is made. It is thoroughly cleaned before it travels through long conveyors to the Mill. All of this takes a lot of time and expense—but we insist that OMEGA FLOUR be as pure and wholesome as men and machines can maky it. A. J. CARR COMPANY Wholesale and Distributor