Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 24, 1930, Image 4

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THE UNION-RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., APRIL 24 IBM ®hr Unioit-Srrnrfipr Southern Recorder Eatk. IBlt SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Year <1.50 Months .75 Mem ber gpe^lQ-lo 5iational Editorial Association THURSDAY, APRIL 24. in existence in the World War, should influence the Senate to likewise adopt the resolution which will be a step toward enacting this principle into the basic law of our land. COLONIAL ANNOUNCES PRICE REDUCTION FOR MOVIES A reduction in prices effectiv next week has been announced by Manager Curry of the Colonial Thea- Thc new price schedule will admit children for 10 cents and .adult? 35 cents in the afternoon unti. C.On o’clock. Evening prices rcmaii the same as at present twenty-fivi an dfifty cents. Five pictures are on the program next week. “So Long Letty" opens the week and Follies of 1020, Painted Faces and Senor Americano com- ■ plete the wok’s program. The merchants of Millcdrcvilic | should inaugurate a trade campaign. J The Augusta Pre:;bytarial was in session at Waynesboro Tuesday and It i» difficult to find a prettier! " ednesdny of this week. Among ittle city than Millcdgeville is. those attending from this city were: ! Rev. A. G. Harris, Mrs. C. P. Craw- Th« census enumerators are near- i f°rd, Mrs. J. L. Bee-on, Miss Bell ng the completion of their jobs. We | McMillan, Mrs. W.* L. Richie, Mrs. ire beginning to wonder what the - Robert McComb, Miss Em Carrington, ensus of Milledgeville and Baldwin J an <l Mias Marie McComb. ounty arc going to be. The future prosperity of Mil’edire- ville depends upon the advancement and upbuilding of the two education d ' Mrs. Middlekauf, proprietor of the institutions here. Our people should Miraline Beauty Parlors in the San- lend every encouragement and aid, f° r d building, announced this week Mrs. R. L. Wood died at her home in Godon Sunday right following a heart attack. The funeral services were held at Coopervillc Baptist church Monday afternoon at three o’clock, Rev. Mr. Serrett of the Gordon Christian church officiating. Mrs. Wood was sixty-five years of age, and was well known in Bald win county, having made her home here before moving to Gordon sev eral years ago. Her death was deep ly regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She i: survived by one son, Mr. •'arish Wood, one daughter Mrs. Lillie Ethridge and a sister, Mrs. Georgia Prosser. EASTER SERVICE AT LEAjCl'E j LEGION AIRES TO HAVE BARBE- SUNDAY Easter was fittingly observed by the young people- of the Methodist church Sunday evening at the League hour. Miss Martha Bass was re sponsible for the service. Beauti ful talks on, ‘The Cnictflfxtion.” “The Resurrection,” “One Solitary Life,’’ and “Wha* Easter Means To Me,” were contributed by Clara Holloway, Martha Bass, Regina Wil liams, and Elizabeth Partial re spectively. Those who are missing the Lengue hour are missing a great deal. | CUE THURSDAY NIGHT. The Morris Little p ost „ f t he American Lesion will have their rei-ulor meeting ’Thursday night the home of Mr,. T. Treanof Farmer. Jo J Kill. Boll Wearila your money back—40 gallons f $1.00—CHANDLER BROS. NEW OIL TO YOUR Mqt „ WHAT OATS IS TO THe h * r , Tk *!. U U “ °" 1 ’’ *" S r n »« c W»caI trouble. f Quaker Sute or * business meeting. W iu (be long r L. N. JORDAN THERE IS A REASON Why oui list of Customers Grows Daily— EVERY CLEANING AND PRESSING JOE- IS DONE TO thpib ENTIRE SATISFACTION ^ Every job is done by an expert, every job is done as car f, n as can be and every job is guaranteed. ' “ ' R. S. W. THORTON CATCHES LARGEST TROUT OF SEASON Mr. S. W. Thornton caught a trout hat weighed 9 lb-, and four ounces' snrvic Crawford’s pond in Wilkinson or tir ounty Monday. It was the largest alway atch of the season, and some of Mil-! edgeville’s vim rods, who have been lainiing the title of hiving landed If the largest trout will have to take Boote. " back son for awhile at leas Phone 559 i battery or battery iu need a tire, tube ing 392-313. That And have your cleaning and pressing done where it 'vill be dong L. N. JORDAN LER’S VARIETY STORE. both of the collej S. C. The fart that the in its plan for expansion desires the sites of the court house and jail should make the county willing to give the most careful consideration to propositions made by the college authorities. This college and its up building mean much to Milledgr-vilb* and Baldwin county. The people of Miledgeville and Baldwin county should join Satur day in paying tribute to the memory of the Confederate soldiers. No com munity in the South sent braver or truer men to the front in the sixties thar. did Milledgeville and Bildwin county. Their memories should ever be cherished as a noble heritage. that Mrs. J.: ! ence, Ala., n> the shop. he Mr . Broad foot is a beauty expert ai j and ii especially trained in haircut- to f‘ ncr Staving and marcelling. C. K. ANDREWS & SON “Nothing But forurance” W. A. WALKER CO. An FOR RENT—At Pcfferaon at ly 15. Apnlv Camp Dan Sanford, Sons of Con- | federate Vet: tans, should become a live and progressive' organization in 1 Milledgeville and Baldwin county. Give your horaca at Their fathers have left them a bless- of Hay, thev can't go ed heritage, und they should see WILL CHANDLER, that the memory of the heroes of the sixties is ever kept r.nered. There LOST— is no greater sentiment than that of Six Bi honoring men who made a tacnfice rewart that others might be benefited -and j helped. The merchants of Milledgeville hive been accustomed in past years of closing their tores, during the Mimorial Day exercises. This year the 2Gth of April falls on Saturday, j Mi which is the busiest day of the week I for them. It would he fit and appro- prite for all business to lie suspended during the hour of the exercises, and the people of Milledgeville gather en masse in our beautiful city of the dead to pay tribute to the wry of the here the South lind. SPONSORING A PRINCIPLE Willium E. Borah, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the United States Senate, lias informed J. E. Edell. comma .der of the Downey, Idaho, post of The American I. gion, that he is in favor of the principle of univer-al draft, or service, in time of war, according to National Headquarters of tht Le gion. The principle of univci to he employed only if is sponsored by the Legii ides f. l elements of our this country again become in in conflict. Senator Borah, when requested to state his -t.ind. inform ed the Legion post commander of his support of the principle. The Legion believes that a definite understanding between the various groups in oui country can quickly id satisfactorily be reached conference, calls for the c a commission, and agree upo tion of such adopted b,y a Representative Senate, and await: body. The counsel of the men of the Legion, who hive witnessed from first hand experience the losses and injustice of not having such u law HOSE! HOSE! HOSE! Ladies full-fashioned all silk hose in all shades at $1,00 This hose is sold at $1.50 and we ?re placing them on sale to close-out MEN’S SOCKS You have never seen such a value. 50c values—plain and fancy patterns slightly imperfect only 25c. Chandler’s Variety Store [ Like Finding for ODORLESS CLEANERS HOME OWNED—HOME OPERATED Condition your Grass With Eclipse Lawn Mower Price - . $8.50 to $25 Self-adjusting, self-sharpening. Only one thumb nut to to get the finest alignment. The Lawn Mower for personal use. Runs easy, cuts smooth clean Strong enough to stand rough usage. Lei us show , our Mowers before you buy one. They’ll stand the closest spection. Wholesale and Retail EG AUTOMOBILE EQUITMENT—HARDWARE Tools, Sporting Goods, Radio Money Victrola Owners only! Your Old Victrola Now Worth $' 76 To You olution, which l esa of to Ktudy the problem a plan for the opera- i principle, has been rote of the House of A similar rcsolu- the calendar of the faits u vote by that £ Good For a Limited Time Only Read This Sensational Special “VICTOR OWNER’S” PLAN TRADE in your old Victrola today! You, too, can receive $76 allowance on the purchase of Victors newest, gieatest radio instrument, the new Victor-Radio with Electrola! The V ictor instrument that revolutionized radio reception! This is literally the opportunity of a lifetime! Only Victor Could Do This V ictor wants Victrola owners to enjoy this complete new musical miracle. . . ihe V XT0R RADI0-ELECTR0LA, the instrument that gives you all the breath less realism and amazing beauty of VICTOR-RADIOt and of the new electrically- lecorded Victor Records, too . . . Now you, too. can enjoy all the music you want, when you want it . . . Let your old Victrola bring it to you TODAY! Only relatively few out of millions of Victrola owners can take advantage of this amazing offer . . . Choose either RE-45 or RE-75 ... Act NOW! PHARMACY Milledgeville Music Store W. D. and H. J. Veal, Proprietors