Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 24, 1930, Image 5

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UHKm-KlCOMf, WLUOCEVIUZ, GA, ^ial 4 v^pcipiy . »nd '-turned tram ^ Mae Asbury spent the past \ w j,jj Mrs. Jere S. Moore. A,,en ia 8 P endin * thi * I j**in Atlanta. 1 ,<r Msry Skinner of Atlanta, was . f Mrs. Dawson Allen dur- 01 i Mr< J. W. Mobley and lit- ’ Ur i,nf Jo* 1 " a " d N ' xon ’ d ’ \nf»» SU ",‘'°* Mm' Smith “* AUanU, lni . sefk-end with Mrs. Lyn- u.'n<itl Smith' w ” f J F Muldrow, Superintend- Cuthbert Schools, was in Mir .Saturday. tnt ‘ F. Arnold of Macon, is m ^f this week with l»er daugh- ^ Alexander Britt U ^tct Childs and Sgt Hunt of p- Benning -pent Tuesday with L,rat V. L. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Montomery Mr. Jack Day of Atlanta visited his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. John T. Day during the Easter holidays. Mrs. S. B. F wler has returned from a visit to relatives at Tampa Fla. LIPHAM-JONES Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Lipham noonce the engagement of the daugh ter, Elizabeth, to Mr. Clark Wortley Jones, of Chattanooga and Dalton, the marriage to be solemnized in June. The announcement of engagement of Miss Lipham is received here w'Ji cordial interest Having made her home in Milledgeville for five years she has a wide circle of friends. episcopal choir entertain ed AT WAFFLE SUPPER. Mrs. F. H. Harding entertained the members of the choir .at the Episcopal church most delightfully on Tuesday evening at the Rectory at a waffle supper. A most delightful evening was «n joyed. Mrs. Rockwell assisted Mrs. Harding in entertaining. Prof. Sanford Richie of Decatur, visited his uncle, Mr. W. L. Richie, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Edwards, of Claxton, spent the week-end visiting Iheir daughter, Mrs. Sam Whatley. Mr. .and Mrs. O. H. Harrelson and little daughter of Atlanta spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Dennard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks and little son, of Washington, Ga., will spend the week-end here, visiting Mr. J. A. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herring ar rived Monday to spend the summer with Mrs. Herring’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Hall. Mn.. Wm G. Lewis and little iitors to Charleston, daughter, Fannie Way, of Atlanta, C., ar.d Magnolia Gardens. jure visiting Mrs. Lewis’ mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cabbell and David Ferguson. BEVAN-W1LLIAMS Of interest to a large number of people here is the announcement of the marriage of Mi«s Sara Hazel Bevan to Mr. Melvin Ritchie Wil liams which was solemnized quietly on last Sunday afternoon at the Second Presbyterian church in Knoxville, Tenn. Mr and Mrs. Williams left im mediately for a wedding trip through Florida. They will visit Mr. Williams mother, Mrs. Dixon Williams, during next week. Only members of the immelinte family attended the impressive cere mony. Mrs. Sam Wright spent Monday and Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Adams, of At- 1*3*0, have been spending this week ir the city, with relatives. Miss Ethel Elder of Watkin&viilc, jj*rr. the week-end with Miss Lora to ll r. Frank Johnson has been quite is the post several days at the home ,: his daughter, Mrs. II. G. Bunks. Jli:sen Helen 'and Majorie Ennis Atlanta, spent the week-end with then trend father, Capt J. H. Ennis. Lies:, and Mrs. M. S. Curtis of Furt Binning spent Sunday with Lieut, and Mrs V. L. Nash. Miss Bessie Bland went to Atlanta Monday where she purchased summer millinery. Mrs. 11. D. Allen and Mrs. Jere Mrs. P. D. Todd spent Wednesday i Atlanta, purchasing the latest spring styles in millinery for Carr’s Emporium. Mrs. L. B. Walter.- and little daughter, of Macon, are visiting Mrs. Walter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Kemp. Misses Berta and Verdna John- an and Mr. C. E. Almand, of Mu on, and Mr. Frances Bozanos spent Sunday in Augusta. Miss Constance Day who is teach- ig nt La Grange sp.’nt the post wetk- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bivins and Miss Hazel Bivins spent Sunday in Atlanta where they visited Mr. Els- werth Bivins who is a student at Emory. N. Moore are spending Wednesday Rev. F. H. Harding spent Tuesday and Thursday in Atlanta. , and Wednesday in Atlanta, where he Mrs. J. 1). Hinson, of Bennetsville, attended a meeting of the Executive S. C., is visiting her parentB, Mr. Board of the Atlanta Diocese of the ar.d M's. W. L. Hargrove. j Episcopal church. Mr-. E. M. Smith md little soe. Misses Alice nmt Vinrinia McCraw Mote, of Statham, acre (tuosts of and Mi ses Ann Burkman and Leila Mi.. \\. S. Kinney thi. week. Lamar of Macon made an automobile Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miner and trip to Magnolia Cardens last Fri- Mr. K«y Miner spent several days of day. Is.r^eek visits ndatives, in M „ Kannie Smith who has bee,, T , .... ■ nt her borne in Millcn, recuperating Y r* g 3 r UT xv CT J:* from illness, has returned to the , ’ 1 ° thcir city, and resumed her duties at the Surd", eoliece mates Saturday and otficc of the Gcor(ria Pow „ Co Mr. and Mrs. Grady Keel of i. Ch " M U “ vis and 1Ul!c Wriehtsviile, were recent Bursts of 0,i '* D»vla. <**«-, sin. Keel s, moiher, Mrs. W. P. „ *"* E “ ests of Mr - and Mr »- V' !, 'ian„con. Miller is. Bell several days of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ivey had as their guests this week-end their chil dren: Mr. J. W. Ivey, Jr., of Char lotte, N. C.; Mrs. J. O. Blackwqod of Hawkinsville, and Mrs. R. G. God- bee, of Eatonton. Mrs. J. W. Marchnvm of Colum- ; " i R ,,s a Ashfield, who teaches bus spent Sunday with her mother, *t Brunswick attended the G. E. A. jMrs. J. W. McMillan. She accom- - Mspn n Friday. She came back ' P^ied Miss Belle McMillan to Mr. Robe- Ashfield and spent Waynesboro to attend the Augusta *Kk-ond at home. j Presbyterial. Rr. G-.rman Lee Burnett har, re- i ^ ev * Walter S. Robison, who is turned to her home in Lynchburg, conducting revival services at the a ” after spunding several weeks Methodist church, is well remembered '' I!h h, r Parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. • hl? re by a number of our citizens. lne *' jin his boyhood days, he frequently •'ir. and Mrs. O. M. Ennis and Mi s ! v “' ted his uncle, the late Dr. W. It. lTOc, s Knnis „ pent ]ast md Roblaon. He i, now one of the •aturdny in Charleston S C.. where ^‘ading ministers of the North Gcor- "*> " tod Magnolia ’Gardens and ein Conference, and i. pastor of the ,!U »ny p,,int« of historic interest , Methodlft church at Cartersville. He Mi. . Genwrin , „... _. is an eloquent scho arly and thought- *”4 *"->» rhnrlo, , n d Wilbur"pin^ 1 prc ' achor ' and |,rMC " la his ‘l>omea Mciie"* '' la " ,a ' nnd Mrs. Thos. LEGION TO GIVE DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT. The American Legion and Auxili ary will have a dance Friday night at the Legion Hall. The dance will be given as a benefit, the m.iney to be used for improvements at the hall and for work among disabled veter- METHODIST CIRCLES MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON. The circles of the Methodist church held their regular meetings last Monday afternoon, meeting with the following ladies: Circle No. 2, met with Mrs. Roy Alftird; The Maud Norris Circle meeting was held at the home'of Mrs. George Roach; Mrs. W. A. Massey was hostess to Circle No. 3; Circle No. 4, was entertained by Mrs. J. E. Granadc and the members of Circle No. 5 met ut the home of 'Mrs. W. M. Scott. Mrs. J. C. Statham entertained most delightfully on Saturday e\ ing in honor of her sister, Mrs. Riley Singleton t of Atlanta, who has been her guest for several days. Spring flowers in a myrid of col ors formed the attractive decorations throughout the home. After several games of bridge, delicious refro#h- MR. AND-MRS. LEON CALLAWAY ENTERT UN AT TEA DANCE. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Callaway enter tained rnsot delightfully at. a tea dance on Thursday afternoon in hon or Cnpt. Barnett and Mr. Phillips’of the highway board. Members of the Sanitaiium board of trustees and officials at the hos pital were the invited guests. Beauti ful spring flowers in large bowls and baskets were used throughout the lower floor of the beautiful home. Punch and sandwiches were serv ed during the afternoon. Col. Erwin Sibley and Mrs. H. B. Jtnnings went to Augusta Wednes day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Jane Thomas Sibley. Dresses for the little girl • to 14, Gingham*, Prints, Fast Colors Only $1.00— CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. “Check DOUBLE AND Check” Before you buy that new Radio—Don’t be led astray by any big tiade-in allowance. You may be sorry. If you want a combination get the Phonograph with the Screen- Grid Radiola 47 at the new low price. Watch the others come to Screen-Grid. Get your Atwater Kent or RCA from A Lady Customer •aid to roe the other day, “Mr. Bet, for a loo, time, I was afraid to come ia your «tore. 1 had beeo told that yocn was the hi chert price in the city. Yaa had Maethia, I wanted, MI decided ta try yoa. I find that my information was not only incorrect, bat you have the lor^ert armti at of hifh quality groceriet to (elect from and quality considered at lower pricei.” We were naturally gratefnl. We boy mare than SO per cent ef our good, direct from the manufacturer, power or importer. Yon get the benefit of oar uriagl. We do not bay cheap goodi. They are high at aay price, hat the best cheap. ELUE SEAL—The “Superlative Patent” makes cake aad bread like .“Mother oied to makt.” Plain or Self-Hiring 24 lb. Sack $1.20 (The wholeuJe price per lack in twenty-fire barrel let>) Cold Bar Melba Halves No. 2 1-2’s Finest Peaches Put m a Tin Per Can r. 25c Cold Bar Timy, Very Small, or Midget Peas No. 2’s .Per Caa 25c Silver Bar Peeled Apricots No. 2 1-2’s Very Fuw Per Caa 30c Mixed Vegetables, for Salads or Soaps No. 2’s, 3 Cans . SOc Makes a Delicious Vegetable Salad with very little trouble. Just a little Msyonaise. Armour’s Sliced Peaches Very Bert Quality, 3 Cans 2Sc Armour’s Very Bert Canned Brains, Large Sixe, Per Can 25c Armour's Very Bert Roast or Cora Beef, Per Can 25c Armour's Very Best Tripe, Large Sixe, Per Can 25c Armour's Very Best Potted Meat, 6 Cans 25c Armour’s Simon Pare Lard, 100 percent Leaf Lard, 6 lbs. $1.05 Armour’s Very Bert Pork and Beans, Large Size, 3 Caas 25c Home-Raised Strawberries, Turnips with the Taps, Spring 0a- ioni, Raddiihes, CiBfoaia Cauliflower, Lettuce, Celery, Florida Tomatoes, Snap Beans, New Irish Potatoes. Squash, Green Peppers, Cucumbers, etc. FRESH EVERY DAY BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 163—PHONES—498 11";. Haul Hattaway nnd little diorhter, Jean, «,f Cordelc, are guests < j f Mrs. Hattaway's mother, Mrs. W. P. U'illiamson. ilrs. E. R. Gholston, MLs Alma Ghobtnn nn j ^j r Lcnton Washing- U’n made an auto trip to Atlanta and ! Mountain Sunday. f'ttle daughter, of Gor- '■ visitors to the city Sun day ,, "?• * B. McK vincingly. MACKEN-EDWARDS Mr. nnd Mrs. \V. T. Macken. of j Sparta, announce the engagement of their daughter. Wilhelmina Yvonne, to Mr. Jnmes Frank Edwards, of I.n- r ‘ occompanied them to j Grange, the marriage to be solcm- : last Friday and returned n >**d an early date. lda Y' The above announcement si rr.-id with cordial interest here. Miss Macken is a graduate of G S. C. W. and as the sister of Mrs. C. A. Giles has been a frequent visitor in thi- city. She is popular with a wide circle of friends here. i ,t i ’ Krn **. °f Athens, pass- h:> i jr * ^Hkdgeville Saturday on ,ir i from the Education Asso- *n Macon. Ho said \jjj ( ■ ' ‘1 improvements made in “ ‘ If sii.ee he lived here were noticeable. jj"' Mr «- Thu. Pollard, of 4n ,j , ' • F,a - "Pent Saturday . r V ay w 'th Mrs. Pollard’s par- - • ,r and Mrs. E. S. Vinson. _ accompanied to the city f ] o'.ngicton, who visited Mrs. orris and Miss CIar« Morris. The Mliledgeville Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will meet Thursday night at eight o’clock in the Masonic building. All members are urged to be present. Let your Telephone do your Shopping Phones 468-418 They are for your convenience—just phone your list to us and we place your groceries on your pantry shelves at no additionai charge— Our list of satisfied customers is growing every week—join them HOME OWNED—HOME OPERATED HAMS Armour Star P^und 29c Breakfast Bacon R^ieiTf b .40c BACON GOOD SLICED R1 ELESS Lb. 33c Grape Juice MON p?nts 25c ROYAL ANNE No. 2 Can OUC CHERRIES CHERRIES SourPitt Nl fo 2 r on 25c MayOnaiseHonieimVdcT-Z^t.Jar 25c Peaches D^Hake^N^ 1-2 Can25c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—FRESH BY EXPRESS DAILY L.D. SMITH The Souih Wayne Grocer W JUICED Fcr Friday ?nd Saturday, April 25th and £bth VEGETABLE SHOBTUNING SnQWigifc 3 ’'5 3 e AN BAIL 99^ FOR MAYONNAISE MAKING AND COOKING Wesson Oil 2™, can 211* ' WASHING POWDER GicSd Dust 3 PKGS. 11* LIBBYS OR DEI. MONTE Spinach NO. 2!/, CAN 19* HILI.SDAI E BROKEN SLICE SdlGapgi^e NO. ZVi CAN 25* TENDER. FREE OF GRIT Turnip Greens NO. ZVi CAN 15* COLORED NIH MARGARIN- Spredit -GOLDEN LB. 35* ; •; or del monte Sa3ad NO. 2. CAN 33* I.ft-i YS OR STOKE! YS NO. 2 Vs CAN 12* LIBBYS CORNED Beef Hash 10 1-4 OZ. CAN 21* Silver Leaf Lard 81b $1.16 Octagon Soap^lO bars 35c Maxwell House Coffee 35c Fraleys Pharmacy DRUGS, SUNDRIES. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED DAY OR NIGHT—TELL YOUR DOCTOR TO LEAVE THEM WITH US—DELIVERED PROMPTLY. PHONE 118—NIGHT 5 □