Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 24, 1930, Image 8

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THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE, GA-, APRIL 24 1930 rrTTXXXXXTTTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYXTTXXXXXXYyXTXXXXX^rTyr^pgr S wcu/ cr-Ai c nr ppirrc rcprrTn/F at mi hmiai tui idchav m»i/7 a NEW SCALE OF PRICES EFFECTIVE AT COLONIAL THURSDAY, MAY 1st From 3 P. M. until 6 P. M. Children 10c., Adults 35c. From 6P. M. Children 25c. Adults 50c. This Price Will be effective on all pictures. MONDAY & TUESDAY April 28th. 29th. “SO LONG LETTY” Listen, Look and Laugh at the funniest comedy ever screened starring Charlotte Greenwood with Grant Withers, and Patsy Ruth Miller. WEDNESDAY & THUSDAY April 30th. May 1st. “FOLLIES OF 1929” An all singing, dancing talking Musical Comedy with Sue Carroll, Dixie Lee. and David Rollins. FRIDAY MAY 2nd. “PAINTED FACES” The drama of a clown who praticed the habit of happiness—for others. Starring Joe E. Brown and Helen Foster. SATURDAY May 3rd. SENIOR AMERICANO” Starring the king of the saddle KEN MAYNARD in an all talking western show. Colonial Theatre tXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TTT x TXT CHILD HURT IN AUTOMOBILE j G. S. C. STUDENTS SING AT G. WRECK SUNDAY AFTERNOON E. A. CONVENTION FRIDAY W. E. Thuru..'. Car Rim. I.lo Sophomor.-Norm.l Cl... Dcli.M. IV.ck. Til.. HU. Concr.1. Pm L.,,. Audi.... Will. Ch.ro.. of i. Fro.1 of JoiduT Cor.,. Four Hundred Voice. J. M. Mt BRIDE PRESENTS BIBLE GRADES AT G. M. C. TO TO EPISCOPAL CHURCH GIVE PLAY ON MAY 28TH Gif. PI.cod .. • I Milled,. 4 emorial by Employe* ills Stats Hospital Mr. W. E. Thurman and family were in an automobile wreck Sun day afternoon in front of L. N. Jor dan’s Garage on South Wayne street. Mr. Thurman was driving and his automobile struck a large truck which caused it to swerve to the right and strike a concrete post in front of the garage. A little daugh ter of Mr. Thurman was 'painfully hurt, having acveral of her teeth knocked out, and her lower jaw bad ly injured. The others escaped with out serioua injury. The little girl «w* carried to the Doctors Clinic, and later to the den tal office of Dr. Turner for treat ment. The automobile was badly danuig- . •d. Mr. Thurman i" an imployee at the State Farm. Under the diriection of Miss Alice Lfinoit* Tucker, • the Sophomi Normal class of the Georgia State College for Women delighted a large audience last Friday evening at the City Auditorium in Mncon when they ?ang a group of special songs before the Georgia Educational Association. le chorous of four hundred voices sang several patriotic and classical songs. Officials of the as- intion and Macon people declared the singing the best they had heard. . A special train took the young ladies to Macon Friday afternoon and ■turned to Milledgevillc late in night. 1929 CHEVROLET SIX TRUCK FOR SALE A 1929 Chevrolet 1 1-2 Ton Trncb with cab equipped with 32s6 rear tiree (and mechanically perfect. A wonderful buy for a nan that wants a real bonest to voednets pick-up. L. N. JORDAN We are daily increasing our liao of oatra fancy and staple groceries, Fresb Vegetables and ate. CHAND LER BROS. LOST-—A truck tire on rim—32*6, between Milled r aville and Haddock, Tuesday morning. Reward for its return to Coca-Cola Company, Mil- iedgoville, Ga. 4-24-30 pd. Mr. J. M. McBride presented most handsome bible to St. Stephens Episcopal church last week, Rev. F. H. Harding receiving the gift dur ing the Lenten services. The Bible is bound in heavy leath er and is of an unu.-ual size. McBride is employeed at the State Hospital and has been a member of St. Stephens church only n i months. He presented the Bible a memorial. ime of Performance Has Not Beet Announced. Rehertals Have Already- Begun NOTICE:—If there !■ anybody Milledgeville South of Hancock street that has not boon emsmerat- •d in the census, pleas* call 294-J, and 1 will be glad to come to your borne. 1 believe I have seen every body, but in order that nobodv may be accidentally left out, and that Milledgevillo may get every siagle person that belongs to her, I am publishing this notice. I shall great ly appreciate your cat-operation. MRS. C. B. McCULLAR. EASY TO EXPLAIN Why wa sail more gasoline than any one else in town is because we are giving mere for your money than any one also. Once when yon try Woco-Pep. None other will do and ordinary gasoline. L. N. JORDAN Su the little boys—sixes ! i and Broaddoth 69c t< CHANDLER’S VARIETY Rchcrsals have been jtarted or play which will be presented by the pupils of the grammar school at G. M. C. and -although the name has not been announced, it will be om the best this department of the col lege has given. Miss Julia Moore, principal of the Grammar school, has the performance in charge and with the assistance of the grade teachers the play will be presented. BIG IF YOU WOULD ENJOY SIX NASH SEDAN We hew one that there will be no argument about what so ever. We will price it to you at one-half what it is worth, end then if you don’t liko that we will take your price, y miles in this car yet. L. N. JORDAN bus* Dresses—many patterns, Colorr Guaranteed $1-00— CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. ZXXXXXXAXXXXXXXXXXTXXXXXX^ « H M M M M 3 M More shade hom wider brims is this year’s style note in ^ Knox straws and they have the same comfort, coolness and smart good looks they have always had. KNOX STRAWS $5 John Holloway “THE MAN'S STORE cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cotton Seod, we have a limited quanity of fine cotton seed, good fo planting purposes. Ginned before tb* storm. WILL CHANDLER. f X ' •. \ Vr their Lives are in youi^ hands/ 13owny Little Things ... not long out of their shells ... how much they must depend on you for the things they need to live and get big. They need a feed filled with nourishment. A feed which will build bones quickly . . . building muscles strong . . . change fuzz to feathers in a hurry ... all this they demand... and yet their little crops can handle only one tiny thimbleful of feed a dayl What a * job for feed! Consider Purina Chick Startcna (mash) for this job I In every thimbleful are twelve ingredients I Cod-liver oil . . . dried buttermilk . . . alfalfa flour... granulated meat. . . these and eight others are there • .. each one with a real job to do. Purina Startcna is mixed over and over again . . . 960 times just to be thorough! And you will find the same care taken with Baby Chick Chow (scratch) ... to be fed with Startcna. Your chicks ... what they do for themselves ... w hat they do for you ... is entirely in your hands. They eat so little ... yet it counts so much . . . that b~- *PP- ! / tag is your assurance of Quality and Dependability c ~only Chevrolet Dealers sell USEDCARS “with un OR that counts" o great) of usee value than the Chev rolet red "OK that counts” tag, found only on the used car stocks of Chevrolet dealers. This tag guar antees that the car bearing carefully caret , thoroughly recondi tioned by expert me chanics. If yon want reliable transporta tion—insist upon a used car “with an OK that counts.” SPECTACULAR VALUES The great reception accorded the new Chev rolet since its introduction, January 1st, has brought unusually Urge numbers of fine used *° *>ur showrooms. To make room for fur ther trade-ins we must clear our stocks at once. Therefore we are offering thrsr spectacular values for 3 days only—typical selections toom our used car stocks. Buy now and profit by tb —* “ you can afford to do only < Chick Startcna! : thing . . . feed Purina L. D LOOK 1929 I 1 / TON CHEVROLET SIX TRICK —Tliis Truck is equipped with Cab, 32x6 rear tires and is in wonderful shape, ready to go out and do hard work. 1929 CHEVROLET COACH—Equipped with practically new tires, seat covers, in excell ent shape, and a wonderful buy $475.00. 1928 CHEVROLET COACH—This car is in excellent shape, practically new tries, on!} $100.00 down and balance on easy term*. See it cjuick. AT THESE BARGAINSI 1927 MODEL T FORD—If there is a good one in the country', we have it, this car nins and looks good at an exceptional bargain $I25.C0 equipped with 1930 License Tags. 1927 CHEVROLET COACH—That is actual ly worth twice what we are asking it. You will have to see* tibik-automobile to fully appreciate it, reconditioned and good tires $215.00. L. N. JORDAN Chevrolet Dealer