Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 24, 1930, Image 9

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THE UNIOM-RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., APRIL 24 1*30 ygLE VIEW OF PEACE F ,,„klio D.»*W. ■>• D, B, E1 “". Third Study Confcr- ,-hurches und World ,*t ni .,„ Illinois, February 5crip lur ® TceU .,» thf peacemakers: for Ble T ii u- called the children of M ' hal1 - ;9 . ^ for nothin!?; but Be ca . - ..r .yer and supplica- -'*££***' your rc t ’" n ma-' - k,,own un '° ** ot *' qur* 15 l,c ?0 f(;od, which passeth A " s|uiU k «*p your all at.ae rf< through Christ TT-i 7 - JcfU (J,„i in the highest, and G *‘z pact. yood-will toward 21J ' Ub OcKlrine. Aiwa,. Safe —d ' Practical Tffr important is it, especially at at riinr. :»r all men everywhere to r . aw a rit-ar conception of what is tie Bil l*' view of peace. Bible doc trine are always safe and practical. Tie*? we may follow with a sense of profound .-atisfuction. Based upon them, we feel thut mind and heart rrr punted upon the rock eternal. A fttise of unshakable security is [jj B> attained, and such a sense is pnttly needed in these days when «o many winds of doctrine are carry- •xr unanchored souls furiously about a inch varied and divergent direc- wc*. fan the above Scripture texts, it Bivtf ft- n at a glance that there is i well defined Bible view of peace. Tta n may consider under several Kpttts such as individual peace, cents* peace, community peace, ciarth peace, national and interna tional peace. Of these all are relat ed to each and each to all, for they root themselves deeply in the paace of God that passeth all understand ing, which is found in the personal soul of each true believer in God thru ugh Christ. Here, as elsewhere, the collectivistic follows the individ ualistic experience. The soul of uni versal peace is the peace of the in dividual soul 11. To Be Spiritually Minded la Peare.—Romani 8.6 God is the great IVacen»ker in that he converts the carnally minded into the piritually minded. Hence, they show the lineaments of their ■ I mine Father in these features of their own characters. Sons and daughters of God, therefore, are all the ;eacemakers everywhere and in ad the ages. Very practical, then, do We •’ r “l I"' these Bible ideas of we may; and we ought. Homes, made up of those possess ing this experience of peace with God, cannot be otherwise than harm onious. It is not from such homes thnt the divorce-mills are fed their grist of tragdy. Sons and daugh ters of homes that are havens of peace naturally become peacemakers and help to make this a harmonious world. Theirs are the feet of the messengers to the nations, carrying the glad tidings of peace. War will be outlawed from the earth when such homes prevail among men, ev erywhere. Just as truly, in community life, are the Bible idaas of peace found to be practical. A community made up cf men and women, in whose hearts dwell the peace of God, will be a community in which all citizens are at peace, one with another. And how true it is, that the Spirit of Peace pervades every church in which are found those who are “call ed the children of God.” And is nn unpeaceful church the sorrow of Heaven and the scandal of men All the above positions arc ceded to us by current opinion, for thus far have Christian ideas gained acceptance even among un-Christian men. But when we seek to apply the Bible ideas of peace to national and international affairs, we find that muny, even among Christian men, draw back in doubt and ask: "Is it feasible?” 111. World-Wid« P««e« la Feasible. “‘Watchman, toll u? of the night, What itfc signs of promise are.” Many are the signs of promise which God is giving to us today— that world-peace is feasible. Among these, we may well consider the fact that, in our own land alone, ■ore than one-hur.dred organizations re actively at work to bring in orld-peacc. There are a number of Conferences^ also, which annu*> n y meet in the interest of world-peace. These Conferences consist of men pnd women of the kneenest, most alert intelligence. They .are fully informed on affairs of church and state. Serious, reverent, humanity- loving, these people renresent all grades of American life and all areas of our great nation. Simply to come contact with such people is to ex perience a mental, moral, religious vigorruj vffor* to makepeace is | und social stimulus of the highest carrying out the spirit of Christ. and fincst type . I laeemaki r- an- thus properly called Extreme - there meet—pacifists "the children ,.f (JocL** For in their nnd thoge who are not q U j te militar- for. and promotion of peace/ jst8 . sacranl entarians and non-sacra- mentarians; ritualists and those who eschew all ritunlism; modernists, so called, and to-called conservatives, unified by the one big fact that nil alike are friends of World Peace. In loving one-ness, they counsel together nnd pray to the one Father in the interest of world-wide peace in His one household of hunanity, the earth around. Is it not seemly? Is it not wise? Are we not all children of one Father who, in his \>nly-begotten Son, is the Supreme Peace-Maker, that Son Himself ha%ing, by reason of his Divine heredity, the pre-emin ence over all others as'the “Prince of Peace?” Is there not flawless logic then in that bcuutitude which says, “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God ” seeing that God is Himself the Peacemaker Supreme. “Watchman, tell us of the night, “For the morning seems to dawn. “Traveler, lo, the Prince of Peace, “Lo, the Son of God is come!” —Oxford, Georgia. 1929 CHEVROLET SIX SLIGHTLY USED COACH FOR SALE * As good ms ever offered end u dean as a hounds tooth good tires and the same O. K. as on a new one. This it an opportunity, act quick. L. N. JORDAN Governor Hardman has postponed issuing 'the call for an extra session of the legislature. When applied, these ideas are Ioul,u u» work out satisfactorily in Take the individual: Because are not at peace in our own inner ■a'.ures a- we find our.-elves, we are h ' J -1" Cod. We arc at war with G»t Ve—do—nol —like—God. But Bill, ttachina which results in ‘ r conv *rtion of sin, our godly aor- *° ra od the forsaking of sin, our in, and then our de- •'vrance from sin, together with the Ultn ' “ God’s Spirit to this fact, •*«d the glorious future thereby open- •tfi r,. u .—this blessed teaching • .J ' S .' Vurd chan &®* our enmity ( »od into fervent love for , lm antl thereby enter into the nt •** ,,f every child of God in J i n 0lir own on e-tiine dis- 1 m>u1s. “the peace of God that a * 1 understanding*’. Under- ■ mnot; experience it, FOR SALE—Dc.ir.ble building lot on the hill—75x190. Term, if de- •ired. Close to G. S. C. W. juit off off of paving. Call 436 or write “Real Estate” care Union-Recorder. n«tui i J. T. ANDREWS, Real Estate “Apartments, Farm* Town Property.” PIANO FOR SALE—We have an up right piano, Baldwin made, nearby. Must sell at once. Could arrange to continue payments to The Bald win Piano Company, or would ac cept piano as part payment. Write nt once to Guttcnberger M pany, 364 Sevond Street Ga. : Com- | A Word i TO THE WISE ♦ BRING is your welding, washing polishing, doping { AND TRANSFER OR HAULING ♦ ♦ One Trial Wilt Convince You * • EVERY^JOB guaranteed ♦ ■ — ♦ t ♦ SERVICE wrra A SMILE j J. C. IVEY Phone 441 LOOK BOYS Flying Birds 10c Each or one FREE with each fifty cents cash purchase as long as they last. Harris Hall Drug Store DR. MURRAY KING Phone 229-L Rei. 105 Jefferson Street Veterinarian Milledgevilie. Georgia BOSTON r»w —WHERE EVERYBODY EATS— “Freeh Eggs Served Daily” FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS AND WESTEKN SIEAK DAILY Try Our 38c BLUE PLATE DINNER 666 Tablet* Relieves a Haadache er Neuralgia is 30 minutes, checks n Cold the first day, and cheeks Malaria in three dey.- 646 ALSO IN LIQUID. DR. GROVER C. JONES OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN MACON. CA. PHONE 1S7I MAKE A PASTIME OUT OF WORK ITS EASY WITH A F hnet Jr. Garden Plow ll has all the little hoes and rakes necessary to make things grow—you just attach them and do the work at one round— Its just fun to operate this little plow—Try one. . W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail Ays! R. W. HATCHER HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail