Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 01, 1930, Image 1

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1 tyt 1 luien-Recortier READ BY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE iu P-ogrusaivo Baldwin •nd Surrounding Conn- til*. Established in J829 MiBedgefille, Ga., May 1, 1930 Consolidated *in 1872 Number 37 Brilliant Week of Music Op ens Sunday Night ncrease Of A Thousand Population Forecast WORK BEGINS ON CAS UNES TO StLEDGEVILLE mti.l cf Soi'lheni Natural Gas C) .imounccs Plans for Extending Gas Lines iMPLETION OCTOBER 1ST. a lion of $15,000,000 to the existing trnns- i of the Southern Corporation and asso- •«, to be expended as ible, and to be fully ■tober, was announced J. H. White, presi- t of ther company. it expenditure will include the ; f ending natural gas through pipe lines to Montgomery, Opelika, Auburn, Brick Yard, I Stlma, Alabama, and to Macon, rdr-viUe, Griffin, in Georgia; ,!an. Jackson, Laurel, Hatties- and Pascagoula, in Citizens Urged To Pay Taxes And To Vote aei compa Faded by x. M- «PP»* official,i r,cement of Mr. the Southern ition, the Ala- Naturnl Ga- Corporation, the ;;ipui Natural Gas Coj-porntion the Georgia Natural Gas Corpo*. jn follows: Southern Natural Gas Corpora- i and affiliated companeis, Miss* ppi Natural Gas Corporation, nd Alabama NkRurnl Ga* ( orpora- that plans have been the exten ion of the »«• line systems and tems in the southeast, •spendit ure of more Registration lists for the state pri mary thi- fall and the general elec- in November will close May 5, as announced Tuesday by the County Board of Registrars. Persons desiring to vote in either election I be required to have paid all tax- including 1929 taxes. Persons who have failed to pay their state and county taxes can do so on or before May 5, it is said, and can register, but no name, will be added after the closing date. The Board of Registrars has been engaged in checking the voting lists against the county digests and names of all voters who do not appear on the tax digests are being removed from the voting lists. SUMMER TERM G.S.C.TOHAVE BIG ENROLLMENT EARLY FIGURES SHOW INCREASE People Urged to Give in Names to Census Enumerators. Near Six Thousand is Belief While Milledgcvillebi two census enumerators continued their count, early figures that have been com piled indicate a big increase in Mil- ledgeville’s population for the 1930 census over that of 1920. No official statement has been re leased and figures have been with held but the count to date clearly indicates that there will be more than ic thousand names on the list than ere was ten years ago. The 1920 nsus gave Milledgeville a popula- >n of 4619 and it is’believed that e figure will reach almost 6,000 > the completion of the count. City officials issued a statement urging people to give in their ccn- either to Mrs. C. B. McCullnr, is taking South of Hanenck street or Mr. Ewell Atkin, who is j making the count North of Hancock. In the event it is impossible to reach either of these people, phone your name to Mr. R. T. Baisden the city clerk. It is the hop* 1 of the city that nil people will be counted. The rural districts continued to Ninely-two Courses to Be Offered show a loss, in a report that was During Summer Session With | * iv *“ out Sunday, the 318th or Mer ‘ High Officials of Elks to Attend Convention Here on May 22nd* Grand Exalted Ruler and Members of Executive Committee to Attend. Meeting of Great fmport.ince. Gala Entertainment Being Planned Announcements made this week attend relative to the annual meeting of the Georgia Elks Association which will convene here on May 22nd, indi cate that the two day convention will be the largest ever held in the State and one of the most important in n great many years. In addition to the fact that Grand Exalted Ruler, Walter P. Andrews, »n and th, fact that these high officials wil come here is a big compliment t< Milledgeville and will mean splendid advertising to the city. The meeting is of unusual imp ance since a new Constitution by-laws must be adopted and i also the year for the election officers. Capt. hichiwt officer in the Unite.l State. , Cnpt j „ Ennis >totcd lh „ t nil he present, four member* of the elaborate plan, ure bein K ma le for executive committee of the Crami tbe entertainment of the visitor*. A Lodge will also he here. Official | dance will he given in honor of the Add'd Features ENTERTAINMENTS EACH DAY S 15.000.0 'Th* additional unities to bt ■rural ims are Meridian, ;i l. Hattiesburg, Moss ula. Mi-s.; Selma, Mobile, Opelika, Yard. Ala.; Ms y. Iledgeville, Ga., ""ns contiguous to the • ■f Southern Natural i'-n. The plans involve "ti of nearly eight hun- ndditioml pipe lines, nt* to Meridian, Miss.. ' con.-truction, as are n plants at Starkvilie, Ala., and Carrollton, -■dance of the work for ■ nnd distribution sys- riwether district showed a count of 2,040 in comparison to 2,098 ten years ago or a loss of 58 people in ten years. The census enumerators expect to Secretary, S. John Connolly will al accompany the official delegation the city. The Executive committee mem bers who will attend will be Robert S. Barrett, of Alexandria. Va., Chair- of the committee on State As sociations; E. M. Wharton, of Green ville, S. C., Good of the Order Com mittee; David Shoates, West Palm Beach, Fla., Ritualistic Committee; Wiliam H. Beck, Jr.. Judiciary Com mittee. It is not often that the high officials and Grand Lodge officer-. officials on Wednesday evening and a street dance for all those attend ing will hie given on Thursday even ing. The parade will take place on Thursday the 23rd. Several bands nnd drill teams from the cities of the state will take part in this parade. Floats representing the lodges of the state will compete for prizes. The G .M. C. battallion and band will also stage a parade and concert in honor of the visiting elks. CADETS TO PLAY ALL SCHOOLS TO GORDON TWICE JOIN IN SING Ninety-two course, of study will; complctc lheir jobs durin(f tbc nwrt 1 e offered nt the Georgia Stats Col. ttn d , y , nnd jt prob , b ], that the 1 "vinesyille Team fo Come Here hue for Women during the annual complcle fiBurcs wi!I bc r ,ie, Md not Thursday a „d Friday. Games I Will be Best of Season , Inter than May 18. ARM LOAN IN WIN $11,385 »2"L,. ummer school which June 10 for a six weeks session. Dr. E. H. Scoit, director of the summer school, hu- .announced that the enrollment will be unusually large this year and that the added features of the* course of study and the at tractive entertainment program will be especially desirable to students nnd teachers .alike. In outlining the high lights of the summer school, Dr. Scott stated that many interesting lecturers would be brought to the campu* nnd that many outstanding teachers would be add | j, eon j, cd to the faculty. church, Mrs. Maude Fi«ke LaFleur, of' night. Breneau Collect, will offer two 1 Kov. Writer S. Rohlson the Drums. She will pul rr . vi n Ci wbn ogn j uct ,. d tb SERVICES HAVE COMFTOA CLOSP The Revival at Methodist Chnrch Brought To an End Wednesday Evening Meeting evival .ices, which have at the Methodist close Wednesday of l eral plays xJbich will add tcrially to the enterlanimcnt feature the campus. 'nurses in administration and sup- ision will bc taught by three high school principals who arc considered the best in the >tate. They will bt* J. I Allman, of Dalton; C. J. Lance, of Waynesboro ;and L. M. Lester, preached eloquent, scholarly and convincing sermons, which were well and thoughtfully prepared, and de livered with an earnestness that held the close attention of his hearers. The f id ablest r the strong ard from i d Four Lnans i ia’itaUy Ail of v: ! 0'iota n county has an- '■ '**■ alloted *11,- : - to date hnv -,i t« am. Checks thi> week and .Nome nppli- approved which surplus than is nr exceeded the While the farmers n *' that was bor- Baldv.in GRAND MASTER OF MASONS ENTERTAINED HERE <|r,Wl IN HEART OF CITY IMted on a limb rn corner ”• «nd Mrs. R. L. 1 lne center of the ‘'^oon. F.d Bell. .' 1 ,<?n t with water, 1 - n a box. He carriod !!lt? af t«r chirk. ^ •r. ie wi re :.rcat!y enjoy- ' ;r (! .-T .liplished by the ter-1 innet be measured by time. . have left an influence, b will be felt throughout th j firaunity for years to come. MILLEDGEVILLE GIRL Y/INNING HONORS AT SHORTER COLLEGE Milledgcville's diamond program for the week includes games on Thursday and Friday. Conch Slnp Rentz’s cad'-ts playing the team from Gordon Institute of Barne-ville. Gordon comes to Davenport field heiied n- the greatest prep team in the state. They have a hard hitting, good fielding ♦*>««« hacked hy n fine pitching staff which has carried them to seventeen straight wins. The team nre ancient rival* «n diamond and gridiron and the games are expected to he the be.*-t of the season. Re gardless of the uperiority of either team, the strong rivalry make tin games interesting. G. M. C. has been the only team : in the state to hold Gordon to n ] close score. In Bnrnesville two * ago, the cadets lost the first 1 to 0 and the second 6 to U. The scores indicate good games of d Coach Rents believe* on the field his 1 am will have a greater -hance to win. Monday and Tuesday. Mo - Gth and 6th, Go rgia State C<!! --c for Men will play the cadets. The games on all four deys will lie called at four Friday to Be Big Day tceCliiAtre'.i of County. Hundreds to Soen j The Day in City OPERA LUCIA TO CLIMAX WEEK ON THURSDAY The Kokohoma Maid Will Be Mon day Evening! Offering. Voice Piano Recitals to Feature CADET BAND FRIDAY NIGHT Sunday evening when the choir of the Y. W. C. A. at the Georgia State College for Women chant the im pressive words “The Lord is in His Holy Temple,” the 1930 Music Festi val will be officially ushered in and a brilliant week’s program of mu ic will follow. The program Sunday evening will he devoted to sacred music and an impressive program under the dn ac tion of Miss Maggie Jenkins will be Monday evening the operetta, “The Koyohoma Maid” will be presented by the Freshman, Sophomore. Junior nnd Senior Glee Clubs. The perform ance will be in full costume and the stage settings will bc unusually col orful and beautiful. Mrs. E. R. Hines taging nnd directing Che per formance while Mrs. L. P. Longino and Mrs. R. E. Long have directed the chorous and solo work. This will be the only performance that an admission charge will be made. Twenty-five cents admission will be charge for this performance. Tuesday morning .at cl.-ven a. m. piano, violin and voice pupils will give a delightful recital. On Tues day afternoon the Senior Piano forte recital will be given. Wednes day morning the college orchestra ill give u recital, under the direc tion of Miss Beatrice Horsbrngh. Wednesday e sning the the two operas to o: sung during the week will be the principal feature. The Freshman class with more than four hundred voices in the chorous School children of Baldwin coun- will *in B the Bohemian Girl, one of t>\ numbering over eight hundred, the most tuneful nnd delightful ope- wiil come to Milledgeville Friday for Iras the school has over presented the annual school sing which is , during the National, Music cclehra- sponsored hy th. --- --- - — • under the direclii Womack Hine-. The childr-n. \ the school trucks t the G. S. C. W ’clock. BALDWIN BLUES INSPECTED 1 MONDAY NIGHT or .vim. ivei.e xhursd „j, niKht , ■■ Lul . [n di ! mermoor” will be sung by the Sopho. be brought in J more-normal classes. The two operas id will ns. •«b!c ; ire under the direction of Mis* uditorium at ten Mice Lcnore Tucker who has full Each school will have a 1 charge of the chorous work, he auditorium and the pro- j The , 0 |„i, t , „ in be M „ H[ .|on gram will hrgm at ten-thirty. | (iranade Long, Mrs. Helen Maxwell .Mrs. Hines has announced that j Lngino, Mr. Solon Drukenmiller many suprisos will be on the program. , and Mr J. Foster Barnes. Mrs. Patriotic songs will feature the | Wile, Hamer Allen and Miss Best* chorous singing. | White will he the accompanists. After the sing the children of the j Friday evening the wetk will be county will gather on the court house | |, roUK ht to n close with a concert by lawn for the annual school picnic. the G . M> C- Bandt undcr d5rt . ct j on Mrs. Hines has the program in of Mnjor Osterman. rhargo and has spent sovcral weeks ^ bp . ram.ng the ch.ldren and ^.nk' brilllnrt the colIeKt hl> , pV<n . aiv ., n rm e songs. during the music festival, nnd unusual j interest is being manifested througn- the state, hundreds of visitors conn* to the city and the col- auditorium will be taxed to ac- •flate the crowds. D. D. Will Dr. J. L. Beeson, president of the on Sacre. jcoBeg" wiM htjve the Board of T»u*- th I tee. and members of the Music CIuo j as his guest each evening. J. Keyes. I CATHOLIC BISHOP TO - VISIT CHURCH HERE i« will < . Milledgevilb Sho work of the Masonic fral.*rulty l.o:;- Dauzhter of Rev. *nd Mr». L. ored the visit of Grand Master Hugh Roberts A Talented Writer Mad* Taylor who made an official visit to Editor of College Newspaper Benevolent Lodge No. 3, on Tuesday j — evening. Early in the evening more than one hundred Masons gath.red aronr*' the banquet table with -the High Officer as the h. oor guest. Word; of greeting came from several matc hers and the Grand Master replied !ij. n most hap;>y r.nscch. Mks Comall Wilhite san^ evjrra! selections. She was accompanied on the piano hy Airs. Berthe McMillan Davenport. After the banquet, the degree Ithc gubtniwdon of manu cript woa«a* team of the Lodge put on the Mas-| mi? ion to Rh > PMta. Writers Club, tors Degree in full dramatic form. I Mira Roberts, who is Capt. -W. A. Taber, U. S. A., iu- p» *tid the Baldwin Blue* Monday ight, w’hile high officers of the 21st Infantry watched the drills Miss Helen Robert*, daughter of ! "hich they believe will give the local Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Roberts o' this 1 company the highest rating iu the city, is. according 1° an announce-j regiment. ment published in the Atlanta Joura-j Capt. F. R. Hargrove, commanding al from Rome, prominent In octivi-j the company, nresented the company ties at Shorter C"’-* t 1 ’. and very tal-j to the Inspecting officer after they onted. She h- a several honors I had been formed in front of the City this year, h:. hi:: been elected editor, Hall. The drill* were unusually good. of the < ,, »• .-.v. paper, the I’eris- -nriate titor of the Argo, dirge Annual. She also by |e ,m Monday May «{11. POWER OFFICIAL SPEAKS to administer the sacrament fo Con- i LPFOPC IflVANIC dlia ■ firmation at the Catholic church. ttFORE KIWANIS CLU& The service will be held at four o’clock p m., Ree. Conlin, priest in \ A Xncu’turc m Georgia Wa» Tcpic of charge ,hos announced. A group of j Addre»*. Muiiul Program young people will be presented for J Feature* confirmation. Cbanning Cope, field * representa- *— —- tive of the Public Relation* Depart- fOWOCATIOM TO CONVENE IN| ATHENS NEXT WEDNESDAY day night, speaking on agriculture In The Southern Convocation of the j .Mr. Cope told of conditions Atlanta Diocese of the Episcopal j throughout the stale and the effort witnessing c>.fleers declared. Several sergoant* were called from rarks to command the company in various movements. Col. Ben T. Y. r atkina, of the Divi sion staff, Maj. John Matthews, j interest to the church membership. ■ to feature The team is considered one of the [the Junior cLss ,f Shorter, will at, Fourth Battallion commander and Bishop Mikell will be a principal J program. the state and has been Invit- I an enrv to coir.* to Milledgeville! Capt Chnrk» Stewart, «regin ental speaker on the program. A delega-j Mr. Cope will return to MilUd.-e- iut on the degree work dur- * to spend the vacation season with her j adjudant, were present at the in- t ion from Milledgeville will go to | ville at an e.-rly date to eontinu ing the district convention. ! narent*. j spection. j the meeting. church will convene in Athens on j for rehabilitation that was being Wednesday, May 7th, for n two day ! made. He spoke of the possibilities : »*.*fion. . 0 f live *tock and suggested that* it Rev. F. H. Harding, Dean of the j would become a major industry. Convocation, will preside over the I Mr. Boring, singer at the Metho- otings which will be of unusual J dlst church revival, sang several songs interesting musical discussion of agricultural Geor gia.