Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 08, 1930, Image 9

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• 1 1 — the immuicann. smilledceville. ga, may a iim fsSS@®“ I „f G. M- c, •»<* w "» r “” Thirtr-«'» kt Y ~” •* , u. S. An., LOCAL dealer advises DRIVERS TO CHANGE SPARK PLUGS AT THIS SEASON , , ac Newell will be retired Ci “*“ „ n . ice in the U. S. -T*. re 1 UCSt ’ 10le i0 f- years of service. - ^ *e»cil cfaief of staff ot hn L. Hines, who ** A the ninth army corps area HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? “This is the time of year when car owners should be checking up on their spark plugs,” says Mr. L. N. Jordan, local dealer in Champion Spark Plugs. “Winter driving conditions impose extra strains on all part.- of an auto mobile engine and spark plugs especi ally have been forced to carry a heavy burden in the last few months. Even those that were new last su of the late "ler or lail are not firing as well ’• r. Y. Newell and wan they might and driven are consc- clt> . i n 1872. After ' quently not getting the .nap and pow. 1 * “ the Georgia Mili->r out of their motors they should h ', attended West Point : enjoy. Plugs a year old ought to be ' ! , ffrom v ■ ich in- changed in any ca.-e. They have Ur> rnitijatcd. He is .also a ! done all that should be expected of the Army War College, ! them in a modern gasoline engine. iM r Lrai staff of School, am! "After a pet of spark pluga have ” School Of the Line. ' delivered 10.000 miles they are al- • '* ric ‘ L l Utt . n ant of Infantry ways coated with oil and their elec- * 1 vj for gallantry in action trodes are apt to be pitted, so that "f Santiago. Cuba, July they don't spark well any more. That n \ 'id a- Colonel he was in means incomplete combustion of gaso- -- ; ’ p '. uf lhl 15(8 infantry at line and wasted fuel, heaides ur.- Iilr . China, during perhaps the satisfactory performance of the mn- intnal period of the recent tor. The ear no longer has the righi n.Sj in that country. Mod of pep. It is sluggish and gen- erally out of sorts. The he: >ni which led to Colonel **a new se t u f s paik plugs is th* citation for j, ert „ ort 0 f spring tonic for the mo- El Caney, when tor Experience of drivers and * Mfcond lieutenant, fresh thousands of tests by engineers have company -hown that it is really economical to -lEiaiiticr and the first lieutenant install new spark plugs at least once every driving season, and that tha spring is the best time to make the change. What the new plugs will save during the year they are ii vice will more than cover their Engineers of the Champion Spark Plug Company were the first cover and .announce this fact, and the annual Champion National Change Weik was inaugurated as a result Since its first observation millions of motorists have learned the wisdom of periodical spark plug changing, and now make a regular practice of ii stalling new ?ets when Change Week conies around. 'The date set for Change Week this year is May 11.” jsly wounded, and the 1 ithfnl Newell fourd himself in ■emaand -f the company. Discover- 13 that the .- rgeunt had been and was in front line and Ifl^J to fire. Lieutenant Newell i lunters to bring him in. ie volunteered, the young ■ft--,? er started alone. At once pot-major joined him and, C fire of Spanish troops, they the w-undorfgj Bfc.jn. K)TL£G CIGARETTES . ’ PROBLEM FOR CANADA 1. What is the superstition about the bluebird? What is the French word for radish? 3. What is the difference between black magic and white magic 4. What is the popular name of North Dakota? f>. What did James Audubon do. that made him so well known? 6. What color is rufous? 7. What party was called the ' “Negro worshipers” during the Civil War period? &. What continent is Abyssinia on? 9. How should an unmarried woman who is presiding at a meet ing be addressed? 10. What is the birthstone i March? 11. Who was “Nakomis”? 12. Is zoology pronounced with long “o” sound? 1- It is supposed to bring happi- 2. Radis. 3. Black magic is supposed to do 1 harm and white magic counteracts | evils. 4. Sioux. 5. He painted 1065 natural sized, I colored figures of American birds. 6 A reddish, yellowish brown reddish brown color. I 7. The Republican party. | 8. Africa. 0. “Madame Chairman” or “Mad ame President,” or whatever title 10. Bloodstone. 11. The grandmother of Hia watha. hero of Longfellow’s poem “Hiawatha.” 12. Yes. STRAYED—A n)U fUnj M«n- •d mw (rs B mf place abeat twa ■•■Hi Will pay far keep. Retara ta F. E. Watoaa, ftaato S, Mi II ad fa villa, Ga. FOB SALE—D..imUs WiMira — Ik. kill—75sltO. Ten If •M. Clm. t. C. S. C. W. is.t .If •ff af p—vie,. CsJI «M . writ. “ C. a ANDREWS S SON “Netkmg to banner” - A REAL BLOOD SUCKER Scofflawism, it now seems, de ad* upon the point of view. “Bootleggers” selling American j ipular brand* of cigarettes in flat j The bed bug may be said to be u» which are easily hidden in the, the bane of all housewives, says s p icket- are thick around the Detroit local official of the Gulf Refining wh. ri, thicker than last n inute Company. It is a thief in the night. iirvevo! - of liquor on the Canadian The popular brands «f American rarei:. sell m Windsor, and all rr Canada, for !tS cent* for a park of ‘Jn, on account of the inl and the Canadian law n those who smuggle them severely as the American upon hip pocket import- <d liq Canadian taste for American ' too. it seems, is about as the American taste :fbr It bites and pierces your skin and sucks your blood. Because the bed bug sucks blood from the sick and the well, it is a potential carrier of any communicable disease. The bed bug is not merely an annoyance, i is a very dangerous in-ect to hav in your home an infestation of bed bugs can be easily remedied by spray ing one of the modem types of in sect sprays, developed and marketed by tht large oil refining companies during the past three or four years, and regularly advertised in this pa per. Gift Witches —from a store of recognized integrity The importance of the purchaae of a watch de mands that you select a watch with an estab lished reputation, at a store recognized for its responsibility and serv ice to ita customers. Williams <&. Ritchie, MILLEDCEVILLF.. GA. DR MURRAY KING Phone 229-L Re* 105 Jcllerxon Street Veterinarian Milledgeville. Georgia 666 Tablets! .teliavas • Hvadacka or Noarmlfia i» 30 aiiatitos, check* a Cold the first V, and cheeks Malaria in tkra days. eee also in liquid. Approximately \ 20 , of all the new cars built during IBM will enjoy the Trouble Free mileage and \ \ i Greater Riding \\ Comfort which M Tires by Fisk alone V can ftivt. Leading automobile manu facturers selecting these highly perfected tires, first subjected them to a series of com petitive tests under con ditions many times more severe .han they would ever receive in actual use. Their preference is conclu sive evidence of a superiority which is being recognized by wise motorists the world over. Principle TIRES have created a place for themselves no other line of tires has ever occupied —that's a pretty Mg ticket! but nevertheless thou* sands of motorists in changing to these new and better tires have found that there is a vast im provement In the Air-Flight Principle Tires over those constructed in the ordinary manner. From their larger Air-Chambers all the way through to their road-shaped tread these modern Tires by Fisk are packed with exclusive features that bring to jour car a new interpretation of Riding Comfort along with a great er mileage than the average mo torist will ever need. The cost ly delays and inconveniences of tire trouble will vanish into thin air and take their place among the “has- v beens” of the past, once \ your car is equipped with Tires by Fisk. W.E. ROBINSON, JR. Lhrysler-Ply mouth Sales and Service OUR ERICK fh ‘ tCMnkL,kc stcel ilj. i, *. -wRUJir r-.ni Bl RNT in OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS Thtr* a No WaM* a Our Brick.. Milledgeville Brick WorluCo milledgeville. ga. u AL SPRING SALE GENERAL ggELECxjkIC ALL-STEEL HEFB1CEHATOB Of the hundreds of thousands of owners ~~ not one has ever spent ONE CENT FOR SERVICE need pay it *10 down, die balance in 10 equal monthly installment, with your electric .ervicr statement.. Of .H-Iteel construction the cabs, net af a General Electric cannot warp, the door, cannot rag. All mechanism is on the top hermetically sealed against dirt, air and moisture. Of the nine thousand General Electric owner, in Georgia — the hundred, of thouunds elsewhere — ■«t oMe hra ever qrenr one cent for VWt w tight ..ray. Them term* wil he offered far a limited time. The lO * D O W N - >o MONTHS TO PAY/ I N our annual Spring salt of Gen* teal Electric Refrigerator, see make it extremely may for vou to own thi. quiet, econmirai trouble free electric rrfiigteome. Al yon mm Georgia ram. W5& comxany ••Mart. \**mm t| X CITIZEN WHBBBVBB WB BBBVB