Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 15, 1930, Image 6

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THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA^ MAY lt3D J. A. BROOKS DIED SATURDAY Funeral StnricM Held >1 Pretby- t-rian Chu.ch Monday Morning Buried in City C-meiery RALPH S1MMERSON TO ERECT AN APARTMENT HOUSE Work Begin* T bin Week on Modern Building on Jefferecn and Mont- gomery Street* Work beean thi.4 ■ rn four-apartment i.rner of Jefferson i tpt-mery who ha! Septembt-t by Mr. Hal oh Simmer •< the hospital in this city Saturday af- rea Jy for rccupation ternoon. May loth, after an illne» of | iflt several days. • ' The ntw house will face Jefefrson The funeral -*rvice- were held a. street and will be modern in every the Presbyterian church Monday particular. The apartment* will morning. Rev. A. G. Harris officiat- ^ fj v * rooms each. irg. The remains were buried .on the - :: I. lly -u;ar. in the city cemetery. colo red FARMERS OF thfoil--.mg acting a pill-bearer- BA LDWIN COUNTY ORGANIZED \j, *srs. O. M. Conn, L. I). Smith. Er- win Sibley. Frenk Broome, J. A. during the early part of the ve-irj Benford. W. V>. Miller and K. I*. c0un t y B gent assembled a large l*rc«>er. The burial -vivices were p. OU p 0 f co lored farmers and per- conducted by the members of Benevo- f cc ^ e( j an organization to promote Lodge No 3, F. & A. M. better farming in the county. Forty- five members of the organization i carrying five icre demonstrations .Mr. Brook- was born near Abbe- ,11,., S. C.. Sept. 7 th, 1*53, and grew h< >m1 there. In early mannood i- very keen throughout the county. Each contestant is expected to poi-on his cotton. Prizes will be given to those who produce the most per acre. All farmer have record books to keep a complete record of all expen- married Mum Janie Carrington, u daughtei of the late Mr. and Mr*. C imngton. of this city, and lat« r # ..me here to make his home. For a number of year* he engaged in operating a farm, store and mill just east of the Oconee river. He was ..ai t and friendly in his manner, and ” G( . nrJrt . Rateman. a tennant nf Mr. i.ad a 1-ice number of friends » c r Kjn|( . y . s p | acl . is takimr the throufthout thi. city and county. He ^ m th „, hc is eultivatinff his cot- ■vas a member of the Presbyterian j u ^ a Kcon6 timc . Guaa perdue de- church. and a reitular nttendant upon cUrM hc wi] , bcal the | )oy „. y. at k jt eervicea. Moore is running as a dark horse Mr. Brooks is survived by one s , v . ra , far mi rs on Mr. O. M. Ennis daughter, Mrs. Mary Brooks Hunt. . „ f ( .el quite aurc of first place, of Washington, li. C.; Mr. Henry var i 0 u, clubs ure working i Brooks, of Detroit; Mr. ( arrington nt , ver f or( . to ma kc this a bann, Brooks. Of Birmingham. Ait., and Mr. y(iJr our ,,, >unty f a i r . a club 1 rank Brooks, of Washington, (ia. Ada r B( , nn er raised 82 chicken. out of the 95 bought, MEDAL FOR BEST ESSAY The boys and girls short course ON ABRAHAM BAIDWIN will convene July 1C, 17, 18. All club members arc urged to be present. in Revolution Offer- -Several agent* from other counties , G. M. C. CfcteM. will be here to help make this a reul i short course. The Union-Recorder would like to see the business men of Milledgeville take a greater interest in the Ki- wanis Club, and make it a liver and iw-re progrissiv civic organization. Since its erganization the club ha* -toud for the progres . advam-ment end upbuilding o! the city, and -t ha* a numfer of accomplishment- to it* .•redit. No city can expect to go for- wird where it* business men arc in different and unwilling to co-operate. The Kiwar.is Club is the only civic organization among the men, which has operated in thi* city for any length of time. There is an effort being made at this time among :he memners who have been faithful to rejuvinate interest among the busi- ne.-s men. It is to be hoped that they will re-pond. Tax Receiver Briscoe Wall will turn his book* over to the Tea Assess or* Monday morning of next week. Therefore Saturday will be the la-t , day the hooks will be open for the j return of taxable property. All who have not complied with the Irw are ! urged to do i > at i The people of Milledgeville should unite and lend every assistance in extending hospitality and cordinlity to the member- of the Georgia Lodge of Elks who will be guest* of the city next week. Among them will be some of the most prominent citizens of Georgia. They will be men of culture ar.d affluence, outstanding in their profession and busine s. They will come from every section of Georgia, anticipating a pleasant stay this the most historic city of Geor gia. Milledgeville has always meas ured up in entertuining its guests, and has the reputation of being a city of hi-pitality on account of the royul manner it qntertiins. This reputation will be sustained by cor dial nnd enthusiastic reception and hospitality being extended the Elks. Drain your oil regularly. Let ui refill with Texaco or Quaker State.' Nona better. RALPH SIMMERSON, j Buick and Marquette Dealer. REMAINS OF MR. J. T. HAMBRICK 1 TO BE BURIED HERE | The remains of Mr. J. Theodore I Hambrick will be brought to this city j this (Thursday) morning from At lanta. for burial. Mr. Hambrick was a son of the late j Mr. and Mr-. J. R. Hambrick, and j spent a great portion of his life in I this city. He is a nephew of Mrs. B. B. Anderson. Miss Cassie Simpson has returned from Morganton, where she has been teaching. ia rendy for nmmer. Lot e you and they are the ite. RALPH SIMMER- d Marquette Dealer. Enjoy a Majestic Pay as You Play of Am Set oral G. M. C. cadet.- ■ papers this week on the Life, hnractcr, and Work of Abraham WHAT IS YOUR FAVOR.TE BIBLE iharacter, nnd Work of Abraham ] ■ ,J *' Baldwin, one cf the founder of the J STORY. University of Georgia, and the man for whom Baldwin county was named. I Perhaps you will hear it in “Bible The ridel who writes the best e*..ay «Stories That Inspire” at the Epworthl will be the gruduatiu rded i beautiful medal at j League Sunday evening, at the u.-ual | hoi 7:00 o'clock. June. The contc.-t is being sponsored by This is your list chance to see the he John Milletlge chapter of the I present League Council in action, ion- of the American Revolution, because the new officers will be in- 'he officers of the local chapter er,. j stalled soon. We are also hoping to t. \Y. H itcher, president; Y. A. Lit- have another very special number on le, vie president; Victor Davidson, the program, hut just whisper that, ib tor inn; Erwin Sibley, secretary; | Come on everybody 1 Let’s have an il. 1). Allen, Jr., treasurer and J. L. other grand and gU»i A few cents a day for 365 days will pay for this pleas ure— Come by and listen to the MAJESTIC and let us send up one— SOLD ON EASY TERMS GEORCIA POWER COMPANY PUT ON REFRIGERATOR DEMON STRATION SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH + R.W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Vijiolcsale and Retail Under the directi of Miss Lesli* 1 C dlaway and Miss Mamie Boykin, the Georgia Power held a Refrigera tor demonstration nt their store Monday afternoon. More thin fifty Indies were present nnd witnessed the demonstration The pustor’s subject Sunda; ing. 11.30, will be—Christ’s Trium phant Church. Sunday evening, eight o’clock, his tubject will be—A Lowly Place In The Church Better Than Any Placi Out Of It. The p’-Viic is cordially invited to these sc.vices. % Big Bargains No* 2- Our Wayne St. Store gig For all the Family FOR SALE 3 City Stores 2 Dwellings on paved street 3 vacant Building Lots See J. T. ANDREWS | Men’s Pants, Shirts, Straw Hats, Sox, Overalls, Ties. Ladies’ Dresses, Ha*s, Hose, Underwear,Piece Goods SUN HATS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY All Size Tennis Shoes Children’s Dress Shoes A Complete line of Supplies for the House Cleaning—Mops. Brooms and Paint. Chandler’s v £? No.2 On Wayne St. Across from Baptist Church l li OUR GREAT I | “New Customer’’ SALE Of Finest Quality ALLEN-A Underwear for men and boys is now on Newest Styles Only at- STOCK YOUR mm AT THESE NEW REDUCED PRICES CHl CANNED FRUITS LIBBY OR DEL MONTE—ALL VARIETIES NO.2 CAN PEACHES 17* -ap 21* NO. 1 CAN, 2 FOR 29c LIBBY OR DEL MONTE PEACHES FTCKLED N CAN < 37* LIBBY OR DEL MONTE—TIDBITS OF PINEAPPLE 2 c n a°n! 25* LIBBY OR DEL MONTE FRUIT far SALAD 29* 35* NO. 2 . CAN CAN NO. 1 CAN. 23c PINEAPPLE HILLSDALE BROKEN SLICE 21* LIBBY OR DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE 121* SLICED No. 1 (jin X gjna2 * 211* SLICED No. 2 Can ^ A 7 SLICED No. 1 *4 (jin IS* CRUSHED CAN 11* PEACHES ROSED ALE YELLOW CLING NO. 21/ 2 CAN 1 «*ie £2i2 ’ NO. CAN LIBBY OR DEL MONTE APRICOTS : IS* x? 23* NO.2 CAN BUFFET SIZE, 10c DEL MONTE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 9* GOLDEN FRUIT SALAD size BUFFET LIBBY OR DEL MONTE—BARTLETT PEARS NO. CAN • 25* 29* NO. 1 CAN, 17c 25 cent Reductions Until Monday Night John Holloway For Sale one of the most desirable building lots on the hill. Phone 436