Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 15, 1930, Image 7

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— 1 THE UNKNI-BECOKDE*. MUXIDCEVIULE, GA , MAT U, IN* _ ial 11 MRS. J. L GARRARD NAMED ' PRES. OF MEDICAL AUXILIARY Other Officers Chets* at lieetiei Last Week. Year's Report RicklM i. visitin* ■ <h ‘ r in AKoobm, Ala. Mr warren Reid, of Atlanta, was •^ nic {or the week-end. #nd Mrs. Langston are visiting 1 r ' ' : n Birmingham. Ala. relatives , Howard Dunham, of Macon, Monday afternoon in the city. Vr and Mrs. E. P. Coleman and * are visiting in Columbia, «... H. K. Brown, (of Macon, her mother, Mrs. S. J. Stem- iridg f - . , t Mi. Pobert Cook of Atlantn, spent <urday with his mother, Mrs. Mar- paivt Cook. CoL Geo. S. Roach President of G. yj , - _ ma de a business trip to At- Ur.ta Saturday. jjj.. Clarice Batson, who tenches ir ftLtka. Kb., has returned to her in this city. Mr. Jack Day was at home for the vtii-eml with his parents. Mr. and John T. Day. Mr . C. H. Allen of Barnett vf; e her daughters, Mrs. S. D. ’ * and Mrs. T. B. Lawrence. Mt* Thelma Tingle, of Monticello, t{ . e ^cst of Mrs. R. E. Long, during the past week. Mrs. S. J. Stembridge has returned from a visit to her daughters in Ma- r -n. Atlanta and Cnnton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook and Mr. Med Davis <.f Macon, spent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Cqok. Misses Thelma Smith and Hazel l’lunk* tt. of Macon, were the guests of Miss Lillian Dollnh Sunday. Mr. Dppward Smith, of Atlanta, spent the past week-end with h& par ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Smith. Mr. and Mrs. I*. G. George and family of Macon, were recent visi- "rs to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zolotas. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zolotas have mved into one of the new homes of 'Ir. Arthur Carr, Jr., in West End. ' J: « K Knthelene and Louise Hawk- >. who have been teaching North ■ arolina. are at home for the sum- L. L. Grinei. of Atlanta, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Russell Bone. Mrs. Harold Day, of Bartow, Fla., is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. E. Kidd. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McCullar and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stone left Wed nesday for an automobile ‘rip Washington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Mobley spending several days of this week in Augusta attending a meeting of the Georgia Medical Association. Miss Evelyn Moscly, of Macon, has aatepted the position of bookkeeper with the Millcdgeville Telephone Co. She is living at the home of Mrs. S, A. Boone. Mr. L. H. Stanley .-pent Monday and Tuesday of this week in Atlanta attending the Thirty-eighth Annual Convention of Georgia State Assoi tion of Master Plumbers. Judge E. R. Hines, Judge Geo. Carpenter, Messrs R. H. Woottcn, H. S. Wootten, E. C. Kidd, A. C. Lugand and J. R. Smith are spending several day.-, fishing at Spring Lake, in South-east Baldwin. Mrs. J. I. Garrard was named president and other ofifeera were Lcted at a meeting of tb' Auxiliary of the Baldwin county Medical So ciety last week. Mrs. John Mobley, retiring Presi dent, read a report of the year’s work. The new officers named *ere: Mrs. John Mobley, 1st Vice-Presi dent; Mrs. R- W. Bradford, 2nd Vice- President; Mrs. L. M. Jones, 3rd Vice-President; Mrs. Y. H. Yar brough, • Treasurer; Mrs. Richard B inion, Secretary. LITTLE RICHARD BOWEN HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mrs. U. S. Bowen entertained last Wednesday afternoon at a party in honor of her son, Richard, who cele brated his third birthday. The little children enjoyed many games before being invited into the dinnig room where a beautiful birth day cake formed & center piece. Many attractive gifts were presented the litle boy. HAS P. T. A. OFFICERS ELECTED At a meeting of the Parcnt-Teach- • Association held la-t Friday after- non officers were elected for an- :hcr year. The committee com posed of Mrs. W. C. Simms, Mrs. W. L. Ritchie and Mrs. Sam Patterson nominated the officers and they eio elected as follows: President—Mrs. R. B. Moore. Vice-President—Mrs. R. W. Hatch--Louise Rickerson, Mellicent McWhort- Be LITTLE FRANK TWILLEY BIRTHDAY PARTY. Friday afternoon, May 9th, about eighteen little folks joined Master Frank Twilloy, at the apartment of Mr. and Mr.-. O B. Twilley in cele brating his sixth birthday. The col or scheme carried out in the dinn:ug room was pink and white, the table centerpiece being a ha.-ket of pink roses. Pink ice cream and whit; dividual cakes <vere served. The fav ors were pink rose bud cups filled with mints. Those who were present w son Black. Jr., Ed Athon. Julia Scott, Madeline Jackson, Larelle Hardman, Frances Crooms, June Bell, Roy Nel son, Jr., Jean Quill, Betty Lawrence, Sara Joe Ivey, Harold Hendricker- , Marcus and Tommy McComb, Recording Secretary—Mr?. E. J. Treasurer—Miss Manie Jones. Grade Treasurer—Miss'Mary Simp. A. U. W. ENTERTAIN G. S. C. SENLORS MONDAY. e The American Asjociation of University Women entertained the members of the Senior Class of the Georgia State College for Women on Monday evening at the Mansion. The entertainment was in charge of Miss Betty Ferguson and was a most delightful affair. •Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Thomp? Hawkinsville, visited their daugh ter. Mrs, Geo. S. Roach, the past •'ir.'. I. L. Williams, J. E. Myers, t. II. Coleman, C. I). Riddle and G. i’- IVinslat spent Thursday in At- •'lr. and Mrs. J. C. Henderson have r - inti, the house on South Clark • recently vacated by Mr. Paul Wot*. •'ir-- D. S. Sanford was called to -Atlanta Wednesday on account of '/*• d <-a th of her aunt, Mrs. Ella F-mll J’ r - and Mrs. W. T. Wynn motored 1- ''-Ha Sunday to visit the graves ' ■ thr father and mother of Dr. CAPT. AND MRS. ENNIS ENTER TAIN FRIENDS AT FISH FRY. A delightful event last Thursday afternoon was the Fish Fry given by Capt. and Mrs. J. H. Ennis to a number of their friends. The party was given on the mea- >w near Capt. Ennis abitoir The large crowd throughly enjoyed the hospitality of Capt. and Mrs. Ennis. MISS ANDERSON COM r i-IMENT- ED WITH SHOWER. Gertrude Anderson was the honor guest on Wednesday after- oon at a misceleaneous shower iven by Mrs. Buubec and Mrs. Sykes,! da ;, phruphecy. and class poem. The t the Darien Hotel. j ifsul . v .j|| he p U t,lished May 2D. The parlors were attractively deco- er, Ellsworth McWhorter, Shouse, and Bill Hargrove Assisting Mrs. Twilley in inter- taining were: Mrs. Tom Mason, Mrs. Alvin Quill and Miss Mary Farr. ONLY EIGHT PER CENT TAXES UNPAID Mr. L. D. Smith filed his report to the Secretary of State this week turning the complete statement of taxes collected this year. The report showed that only eight per cent of the returns remained unpaid. This is n fine record for Baldwin pounty and Mr. Smith i be commended. LAST ISSUE OF KAY-DET TO BE DEDICATED TO SENIORS The last issue of the G. M. C. Kay-Det will be dedicated to the Senior class of 1930, according to Carlyle Ingram, editor. The -taff of the paper is preparing to devote two full pages to features of interest to seniors. The final issue will contain also a geneial summary of the year’s work in sports military, and scholastic activities. Since the student body voted nH to publish an annual thi? year ,the staff of the Kay-Det decided to put manent form the class hi: rated in spring flowers carrying out a'color scheme of pink and white. Anderson was presented with many attractive gifts. r "line Giles and Mns Louise - "lu'.tti, were the guests of Mrs. ' Matson in Atlanta the past MOTHER’S DAY OBSERVED SUN DAY. Mother’s Day was observed in the churches in this city Sunday. Special musical programs were rendered by the choirs, and the sermons delivered tributes to the influence and love of mother. White or pink roses were generally worn. I 1- Be*>u n . 1 Wright has returned to n Staunton, Va., after a parents, Dr. and Mrs. J- P 1 r - Johnson of Deepstep, " IS ■'Pending the past sev- ' ' ■ with her daughter, Mrs. •anley and other relatives. Va Cabell, of Covington, l„ G- White, of Waynes- \Y,.,i r a " riturn ed to their homes “ v ' ,ay * aflcr “ v i»it to their par- • lr and Mrs. Brisco Wall, Mr. S. P. Bozanos received a re quest thi* week from a leading Greek newspaper for a photograph of him self to be included in a special ar ticle which,was being written about the older Greeks in this country. Mr. Bazantg has been in America forty-eight years and. has been a citizen forty-four years. He receiv ed his naturalization papers in 188G in New York. G. M. C. GRADE ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE FINE. One of the special features of the Comencement season of the Georgia Military .College is the entertain ment by the children of the grades of the Grammar School. The chil dren are being trained this year for ta unusually attractive play, and they v ill be greeted by a large audience, .a people o fMillcdgeville and Bald win county are always deeply.inter- e ted in cn entertainment given by them. Get cur prices’ before you buy free. We are an independent tire , ealer. RALPH SIMMERSON, Buick -nd Marquette Dealer. U. D. C. BURN BOULDER NOTE AT MEETING TUESDAY El- The Robert E. Lee chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy met with Mrs. W. T. Garrard on Tues day afternoon, May 13th. Mrs. R. B. Moore, president of• the chapter is in the chair. After the usual opening ceremony, the election of officers was in order; the nominating committee Mrs. L. M. Jones, Mrs. J. L. Beeson and Mrs. David Ferguson recommended that the incumbent officers be re-elected. This was unanimously agreed to. The officers stand: Mr?. R. B. Moore. President; Mrs. W. A. Massey, Vice- President; Mrs. Peter Bivins, Trcas- ; Mrs. John Mobley, Recording Secretary; Miss Marshall Bland and Lucy Brown in charge of chil dren of Confederacy and Mis. Manic Jones, Historian. Mr-. David Ferguson, chairman, re ported that the Boulder erected in the cemetery had been paid for in full. The total cost $222.50. Mrs. Fergu son presented a conceited note for $125 on a silver tray with a lighted ; candle and the president Mrs. Moore, burned the note which ended our cn- debtedness. The great and most important work \ye know of will be undertaken this year. That is marking the un marked grnvci of our hero dead in the city cemetery. Each year the chapter is saddened by the knowledge that many of our bravest soldiers have no flug and no flowers. This sha*l not be again. If the families are unable to supply thit marble stone, the Robert E. Lee Chapter will do it. We .earnestly request the names of the unmarked dead. The Confederate marker means perpetual care as long .as the South is the South. Mrs. Marshall Bland read Guest?* poem. “Mother’s Way’’ and some beautiful truth tributes to mother, Mrs. C. P. Crawforj KO ve a paper on the old Fort Home, Mr. Charlie Conn accompanied by Mrs. Bland sang “Mother O’ Mine”. Mrs. David Ferguson read a paper on her grand father Peter J. Williams’ home where she liven, Mr.-. G. A. Lawrence our efficient chairman of programmes arranged the prognm. Mrs. Gar rard assisted by Mrs. Latimer and Miss Katharine Jewell served dolici- our refreshments. DISTRICT MEETING OF WOMEN OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A district meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will be held at the Presbyterian church in this city today (Thursday) for an all day session. A returned missionary. Mrs. Richard-on, will de liver an address, and dinner will be served at the church. GOLD BAR- high QUALITY FOODS Gaad louikepm tajuy mini the bed to their fanatic, ud friccd,—under the Gcid Bar label ef fancy feeds, Acre an quite a ember ef debfhtfa! predict*—seme emaal, ether, jut the “uaai”—bet they're all pecked er praerred jut a little better! Hen are a few ef the naey ef then packed— Geld Bar Peachey Melba helve, Ne 2 1-2’. 25c Gold Bar Red Rarpherrie, ia Synp Ne. 2’> 35c Gold Bar Strawberries ia Syrap No. 2’* 48c Gold Bar Peara, Barth* Ne 2 1-2’, 48c Gold Bar Cherries, Royal Aaae Na. 2 1-2', 4Sc Gold Bar Praae,, Freth ia syrap No. 2 1-2’, 25c Goid Ear Fruits for Salad ia Braady No. 2 1-2’, 55c INTRODUCING FOMERANG; A debybtfet bleed of Oreeje, Lime aad Grapefruit Jaice—with the Oraape predaaaaatiai No. 2’, 25c THINGS TO VARY YOUR MENU! Bordea’s Evaporated Milk 5 aad 18c Harnett Whale Milk Fed Cluckem 75c ». (Ready to Serve) Gaava Jefly, Pappy’, 4#e jar Creme A BlackweB’, Pickle, 35c jab (Sweet Gherkiaa, Sweet Mixed, Soar, Soke) Queen Olive, 25 o,. Borgia 35c Chicken Frkamee, (Heat and Serve) $1.25 Lebiter a la Newberg - 75c Gold Bar Tomato Jake 18c SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Blue Seal Flour—Superlative Patent 24 lb $1.28 (Setf-Riaag or Pinia) (This Flour has few Eqaal and no Superior) Bell', Special Ceffee 26c lb. Good Boiling Meat 12c g lbs. Scoco Compound Lard $1.66 BELL GROCERY CO. THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE OF QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 253—PHONES-498 PROCLAMATION Whereas it has been brought to the attention of the Mayor and board of Alderman of the city of Millcdge ville that the Elks of Georgia will hold their State Convonl^n in this city on the 22njl and 23rd of May 1930. Therefore be is resolved, Thut the Mayor and Aldermen cnll on all of its citizens to make their prom attractive by decorations, and to operate in every way with the local Lodge of Elks in making this con tion a success. M. E. PENNINGTON Mayor City of Milledgeville R. T. BAISDEN. Sr. Clerl. and Treasurer City of Milledgeville. FIELD DAY EXERCISES AT G. S. C. W. The field day exercises at G. S. W. were interrupted Tuesday af- ternon. They were finished late Wed- icsday afternoon. There was great nthusiasm among the members of the various classes, and the individual •ontenders. An interesting program >f sports was rendered under the direction of >fiss Miller, head of the athletic department, and her assist- Floor* look 'Un now wfcon Jh an Floor Sorvico it asod. Wo aro | oar local a«onts. Phone 224 or 240 —CULVER XIDD DRUG CC. Cheese full cream u>. An Easy Way To Solve the Shopping Problem JUST DOT DOWN THE ITEMS YOU NEED AND PHONE 468 - 418 WE DELIVER ANYWHERE IN THE CITY PROMPTLY Milk Fed Whole Ready to Serve Chicken in tins pound 60c. Coffee BAILEY’S SUPREME Lb. 40c | Coffee Maddo* Hotel Blend - Lb. Bag 35c 30c D Cocoa MONARCH 1 Lb. Tin 35c Barbecue Pork Ham sll Lb d 75c D Pickiest Mixed Full Qt. 32 oz. Jar 30c Pork and Beans 3 cans 25c Fraley s Pharmac "an— ..